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St Blazey FC

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As an avid follower of Cornish football....... I have been alarmed of the lack of progress St Blazey have made this season... They have an excellent manager and facilities, yet all the players want to leave and join such teams as St Austell .

Can someone give the opinion as to why St Blazey are struggling to repeat the amazing triumphs of the late 90s early Naughties.

I here so many rumours about the commitee failing to assist the manager and providing little budget. Is this the truth.

Surley St Blazey must understand that football is progressing in Cornwall and you cant stand still and expect miracles from the manager all the time.. Come on St Blazey commitee show some support and get back to where you once stood as the premier team in Cornwall.......... Before its to late.

I watch and follow St Austell and believe me I would never of believed it but as a club they are now BIGGER than you.... what are you going to do about it.

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As an avid follower of Cornish football....... I have been alarmed of the lack of progress St Blazey have made this season... They have an excellent manager and facilities, yet all the players want to leave and join such teams as St Austell .

Can someone give the opinion as to why St Blazey are struggling to repeat the amazing triumphs of the late 90s early Naughties.

you could put it down to a number of reasons. players unhappy, attitude of management towards the players, assistant manager being sent off four times this season :blink: players being persuaded to leave by other players that have left :ninja: a few more to move on before the end of the month!

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As an avid follower of Cornish football....... I have been alarmed of the lack of progress St Blazey have made this season... They have an excellent manager and facilities, yet all the players want to leave and join such teams as St Austell .

Can someone give the opinion as to why St Blazey are struggling to repeat the amazing triumphs of the late 90s early Naughties.

you could put it down to a number of reasons. players unhappy, attitude of management towards the players, assistant manager being sent off four times this season :blink: players being persuaded to leave by other players that have left :ninja: a few more to move on before the end of the month!

Why invent crap to get your point across?

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As an avid follower of Cornish football....... I have been alarmed of the lack of progress St Blazey have made this season... They have an excellent manager and facilities, yet all the players want to leave and join such teams as St Austell .

Can someone give the opinion as to why St Blazey are struggling to repeat the amazing triumphs of the late 90s early Naughties.

you could put it down to a number of reasons. players unhappy, attitude of management towards the players, assistant manager being sent off four times this season :blink: players being persuaded to leave by other players that have left :ninja: a few more to move on before the end of the month!

I would have to disagree with most of that statement....The only problem with St Blazey is the complete disregard and attitude of it current commitee, they are the luckiest club in the west to have a management team of Hooper and Lafferty who in many peoples opinions including mine would if backed by a club with the tools to mount a successfull promotion bid ... would without a shadow of a doubt bring home the glory.

I understand players are leaving but this is down to only one thing and that is the commitee.

Things are not being done correctly there , take last saturday away at cullompton , not even a coach for players and supporters offered, no assistant manager, no chairman, no secretary , no kit man .. the list goes on....

Druth1966 - players may move on but its NOT down to the management, they in my opinion have been been put in an UNBELIEVABLE situation at St Blazey and its just not fair..... Trust me Hooper and Laffs leave and ST Blazey will fold..

Show ure cards St Blazey Committee , because if you want to force out the only good things left at your shambolic club then go ahead , because I cant see how Hoops and Laffs put up with it..

ST BLAZEY COMMITTEE ............ Save your club now and do us all a favour and stop making Mr Hooper and Mr Lafferty look a laughing stock........

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I think you'll find the assistant manager has been sent off twice this season, once as a player and once as the assistant manager, but thanks anyway for paying so much attention to me whoever you are behind the name.

Phil Lafferty.

please accept my apologies if its only twice :rolleyes:

ryan burgess

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As an avid follower of Cornish football....... I have been alarmed of the lack of progress St Blazey have made this season... They have an excellent manager and facilities, yet all the players want to leave and join such teams as St Austell .

Can someone give the opinion as to why St Blazey are struggling to repeat the amazing triumphs of the late 90s early Naughties.

you could put it down to a number of reasons. players unhappy, attitude of management towards the players, assistant manager being sent off four times this season :blink: players being persuaded to leave by other players that have left :ninja: a few more to move on before the end of the month!

