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Looks like its down to me!! :

A really good top of the table clash today between St Blazey and Buckland today.

Not really alot in it really. Buckland do have alot of height in their Squad and that helped them today. The weather was shocking (again!!) Didnt help with the crowd either. Probably around the 100 mark. To wet to go counting!!

St Blazey may have been lucky to have escaped Tom in goal having a red card when he came out his area and took out the Bukland player. Maybe the yellow was right because the players touch took the ball towards the corner flag. Hard one to call.

Then a turning point, no freekick given to St Blazey so the Buckland player took the ball and unleashed a cracker into the top corner. Quality strike. Again, was it a free kick?

Second goal was another great freekick curled up and over the wall and into the top corner.

H.T 0v2.

St Blazey needed to pull a goal back early on and desearved it with some good football at times, but the odd mistake wasnt punished and the odd goal line clearance helped keep it 0v2. Hoops came off the bench and should have scored with his first touch but headed wide from less than 6 yards. Then a mistake from St Blazey let Buckland break away with a few quick passes and low pass into the bottom corner for 0v3. Game over.....or was it?

The never say die attitude came out and a goal mouth scramble was finally pushed over the line and all hell broke loose as Danny Gaze decided he wasnt give the ball back and pinned players to the floor. Yellow card....lucky boy!!

Then a penalty with minutes to go, converted and then 2v3!! The Buckland boys had gone very quiet but we couldnt manage to score another in the dying moments.

After the match the Bucks celebrated like theyed won the league. With the banging coming from the changing rooms theyll be lucky not to receive a bill for damage!!

And who thought he could walk on the pitch after the game and have a go with a St Blazey player!??? All got a bit nasty and no idea why as theyd won!!! :angry2:

With Torpoint beating Bodmin the league is wide open. Having seen today, maybe we arnt quite ready to win it, but we will have a big say in who does. But.....never say never. I do fancy Buckland to win it.

Probably more intresting then the match though was the program notes!! Well save that for another day!!

Bodmin v St Blazey on wednesday. :drink:

Hoops came on and

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"The never say die attitude came out and a goal mouth scramble was finally pushed over the line and all hell broke loose as Danny Gaze decided he wasnt give the ball back and pinned players to the floor. Yellow card....lucky boy!!"

How that lad wasn't sent off for violent conduct I'll never know - more animal than human, just disgraceful.

St Blazey can take a lot of heart from today's performance - the better side for all but the last 20 mins of the first half, but when you don't take your chances against a side like Buckland, you're always gonna get punished.

Torpoint has done us a favour today (although perhaps they themselves could yet still get into this exciting title race?) and the title is still anyone's guess.

Imperative we get a result on Wednesday now.

Shame about such a poor attendance, the big SWPL match up the road at Poltair had an effect on that - also the Buckland contingent seemed far less numerous and vocal than last season.

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Guest Rydon Ranger

I feel that i have to reply to the posts above from Paul and Dan Blazey. In reply to Paul I can assure you that there was no damage to the Blazey changing rooms and that it was just a lot of cheering and banging on the table. It was a big three points winning against a good St Blazey team which along with hearing that Bodmin had gone down at Torpoint was a big lift. With regard to the spectator going onto the pitch, which i must say i cannot condone, there is no mention as to why he went onto the pitch, no mention that as the final whistle went a Blazey player smashed the ball into the Buckland supporters in the stand from about 10 metres hitting the said spectator squarly in the face. Not necessary and a really stupid thing to do. In reply to DanBlazey, i feel that the term bad loser and rose tinted spectacles should be applied. You stated that Danny Gaze pinned down a Blazey player and should have been sent off for violent conduct, discraceful and more animal than human, what an amazing statement when you don't seem to mention the fact that previously in the game your goalkeeper had taken the same player out when one on one, leaving stud marks down his thigh and then to everyone in the grounds surprise only got a yellow card, if that was not violent conduct or serious foul play then i don't know what is. You also failed to mention that during the so called discraceful and animal like incident in the goalmouth that it was only the goal net that seperated the 'Animal like' Blazey fans behind the goal actually getting their hands on young Gaze and tearing him apart!!

St Blazey are a great club, have a great manager and a great team, but yesterday your team lost, get over it, don't come on here and make stupid and in my opinion insulting statements like 'more animal than human' about another human being, there is no place in football for stupid remarks like that. :yahoo:

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With all due respect, you were not behind the goal yesterday and therefore could not understand the seriousness of the situation. It was not even comparible to the actions of our keeper, who - I freely admit - should have been sent off.

