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Everything posted by THE BALD ONE

  1. Nice one RobinVanParkway , I do recomend the pasties. Should be a good one. You can get the drinks in Surferduck !!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Who will be getting out to support their local side tomorrow night, instead of staying in the warmth watching England on the tv ?????????? I will be up at Tavi.
  3. There is no need for this language in the game . This sort of behaviour is now within the youth game also. You do not get this in rugby or cricket , why ?????? because they would get penalised. If I were a ref , I would just send you off .............. no arguements. Get on with the game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Thanks for the confirmation.He is a good player and a decent bloke.we will miss him at Parkway. Good luck WRighty.
  5. Can anyone confirm if Chris WRight has signed for Buckland
  6. I think there are several strong characters in the changing room and Gez / Wayne have a tough job. What ever their decision will be ok with me.
  7. Have not heard any more about WRighty, don't want him to leave a real nice bloke and a good player,
  8. THey were under par,but to be fair to Bovey they were worth a draw.BRooks and Mason not available , could have made a difference from the bench.Bring on next week.
  9. Just read Chris Wright signing for Buckland tomorrow ? Is this true ?
  10. I watched parkway beat bovey today in a very even game. A glyn Hobbs thunderbolt won it for parkway,and I think a draw would have been fair. Next stop illfracombe.
  11. DanBlazey , however much I find your behind the goal tactics annoying , I applaud your enthusaim and wish you well on Saturday.
  12. Not sure about unstoppable ?????????? This was a tough game in horrid conditions. Many strange and inconsistent desicions from the Ref and linesmen !!!!!!!!! I thought both keepers did well, as there were very few ( if any ) handling errors. Nice to see a confident keeper in a Parkway shirt. Overall, Parkway were the better team - but I am sure Bovey will upset many in the weeks to come. This was a good game to watch and I am glad I braved the weather. Yet again ............. £4 well spent.
  13. What was your crowd ? It looks like you will be by far the best team again this season , has your club any plans of stepping up a league ? It seems a shame as you have a good team and good facilties. I know my team would make the jump if we were as good as yourselves.
  14. £4 admission ................ even a poor game is good value for money. Pasty and a tea ................... 2 hours for under a tenner. Love it. I went to watch PAFC one game last season and paid £20. Poor quality footy and a poor atmosphere. Never again..........
  15. Not sure what ever happened to the Respect Campaign either ???????. The pro's on the TV are still abusing this. Surely it is not acceptable to use this language at the ref and in front of the cameras ? The ref's should just red card them every time they do it. You would not get away with that in Rugby ?
  16. I think you Ref's get a rough ride most games that I watch............ The thing I do not understand is why you take so much verbal abuse from the players and the bench ??? I heard a comment from someone in the technical area recently and they called ( shouted out ) that the ref was a blind and useless c*** !!!!!!! ( he heard this also ). Totally unacceptable. If I was a ref I would have gone over and knocked him out !!!!!!! I am convinced if you stamp it out from the first minute , you will have less hassle ? Some of the comments and language that come your way is bang out of order. I managed a youth team for 8 years and the main problems we had each week, were people off the pitch causing trouble ........ shouting abuse at the ref , the refs assistants the players and the Managers.
  17. Thankyou for stating the obvious .................... what did the player do to get the red card ?
  18. I watched the Parkway game on Friday and missed the sending off ! Can anyone update me on what happened. I went for a coffee , only to pass the Liskeard player walking from the pitch on the way back ? It was quite a good even game , but I think there may have been a different result if both sides had 11 on the pitch for the second half.
  19. Why wouldn't many people have seen what happened to the guy holding his stomach ??????? You do not seem to have mentioned the heavey tackles or the second half stamping by Saltash ? Agressive play came from both sides ..........
  20. What a game to kick the season off with !!!!!!!!!!!! I agree with you Daily Observer , this will probably be the best £4 that I have ever spent and ever will. I thought that Saltash were excellent in the first ,half totally giving Parkway the run around. 3 - 0 half time did them proud and it was well deserved. The second half comeback was fantastic. I am not sure what the Parkway Manager said half time , but what a transformation. I was a bit surprised about the team selection and the formation to start with, as it looked very ,dis-jointed. You say about the Saltash team looking a little afraid of the Parkway striker ? Not sure I agree with that ,they just were not strong enough !!!!!!!!! Mr Hobbs plays in an agressive way and I do like to see this. Are you telling me he plays any differently than Paul Ince , Jimmy Case , Chopper Harris or Graeme Souness ? Maybe sometimes like Vinney Jones . He is very skillfull individual and if he is feared then perhaps the other players should man up and give him some back. He is an out an out match winner which every team needs. KEEP IT UP HOBBSIE BOY!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your heads up Saltash , a cracking first half performance that would seen off most other teams in the league. Well done Parkway for not giving up , coming back from 3 nil down was a Carlsberg Classic.........
  21. The Manager in question was clearly heard by the referees assistant and the referee. The referee did at one stage in the game request the Manager in question to keep it down , to which he knelt on one knee ( completely taking the micky ). The referee then said , keep that up and I will split my sides .... or something very similar. I have been a football fan for many years and do not understand why the referees do not act earlier in the game on such instances as this. A yellow card right away would sort this out. I have also been a football Manager and used to accept that it was my responsibility to act in the correct manner , respecting the officials and not giving my club a bad name. To sum up, the Manager was completely out of line and should be disciplined for his actions ( there were several League officials that must have heard this also ) and the referee should have acted much sooner to request him to calm down and remember the Respect Campaign.
  22. Watched the above game yesterday afternoon and thought it was an even hard fought match. Camelford wasted many early chances only to go behind by 2 goals. The come back was good to watch and one missed penalty gave the cup to Camelford. I thoroughly enjoyed this game but for one very annoying person ( the Liverton Manager ....Tony Bowker ) who kept swearing and forwarding arm gestures to the opposing team management and the bench(which was toatlly out of context that the game was played in ). I feel the referee / linesman should have put a stop to this much earlier in the game , as after the game this spilt over into handbags. What a sore loser .............. Well done to both teams for an enjoyable match.
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