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Will it be Bodmin again

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With a comparatively easier run in will Bodmin pip league leaders Buckland at the death?

One draw for Falmouth from their two games with Buckland could see goal difference settling the title.

At this moment Buckland are + 61GD and Bodmin are +49GD.

So could it be a third consecutive SWPL league and cup double for Bodmin?

Not what the SWPL would like as it is gradually looking like the old SWL when St. Blazey dominated year after year without any movement up and out of the league.

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With Bodmin already having won the Cornwall Senior Cup as well as being Throgmorton Cup finalists for the third time, would Runners Up spot in the CSWPL Premier Division be looked upon as a disappointing season. I'm convinced every other team in the league would settle for what Bodmin have achieved but... Bodmin's ambition will seem them striving to the very end to win their third title in as many years. I say `Good Luck` to them. :thumbsup:

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Well they say "it ain't over `till the fat lady sings

Bodmin certainly have two hard away games in Penzance and Witheridge and of course Buckland have three toughies in Torpoint, and Falmouth Home and Away.

Got to say I wouldn't want Witheridge away on the last day of the season.

Also the attitude of Bodmin when we stuffed `em 5 - 0 at Homers Heath was nothing short of disgusting ! From both management and players, especially one of Bodmins players having received a little banter from one of our regular supporters told him " to drop f***ing dead of a heart attack" ! Very nice !

And as for me ? Well the blood pressure certainly needs checking at the quacks very soon ! But I'm still confident of a Buckland double.

Come on ye Yellows !

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especially one of Bodmins players having received a little banter

Bodmin, over the past few years, and very successful years, have never been the best when it comes to public relations! And then unfortunately some players can cope with the banter better than others.

Mind you, although I'm not condoning what is quoted above, sometimes they do have to put up with mindless comments made by opponent's supporters, as I witnessed last night at the Bodmin v Saltash match when someone shouted at Kevin Miller suggesting that he was going to get his "come-uppance" [my word, not his] when "we play you on Bank Holiday Monday!" :ninja:

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Guest pastydesire

Perhaps the arrogance of Buckland last year when Bodmin visited late on in the season could also be remarked upon. Supporters and players alike had very much a 'sour grapes' attitude towards the champions last year. Good luck to both teams - lets hope to see the football dominating the headlines rather than the tittle tattle of forum talk!

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Guest Uncle Albert

As a follower of Cornish football, I very much hope Bodmin Town win the title again, but I have sensed for some time that some among the hierarcy of the Peninsula League would love them to be pipped to the honour, especially by a Devon club, simply because most of the hierarchy of the league are Devon people.

That is natural, of course. If most of the league's hierarchy were from Cornwall, you would probably expect them to want a Cornish team to beat their Devon rivals.

For whatever reason, Bodmin Town are not popular with most Peninsula League officials, or indeed the Devon FA. You only have to look at which referee has been appointed for the league cup final to see that. I think it might have been better all round if the referee who was at the centre of the incidents in the Buckland v Bodmin league encounter earlier this season, which led to an FA hearing, had not been selected for this cup final.

Perhaps it is not too late for the Peninsula League and the Devon FA to come to their senses and change the appointment to, shall we say, a less high profile referee. After all, he was the one who accused Ronnie Swiggs of swearing, and in all the years I have known Ronnie, I dont think I can ever remember hearing him swear. Now if he'd meant Darren Gilbert, then we could all have understood, but Ronnie Swiggs? Come on.

For the good of the game, and the reputation of the Peninsula League and Devon FA, the ref should be changed. But I'm not holding my breath, because none of them wants Bodmin to win the league cup again.

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OMG how much longer is this Devon/Cornwall us and them gonna go on????

It's been flogged to death and boring now.

I'm sure their are many people in Cornwall that don't want Bodmin to win it and people in Devon that don't want Buckland winning it and as for your suggestion that the league want it to be a Devon side because they are from Devon is stupid.

