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Win for Falmouth

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At a very wet Bickland Park, Falmouth took all three points thanks to a brace from Ryan Fice. The goals were scored in the first and final minutes of the game, with a missed penalty in between. In difficult conditions, both sides struggled to play attractive football but credit must go to all for making a game of it. Also, the officials deserve a mention for using common sense during the game. As the referee was only 19 and one of his assistants just turned 16, some more senior officials would do well to take a leaf out of their book and try not to take centre stage. After all, the game is called football, not watch the morons in black ruin a Saturday afternoon.

Sean Flynn after the game :drink::drink: :drink:

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Quiet Man

Yes it was a hard game in very wet conditions, I thought on the whole Falmouth played the better Football that it was possible to play, also with four players out through suspensions, they did a good job, in particular the defence,

I also believe that the Dartford no 7 should have been given a red card :SM_carton: for his attack on the Falmouth player who commited the foul,

Hammers :c::clapper: :c:

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You are probably right, Hammers, but I think on the whole the young referee did a pretty good job. Certainly a lot better than the one at Penzance. And remember, if a ref is not doing very well, Flynny will let them know and more than likely get his name taken as well. That did not happen so he must have been pretty good.

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Falmouth 2 Dartmouth 0

Falmouth dominated this game from start to finish, the back four of Stidwell, Flynn, Smith and Kellow, had a easy afternoon, Stidwell looking good with his costant attacking play from right back, I did feel that Smith was'nt at his best. The mid-field was where the battle was won with Falmouth playing 5 across the middle, when Dan Green was on the ball it looked as if things could happen, Jamie Alexander got stuck in and was involved in a few confrotations, Tom Barwell did'nt seem to have much impact on the game, Josh Simms started his first game out on the left and looked quite lively could be a good signing, how ever a missed pen and a couple of good chances were squanderd, on the right hand side Nigel Thwaites, I get the impression he would rather play in the middle as getting up and down the wings after about 20 mins seems a struggle and the full backs are left isolated when he plays in front of them. Fice played up front on his own and ran his socks off the bloke gives 100% and deserved his two goals. overall Falmouth were missing a few players but looked comfortable against a Dartmouth team that struggled a little at times.

Holsworthy next week

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Guest ken barlow

i think i must have been watching a completely different game,falmouth did not by any means dominate the match and in fact felt dartmouth were the better team,even more so in the second half,most of the play was seeing dartmouth pushing forward with falmouth happy to sit back and hit on the break,in which they did well,lets not forget dartmouth had a header cleared off the line and from the resultant clearence falmouth scored in the 95th minute so could have quite easily been a 1 1 draw,so come on guys down in the kernow,take your blinkers off!

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Ken Barlow,

I think you still have your blinkers on,

on the whole Falmouth controlled the game, also if all the chances that they had succeeded, the goal difference could have been greater in Falmouths favour, Dartmouth were unable to get through Falmouths sturdy defence, also apart from the odd attack, they never really looked like scoring,

but they were very good at bringing down a Falmouth player in order to stop them going forward,

& whils't I do not condone bad fouls, the attack by the Dartmouth no 7 on the guilty Falmouth player , was completly out of order, to which the no 7 should have received a red card. :SM_carton:

Hammers :c::clapper: :c:

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Hammers I don't think Ken had blinkers on I just don't believe he was at the game to come out with a statement like that, a missed pen two other clear chances for Simms plus a couple other chances and still won 2 : 0. So if Ken thinks that was a close game well Dartmouth have got a big struggle on there hands.

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Guest ken barlow

ha ha,i rest my case,blinkered opinions!if you feel the number 7 should have seen red then what about the 2 footed challenge that provoked his reaction?!!!so if fair is fair then maybe both should have seen red.

the young ref done the well in the situation to calm it all down and carry on with play,which is what we all pay to watch not a ref taking centre stage.

falmouth are a team full of so called stars and dartmouth are a team of very young players and deserve more credit.i have been involved in footbal in many counties including devon and cornwall and i admire how loyal you are to cornish football,but look at the bigger picture mr hammer and not to be quite so biased in future as there is also some very good players/teams the other side of the bridge ;)

oh dear more dark glasses in the mighty kernow!!!!!!!!

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ha ha,i rest my case,blinkered opinions!if you feel the number 7 should have seen red then what about the 2 footed challenge that provoked his reaction?!!!so if fair is fair then maybe both should have seen red.

the young ref done the well in the situation to calm it all down and carry on with play,which is what we all pay to watch not a ref taking centre stage.

falmouth are a team full of so called stars and dartmouth are a team of very young players and deserve more credit.i have been involved in footbal in many counties including devon and cornwall and i admire how loyal you are to cornish football,but look at the bigger picture mr hammer and not to be quite so biased in future as there is also some very good players/teams the other side of the bridge ;)

oh dear more dark glasses in the mighty kernow!!!!!!!!

Come on Ken dont take it to heart, Did Deirdre say you could come on here? Hope you make it up with Peter let him have is bar mate :yahoo:

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Ken Barlow, :SM_carton:

did I mention that there were no good teams the other side of the Tamar, I do not think so,

in fact there are some very good teams over the tamar, Buckland, Tavistock just to name two

but Datmouth is not one of them,

also most of the Falmouth team are also young men,

I believe it is you who is a little blinkered, Also did I critisize the officials, no because for a 19year old ref, he was exceptional, & haddled the game far better than many more Experienced Refs,

as far as I an concerned if any team Cornish or Devonian, comes to Bickland park & beat Falmouth because they were the better team, I am happy with that,

But do not say that because Falmouth beat Dartmouth that they were not the better team,

because at the end of the day it is goals that count,

read the other remarks on the game, you are entitled to you opinion, but on this subject you stand alone.

Sorry red card for you case closed Hammers :c::clapper::c:

Ken Barlow, :SM_carton:

did I mention that there were no good teams the other side of the Tamar, I do not think so,

in fact there are some very good teams over the tamar, Buckland, Tavistock just to name two

but Datmouth is not one of them,

also most of the Falmouth team are also young men,

I believe it is you who is a little blinkered, Also did I critisize the officials, no because for a 19year old ref, he was exceptional, & haddled the game far better than many more Experienced Refs,

as far as I an concerned if any team Cornish or Devonian, comes to Bickland park & beat Falmouth because they were the better team, I am happy with that,

But do not say that because Falmouth beat Dartmouth that they were not the better team,

because at the end of the day it is goals that count,

read the other remarks on the game, you are entitled to you opinion, but on this subject you stand alone.

Sorry red card for you case closed Hammers :c::clapper::c:

Come on Mr Barlow no secrets on this Forum which Devonian team do you suport?

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Guest ken barlow

ha ha you lot bite far to easily!!!! :clapper: dont put dafc down though and look at the record books as they are by far the most successful club in recent years.they do things the right way,they dont chuck silly money away at mediocre players and believe me they will be back at the top end next season,and they did win the charity bowl in the leagues first season,granted they are not the best side at the moment but with some of the very good youngsters they have is only a matter of time,now stop biting its embarrassing :thumbsup:

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ha ha you lot bite far to easily!!!! :clapper: dont put dafc down though and look at the record books as they are by far the most successful club in recent years.they do things the right way,they dont chuck silly money away at mediocre players and believe me they will be back at the top end next season,and they did win the charity bowl in the leagues first season,granted they are not the best side at the moment but with some of the very good youngsters they have is only a matter of time,now stop biting its embarrassing :thumbsup:

Oh Ken , your new to this forum :blink:

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