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Ian Pethick

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Everything posted by Ian Pethick

  1. Glyn is a terrific player , and is probably the most naturally gifted player I have seen in the local leagues in the last few years . When he is fit and in the mood he can turn any game . The problem is though that in the last few months those days have been increasingly few and far between . The last time I saw him play was at Bolitho Park for Tavistock a few weeks ago . He was pretty anonymous . The harsh fact is that when he was part of the Parkway exodus , none of the top sides were interested . Hope that his talent does not go to waste . I really feel that if one or two well documented aspects of his life had been sorted out, then he could have made a living from the game at a much higher level
  2. After an epic journey through torrential rain and thunderstorms to Bickland Park there are two things that are needed , alcoholic beverages and pasties . Pint of Tribute (very tasty and well priced ) for myself and the obligatory cider for The Bald One .First task completed ,now for the pasties .... None for sale.Falmouth Town don't sell such delicacies apparently . A disappointment as we saw two hoardings advertising manufacturers of said items . I was worried that a ravenous Bald One was going to start gnawing on the wooden bench . :(
  3. Falmouth 2 Parkway 1 ( ht 0-1 ) Deserved victory for Falmouth today which puts them in the driving seat for third place .We're hoping that we can pick up another victory or two and not go into an end of season slump . Not a great game to be honest , was pleasantly surprised to find a warm spring day and a decent looking pitch after driving through torrential rain all the way from Plymouth to Truro .Lovely pint of Tribute before the match as well . Parkway looked a bit patched up and down to bare bones . A few recent injuries and suspensions have taken their toll .Too many players in the side today looked like square pegs in round holes who were uncomfortable with their roles and contributed little . It looked like we picked up one or two more injuries today as well . I am also assuming that we have no further suspensions to come . Will Stringer certainly looked like he was doing his best to talk his way into the referee's notebook after the final whistle as we left the ground
  4. Don't understand the vitriolic statement aimed at DanBlazey . It has always struck me that he always said it pretty as much as he sees it with Blazey ( sometimes the people nearest to you are the ones who tell you things that you need to hear ) .Anyway , no matter how bad it got for Blazey this season , they never failed to get a team on the pitch . It is undeniably poor that a Step 6 club cannot raise a side to fulfill a fixture , it is just as well that today's fixture has little baring on any issues within the league . Just imagine if it involved a side going for the championship/promotion/trying to avoid relegation or finishing in top four prize money positions . In my opinion the league should look at docking points for the start of next season or even exclusion from the league cup .
  5. Looking forward to this one tomorrow Mike .Bickland Park always feels like a proper football ground to me with plenty of history about it . When you came to us it was a case of "everything that could go right,did go right" for Parkway and "everything that could go wrong ,did go wrong for Falmouth." Being honest , we travel more in hope than expectation ( I'm a bit of a football pessimist to be honest) , but we're a match for anybody when our attitude and workrate is spot on , which has been more often than not in the past couple of months . There were times during the game at Bolitho on Monday when we had Buckland hanging on . Think third is a bit beyond us in reality , especially when you look at how tough our run in is . Our minimum expectation is finish in the top six and preserve our Peninsula League record of never finishing lower than this .
  6. Parkway 0 Buckland 2 (HT 0-0) Setback for Parkway's hopes of a top four finish at a wet and windy Bolitho Park .After a first half in which Buckland had the upper half but were thwarted by some resolute Parkway defending , they went ahead through a close range header after a particularly softly awarded free kick almost right on the resumption . This galvanised Parkway into action and they then preceded to get on top of the game through their now familiar hard work and team ethic . They were desperately unlucky not to equalise when Sam Cooper went close twice with headers ( one was cleared off the line ) , Will Stringer's header hitting the underside of the crossbar and staying out and Jon Wyatt's "goal" being disallowed for a very marginal offside . Despite the effort and resolve of Parkway , the fear was always that we would overcommit forwards and that Buckland would pick us off on the break through their extra composure and the quality pace and movement of their forward pairing . After a couple of narrow escapes they duly did this with their little number 9 running through the inside right channel to slot home past Martin Piper . This result probably gives an accurate summary of where Parkway are at the moment . We can match sides for hard work and commitment and would get the better of most of them , but we are that bit behind Bodmin and Buckland in terms of extra quality and match winning players . The final weeks of the league season look tough ,but we can still pick ourselves up and have a decent end to the season . Good luck to Buckland for the rest of the season . Here's hoping that you secure promotion and carry on pushing the club forward .Ceratinly a decent travelling support today , you probably outnumbered the local fans .
