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Cornwall Football Forum

committed enough to help?

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We at Storm are looking to rebuild our committee as we seek to take the next step in our footballing chapter.

We need experienced or enthusiastic (preferably both) footballing people to join our committee and help continue the club's rapid development, there has been a concensus that a few of the existing committee member are struggling to give it there all due to work or family commitments so we need to act now to strengthen the club for the future.

We need the following positions filling : Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Chairman.

The club has a good ground and some very good people behind the scenes already, however they need some help, we could also do with anyone who has a couple of hours spare on a match day to help out at our home ground in Camborne.

If anyone is interested in helping please contact me via PM or on 07973339309.


Matt Osborn.

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