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Dignity in victory

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As a Bodmin Town player I'd like to congratulate all at Buckland for becoming SWPL Premier Division Champions. We pushed them all the way and did everything we could, but they held on and all credit to them for that. However, I find it disappointing that they still have a lot to learn about winning in the right fashion. Late night phone calls to Darren Gilbert, gloating and singing down the phone smack of bad winners. I realise that this was probably just one person, but that person has, in my eyes, tarnished the reputation of a club that deserve to be congratulated for their achievements. I have been fortunate to have won the league for that last 3 years and never once has it crossed my mind to phone the manager of our rivals and insult them in our hour of victory. It's a shame that some people have a lot to learn about winning and celebrating in the right manner. To me it clearly shows a lack of class. Before I get accused of 'sour grapes', yes, I'm disappointed not to have won the league, yes I'm jealous of Buckland for doing the double, but no, I'm not bitter. They fully deserve to have the success they have, but please, enjoy winning in the right way. Buckland has the potential to be a great club, dont ruin it by being hated.

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As a Bodmin Town player I'd like to congratulate all at Buckland for becoming SWPL Premier Division Champions. We pushed them all the way and did everything we could, but they held on and all credit to them for that. However, I find it disappointing that they still have a lot to learn about winning in the right fashion. Late night phone calls to Darren Gilbert, gloating and singing down the phone smack of bad winners. I realise that this was probably just one person, but that person has, in my eyes, tarnished the reputation of a club that deserve to be congratulated for their achievements. I have been fortunate to have won the league for that last 3 years and never once has it crossed my mind to phone the manager of our rivals and insult them in our hour of victory. It's a shame that some people have a lot to learn about winning and celebrating in the right manner. To me it clearly shows a lack of class. Before I get accused of 'sour grapes', yes, I'm disappointed not to have won the league, yes I'm jealous of Buckland for doing the double, but no, I'm not bitter. They fully deserve to have the success they have, but please, enjoy winning in the right way. Buckland has the potential to be a great club, dont ruin it by being hated.

Do you know for definite it was a Buckland person ? Did they leave a name ?

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As a Bodmin Town player I'd like to congratulate all at Buckland for becoming SWPL Premier Division Champions. We pushed them all the way and did everything we could, but they held on and all credit to them for that. However, I find it disappointing that they still have a lot to learn about winning in the right fashion. Late night phone calls to Darren Gilbert, gloating and singing down the phone smack of bad winners. I realise that this was probably just one person, but that person has, in my eyes, tarnished the reputation of a club that deserve to be congratulated for their achievements. I have been fortunate to have won the league for that last 3 years and never once has it crossed my mind to phone the manager of our rivals and insult them in our hour of victory. It's a shame that some people have a lot to learn about winning and celebrating in the right manner. To me it clearly shows a lack of class. Before I get accused of 'sour grapes', yes, I'm disappointed not to have won the league, yes I'm jealous of Buckland for doing the double, but no, I'm not bitter. They fully deserve to have the success they have, but please, enjoy winning in the right way. Buckland has the potential to be a great club, dont ruin it by being hated.

Hello confused, the players and staff at Buckland have nothing but respect for what Bodmin have achieved,you have set the standard and im sure will continue to do so..I dont recall anybody doing such a thing, no player should have your gathers number. Take care looking forward to doing battle again next season.....cheers monty.NM

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Guest Blanco

As a Bodmin Town player I'd like to congratulate all at Buckland for becoming SWPL Premier Division Champions. We pushed them all the way and did everything we could, but they held on and all credit to them for that. However, I find it disappointing that they still have a lot to learn about winning in the right fashion. Late night phone calls to Darren Gilbert, gloating and singing down the phone smack of bad winners. I realise that this was probably just one person, but that person has, in my eyes, tarnished the reputation of a club that deserve to be congratulated for their achievements. I have been fortunate to have won the league for that last 3 years and never once has it crossed my mind to phone the manager of our rivals and insult them in our hour of victory. It's a shame that some people have a lot to learn about winning and celebrating in the right manner. To me it clearly shows a lack of class. Before I get accused of 'sour grapes', yes, I'm disappointed not to have won the league, yes I'm jealous of Buckland for doing the double, but no, I'm not bitter. They fully deserve to have the success they have, but please, enjoy winning in the right way. Buckland has the potential to be a great club, dont ruin it by being hated.