  7. Good evening to you as well Richard . You have got me there I cannot claim to have any allegiance to Parkway stretching back for many years as you undoubtedly have with Ivybridge .I have been following Parkway on and off the past four seasons and constantly for the past two seasons ( you are correct on that one , I will let you have that ) . Previous to that I had been following Liskeard Athletic since the late seventies up until the mid nineties . I moved away from the Liskeard area after that , and also had work commitments that meant I could not go on a Saturday . Picked up on Parkway properly about two seasons ago after ( to be blatantly honest ) falling out of love a bit with local football ( standard seem to have dropped appreciably , too many average players with overly high opinions of themselves picking up too much money and not giving anything in return , a stale league (South Western League) with the same teams always winning and the poor teams always staying up . What a difference a few years make ). Started going to Parkway initially 'cos it was local ( only 10 minutes from where I live ) and a fraction of the cost of going to Argyle . Introduced the Bald One ( he had just packed in running a DJM side and was looking to do something to evade Mrs Bald One's household tasks on a Saturday) , and it just sort of went from there . After a few weeks we got familiar with who the players were , who the opponents were and what the results meant for league positions . Me and the Bald One dragged one or two others along , before you know it you're hooked , buying a season ticket and doing away trips etc,etc . The next step was to get inolved on this forum and spread the love/put over the Parkway point of view . The Pasty Cup came out of the sort of infantile banter that we tend to indulge in at matches .It is , after all, supposedly a release from the mundane Monday-Friday existence . We don't spend all our time analysing tactical systems and refereeing decisions , we spend ages discussing the running style of opposition physios, wondering which ageing film star the bloke stood to our left looks like and why the linesmen appears to wearing his wife's underwear (amongst many other topics) . Rating the away pasties became part of this (ours have improved greatly since the days of the questionable burgers we used to buy out of that dodgy van that used to park at the ground ) , we thought it might be interesting to find out other people's thoughts . If this is not highbrow enough for you Ricky , then I apologise .Apply your own censorial judgement , and don't read it We will probably abandon it next season anyway. And replace it with the Cider Cup .....
  8. We've done this one before . Pretty sure that Roger Bonaparte ( outfield) and Garry Penhaligon (goalkeeper) came out as a our most "experienced" ( a gentlemen would never mention a fellow gentlemen's age) still regularly turning out in the Peninsula League .
  9. On the BBC Spotlight News at 6.30pm yesterday evening , when they went to the roundup of the weekends sporting action the announcer crossed over to "Dave Gibbons at Bolitho Park" . Despite footage of him standing on the pitch in front of the dugouts and leaning on the railings in front of the changing rooms both before and after introducing clips of the local league football and rugby teams in action , there was not one mention of who played at Bolitho Park or the league game taking place there on Friday . I cannot help but think a mention of this might enticed one or two curious first timers along , especially with Argyle being away and a morning kick off . Just not sure what the point was in him being there really .
  10. Pretty comprehensive win today , the only downside from the game was Ryan Richards having to come off pretty early .He was clearly in agony and had to go to casualty with a suspected broken ankle . Elburton actually started the brighter and exerted good early pressure , but the two goals in quick succession from deadline day signing Sam Cooper and Jon Heveran turned the game in the direction of Parkway . A Lee Doel ( Lee-onel Doely) thunderbolt from the edge of the area sent the home side in three ahead at half time . Jon Heveran turned in his second from brother Paul's cross before Aaron Hulme got his reward for a busy performance by hooking the ball in after some Keystone Cops style defending from Elburton to make it five .Elburton managed to get a couple of late efforts in on goal towards the end of the game , but the result was in no doubt by then and it was probably more to do with Parkway relaxing a bit . Result today helped to cleanse the memory a bit of that dreadful performance on Boxing Day when Elburton got a well deserved win . A few of us were nervously eyeing this fixture back in the miserable days of January and February as one where our city rivals could possibly be above us in the league . A strong run from a rejuvenated squad has put paid to that . I realise that on a day when we scored five that our attackers will ( quite rightly too) get plaudits , but a major part of our run in recent weeks has been down to the return of Lee Bevan and Marc Bonney to the side and the fine form of Jon Heveran . Four goals conceded in the last eight games is testament to that .
  11. Thanks Mikesrep , excellent report . Me and The Bald One were going to attend last night , but feared the worst when it started to rain at about 5.30pm .
  12. Don't let Tricky Ricky hear you having a pop at the Erme Valley pitch ....
  13. You are forgiven R2000 . I thought at the time though that it did look like a "Number 9 " on the back of the celebrating player .Thanks for the comments on the match reports . Just saying it as I see it , no matter whether it's good,bad or indifferent Doesn't matter who scored it though . It's a team game, they all count ,he was over the moon,Launceston were sick as a parrot ( I'll stop now before I descend even further into Saint And Greavsie football cliche-ville) ....
  14. Any sightings of Sky Sports News reporters stood in car parks ? With just over two hours to go before the deadline are the likes of Darren Hicks and Danny Zalick getting twitchy ?
  15. Pretty tight game last night ,two resolute defences that both sides struggled to open up. Don't think either keeper had a save to make in the first half . Game came to life in the latter stages though , Lauceston seemed to step up the pace looking for the win , but both Ryan Richards and Will Stringer missed clear chances for Parkway when it seemed easier to score . Feared the worst when Launceston knocked the ball in after Parkway's teenage keeper "Wiggy" Turner couldn't hold the ball , but substitute Paul Heveran equalised and ( I think it was) Richards that got a dramatic late,late winner which unleashed the Parkway Poznan on the Charlie Baggott Kop . That is now eighteen points taken from a possible twenty one in the last seven games . Absorbing game of football , played in the right spirit and well officiated . Don't remember any moaning or abuse aimed at the referee or linesmen from either dugout . Would be interested to see what the gates were at Ivybridge and Cullompton last night , pretty poor at Boilitho considering that it was a game played on a lovely spring evening between two high flying sides .
