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Guest avidfollower

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Guest avidfollower

So why has the season gone so terribly wrong at Saltash United?

Knocked out of two cup competitions, by two teams in lower leagues, way behind in league fixtures and several quality players have left.

What has gone wrong?

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Guest Gary Andrews

I have heard its because the manager has lost the dressing room!!!

training is poor and players questioning his tactics !!

Maybe a change is needed at saltash this summer , who is cut out for the job should it come up ? would saltash go for experience or a up and coming manager with a fresh approach

me personally , id say that parkways manager would be suited to it !!!

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Too many chiefs and not enough indians in the side. All players think they are big time but never won anything at this level (yet).

Apparently the manager phones the captain on friday night to ask who he should pick!

So think an experienced manager would be more beneficial as opposed to someone up and coming

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As a big fan an resident of saltash for over 40yrs, i must say ime disapointed with which this season is unfolding. I was very pleased to see local lad chris pethick get the job of running the reserves of which he was doing a great job with local players!!! but he resigned on the basis of not getting enough help and support from the club. The bond between all 3 teams is non exsistant, none of the 3 managers apparently liase, speak, or work together, the 1st team HAD the best squad of players for many a year and the season ahead for all teams was very promising. BUT with several top players LEAVING, the high wage bill partially funded by the MANAGERS, and to many individuals has been a recipe for disaster, hence the low league postion, and out of all competitions. The club is in need of a big shake up, i think the managers are running the club more so than the ( non football personel commitee ). TIME FOR CHANGE :(

up the ashes

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The 2 managers clash every week so ime told, have threatend to quit several times!!! 2 big personalities with a lot of knowledge... maybe 1 of them just needs to leave for now!!! next season someone who can work on a shoestring as without the managers money the club wage bill is basic. chris souness springs to mind, saltash based, great with youngsters, certainly dont take any nonsense, and would get players wanting to play for him and the club not the money...

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Guest Gary Andrews

so that would rule out people like the parkway manager , who is used to working with big budgets , chris souness is a good shout , saltash may also have to look in the div 1 west league if the budget is going to be as low as you say ...... id imagine the managers in that league are more used to low budgets

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Guest avidfollower

Chris Souness, now there is an idea! The same Chris Souness who was previously appointed manager and resigned after one game! Talks a good game, but....

The present manager and assistant do "pump" money into the club, without it, the team would really struggle. Perhaps the time has come for a "clear the air" meeting.

It is a well known fact that Kevin Hendy is very "close" to several players within the club, so his departure would lose the club, some very talented individuals.

I personally think that some of the players need to take a very hard look at themselves, it is they who have let the club down this season.

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It is a well known fact that Kevin Hendy is very "close" to several players within the club, so his departure would lose the club, some very talented individuals.

I think the key word in that paragraph is 'talented individuals' and not team players.

Think stuart dudley might be good shout as doing well with torpoint.

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i think the players need to have a look at themselves..................

i know ultimately it comes down to the management but half the players in the squad are more than happy being "known " as a penisular player , rather than actually being a decent player at that level . Some like the image of nice car , wag etc and everyone saying hello down oceana ( a club in plymouth ) but when it comes to performances are falling well short . They are all good guys but i'm afraid that a change is in need, be it manager or players or both .

The turnover of players is like nothing i've known before at a club , which cannot be heathy at all .

everyone either needs to dig in ( for a club they say they love ) or move on for more money :( , i think i know what todays footballer will choose .

i wish saltash every success in the future and a strong finish for the season but i think the club have got to make some big decisions behind the scenes to be able to move on .

i wonder if the phrase " lets get our medals on the table " has ever been said by any of the players ............................. i doubt it as they are serial under achievers and i wonder if 80% of them would be there if it wasn't for the money !!

(whoever is putting the money in has been short changed and should ask for a refund off the players , except kenny griffiths , who has been a credit to the side )

i ask the players to show us what their made off for the rest of the season and prove that they have some pride for playing for a club of saltashs stature ....................mmmmmmm i wonder .........


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Guest avidfollower

The last post was excellent.

I believe the present squad consists of much wasted talent. Players who mentality that is insufficent for this league. They totally lack the hunger and pride in their own performance.

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Guest thebigfella

Having watched Saltash a fair bit over the years, although admittedly not alot this year, I have read these posts with extreme interest.