I would have to disagree with most of that statement....The only problem with St Blazey is the complete disregard and attitude of it current commitee, they are the luckiest club in the west to have a management team of Hooper and Lafferty who in many peoples opinions including mine would if backed by a club with the tools to mount a successfull promotion bid ... would without a shadow of a doubt bring home the glory.

I understand players are leaving but this is down to only one thing and that is the commitee.

Things are not being done correctly there , take last saturday away at cullompton , not even a coach for players and supporters offered, no assistant manager, no chairman, no secretary , no kit man .. the list goes on....

Druth1966 - players may move on but its NOT down to the management, they in my opinion have been been put in an UNBELIEVABLE situation at St Blazey and its just not fair..... Trust me Hooper and Laffs leave and ST Blazey will fold..

Show ure cards St Blazey Committee , because if you want to force out the only good things left at your shambolic club then go ahead , because I cant see how Hoops and Laffs put up with it..

ST BLAZEY COMMITTEE ............ Save your club now and do us all a favour and stop making Mr Hooper and Mr Lafferty look a laughing stock........

Yet over 25 fans made the longest league trip of the season.

The 25 or so never-miss-a-game diehards, the 50ish who travel away within Kernow and the 150+ home faithful have shown unbelievable solidarity and loyalty during this time.

The truth is, while there's a club here to support, we will!

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Funny how everybody outside the club can see the demise of St Blazey F C but not the committee.You probably have the best young management duo in the south west,what are you trying to do at Blazey? Standing still is no good,you have to move with the times or you get gobbled up by so called smaller clubs.I think the committee are running it like a sunday side ( no offence to sunday teams )but if things dont change and fast i think a sunday side is all youll have. Tonks gone,second team management about to leave ,can you keep Hoops and Lafs or is it to late?? WAKE UP BLAZEY.

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After 15 odd years as a member; I rarely drink at the club now but have many friends that still do and obviously may be a little biased with Harry Cooke having been my mums partner for the best part of 18 years. That said I'll still offer my opinion, given that this medium promotes such an opportunity.

In the clubs defence, people slagging off the committee at any club is a little narrow minded unless you as an individual are prepared to try and assist in making a difference. I see it all too often in voluntary committees that the ones who make the most noise are normally the ones who do nothing but sit back and slag off others.

Where the club has made recent mistakes is in the replacing of Harry as Chairman.

Although he may not have travelled the length and breadth of the country in recent years watching the football, he was always doing more than his fair share of duties off the field.

There is a click of people within the club now that are not interested in anything else than the well being of themselves.

Harry was stitched up like a kipper with a crowd of once a week visitors in the form of the Sunday Bingo crowd who attended the AGM to vote him out. This was arranged by the current Chairman who appears to have made no difference whatsoever since his appointment. Harry has been very dignified in recent weeks in not mentioning it on here in great detail and after nearly 20 years loyal service I find that admirable.

I think he may have been a bigger asset than some may have realised as from what I know of who remain; things may only get worse. Interestingly, the AGM was held on the 1st July and so with memberships having expired on the last day of June; I wonder how many of those avid lettuce winners were paid up members.

If Hoops and Lafs were to walk and Brian Brokenshire/Amos Putt were to leave that Club now.......what was once a vibrant and successful club would be hanging on for dear life and that is a massive shame given the platform that was built a few years ago.