  16. I would imagine there will be a big managerial and player merry go round this summer . Heard rumours that many of the Buckland squad will not be moving up the pyramid with them and are looking to move on and also that several other clubs will be operating on a reduced budget next season . Expect to see Bodmin Town hoovering up some of these players for another non-promotion chasing campaign , think also that there will be an influx at Newquay .
  17. I was joking Dave . You have considerably more patience than myself , I would probably delete most of them for no real reason . It is a broad church where all opinions are welcome ( within reason of course).
  18. I think you're pretty much agreeing with what I said Ricky . I will defer to you on the opening goal , from where I was standing I did not see the deflection, Lee Doel's goal was not a foul though . Why? Because the referee and his two officials did not call it as a foul .You also agree with me on the three or four players that looked of SWPL standard ( Hanrahan,Sutton,Scraggs and the young lad who came on to play wide left look like very good players in the making) , I did not add on the six players that you listed as they did not play today ( I could only rate what I saw,although judging by the amount of injuries and suspensions that messrs Chitty and Mason rack up , you might not see much of them either). My post did credit Ivybridge with working hard to the end and still trying to play football ( the grass on the stand did need a mow though and there were bare patches in the middle. I do recognise though that Ivybridges general facilities are already vastly superior to several clubs in the league .Bodmin Town included)and also that Parkway won out through greater strength and experience. The sending off is also something we share common ground on .
  19. Well done to the Peppermints .One of those clubs that should be in the Premier Division, although the Newquay derby versus Godolphin will a fixture that will be missed ( especially by the respective treasurers). Has the planning already started for next season ? Any rumours on the player front ?
  20. Not taking anything away from Dartmouth's win ( and well done to them) , but Falmouth's season does seem to be going into steep decline . Would I be right in saying that it is a characteristic of all Alan Carey's sides that they finish seasons quite poorly ?
  21. Agree with you Dan , charity is like religion in my opinion , nothing wrong with people practising it , but keep it to yourselves . The conspicuous "holier than thouness" that is on display on occasions such as Sport Relief makes my toes curl . The thought of celebrities putting on stoney faced expressions when they implore us to give , after having made the journey from the local Hyatt to the first available favela is really something to behold . The giant corporations handing over giant comedy donation cheques after spending years leaping through every available tax loophole and systematically screwing over suppliers and producers both here and abroad is also something to marvel at . Mariah Carey neatly summed it up at giant benefit extravaganza many years ago "we're here to raise awareness and money for this amazing cause, here's my new single!" What has this got to do with the original topic ?Pretty much nothing....... ( I'm awaiting moderator deletion)
  22. Ivybridge 0 Parkway 3 ( ht 0-1 , Aaron Hulme 2 , Lee Doel ) Poor game of football on a pitch that was bizarre mixture of barren patches of mud and areas of grass that were too long for the ball to travel in . Ivybridge worked pretty hard throughout , and had two decent chances to score when the game was still goalless , but once Aaron Hulme had scored from a tight angle on the stroke of half time , then it felt like that probably would be enough .Lee Doel rolled the ball into the net after the keeper dropped the ball under the challenge of Doel soon after the break , and Hulme got his second by tapping in the ball presented back to him by the keeper from Ryan Richards' cross shot . Full credit to Ivy for keeping going right to the end , and indeed forcing a decent safe out of Martin Piper , but despite having three or four decent looking youngsters in their lineup, they still look a way short of quality needed to compete in this league . Parkway , despite not playing at all well , still had a bit more strength and know how about them . A good three points which keeps us in the mix with Falmouth ,Liskeard and Saltash for a top four finish, the only downside being the second stupid sending off in five days for Lance Bailey . Sorry Lance ( if you happen to read this) , kicking out at someone off the ball , thirty yards behind play, when we are three-nil up , can only be described as stupid .
  23. Parkway 1 ( Will Stringer) Tavistock 0 ( HT 0-0 - Red cards for Jimmy Kiely (Tavvy) and Lance Bailey (Parkway) Parkway battled to their fourth win in five games with a determined victory over Tavvy , this lifts them into the top six .Will Stringer slotted the only goal of the game after a strong run into the area from Aaron Hulme and a precise cut back . Obvious how much this victory meant to the players and management at the final whistle , especially with so many recent Parkway departees in the Tavvy line up . Disappointed by how little Tavvy offered . especially in the light of their recent fine form , have to say that Jimmy Alexander, Andy Sargent and Glyn Hobbs were pretty anonymous ( except for Hobbs hitting the post from a freekick in the first half he offered little , seems a pale shadow of the player we saw in the early months of the season ).But they were not allowed to play by an organised and hardworking Parkway Decent crowd last night of 189 , pretty good considering that Argyle were at home . Performance only marred by the late sending off for his second yellow of Lance Bailey .We might learn eventually that getting in the referees face over a throw in is not worth the consequences .
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