Mr Shipman's post is indeed excellent and from what I know, the players need to take a long hard look at themselves. Perhaps the likes of Gavin Coulton would do well to concentrate on playing football, rather than influencing team selection, lining his pockets and swanning around in his pipped up Ford Focus with personalised plates... ****! You play for Saltash mate! Not Chelsea!

Kevin Hendy is a decent enough guy and through his work contacts has managed to secure alot of money this season in sponsorship which has gone directly to his expenses budget. That is to be commended, however you have the question the commitment and desire of local footballers whose first question when in discussions about signing is, "How much you Payin then..."

Kevin success over the last 2 seasons was built off the back of the late Tim Halford's approach. Following his sad death, the team almost carried on as normal. Even the following season, the ethics and team bonding that Tim instilled was still there.

Now unfortunately, partly and strangely down to Kevin's hard work of getting more money in, the team spirit and work ethic that Tim instilled has gone, only to be replaced by big egos, big attitudes and not alot else in all fairness.

Players arguing with the manager over tactics in the dressing room, players being consulted over team selection and players recieving stupid amounts of money just to keep them at the club, is no way forward for a team at this level.

The Saltash players, and possibly Kevin himself, really need to come down off their pirch a little and get back to basics. Instill some team spirit. This is local football boys, not the Premiership, and money should be a side issue, not the main issue as it is with far to many of these over-rated primadonnas!

Personally, I'd like Kevin to stay and maybe ditch the big bucks mentality, ditch the money grabbing players and maybe get someone in alongside him with some balls.

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It is a well known fact that Kevin Hendy is very "close" to several players within the club, so his departure would lose the club, some very talented individuals.

I think the key word in that paragraph is 'talented individuals' and not team players.

Think stuart dudley might be good shout as doing well with torpoint.

I think thats a good shout. My opinion of managers/coaches in this league is that their success is often based on the size of their budget and how persuasive they are in getting players to sign for them. There do not seem to be many individuals in charge of these teams who can analyse a game effectively, change tactics/approach when required, and perhaps more importantly; improve the performance of players with technical and tactical information (rather than just 'motivating' them). Glyn Hooper and Dave Leonard are two examples of coaches who are capable of this; and I'd put Stuary Dudley up there with those sort of qualities.

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Yes, Saltash are spluttering right now and you can see the pressure on the players and the frustration in the managers each time they step out on to the pitch.

However, make no mistake Saltash CAN still win this league BUT they are going to have to dig very deep and they are going to have to work very hard for each other and unite very quickly as a team again.

Come on Ashes, ignore all that is negative around you at the moment and just concentrate on building that fine team spirit and concentrate on working for each other again.

You've got the ability and the confidence to do it. The free flowing football will return quickly with a couple of good performances starting tomorrow!

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Guest Gary Andrews

dane bunney needs his chance in the big league! he has had a great season with milbrook !

May not be the worst shout in the world, He has done a good job with no money at all down Millbrook. If its true that if the manager goes the budget would be slashed, someone who has worked well on no or a small budget is what saltash need!

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Thisiscornwall.co.uk Link

SALTASH United chairman Ken Doddridge moved this morning to quell speculation that manager Kevin Hendy had resigned following last night's home draw against Elburton Villa.

Rumours on the Cornish Soccer Forum suggested Hendy had quit, but Doddridge said: "There is no truth in that whatsoever, and Kevin is preparing for the visit of leaders Buckland Athletic to Kimberley this Saturday."

Who started the rumour?

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dane bunney needs his chance in the big league! he has had a great season with milbrook !

May not be the worst shout in the world, He has done a good job with no money at all down Millbrook. If its true that if the manager goes the budget would be slashed, someone who has worked well on no or a small budget is what saltash need!

Seriously ?? a good job ? there 4th from bottom, other than truro i doubt the teams below them pay either ! correct me if i'm wrong. There only a couple places better off than last year !! If that was the case and they were looking for someone who has worked on a smaller budget then you wouldn't look anywhere else other than duds . pffffft dane bunney saltash .....joke

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Guest local_football_supporter

They only just dropped down there!! They been mid table most of the season to be fair ! I'm sure they will finish higher then there current position ! I'm not saying he would be the right choice for this job tho.

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