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Alan Carey, a man with a bad attitude?

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Is the rumour true that Alan Carey could be in trouble with the Cornish Football Association? I have heard from a very reliable source that Mr Carey allegedly assulted a Linesman at the Falmouth Town v Buckland Athletic match.

Does anyone have knowledge of this recent event?

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I was actually present at the match on Saturday between Falmouth and Buckland.

I'm assuming you're referring to the situation when Alan went over to the assistant referee and expressed his thoughts as to whether or not the ball had gone out of play or not! At no time during this did I see Alan touch him! Certainly no suggestion of any physical contact whatsoever!

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I was actually present at the match on Saturday between Falmouth and Buckland.

I'm assuming you're referring to the situation when Alan went over to the assistant referee and expressed his thoughts as to whether or not the ball had gone out of play or not! At no time during this did I see Alan touch him! Certainly no suggestion of any physical contact whatsoever!

He could have come over and asked me cos i had a fantastic view....and an almost identical view to that of the linesman......and we both got it right !!

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Well Mr Carey does seem to like trouble, he had a very long ban at the start of this season plus I heard on radio rugby he refered to all CSWPL officials as "very poor", I am sorry but I have no sympathy for him he needs to develop a good dose of self control.

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Well Mr Carey does seem to like trouble, he had a very long ban at the start of this season plus I heard on radio rugby he refered to all CSWPL officials as "very poor", I am sorry but I have no sympathy for him he needs to develop a good dose of self control.

Alan Carey is a very good manager and a good bloke as well. He wears his heart on his sleeve as do most of us managers. Why should he not be entitled to his opinion. Pehaps as Ive said before your very quick in defending officials all the time perhaps it's time to get together maybe pre season just like squads of players do and sort the situation out i.e a bit of fitness and bying by the same rule book.......

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Helloooo. Alan,like all good Managers is passionate about his side and no doubt gets very animated,we all do for Heaven's sake.Football needs him and those like him, otherwise,like everything else in this country,the PC brigade will drive them out at much loss to us all.

I never criticise Officials or Volunteers, because they keep the wheels turning for us, but from time to time their decisions might be doubted and we should be allowed that.I have no way of knowing about the alleged incident and hope that a degree of common sense and truth finding will arrive at the correct outcome.

It is time that the FA spent some real time promoting the so called respect campaign directly into the Clubs locally, we all want the game to be enjoyable don't we?

Good luck Alan if that is what is needed.

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Winno, please read my post very carefully, there is no point at which I attack Alan Carey, all I am saying is that Alan needs to apply a degree of self control and then he would not cause himself all the problems. but then I suppose anything I posted would have given you an excuse to have a go at officials. Also I will defend anybody if needed and that includes managers.

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