Maybe instead of bitching and complaining about how the league is run try doing something productive and getting in contact with the league to see if their is any way you can help these VOLUNTEERS who give many of their free hours to make sure we get to watch a decent standard of football. :SM_carton::angry::angry2::angry: :SM_carton:

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As a follower of Cornish football, I very much hope Bodmin Town win the title again, but I have sensed for some time that some among the hierarcy of the Peninsula League would love them to be pipped to the honour, especially by a Devon club, simply because most of the hierarchy of the league are Devon people.

That is natural, of course. If most of the league's hierarchy were from Cornwall, you would probably expect them to want a Cornish team to beat their Devon rivals.

For whatever reason, Bodmin Town are not popular with most Peninsula League officials, or indeed the Devon FA. You only have to look at which referee has been appointed for the league cup final to see that. I think it might have been better all round if the referee who was at the centre of the incidents in the Buckland v Bodmin league encounter earlier this season, which led to an FA hearing, had not been selected for this cup final.

Perhaps it is not too late for the Peninsula League and the Devon FA to come to their senses and change the appointment to, shall we say, a less high profile referee. After all, he was the one who accused Ronnie Swiggs of swearing, and in all the years I have known Ronnie, I dont think I can ever remember hearing him swear. Now if he'd meant Darren Gilbert, then we could all have understood, but Ronnie Swiggs? Come on.

For the good of the game, and the reputation of the Peninsula League and Devon FA, the ref should be changed. But I'm not holding my breath, because none of them wants Bodmin to win the league cup again.

What a Tw*t !

I know this is a Cornish forum but you can `av it !

Im outta of here.

Moderators please delete my membership forthwith !

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Uncle Albert - I think you've topped even my posts for being ridiculous.

What you're basically saying is that the league officials must be against Cornish clubs because they are from Devon. That's nigh on racism in my book. As a Cornishman, I have had the pleasure of getting to know some of the league officials, and can unequivocally state that there is no anti-Cornish sentiment at all among the English league officials I have met. Proper nice blokes, I would hasten to add.

As for feelings towards Bodmin Town FC, do you not think the league has the right to be a teeny weeny bit annoyed with Bodmin. One of the main reasons the league was created was so that it would give clubs a smoother transition up to Step 5 (Western Premier). Before the inception of the league, Bodmin stated that they WOULD take the step up if they won the championship. Have they kept to this commitment? Have they 'eck?! (Sorry, been in Yorkshire for the weekend).

I feel very sorry for our beloved league officials who must have to keep giving excuses to the FA as to why the SWPL is STILL not providing clubs for the Western Premier.

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I've been reading this thread for a couple of days now and I have a few points to make, danblazey come on! Being a blazey fan I think your completely the wrong person to pass judgement on a team that hasn't taken the step up, since blazey had a stranglehold of the south western league for so many years without a second thought of going up! Its nothing to do with the "transition being easier" if a club wanted to go up they wud do everything in there power to, look at truro.

I don't think there is any dislike towards bodmin because they are a cornish club its just purely because they are successful and everyone loves watching successful clubs lose, like utd and chelsea. For me bodmin have been the best side I've watched on the few occasions I have watched them at parkway, against tavi 3 times and the saltash game the other night, and they seem like a genuinly good club that just want to go about there business, which is winning things!

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Could i add a few things. Firstly i have the utmost respect for Bodmin Town for their successes since the formation of this league. Had it not been for Bodmin's continued success, then we, Buckland Athletic, would never have made the jump neccessary to compete. All of the cornish clubs, have been made more than welcome to our ground, and we always enjoy a good welcome when playing in Cornwall.

Monday's cup final will be played out by a very good side from Cornwall and a side desperate to be decent from Devon. Both sides will go out to win and both teams will be hopeful of playing good football in the process. I never look at who is the referee for any games, as i believe that referee's make decisions based on what they see or here on the day. Previous games are always forgotton.

Here is hoping for a great cup final


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As a follower of Cornish football, I very much hope Bodmin Town win the title again, but I have sensed for some time that some among the hierarcy of the Peninsula League would love them to be pipped to the honour, especially by a Devon club, simply because most of the hierarchy of the league are Devon people.

