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Ian Pethick

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Everything posted by Ian Pethick

  1. Have to ask the question , what was the point of Danny Zalick moving to Parkway ? Came with a big reputation , moped around and looked generally uninterested for a couple of months and moved on again. Am I right in saying that this is now his fourth club this season ? No doubt we will hear wheeled out again the stories about "discontent behind the scenes" ( I'm pretty sure that it is the same commitee and management as when he agreed to join)and "a cut in playing budget" ( these are merely expenses , not wages and primary income) . Agree with previous posters , surely the time has come for a limit on how many times a player can be transferred in a season , might make them consider a bit more carefully who they sign for . My conclusion is that Danny Zalick's time at Parkway will linger as long in the memory as a half time cup of tea . You cant really blame players for leaving this poorly set team, the club seem to have good people backing them hence why i said team and not club. The managers do not have a clue how to manage a team, they do not know how to manage challenging individuals. Parkway will struggle to do well season in and season out with them two incharge. It was exactly the same managerial team that was in place when the seven day notice of approach initially went in , and presumably he would have sought information from other players already at the club as to how things are run before he made his decision to move . Comes back once again to players considering moves a bit more carefully before they make them .
  2. Strange you seem to be the only Buckland supporters who did not know that falmouth & Buckland were the only two Clubs who had applied to move up to the Western Premier League. Parkway withdrew, it was on the Form weeks ago, Maybe yopu were asleep. Hammers I think the point raised by the initial poster is "did Falmouth Town formally apply for the Western League ?" According to what I have read on here and in today's Indy , it would appear not ....
  3. Is that the royal "We" Paul?? I can understand what Hoppit is trying to say that clubs SHOULD take promotion if they finish top 2 in their leagues and I'm sure most clubs WOULD but the problem down here is always going to be finance. The cost of away fixtures, when you add in the possibility of coach hire and overnight accommodation, can be well out of some clubs budgets so you can't blame them for wishing to "stay local". If we're talking about Bodmin Town here then the money they are saving on travelling sure ain't going on the ground and facilities , what an absolute dump . Really rubs it in as well when they try to charge extra to sit in the delapidated ,graffiti strewn "grandstand."
  4. Stop worrying about Ivybridge games being called off, the game was on until it poured down with rain. and was left with standing water pools on the pitch which is considered a danger to players. It not the clubs call it's the officials call. The club and players want to play football. It also rains at different times, hence why you never had any, bit like Ivybridges game on Tuesday at St Austell being called off due to fog AFTER the team had arrived, was that their fault as well!! I have been critical of the Ivybridge games being called off before at a late stage , but not in this instance . I was driving from Taunton down to Cullompton on the M5 at about 2.20pm yesterday and drove through a downpour of near biblical proportions , this was probably the one that had just gone through Ivybridge . It was a case of down to 40mph and headlights on . Plenty of other more established pitches would not have coped with that sort of sudden and sustained rain . here here. We had the downpour here in Witheridge aswell and have to agree it was biblical proportions. Just read in the Indy that Yate v Tivvy in the Southern League had to be abandoned late in the game due to the pitch becoming flooded .
  5. Stop worrying about Ivybridge games being called off, the game was on until it poured down with rain. and was left with standing water pools on the pitch which is considered a danger to players. It not the clubs call it's the officials call. The club and players want to play football. It also rains at different times, hence why you never had any, bit like Ivybridges game on Tuesday at St Austell being called off due to fog AFTER the team had arrived, was that their fault as well!! I have been critical of the Ivybridge games being called off before at a late stage , but not in this instance . I was driving from Taunton down to Cullompton on the M5 at about 2.20pm yesterday and drove through a downpour of near biblical proportions , this was probably the one that had just gone through Ivybridge . It was a case of down to 40mph and headlights on . Plenty of other more established pitches would not have coped with that sort of sudden and sustained rain .