While i cant condone any of the suggestion that may of happened , i think you should take a step back and remove your rose tinted spectacles. After watching what was (without the heroics of the Bodmin keeper)the total dismantling of a Bodmin side that has dominated SWPL since its conception, i had this misfortune of having to watch with my wife and young daughter the disgusting scenes of a large majority of Bodmin players, management, and officers throwing their toys out of their prams, insulting league officials and Buckland officers and generally anyone who offered the thoughts on the game. To cap it all, Kevin Miller, who had performed heriocally for the whole 120 mins could not even give the press a photo after he snatch the MOM award from the cup sponsor. And just one more incident for you to digest. Bodmins 5-0 defeat was a little soured by Mr Gilbets foul mouthed volley of Abuse to the Buckland fans about how he had £500.00 in his pocket ( Millers Wages ? ) that said Buckland would win F@@k All again this season. Will be sending a stamped addressed envelope to Mr Gilberts house, wont be expecting to see it back though. So to recap, learn to lose with dignity as well as dominate, and practice what you are preaching my friend. Glass houses and stones come to mind. And finally a huge well done to Bodmin and Buckland for making this season for taking it to the wire, both teams should be proud.

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Let me clear a few things up for you Blanco. Firstly, we did not 'throw our toys out of the pram' after losing in the Throgmorton Cup final. We all knew we had been well and truly beaten by a Buckland side that had too much for us on the day. We were reacting to a comment made to us by a league official during our post match talk. We felt this comment was unprovoked and an insult to all involved with Bodmin Town. A comment that clearly you were not privy to. It certainly wasn't our intention to detract from Bucklands victory, we all shook hands, clapped each other, and had a drink in the bar afterwards.

Secondly, and this is just my opinion, I feel that there is a difference between things said and done in the heat of the moment of a football match, and a pre-meditated phone call to insult another manager. Whilst I don't condone some of our actions when we lost to you at Buckland, these were very much in the heat of the moment. Every week players, managers and supporters lose their cool, but never have I heard of it carrying on into the night with phone calls being exchanged. I feel an apology should be forthcoming.

Anyway, it's not my intention to take the gloss off of Bucklands fantastic season. They deserve all the praise they are getting and as Monty says Bodmin have set the bar, but this season Buckland appear to have just raised it!

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Guest Rydon Ranger

As i stated on another post i think that Bodmin should be commended for their run in to the end of the season, they pushed us all the way and if it wasn't for a Buckland injury time equaliser against Falmouth the league championship cup would now be sitting in Cornwall.

I am very sorry that Darren received some calls on Saturday evening, if as stated, they came from a Buckland player then i would like to apologise on behalf of our club for any offence caused.

To all parties, Lets don't spoil what has been a fantastic season end run in, i think that the tension on saturdays at 5pm and week nights at 9.45 waiting to see how one or the other had got on has been brilliant.

Good luck to Bodmin for next season, lets hope it is just as close next year?

John Piller


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Guest Blanco

Let me clear a few things up for you Blanco. Firstly, we did not 'throw our toys out of the pram' after losing in the Throgmorton Cup final. We all knew we had been well and truly beaten by a Buckland side that had too much for us on the day. We were reacting to a comment made to us by a league official during our post match talk. We felt this comment was unprovoked and an insult to all involved with Bodmin Town. A comment that clearly you were not privy to. It certainly wasn't our intention to detract from Bucklands victory, we all shook hands, clapped each other, and had a drink in the bar afterwards.

Secondly, and this is just my opinion, I feel that there is a difference between things said and done in the heat of the moment of a football match, and a pre-meditated phone call to insult another manager. Whilst I don't condone some of our actions when we lost to you at Buckland, these were very much in the heat of the moment. Every week players, managers and supporters lose their cool, but never have I heard of it carrying on into the night with phone calls being exchanged. I feel an apology should be forthcoming.

Anyway, it's not my intention to take the gloss off of Bucklands fantastic season. They deserve all the praise they are getting and as Monty says Bodmin have set the bar, but this season Buckland appear to have just raised it!

Fair comments. I think John Pillar has summed it up correctly, and as you say i was not privy to some alledged comments at the final. Lets put this to bed and look forward to another season as competative as this one has been. Have a good summer one and all.

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