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Afc St Austell v Foxhole Stars Boxing Day

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Afc St Austell would like to invite all to Poltair park on Saturday the 26th December for the match with local rivals Foxhole K.O is 11.00am.

Anticipate a large croud and an exiting game at Poltair come and see the new impressive surroundings.

Lets try and beat last years attendance of 250 plus


Thank you Paul

Also a thank you to Ian Jenkin of Elliot Marshal signs after our meeting on Saturday and Malcom at the Western for his new Board sponsorship

Wishing all our sponsors and supporters a happy christmas and have a happy new year your support is so appreciated





Kind Regards

Money Man

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Chairman local derby for your team with all the Plymouth players you have no wonder your struggling to get local sponsors to help your team when over half of them come from Plymouht at least the players can car share with Torpoint.

Your comments are unbelievable. Jealousy is very apparent with you any way the 80 or so who wil watch your game and the 5 drunks in your club enjoy. There will be 250 plus to watch 22 local lads putting on a tremendous spectacle At Poltair Park

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Foxhole struggling at the minute but you can bet they'll be up for the match on Boxing Day.

Not quite the same as a game against the old enemy down the road - hopefully that'll soon be on the fixture list when we're promoted (or St.Blazey relegated).

Shame for Blazey fans that there's is such an unattractive fixture but why not ensure kick off times are staggered so people can catch both games if they like? Otherwise I guess town's attendance will be at least double that of Blazey - if not more.

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Foxhole struggling at the minute but you can bet they'll be up for the match on Boxing Day.

Not quite the same as a game against the old enemy down the road - hopefully that'll soon be on the fixture list when we're promoted (or St.Blazey relegated).

Shame for Blazey fans that there's is such an unattractive fixture but why not ensure kick off times are staggered so people can catch both games if they like? Otherwise I guess town's attendance will be at least double that of Blazey - if not more.

I was thinking that too, staggered times would give us and the clubs double bubble.

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Chairman, im sorry but as a sponsor of both clubs, i must say thats an utterly pathetic post.

I cannot say enough how well everyone at St. Austell FC is doing, the pitch and ground looks superb, and im very pleased for everyone up there. Nice to see local people working together for a local club.

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Fixture secretary seems to have forgotten the principal of local derbies for Boxing Day, and we face Torpoint!

So, if you were doing the fixtures, who would you have had St Blazey playing on Boxing Day?



Well if Bodmin are gonna be paired with Wadebridge and Falmouth with Penzance, the logical option would be Liskeard for us.

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Guest Cappuccino

Hang on a minute folks - I am sure Mr Chairman made a completely innocent tongue in cheek remark and who can argue with the statement anyway because whether AFC Austell like it or not St Blazey are the senior team in the area. Look at the league tables and you will see that St Blazey are in the Premier League and St Austell in Division 1 West. No one can dispute that fact - Money Man's odious remarks about drunks at Blazey and the referal to the Plymouth players is completely uncalled for - what have St Austell done over the last two or three seasons but bring the game into disrepute you would have thought Mr Money Man would have the diplomacy and decency to not shout his mouth of and his remarks were not welcome by any fair minded football follower.

Talking of drunks I witnessed them at St Blazey last Easter Monday but they were not Blazey followers but so called AFC St Austell supporters!!!!

Why all the outpouring from AFC St Austell people for what was a completly factual comment.

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Look at the league tables... but also look in the trophy cabinet from last season.

Factual comment or not, this topic was titled "AFC St.Austell v Fohole Stars Boxing Day" and there was no need for a comment that was clearly going to upset people.. Anyway, like has already been said, the majority of local people will clearly want to watch this big local derby with local players.

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Guest Gilesy19

What a great pity that Town supporters have not been able to acquire a modicum of humour along with their new found support.

Theres having humour and then theres having petty comments 'chairman,' obviously cant handle the fact st austell are on the up!

And boxing day will be a brilliant game one to watch and play glad to be apart of such a great club! so come along.

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Gilesy19, what a pity your first posting is a criticism of someone you obviously know nothing about.

For a long time I have openly welcomed Town's resurgence in the hope of renewed local rivalry, which is the backbone of football.

I know of no-one at Blaise Park who is jealous of what is happening at Poltair and we(especially myself)wish you and your club every success.

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Bloody hell, what is this forum coming to. I do wonder if some off you lot on here are all women because of the moaning and groaning and surly youd be on your period!!! :D

Its bloody xmas in a few days, snap out of it and enjoy the banter. Trust me, the fans at St Blazey would like nothing more than a good local derby on boxing day. Nothing like seeing a good 400+ crowd for that one.

