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Ian Pethick

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Everything posted by Ian Pethick

  1. James Lorenz confirmed as a Liskeard player. Great player, no idea where he is regarding injuries though.
  2. Think the problem is that a lot of them spend it as fast, if not faster, than they earn it. Having an extravagant lifestyle isn't a problem when the money is coming in, but becomes one when it's not. Read a report a few years back which stated that 60% of Premier League footballers go bankrupt within 10 years of retirement.
  3. They are basically practice and training sessions, but clubs do still have expenses from staging them . Money through the gate and over the bar does offset these. The number of pre season friendlies does seem to have grown and grown over the years. From memory, the likes of Liskeard and Saltash only seemed to play 3 or max 4 of them in the 80's and early 90's, and unless it was a high profile game against league opposition, there was no charge on the gate (do remember committee members walking around with a collection bucket though). Quite when 6,7 or even 8 of them became the norm, I don't know.
  4. Might focus the minds of the builders (don't touch anything painted though, it will probably still be wet).
  5. Truro have an attractive opening day fixture, and first match in their new home, against Dorking Wanderers (many people's tips for promotion back to the National League). Hopefully there will be a big crowd for the occasion.
  6. Nothing official from the club (not that I've seen anyway), chance as well that it will be switched to Tavistock's ground as it might be too early for the recently renovated and repaired Bolitho pitch to be playable.
  7. Know what you mean about PSF's, but hopefully McPhee and Lee Peacock take a more serious approach than seemed to have been taken in previous seasons. Can understand the club keeping any trialists and prospective signings to themselves, won't want to risk others coming in for them, but it would be good for fans to have some idea of who is committed so far. The rumours keep persisting that they are struggling for players, not good if you are trying to sell season tickets and sponsorship.
  8. Nice leg stretcher for City in their first game under John Askey. 6-0 win at Torpoint which included a hat trick for Rocky Neal. 9 substitutions at half time, and 7 trialists on show in the game. Tylor Love-Holmes has been picked out as player to watch for a few seasons now, he impressed playing for Parkway under 18's and Millbrook before he moved to Saltash. You're right ,Step 5 to step 2 is a big leap though. Know he signed on as cover for Parkway last season, a permanent move there would be a decent destination.
  9. First game of the new era under Chris McPhee sees them visit Exmouth and come away with 4-3 win. Two goals apiece for Matt Wright and Dylan Jones, no details of the line up shared by the club.
  10. Not clear, but looks like that. NLS fixtures are out on Friday I believe, so that might provide a bit of clarity.
  11. From the Cornwall Live piece; "It meets FA specifications to ensure Truro City’s rise through the ranks and will see the team kick off for the first time in September." "The main point is Truro City needs to be playing football here in September which they’re going to do. That’s on.” Agree with what Matt P said on this. Having this facility ready for NLS football this season, even if it is a few weeks late, is one hell of an achievement. And yes, I was one of the doubters about this happening.
  12. Much better article on Cornwall Live. From reading this, it looks like it will be ready to stage matches in September. A few weeks into the season, but after waiting 13 years for Truro to get a new ground, I'm sure everyone can wait a little longer.
  13. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cg641d9wnzvo Piece on Truro City's new ground from the BBC website.
  14. One for Dave Deacon I think. Remember watching PSF's with unnamed trialists in line ups, and the chances were that somebody in the crowd recognised them. They then of course told others, who told others and it then got spread on social media. Perhaps trailists should be made to wear disguises (the "Masked Trialist" sounds like an idea for a TV show).
  15. First friendly for City tomorrow night at Torpoint, and the first glimpse of the new side in the John Askey era. Thinking that there will be many unnamed trialists on display.
  16. ... and nice ground. Think the whole "nice" thing gets up the noses of the Buckland fans.
  17. Would love to see the stats of how many points Torpoint gained last season when Ryan Richards played, against how many when he didn't. Big difference I would think. Do you think promotion is the minimum expectation for Dan Hart this season?
  18. Adam Carter has been a great striker over the last 20 years or so, he seemed impossible to mark when he played for Darren Gilbert's all powerful Bodmin side. I would mention Ryan Richards though. Prolific striker, and scored a bigger range of goals than Carter. Richards can score from distance, and is also a big threat running in behind. Neither of which are strengths of Adam Carter.
  19. Players fitness, diets and preparations are way beyond what you used to see at this level as well. Every team has proper warm up and warm down routines, not just blowing into their hands and a couple of short sprints. Most teams (even in the Western League) used to have one or two in their side who were carrying a bit of weight and didn't really run (not going to name them, but they were still really good footballers) and might have been partial to the odd cigarette. You just don't see them anymore.
  20. Adam Carter is probably good for 30 plus goals a season in the SWPL, which is a sad indictment of the quality of the league.
  21. Think you're onto something. That will have them queuing around the block to get into Langarth.
  22. A busy start to pre season for the Trialist family. Many of the brothers, cousins and even second cousins involved for Taunton v Street tonight.
  23. Tuesday night at Torpoint will be the first chance for City fans to see what has gone on player wise so far. On another note, has anybody seen or heard anything from John Askey? Interesting that it was Stewart Yetton who gave the quotes regarding pre season.
  24. Previous St Austell manager Mark Smith, who was promoted from their ECPL side, talked on the CS Podcast about the quality of local youngsters that he had and introducing them into the first team. Assume they have all moved on?
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