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Everything posted by THE BALD ONE

  1. 17 year old Dean Turner made his full Parkway debut last night ,with a clean sheet ....................... here's one for the future. You heard it here first !!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Bovey Tracy last night ................ best away pasty as yet.
  3. refs............. get along to a Liverton ,Culompton or even Bovey game and listen to the Managers. These guys are the worst of the worst.
  4. Lads , Thanks for the info. I must have a good pasty on Saturday whilst watching football. Look forward to these fixtures.
  5. SKYBLUEREF : What is your view on the foul and abusive language from the bench ? Surely you hear this when assessing ?
  6. I have been told that the Cullompton Manager was abusive again at Ivybridge Friday night . Who is going to stop this bloke........
  7. I went to the Blazey match also and agree with Way of the Park.Blazey are probably one of the weakest teams I have seen at this level for many a season. The Blazey shed was empty and the 3 lads who were waving their Parkway scarves above their heads in an Italian style after each goal stole the fans of the day tiltle . ( class ......... I think it was the POZNAN 3 from the Tavi game ........ lol ).. I also think that there were many people in the bar that did not come outside and watch the game. Where were the 2 Liverpool shirted guys ????? No sign of them ! On another note the pasties were poor and the dab radio reception was non existant. I thought Cornwall was the place for pasty. So far this season on my travels the pasties have been poor at the following grounds : Tavistock , St,Blazey ,Penzance ( no pasties at all ) Bovey Tracey. Where can you get a decent pasty please ????????????? Finally I thought the Blazey team did not give up at any stage of this game and their Manager was positive throughout.
  8. So why does this not happen.. I ran a youth team for 8 years and within this time my team were reported for foul and abusive language on 2 separate accounts. On the second occassion I had to submit a full report ( with the club Secretary / Chairman ) to the Devon Fa. Outcome ........ was that my club were put on a final conduct warning ( all age groups ) and heavily reminded of the respect campaign.
  9. Ok. So you made your point that you can not send a Manager off by using a red card , but hey .......... do something and do not ignore it. You all know who the villians are , so stick together and file a report. These people must be releived of their Managerial positions as they are giving the game a worse name. Stand up for yourselves ................. What would the FA think if they got 2 or 3 reports on the trot. Officials - you have the support from the fans here.
  10. Not sure ? Is there anywhere that the supporter can complain too ? I just feel this abuse is so wrong.
  11. Saw Parkway against Cullompton last night and I was yet again absolutely discusted with the Cullompton Managaer and his assistant. For at least 80% of the game they were using foul and abusive language towards the ref and his assisatants. I could not see the reasoning behind this and I feel the officials all had a good game. The ref did speak with the Manager on one occassion and this made no difference. There was a local Under 14's team at the game last night and they were helping as ball boys. They all could hear this Managers language and some of them were saying " how does he not get sent off". That was a 14 year olds point of view !!!!!!! This is the second Manager I have seen like this so far this season and I do not understand why they have to do this ? The officials do not have to put up with this and I feel the Managaer should have been requested to leave the pitch. This has got to stop !!!!!!!!!!!!! The game however finished 2 - 2 , and other than faking a few injuries , the Cullompton team played very well against a below par Parkway side. Cullompton were very fast on the break ( this is where their 2 goals from ) and their defence were well organised. Parkway huffed and puffed in the second half but could not break through with a winner.
  12. Where were they too ? Several guys were shouting near me by the far stand. Robinvanparkway , theway of the park were with me.
  13. Martin Ppiper from Parkway is a good keeper. The Tavistock keeper looked good also .
  14. Perhaps the Parkway Poznan will travel into Cornwall next week ?
  15. Went to watch Tavistock v Parkway last night instead of staying home to watch England. Mixed feelings about the night as it started poorly ? The moans first : The service at the tea hut was very late / slow and the pasty was of poor quality. I then stood in long wet grass and was eaten alive by gnats. I got verbally and physicaly abused by a drunken old biddy who was selling or trying to sell the 50/50's ( absolute discrace ). The game itself was entertaing and Parkway played some excellent football. The final score was 6 -2 to Parkway and Hobbs bagged another 4. The highlight of the match was when Hobbs scored his and Parkways final goal 2 minutes from time. In the far side stand there were 4 middle aged gents celebrating by what can only be described as the : " THE PARKWAY POZNAN". LADS , ABSOLUTELY PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Another £4 well spent , but no sign of Surferduck ?
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