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Would like to add my best wishes to the Penryn Team for tonight's game. I have been very impressed with the way they run their club, from the firsts to the youth section.

Many people at the club work very hard with little finance but still keep producing excellent young talented footballers.

I Know how much it would mean to the Chairman, Mike, Stevie Jewell, Bandy and all the guy's to make the show piece final on Easter Monday.

They have some talented individual match winners in their side and if "Cantona7" raises to the occasion he can be a match winner for anyone!

Once more good luck Steve, Dale and your boys, believe it can happen!



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Would like to add my best wishes to the Penryn Team for tonight's game. I have been very impressed with the way they run their club, from the firsts to the youth section.

Many people at the club work very hard with little finance but still keep producing excellent young talented footballers.

I Know how much it would mean to the Chairman, Mike, Stevie Jewell, Bandy and all the guy's to make the show piece final on Easter Monday.

They have some talented individual match winners in their side and if "Cantona7" raises to the occasion he can be a match winner for anyone!

Once more good luck Steve, Dale and your boys, believe it can happen!



totally agree with you, great club being run very well and should have a great game against bodmin tonight.

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Although Bodmin thoroughly deserved to pick up their expected win, there are a couple loose ends to clear up.

I see Chris Luxton is being credited with the first goal, but according to the assistant referee, Tim Burley", Chris shot hadn't cross the line! So who blasted the ball in from six yards after it came back out?

The second point to clear up once again requires a referee please to confirm when a hand ball is a hand ball? Unfortunately, the game as a contest finished this evening in less than a minute or so after Bodmin's first, when the same assistant referee was adamant in suggesting the referee should award a penalty for what he considered was hand ball in the penalty area. Now my question is simply when is hand ball a direct free-kick, or in this case, a penalty?

I thought it was when "the player handles the ball deliberately". Emphasis here on the word "deliberate"!

Anyway, Bodmin through to the final on Easter Monday - to meet either Camelford or Illogan, who I notice both had their managers present at the match tonight.

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Guest Uncle Albert

Luxton was credited with the first goal by the Bodmin bench, as confirmed by coach Ronnie Swiggs during the second half.

It had been suggested that Sam Matthews smashed the ball over the line because Luxton's shot had not gone in, but this was dismissed by the Bodmin officials after checking with Luxton and Matthews.

Which is why all on the Bodmin bench were congratulating Luxton on his hat trick when he scored his third late on.

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Luxton was credited with the first goal by the Bodmin bench, as confirmed by coach Ronnie Swiggs

But was it confirmed by the officials?

Don't misunderstand me on this one as I'm not taking anything away from Chris Luxton's performance. He really is one of the county's most promising talents.

Personally I thought his shot had crossed the line, but it was interesting that the asst linesman was adamant it hadn't!

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