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Right to appeal...

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Having recently been sent off for the first time ever in my 20 years of football for a fairly innoxious challenge my immediete thought was to appeal the decision. This was encouraged by the people at the game and i was offered support in my appeal by the opposition manager and secretary as well as my own. However, i have now been informed that i need video evidence in the right to appeal as well as a spare 100 pound to do this.. What are peoples thoughts are this? is it set to be reviewed?

:SM_carton::SM_carton: :clapper:

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Never mind video evidence (how the hell are you going to have that anyway!!?) you could have Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Bob Geldof, Terry Wogan and even the Lord Jesus Christ backing you and they wont let off! Maybe get a reduction but more than likely just get everything doubled! How they can charge 100 gold pieces for this is also a shambles!

Next time snap the blokes leg act a bit shocked get a photo put up here there and everywhere and you will only get a yellow!!

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Guest Dane Bunney

Ryan we also have come across this problem recently. First off what my player did was never a red card offensive then when we got the report through it was very in-accurate when describing the events that took place.

But we like you were told there was nothing we could do unless we have it on film. Maybe I’m wrong but I feel it’s just another way for the fa to protect ref's and save themselves time by not having to attend hearings and fill out paper work.

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"very in-accurate when describing the events that took place" haha after he sent me off he told me it was for a two footed tackle, of which it clearly was not as a hurdled over the keeper!! then he told the manager it was cause i went in with intent of hurting the keeper.. come through as violent conduct.. make your mind up!

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Who on earth said you will need video evidence, that is the first time I have heard that, there is no way at grass root level you would have a video of the incident anyhow so by saying that you are denying the right of appeal to thousands of players. I would suggest a call to Barry Cudmore at CCFA would be in order to get the CCFA`s word on this. Plus I have been to several personal appeals and so called video evidence was not mentioned.

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ryan i can understand where your coming from. from what i have witnessed at games i certainly know its not in your desire to challenge someone so bad to get a red card so whatever happened hope the best comes out of it for you.

i would of thought that for data protection act that no video evidence to be recorded unless authrorised and licensed by the FA and the respective club although supporters take videos like newquays lee. as cornwall fa is a representative county of english fa body, the "pro" clubs do not allow people recording videos.

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Got me wondering about the video evidence as surely as someone hinted at, they can't expect that many people to be filming our local matches.

Anyway, although I can see the reference to when "Appealing a dismissal, in all cases the appeal fee, which must be submitted with details of your appeal, is £100." I can't see that there's any reference to video evidence being a condition.

However, there is, when the appeal is against a wrongful dismissal : "The club must submit to the County Association a video/DVD recording which shows the full incident leading to the dismissal of the player, together with written reasons for the claim of wrongful dismissal, any supporting evidence and the appeal fee of £100, within 3 working days. Please be aware that the DVD/video must show that the Match Official made a serious and obvious error."

Mind you, I have to agree with others that somehow I think you'll be lucky to win your appeal! :huh:

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You would be surprised how many Step 7 and above clubs do video their matches throughout the Country, there are 3 that I know of in the Central Midlands League that do and then sell copies on DVD for £5 a match for club funds..a nice fundraiser throughout the season and nice to watch in the warmth on a snowy Saturday afternoon when all the footie is off. It also helps in cases of appeals as it isnt just a CCFA rule, it is a FA rule throughout the Country from Step 6 upwards(with so many Step 7 Leagues being used before it becomes Step 7 Nationally from next season).

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Guest Skippy8

Having been through the appeal process I'm afraid to say it's a one way road and I wouldn't bother wasting your money as they back the ref no matter!

Save your money and bite your lip!!

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Skippy8, I have been to four appeals, of the four,one the tribunal gave him the benefit of the doubt , another was only given half the usual ban plus only half the usual fine the other two`s appeals were not upheld. As to finding in the referee`s favour this is not the case as the referee is only a witness to the incident, so it`s actually found in the FA`s favour. So I would like to see how you equate that in percentages as you have changed your position from your first post.

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Guest Skippy8

My point is that gambling with your hard earned cash against a system that backs the official is a gamble that hardly pays off. That's 20 years of being in the game and what I have witnessed! Fact!

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My point is that gambling with your hard earned cash against a system that backs the official is a gamble that hardly pays off. That's 20 years of being in the game and what I have witnessed! Fact!

been to loads mate,money making machine for the old farts,even had a linesman that said he never saw me say something,but recognised my VOICE,about ten players ect beside me,got an extra fine,imagine at old trafford,like i said waste of time ,dont think they could hear me properly those horns in there ears did look funny :clapper: :clapper:

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