That is natural, of course. If most of the league's hierarchy were from Cornwall, you would probably expect them to want a Cornish team to beat their Devon rivals.

For whatever reason, Bodmin Town are not popular with most Peninsula League officials, or indeed the Devon FA. You only have to look at which referee has been appointed for the league cup final to see that. I think it might have been better all round if the referee who was at the centre of the incidents in the Buckland v Bodmin league encounter earlier this season, which led to an FA hearing, had not been selected for this cup final.

Perhaps it is not too late for the Peninsula League and the Devon FA to come to their senses and change the appointment to, shall we say, a less high profile referee. After all, he was the one who accused Ronnie Swiggs of swearing, and in all the years I have known Ronnie, I dont think I can ever remember hearing him swear. Now if he'd meant Darren Gilbert, then we could all have understood, but Ronnie Swiggs? Come on.

For the good of the game, and the reputation of the Peninsula League and Devon FA, the ref should be changed. But I'm not holding my breath, because none of them wants Bodmin to win the league cup again.

As Del Boy would say (what a Plonker) :angry2:

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I've been reading this thread for a couple of days now and I have a few points to make, danblazey come on! Being a blazey fan I think your completely the wrong person to pass judgement on a team that hasn't taken the step up, since blazey had a stranglehold of the south western league for so many years without a second thought of going up! Its nothing to do with the "transition being easier" if a club wanted to go up they wud do everything in there power to, look at truro.

I don't think there is any dislike towards bodmin because they are a cornish club its just purely because they are successful and everyone loves watching successful clubs lose, like utd and chelsea. For me bodmin have been the best side I've watched on the few occasions I have watched them at parkway, against tavi 3 times and the saltash game the other night, and they seem like a genuinly good club that just want to go about there business, which is winning things!

Swen....Why is Dan the wrong man to comment because St Blazey never took promotion?

Maybe he to dosnt believe it was right that St Blazey never did take promotion!!

Saying that, im torn about which is the right way to go. St Blazeys crowds arnt the best against the like of Cully, Elburton etc as theres no real connection between the clubs and there very little away support for these clubs. On saturday we went to Cullumpton and out of 58 fans, 23 where from St Blazey!! When Cullumpton scored, you could hear a pin drop!!

So the question is, will moving up the leagues bring anymore fans in? Look at Truro. A winning team and crowds as high as 1000 and a steady 550. Now there playing at a level no other cornish club has and because they arnt winning every week, crowds are around the 300 mark.

St Blazey, and others like Buckland, Bodmin, Parkway etc certainly dont have the money that Truro have so you have to ask the question.....is it worth it???

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I think Uncle Albert is being rather naughty. May the best team win, but the lack of ambition from clubs wishing to progress up the pyramid is disappointing. It just leads to stagnation and a lack of interest, witness Bodmin's pathetic crowds for such a successful team.

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OMG how much longer is this Devon/Cornwall us and them gonna go on????

It's been flogged to death and boring now.

I'm sure their are many people in Cornwall that don't want Bodmin to win it and people in Devon that don't want Buckland winning it and as for your suggestion that the league want it to be a Devon side because they are from Devon is stupid.

Maybe instead of bitching and complaining about how the league is run try doing something productive and getting in contact with the league to see if their is any way you can help these VOLUNTEERS who give many of their free hours to make sure we get to watch a decent standard of football. :SM_carton::angry::angry2::angry::SM_carton:

The Carlsberg South West Peninsula League is a Limited Company, with paid officials receiving a salary, or Directors who may be eligible to receive dividends. I don't think that you will find that there are more than maybe 2 "Officers/Directors" of the league that hold their position for the love of the game.

If you think that, for instance, the secretary is a volunteer working just for expenses you need a reality check!

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Clubman, i would imagine money recieved would not come even close to Petrol used and 30,000 miles on the clock per season ! on top of this spending 3,4, 5 days a week travelling to places far and beyond. I wouldn't do it thats for sure.