I for one think its a shame to have seen St Austell left to rot over the last ten years plus. Lets hope we see St Austell (i wont put St Awful cause some of you will be in tears again) in the top division soon.

And as for silverware.......come on. You won a cup. Well done, but when youve won the league title time after time, had a number of cup wins and good runs in the F.A cup and Vase then feel free to shout. :rolleyes:

Drunks in St Blazey......really??? Well if you only new the real situation in St Austell in general you really couldnt say alot on that suject. A serious problem in St Austell but nothing to do with football i will add.

Merry bloody xmas. :thumbsup:

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Bloody hell, what is this forum coming to. I do wonder if some off you lot on here are all women because of the moaning and groaning and surly youd be on your period!!! :D

Its bloody xmas in a few days, snap out of it and enjoy the banter. Trust me, the fans at St Blazey would like nothing more than a good local derby on boxing day. Nothing like seeing a good 400+ crowd for that one.

I for one think its a shame to have seen St Austell left to rot over the last ten years plus. Lets hope we see St Austell (i wont put St Awful cause some of you will be in tears again) in the top division soon.

And as for silverware.......come on. You won a cup. Well done, but when youve won the league title time after time, had a number of cup wins and good runs in the F.A cup and Vase then feel free to shout. :rolleyes:

Drunks in St Blazey......really??? Well if you only new the real situation in St Austell in general you really couldnt say alot on that suject. A serious problem in St Austell but nothing to do with football i will add.

Merry bloody xmas. :thumbsup:

They won the cup then sacked the manager. How's that for a forward thinking club?

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Dan - I would say that sacking a manager when you've won the senior Cup and are (at the time) top of the league actually indicates a club which is forward thinking and who are thinking about the future. Whether the decision was right only time will tell but your criticism is unjustified....and considering the way St.Blazey handled the Oaten situation I think no-one at Blaise Park has much right to comment!

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Leaner, Giler well said.

Im still looking for the Chairman's response to one of his sponsors? Also i suggest he is careful with his remarks in the future, as that single post has sparked discussion amongst some of the blazey sponsors.

Whether it was tongue in cheek or not, someone in your position should have a little more dignity.

Being blatently honest now, from a sponsors point of view (in the whole ST. Austell/Blazey debate)...

With St. Blazey there is no attraction, from the outside looking in, i just uncomfortable when talking about the club. I have only been interested in sponsoring a club like Blazey thru sentlemental reasons, and in the past few years with Blazey its been thru friendship to real football people such as Phil Lafferty or the late great Dave May. Chairmans attitude backs this up 100% for me.

With St. Austell, i feel a local bond, local lads, great friends playing their hearts out, a committed back room and a geniunely forward thinking club which is never happy to just stand still.

Now i know i dont just speak for myself when i have written this.

Personally, not professionally, i would love to see both clubs at the top, fighting tooth and nail to win everything. Both clubs have so much to aim for.

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Dan - I would say that sacking a manager when you've won the senior Cup and are (at the time) top of the league actually indicates a club which is forward thinking and who are thinking about the future. Whether the decision was right only time will tell but your criticism is unjustified....and considering the way St.Blazey handled the Oaten situation I think no-one at Blaise Park has much right to comment!

It's crazy you bring the legend that is Bobby Oaten into this. When results were not as we wanted last season and we still had a minor threat of relegation hanging over us mid-season, we stuck with Bobby, as we believed he was the man to lead us to mid-table safety. Which he did. When we had the chance of the BIGGEST NAME IN CORNISH FOOTBALL, Glyn Hooper managing us, we jumped at it - any club with any sense would have done the same.

As it happens, things have worked out well for Bobby - I hear he is managing Clyst Rovers now, so he has another chance to manage at step 6. Fully deserved in my opinion.

Regarding who has a right to comment, anyone can give their opinion on here, that's what this forum is for. St Blazey has always behaved honourably and with dignity, something that sadly cannot be said of St Austell's players, officials and supporters over the last year or so.

Given everything that has happened, and they way in which your club has brought the game into disrepute (and into the national headlines for all the wrong reasons), I would suggest St Austell's best way forward is to get your heads down and work hard to make your club something this town can be proud of.

There are far too many posts of late bragging about what St Austell are doing to take the club forward. Want to be a big club in the local area? Let's see some actual change rather than the usual controversy associated with Poltair.