  6. Having to come off the bench today for the pasty review as Mrs Bald One would not let him out to play at Cullompton today . Good pasty . Nice nice flaky pastry , served hot . Possibly underseasoned for my taste with a slight failing on the meat to potato ratio. These factors mean that it would have to be placed in middtable rather than challenging for honours .
  7. Cullompton 1 Parkway 2 ( 1-1 ht ) Pretty poor game to be honest on a lumpy,bumpy pitch . A lot of Parkway players completely off their game today and possibly suffering a bad reaction to the big performances put in recently . Parkway went ahead early on when Will Stringer poked the ball home after a mistake from the jittery Cully keeper , only for the home side to equalise almost immediately when a Jon Heveran mistake allowed a clean run and shot past Martin Piper . Cully had chances to go ahead in the second half against a Parkway side that seemed to lose their way , only to spurn them through a combination of profligate finshing and Piper saves . Parkway changed the formation and personnel with the introduction of Aaron Hulme and Gareth Judkin from the bench and this seemed to make the difference as they pressed for an unlikely winner in the latter stages of the game .Ryan Richards (twice),Lee Doel and Hulme went close before a Doel free kick from the half way line landed on the head of Heveran to send the ball looping of over the keeper into the net for the winner in the dying seconds . A possibly undeserved victory that was hard on Cullompton , but which keeps the hopes of a top six finish alive for Parkway ( especially with the Ashes slipping up today ). An additional mention for the matchday programme as well , one of the better half time reads .
  8. Another step up from a fast improving Parkway side last night , even if the result ultimately went against us . The reaction to going behind early on was particularly encouraging , all the players seemed to regroup and go again with no moaning or finger pointing . I won't pick out any individual performances from last night .Win,lose or draw we are doing it as a unit these days . Can't take anything away from this Bodmin side , you always have a feeling that they will find a way to win matches . Not sure though that their brand of "effective" football,constant haranguing of the officials from the sidelines and "exaggeration" of any fouls gained is something I find endearing . Their bench strength was revealing as well . Players used off the bench by them such as Matthews , Krac and Luxton would walk into most other sides in this league . Not to mention the players not even used . The aim has to be finish in the top six for Parkway to preserve our Peninsula League record , don't think that finishing above Saltash and Liskeard is beyond us .
  9. No. Shame on Marc Bonney for all the initial convulsions and writhing about. I agree . It was disgraceful how he managed to prolong the playacting for another 20 minutes until he had to go off
  10. By the same logic you could apply that to Bodmin Town .
  11. The injuries and suspensions are always the problem with Dennis , were it not for that he could be one of the best players around . Only started four league games in nearly six months with Parkway .
  12. The game this Saturday against The Marines at Blaise Park suddenly looks like the classic relegation six pointer .
  13. Blimey !! How high in the air did he put it ? :thumbsup:
  14. Fair play to PP, they were in Town's faces from the off and I don't think we created a clear cut opening in the first half. Saying that...nor did PP until the ill advised 'scorpion kick'. Top marks to Richards though...excellent finishing. Town were better second half but the second sending off killed it. No complaints about the major decisions. Poor show from the PP no. 6 though. Apparently he's the 'hardest man in the team' but there's no need for all the theatrics. That was pathetic. Town kept plugging away but there's no denying Parkway were well worth the three points overall. Got to feel sorry for you PP fans though if that first half was the best football you've seen all season. Shame on that nasty Marc Bonney for throwing his chest into Ian Hodges' elbow .... It wasn't so much the quality of football . It was having so much to shout about after a thoroughly miserable last few months . It was about seeing the performance on the pitch reflect how much passion,time and commitment goes into the club from the men and women behind the scenes .
  15. You must be getting a bit worried Dan .Despite the influx of new players , the results aren't coming . I can see the Marines picking up a result or two against some of other sides as well .
