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Everything posted by THE BALD ONE

  1. TRICKY RICKY , I have been a Parkway fan for 2 and a half seasons. I ran a youth football team for 8 years and finished at u16's. Needed something to occupy my Saturdays. After all , Saturdays are for football...........
  2. Cheers slicedbread.................... you may have point there .............. lol AND THEY ARE SOME POTHOLES TOO.
  3. I watched MAP and Lakeside today , how many of these players do you think are ready for this level of football ? ( it was a good game by the way ).
  4. There are obviously financial reasons for this . It will be interesting to see how many players are there for the travelling expenses or there for the club. I know this seems tough to accept for the players , but no individuals are bigger than the club . If the custodians of the club have to make tough decisions to secure the future of Parkway , then so be it .Spending money on upgrading the ground and facilities for longer term gain has to be the priority .We need to develop revenue streams and move away from a reliance on benefactors . The history of football in Devon and Cornwall is littered with clubs who have hit the wall because of spending like there is no tomorrow , I do not want Parkway to be one of these . If players do not want to be here , then let them go . There are plenty more who will come in and replace them . I would rather have a struggling team based around promising and willing Plymouth players ( felt for a while that we should tap into the decent sixteen,seventeen and eighteen year olds that are curently playing in the DJM) than no team at all . Totally agree. Made this comment on a another thread, who was having a pop at Parkway. Club will still be around long after players have left for pastures new. Sure a lot of good local players would want to play on a decent pitch quality changing rooms and a pot holed car park. The committee will make the decision that will benefit the Club and not the players Here , here ...........well said that man. :clapper: :clapper:
  5. There are obviously financial reasons for this . It will be interesting to see how many players are there for the travelling expenses or there for the club.
  6. I was not expecting that result ? A more spirited effort tonight , but the team lacked shape. 3 centre backs on the pitch and 2 on the subs bench ! We now have 3 strikers who are in the top 8 of the leagues leading scorers and we have drawn a blank for two weeks on the trot. Kracy pressed the self distruct button and got sent off ( by far our best player ) , he is trying to do too much and the adrenalin got to him. it seems strange how a team from last season who showed much promise , has now gone down the pan. There are some very good players in the squad and the potential is still there. We have home and away games against Bodmin,Launceston,Falmouth and Buckland to come. At the moment I can not see any points being taken from these fixtures.The management team have a tough time ahead. As for an exodous .......... well I hope the players do not go yet ( if they are ) . It would be nice to think that they can work through this tough time and rebuild for next season. There is a good set up at Parkway and there are a lot of good people running the club. I am a season ticket holder and I will be there all the way. Good luck lads.
  7. Got to agree there .............. Mike you have something seriously wrong with your emissions mate. Not sure it was the pasty though ? :SM_carton:
  8. Why is it amazing ?????? A pasty and a cup of tea / pint is all part of a lot of peoples Saturday football and it is a source of income for the Club. If you do not like it ... on yer bike son. :SM_carton:
  9. In an ideal world, there should be a Cornwall Senior league with perhaps Plymouth based clubs included above the ECPL and Combo. Could have a similar league for Devon at the same level, being fed by the South Devon / Devon & Exeter / North Devon leagues. Is this not what we had before the SWPL with the Devon County League and the South Western League :unsure: But 3 clubs have now shown they want to progress, it's a long time since anyone in the old SWL did that, lessons learnt methinks. Keep step 6 for those that make the right noises about going to Step 5, if they fail to take promotion at the 2nd opportunity, relegate them, simple. Spot on Nemesis ,,,,,,,,,,,,, :clapper:
  10. Is it fair on the other clubs if promotion is not taken ? If you are in the top league and can not get promoted like the Barclays Premier league that is different . The same team winning each season in this league seems wrong !
  11. Not looking good for parkway if this is true but you've still got the best pot holed car park in Devon and Cornwall.no one will take that from you lol ............... can not argue wth that , :clapper:
  12. Not only a sound beating by the Liskeard footy team , I feel their pasties have topped the league also , the Parkway badboy now in second spot.
  13. Interesting comments Mr.Ice , just out of interest what team do you follow ?
  14. I leave that for you to decide. Pastyman you made the statement not me !
  15. I keep hearing the statements bad eggs and big ego's .............. perhaps it's time to name and shame ? So who are these players ????????????????
  16. Yet another awfull performance from the Plymouth team !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A team struggling with several injuries , took the field with 4 srtikers and 4 centre backs. Even with this line up there should have been enough talent to overcome a well organised Liskeard team. 2 players sent off for mindless actions killed the game completely. There was too much arguing and complaining to the ref to let any decent football take place.. Parkway pushed the self distruct button and only have themselves to blame for this defeat. It looked to me that half the team did not want to be there ? In all fairness Hobbs and Zalick upfront did not get much support and chances were rare .The new lad Richards looked like a lost sheep ? Stringer is starting to make his comeback and put in a good shift. I struggle to believe how players do not cope with playing out of posisition. At this level they should be able to play anywhere. When will players get it in their heads that constantly arguing / abusing the ref will not make any difference to the call ? The only thing this will do is make the ref give the next 50/50 decision against them ! Shane Krac was the only player that worked tirelessly for the cause yesterday and how he is not playing at a higher level I do not know. On the way out of the ground I was stopped by the Management team , who appologised for the poor performance and said they felt bad for the supporters who travelled down to watch the game. ( nice touch I thought ). When I played football in my younger years ,I wore my heart on my sleeve and treated every game as my last., I do not see much of that going on in todays game. I do not want to take anything away from Liskeard , even if their Manager is an annoying mouth piece all game long - he had a plan and his team executed it perfectly to collect all 3 points. Well done that man and his team. Oh ,,,,,,,,, the pasties were top notch once a again ..lol.. Roll on Friday and lets hope we can get our act together ....cmon Parkway.
  17. Class ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if a player wants to leave all beit because he is not getting first team football , ego's in the changing rooms , cheesed off with the Manager or for the dreaded £££££ ............ it is probably better he goes anyway.
  18. The same way as we do it in youth football ............... lol :thumbsup:
  19. We are not the only club like this in the current season. Players come and players go. We have a lot of very tough games coming up and it will be interesting to see if the lads can up their game and aim for a top 4 spot. The weather is not helping , as we are not consistantly playing week in week out. Away to Liskeard today and the new lad Richards may be available. Hobbs, Zalick and Richards up front options - looks promissing. I think we need to give Kracy some help in the middle still. We are miising Doleys engine / work rate - hope he is back today Cmon - Parkway :drink:
  20. Since his time at Parkway , he has spent more time banned or injured than playing - which was a shame as he is a good quality player?
  21. Rather than a player leaving , I have heard a new player has signed ? Anyone know who this could be ?
  22. Who has left now then oh knowledgable one ???????????
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