Somebody else said on here that there is no attraction with St Blazey at the moment - well we're top of a step 6 league, the highest ranked team in the local area and managed by the biggest name in Cornish football. Doesn't get much more attractive than that.

Merry Christmas.

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bla bla bla bla bla..... I'm getting a strong sense of you are all for giving it out but dont like taking a bit back down in St.Blazey...

"something that sadly cannot be said of St Austell's players, officials and supporters over the last year or so."

St.Austell players - 2 which have been sacked from the club

Officials - if you are referring to the Callington game... again, no longer at the club. If you are not referring to the Callington game, then god knows what you are talking about because no officials at the club have been involved in any incidents

Supporters - even i cant think of what our supporters have done wrong...

No doubt dan will now go away and look through his scrap book of "things St.Austell have done wrong" from the past 30 years and come back with some rubbish.

:smiley20: Happy Christmas everybody!

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Easy. Supporters - vile and offensive chanting at last years senior cup final by drunken snozzle fans.

I've never taken the rivalry too seriously (til now!) but the "aren't we such a great club" messages are just ridiculous given your recent history.

This area has had a decent local club which has represented Cornwall excellently over the past decade. It's not you.

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Bobby Oaten - "reappointed" as manager then strangely released when everyone (at least at Town!) knew who was going to be appointed for literally months before hand. That's why the holier than thou attitude from Blaise Park over the Glyn Rowett affair is so laughable.

"Vile and Offensive" chanting at the Senior Cup Final - assuming you were there I think all that rain must have softened your brain up a bit.

Oh - Happy Christmas!!

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Guest surferdude

Dan Blazey - Acted with Dignity and honesty? so much so that the player who commited the farcical antics at Poltair park, who was dealt with swiftly by our club, was due to be transferred to St Blazey and will no doubt be pulling on a St Blazey shirt as soon as his ban is up. I suppose he will be the best player on the planet then? Talk about hypocritical. And wern't your supporters reported for poor behaviour at Wadebridge last week? you have a short memory mate.

Also, the only trophy won at St Blazey by a local team in the last 12 months was by St Austell and how we enjoyed it! Enjoy your overinflated position at the moment becuase you will be lucky to finish in the top 3.

Merry Christmas to all and come on Town on Boxing day!!

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Guest Cappuccino

Excellent and sensible and well reasoned and articulate posting from Danblazey - nothing offensive or provocative in the message.

I don't know whether Tony has selective hearing but the behavior of AFC St Austell's so called supporters were in no way a credit to the Club - nothing to do with the rain softening brains except perhaps affecting Tony's hearing!!!!

All this rubbish because of a humorous and tongue in cheek remark by a respected contributor - simply stating facts anyway that are indisputable to any fair minded football follower.

Good luck to all clubs on Boxing Day and hopefully there will be bumper crowds to enhance monies for clubs - what puzzles me is that these fair weather spectators do not support their local clubs all the year round.

St Blazey supporters were a credit to their club at Wadebridge last week as far as I know - just supporting their team with humour and inoffensive cheering and singing - what is wrong with that - still it is not sending players and managers into the stand to attack supporters I suppose!!!!!

So Whetter and Douglas will never play for AFC St Austell again - is that official - have not heard an official of the Club make that statement.

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It ended up getting like this because St.Blazey fans just cant help themselves when it comes to getting digs in towards st.austell. Whether there is truth in the chairmans original comment or not, it was unnecessary. If they wanted to advertise their huge "derby" with torpoint, why not just start a new topic in the first place... anyway, i agree bobby, be a great game! lets hope its on!! :c:

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Don"t really know how or why the subject of St.Austell v Foxhole has turned into a shit throwing contest between Blazey & St.Austell but back to the main subject,even though St.Austell aint the team they wer last season(no nanks,whets,jay,higman) there still alot stronger than what Foxhole are @ present & the season is turning into a hard slog for the Foxes.If town aint @ it and the foxes are it could well be a low scoring draw otherwise its goin to be one way traffic & i fear a right smashin for Billy & co (having seen 13 goals hit the back of there net in the last two games,7 from a team two leagues below).Hope for the foxes they get a draw but my head says 4,maybe 5-1 town.

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Haha, yes mental list could be taken both ways in this instance.

I've actually really enjoyed this little exchange - has more than made up for the traditional Boxing Day derby which we all miss greatly.

In all seriousness, I hope I didn't overstep the mark, and I'm sorry if I did.

I wish you and your club a very happy Christmas and a successful 2010. Get yourselves some floodlights and promotion and we can enjoy the local derbies and big crowds again.

All the best.

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