As for Bodmin, obviously great team and that comes from a Bucks fan ! they set the bar and we are trying to reach it, four or five teams have improved this year on the playing field and one or two aren't far away. Bucks / Parkway game couple of weeks ago was best game of football i have seen at this level 22 good players on the pitch playing good fluent football ! this year Bodmin are having to play to the end of the season its not a procession anymore so thats one good thing.

there alot of teams trying to get in, so thats good as well.

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Guest Uncle Albert

Well, well, well. How an honest personal opinion can produce such a silly response from some members. Other replies I have found very well thought out and intelligently presented and argued.

This is a forum, isnt it? A forum is something which allows people to discuss issues, hopefully without the personal insults, and it is my honest opinion that many of the Devon-based league officials, paid or unpaid, would like to see Buckland win the title. And why not?

It is also my honest opinion that many of the league officials have a dislike for Bodmin. I dont know why that is, and I dont know what the history of it all is, but I have seen and heard it with my own eyes. Perhaps it's like the Man Utd scenario - their success makes them unpopular. Steve Davis was disliked when he won everything in snooker; now he's crap, he's cheered when he surprisingly wins a game. It's the way sport is.

Dan Blazey, I respect your opinions and you make some good points; I like St Blazey as a club and have always enjoyed my many visits to Blaise Park. I also like Glynn Hooper, the manner in which he manages, and the sort of team he is building.

Nugget, I presume you are a Truro City follower? Here is a club which has only progressed through the leagues because of the money of a millionaire and, should he suddenly disappear one day, what would become of Truro City? They would probably go bankrupt, and return to the South Western League, if they were lucky.

Bodmin may well have intimated that they wanted to progress in the football pyramid, but the world has changed in the last couple of years, and any club in Cornwall at the moment would be foolish to risk their future by trying to afford to move up the ladder. Most of them, with the possible exception of Falmouth and Wadebridge, are struggling to find the money to survive at this level.

I dont see that as lack of ambition, more like common sense. And your jibe about support is below the belt. Remind me what Truro's crowds were like ten years ago? I've been to South Western League games at Treyew when there were less than 100 people there.

Bodmin certainly dont get the support their team deserve - their town council didnt even send a letter of congratulations last season when they won the treble - but Darren Gilbert, his staff, club officials and the players can do no more than produce a top quality local footbsll team. They cant force people to go and watch them.

Those who do support them - just like the 50 or so who follow St Blazey everywhere - are passionate about their team and long may that continue. It's what football is all about.

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Football is all about opinions Uncle Albert and long may that continue. Its a serious business though if officials have a downer on Bodmin that can't be fair surely?

Certainly an exciting title race with Buckland in driving seat but Bodmin pushing them all the way. Bodmin crowds could really take off with all the drama at Priory Park. Its shameful they dont get much more support and it must be disheartening for all at the Priory.

But as you know its all about the team with the biggest budget which normally wins the silverware. Will that be Buckland or Bodmin? Only time will well.

Of course Truro would never be playing at the highest level ever of any Cornish club without the money of a rich benefactor, but that's life and nothing lasts for ever.

Without ambition clubs stagnate. Got to move forward or wither

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Guest Uncle Albert

Sadly, you can move forward AND wither. Especially if you are reliant on one person's money. Much better, surely, to try to live within your means.

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  • 4 weeks later...

especially one of Bodmins players having received a little banter

Bodmin, over the past few years, and very successful years, have never been the best when it comes to public relations! And then unfortunately some players can cope with the banter better than others.

Mind you, although I'm not condoning what is quoted above, sometimes they do have to put up with mindless comments made by opponent's supporters, as I witnessed last night at the Bodmin v Saltash match when someone shouted at Kevin Miller suggesting that he was going to get his "come-uppance" [my word, not his] when "we play you on Bank Holiday Monday!" :ninja:

Not wrong though was it????? :rolleyes:

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Unfortunately Paignton Nick, it's that sort of attitude that has turned many people from across the Tamar believing that Buckland were once a nice club with supporters who know their football and who don't gloat!. Not any more though.

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