  16. Have to ask the question , what was the point of Danny Zalick moving to Parkway ? Came with a big reputation , moped around and looked generally uninterested for a couple of months and moved on again. Am I right in saying that this is now his fourth club this season ? No doubt we will hear wheeled out again the stories about "discontent behind the scenes" ( I'm pretty sure that it is the same commitee and management as when he agreed to join)and "a cut in playing budget" ( these are merely expenses , not wages and primary income) . Agree with previous posters , surely the time has come for a limit on how many times a player can be transferred in a season , might make them consider a bit more carefully who they sign for . My conclusion is that Danny Zalick's time at Parkway will linger as long in the memory as a half time cup of tea . Moving to a number of different clubs in a season? Sounds like Ryan Richards but of course that's ok because he moved to parkway. I think a player can only play for four clubs in a 12 month period, so think there is already a rule in place Good result for parkway today though Me and a few others remarked last season that most of that Parkway side were not there due to any particular affinity to the club, and would be off as soon as the grass appeared greener elsewhere. The transient nature of the players in Peninsula League is something that I do find genuinely depressing .Ryan Richards included.Superb as his display was today ,I would not wager much on him being in a Parkway shirt in six months time . Some of the players on the circuit ( how apt) must have to write this months team on their arm to remind themselves who they are currently playing for
  17. Falmouth Town supporters seem to be conspicuous by their absence . A lot of talking points from todays game .
  18. Agree with everything the Bald One said . We looked up for it right from the start ,the first half was a superb team performance with a classy hat trick from Ryan Richards . Falmouth Town actually looked a better side when they went down to nine men in the second half , but the game was beyond them by then . Couple of interesting rumours buzzing around about players on the way in as well , but a gentlemen would never kiss and tell . :glare:
  19. Have to ask the question , what was the point of Danny Zalick moving to Parkway ? Came with a big reputation , moped around and looked generally uninterested for a couple of months and moved on again. Am I right in saying that this is now his fourth club this season ? No doubt we will hear wheeled out again the stories about "discontent behind the scenes" ( I'm pretty sure that it is the same commitee and management as when he agreed to join)and "a cut in playing budget" ( these are merely expenses , not wages and primary income) . Agree with previous posters , surely the time has come for a limit on how many times a player can be transferred in a season , might make them consider a bit more carefully who they sign for . My conclusion is that Danny Zalick's time at Parkway will linger as long in the memory as a half time cup of tea .
  20. Luke Doddridge at Saltash . Thought about Shane Jewell of Liskeard , but he's a full back really .
  21. Parkway 6 Marines 0 ( Richards 2 , Wyatt 3 , own goal ) First home victory since the 10th December against a very strong and committed Marines side that were ultimately lacking in a bit of quality . Nice confidence booster ahead of tough home games against Falmouth and Bodmin . Good to see Lee Bevan and Lee Doel back and getting a good 90 minutes each under their belts , not forgetting as well Jon Wyatts " Van Basten-esque" finish for his first goal . That alone was worth turning up for .
  22. The Plymstock pasty was a real contender , especially at the business end of the season . Still some heavy hitters to appraise , yet to see what Falmouth,Launceston and Buckland have to offer . Also hearing good things about the Ivybridge offering . No doubt the FA also appraised the Bickland Park and Homers Heath pasties as part of the ground grading exercise .
  23. Superb . Don't know if I am imagining this or not , but back in the days of Rothmans sponsoring the Western League did packs of cigarettes and other tobacco products get given away as raffle prizes ? Pretty sure they didn't , but can't be sure .
  24. I always buy a 50/50 draw ticket for every match I go to , both home and away , but have never won anything , has anybody on here ever actually won it ? How much did you win ? I always think of it as a bit like buying a match program and always do it ( even if it is frustrating sometimes never finding out who has won it , at some grounds the PA is like listening to Yuri Gargarin broadcasting from the earth's orbit . Could well be in fact for all the sense it sometimes makes ).
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