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Everything posted by THE BALD ONE

  1. All we as spectators are asking for is that the referees and their assistants are consistent with the abusive language. We do not want to hear this, Most of the time it is said in an aggressive nature aswell. I support the most unliked team in the league and our joint Managers are examples of how Managers should act. I have never heard them swear at the ref, What will happen if someone in the crowd starts to swear back at the abusive Manager ? It could kick off big time. There is no room in the game for these egotistic abusive iodiots.
  2. Parkway have few injuries but there will only be one result by at least a 4 goal margin
  3. hey grandad got better things to do that check out averages Hey ............. whats with the attitude ?
  4. Did you watch the game ? I was there, good advert for the West in the 2nd half. Do you thiink Danny Brook should be playing a higher level of football ?
  5. The best pasty by far at Parkway today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Made by ABC MEATS - Butcher and Bakery. Nothing has even come close to it. Away to Blazey next week................. I will give that pasty a miss.
  6. Hey pitbull , check out the attendance averages son . We have more fans than most clubs.
  7. Skippy ............ How do you think the last 5 will look at the end of the season ?
  8. I watched the game also and think Dan Evans has broken a bone. He looked in much pain. That's him out for the rest of the season ? New signing Jammie Bass replaced him and had a great game. This was a much better performance from Parkway and it was good to see Lee Dole and Shane Krac back in the line up. A good all round performance and a great reaction from last Saturdays loss. 3 points in the bag. Keep it going lads.
  9. Watched Dartmouth last night !!!!!!! Another poor quality pasty. Dry , tasteless and looked like a last weekender ? Looking forward to the Parkway £3 badboy on Saturday.
  10. I am from the South West also ! I enjoy a pint / cup of tea with a pasty before the game.
  11. I was near Bobby last Saturday and he seemed very positive and enthusiastic ? If he does not have money to attract better players - I am not sure how sacking him will benefit the club ?
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