Let's not forget yesterday was a great game of football won, fairly and squarely by you guys. This is gonna be one heck of a run in!!

All the best - I wish no hard feelings.

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Thanks for adding a bit to that incident. I had no idea that a player had done that. Saying that, by then going on the pitch made things worse and brought others into it. A word with someone would have seen something done about it. Youve seen whats happened up St Austell. We dont want to see things like that every week!!

Good win for Buckland though. Im sure youll be keeping a close eye on the result on wednesday night. :D

One other thing, from seeing the incident from behind the far goal when your player was taken out by our keeper, youd have to ask the question, was he going to score? Because his touch was awful and the ball was heading towards the corner flag and if hed not been taken out, he would never have got the ball before at least 2 defenders got back.

I might be wrong but there must be a reason why the ref didnt give a straight red. :blink:

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Will be keeping a very close eye on that one Paul, very big game for you guys.

I think we all agreed that it was a decent game yesterday, played in poor conditions on a soft pitch with both teams looking to close the gap on Bodmin. With still over half the season to play, it still is anyone from 6 or 7 teams.

Although we have had a good start to the season, that is all it is and have not won diddly squat yet.

The things that happened in yesterday's game, happen nearly every week in local & professional football. Thought the ref had a good game and wanted to let the football flow as many times as possible. Got a few things wrong, including letting Danny Gaze go on to score, even though i thought, he had fouled on his way through. I also thought that the keeper should have gone on the early decision but i think he got away with a big decision early in the game. Blazey had chances, which went wide or high, we had better luck in front of the goal, although we too, missed a few chances.

I think we deserved to win but only just. The Blazey no. 7 who put the ball into the face of a fan, clearly did it out of frustration. I think he could have helped the situation by apologising straight after his actions. I think the weather kept many away, including alot of our own. We always love coming down to Blazey and really hope that you finish one place below Buckland.

And finally Dan.....Keep up the good work on here. I know some of your statements are a little close to the mark, but at least you put your name to the posts. I am not upset by the remarks as i know Danny very well and he only did what every single player on the pitch would have done yesterday.

Thanks for making the whole team feel very welcome yesterday and that is to everyone at your club. see you on wednesday.

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Guest Gazey81


Having read your comments about yesterdays game, I can't help but feel angered and insulted, and want to clear a few things up. I don't know you personally and am offended that you find it necessary to come onto to a public forum and state the I'm 'more animal that human.'

If you have ever played the game, you would understand that emotions run high, especially in such a big match. We were on the back foot for most of the second half and were defending our lead. When you got your first goal I ended up in the goal with the ball at my feet. I then kicked the ball away from Reski as he tried to retrieve the ball, trying to slow the game up, gamesmanship! Would any of your players done the same? Yes. I was then bundled to the ground by three of your players. Did I pin any of your players to the ground? No. Have I got stud marks on my back and chest, a fat lip and a lump on the back of my head from your players? Yes. I don't know what you were watching but to say I should of been sent off for violant conduct is way off the mark.

If you felt so upset about my actions, you could have approached me in the bar after the game and explained how you thought my time wasting (which probably warranted a booking) were 'animal like.' Please don't come onto a public forum and make such offensive statements.

Danny Gaze

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Hi Danny,

thanks for your reply.

I'm really tired of all the bickering on here lately and to that end I'm not willing to enter into confrontation here.

I apologise for any offence caused. I was merely expressing my opinion on one of the events in yesterday's game.

You're a quality player mate and if Buckland do win the league this year (and I don't think they will) they will have a lot to thank you for.

All the best - let your goals do the talking.

Dan Hazelton

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Guest Rydon Ranger


Nobody likes confrontation, and fair play to you for being man enough to apologise, but if you go on the forum and call someone more 'Animal than Human' then i think you would expect to get some stick. Lesson learnt perhaps. Good luck on Wednesday evening and also for the rest of the season.

John Piller

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Nobody likes confrontation, and fair play to you for being man enough to apologise, but if you go on the forum and call someone more 'Animal than Human' then i think you would expect to get some stick. Lesson learnt perhaps. Good luck on Wednesday evening and also for the rest of the season.

John Piller

I know a few people who love confrontation!

I have the utmost respect for Buckland Athletic Football club and everything that has been achieved there.

I wish you all the best and hope you finish above Bodmin and behind St Blazey.

Dan Hazelton

PS do come and say hello next time you are at Blaise Park.

You're a quality player mate and if Buckland do win the league this year (and I don't think they will) they will have a lot to thank you for.

Dan Hazelton

Dan - who do you think will win the league ??


I still think we have a side capable of winning it, but I think we need all three points on Wednesday night!

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