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To let you good folk know that Plymouth parkway has a new web site - it is not yet fully up to date with all the information the club would like, but this will be done during the coming months. It should therefor be a good addition to information available for followers of non league football.


Any how much one of those sites cost? Seen quite a few non league clubs having the rent a site pages. The big problem with them is that most of the page has nothing to do with the club or the league their in!! :wacko:

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Any how much one of those sites cost? Seen quite a few non league clubs having the rent a site pages. The big problem with them is that most of the page has nothing to do with the club or the league their in!!

You must be a bit of a sad chap really - some people are just trying to help and give information. They need encouragement not snide remarks.

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There are plenty of free hosters out there like the one I'm using for the Combo website


No adverts on the pages, they hope you will upgrade someday to paid hosting but if you don't they don't moan.

You could have say




just to pick out two teams at random.

If you go on the web to find the domain names of your clubs, leagues, etc you will find most have already been bought up by large companies hoping you will buy them back for a profit. You could buy the domain then pay for hosting but for a fan's site use a free hoster that does not have adverts or makes you join a forum (which bombards you personally as webmaster with adverts). Some of these sites say you must join their forum and post a certain number of times a month to get certain bandwith, in other words how much can be looked at on your site. Every time someone opens a page on your site it uses up some of your bandwith so it forces you to post on their forums.


Have a look at the above page.

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Guest rower

Not a bad looking site, hopefully this one will be more up to date.

Do say hello to young Jason up your way, probably won't see him before you do, tell him it's the chap from Truro and he'll know who you're on about. :)

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