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Sugar Daddy in the South West

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I've heard through multiple sources that next year a local team in the Carlsberg South West Premier will be taken over by a businessman who has links with the former Maltese Premier League Champions Sliema Wanderers, just wondering if anybody else has heard these rumours or can validate them at all??

The source from Cornwall also told me this guy has a solid business accrumen, and is looking at major names not just in the league but way and beyond that even quoting players from Truro and beyond including a few Bath City players too, what do you guys tihnk of this then...is this really too far fetched, or do you feel its a good move to go head-to-head with the Alan Carey's and Steve Massey's of this world at a local level???

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Guest Blanco

I've heard through multiple sources that next year a local team in the Carlsberg South West Premier will be taken over by a businessman who has links with the former Maltese Premier League Champions Sliema Wanderers, just wondering if anybody else has heard these rumours or can validate them at all??

The source from Cornwall also told me this guy has a solid business accrumen, and is looking at major names not just in the league but way and beyond that even quoting players from Truro and beyond including a few Bath City players too, what do you guys tihnk of this then...is this really too far fetched, or do you feel its a good move to go head-to-head with the Alan Carey's and Steve Massey's of this world at a local level???

Well thats Falmouth and Buckland out of the running then !! any more clues ?

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Well certainly this team will push to scoop up as much talent as possible, names mentioned in discussions ive heard are Gary Kelly (ex Ireland/Leeds Right Back) as well as the former Latvian international Andrejs Stolcers as well as Nigel Martyn (yes THE ex england goalkeeper), these names alone, should ensure that this club means business, and have no limits in terms of players/staff recruitment, obviously i hope you respect i can't name the team as yet until it is officially confirmed by the club, but I will say it is not one of the so-called 'big teams' in the league, so we could even see a Manchester City-like situation and getting the best simply by chucking large sums of money at the major players in the league also.

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Guest Rydon Ranger

And look what happened to Manchester City this year!!

Good luck to whoever it may be, just remember that it has to be sustainable. £2k for winning the league and £1.5k for the cup is not going to give you a return on your investment is it?

If they have the ambition to move up the pyramid then could be competion for Truro/Tiverton in a couple of years.

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I completely agree Rydon, however even the most negative of person must admit, City will get it right, and if this investment comes into the league I for one will certainly applaud it and appreciate it, can you imagine the likes of martyn, kelly, stolcers even being linked with a club down here is to be blunt, almost dreamland, imagine if they could tempt Stewart Yetton, Jake Ash, Andy Watkins to make the transition for a couple of seasons also

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Unless Nigel Martyn is moving back down to Cornwall from Yorkshire that's a bloody long way to travel for matches and training! Also, didn't we hear Gary Kelly signing for Millbrook early in the 09/10 season? Seems a bit far fetched to be honest but if true would be very interesting to see who this mystery club could attract.

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Tony, Nigel does have a home that he lives in, I believe throughout the summer ala, neil warnock...what do you think/feel to this club then in terms of do you welcome this into our local area, or do you simply tihnk it's a complete waste of time?

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