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St Blazey FC has, is , and will continue to be one if not the biggest and best clubs in the county, and looking at the number of threads on this site it could have a very large and active committee !!!! AND make no mistake Hoops & Laffs are to young and very passionate guys, who when they have years of success behind them with be given the respect they deserve, but they are both new to kids on the block, and only time will tell , and hats off to the committee, Harry, Brokie, Derrick, Cozmoss, sorry Amoss lol, Big Vinny,Paul Groundsman, ,,, they have kept the club on the striaght and narrow for years, yes i agree you have to move with the times or become get left behind, but look around get your heads out your asses !!!! throwing money at a first team is a thing of the past !!!!!!!! everyone in Cornwall is struggling, to live and in the next 2years many will fall away unable to cope, thats not just in Cornwall but in the UK as a hole , ask the big PRO clubs who are going to the wall players not getting paid etc, you only have to look locally, the great club of Newquay once the top team and club now close to being broken, Pz no big money behind them Porthleven , so stop all your moaning and get down to Blazey and help , cut the grass around the pitch every week, do a raffle in the bar to help , yes the committee have appointed two young guns so lets just wait and see how they do or if they can but as for the club well perhaps it should take a good look at what Charles Town have done with there set up and put some foundations down and build a youth set up and have kids coming through from start to finish so when the St Blazey 1st team step out onto the great pitch they actually want to be there and to play and win for there club , not live miles away and just turn up and wear a green shirt , the words to us are HEART and PRIDE , week in and out, and LOYALTY season after season , the committee dont play the game the players get the 3 points and the management motivate the players, and dont wind up the officials ??? players, managers, and great committee man come and go but clubs do carry on so if Hoops and Laffs do walk i promise the club will carry on and some one else will jump in so when the going gets tuff , are they men or what ever !!!! times are hard so lets all get together and work through it and look long term start a youth set up and a training ground form links with other local teams to bring good players on, form a link with a PRO club for good players to go further and then for them to come back , and be apart of what still is and will continue to be one of or the best club in the west, if your able to moan about a great club the just think who has been looking after that club for the past few years, well done Harry !!! Brian !!!! and Co.

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players, managers, and great committee man come and go but clubs do carry on so if Hoops and Laffs do walk i promise the club will carry on and some one else will jump in so when the going gets tuff , are they men or what ever !!!!

With that statement, this post must be from someone high up at the club! :c:

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"everyone in Cornwall is struggling, to live and in the next 2years many will fall away unable to cope, thats not just in Cornwall but in the UK as a hole , ask the big PRO clubs who are going to the wall players not getting paid etc, you only have to look locally, the great club of Newquay once the top team and club now close to being broken, Pz no big money behind them Porthleven , so stop all your moaning and get down to Blazey and help , cut the grass around the pitch every week, do a raffle in the bar to help , yes the committee have appointed two young guns so lets just wait and see how they do or if they can but as for the club well perhaps it should take a good look at what Charles Town have done with there set up and put some foundations down and build a youth set up and have kids coming through from start to finish so when the St Blazey 1st team step out onto the great pitch they actually want to be there and to play and win for there club , not live miles away and just turn up and wear a green shirt , the words to us are HEART and PRIDE , week in and out, and LOYALTY season after season , the committee dont play the game the players get the 3 points and the management motivate the players, and dont wind up the officials ???"...... And breath.......

This is possibly the longest sentence I have ever read, and I had to read it 5 times for it to make sense! Something about sausages and a fridge I think...?


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St Blazey FC has, is , and will continue to be one if not the biggest and best clubs in the county, and looking at the number of threads on this site it could have a very large and active committee !!!! AND make no mistake Hoops & Laffs are to young and very passionate guys, who when they have years of success behind them with be given the respect they deserve, but they are both new to kids on the block, and only time will tell , and hats off to the committee, Harry, Brokie, Derrick, Cozmoss, sorry Amoss lol, Big Vinny,Paul Groundsman, ,,, they have kept the club on the striaght and narrow for years, yes i agree you have to move with the times or become get left behind, but look around get your heads out your asses !!!! throwing money at a first team is a thing of the past !!!!!!!! everyone in Cornwall is struggling, to live and in the next 2years many will fall away unable to cope, thats not just in Cornwall but in the UK as a hole , ask the big PRO clubs who are going to the wall players not getting paid etc, you only have to look locally, the great club of Newquay once the top team and club now close to being broken, Pz no big money behind them Porthleven , so stop all your moaning and get down to Blazey and help , cut the grass around the pitch every week, do a raffle in the bar to help , yes the committee have appointed two young guns so lets just wait and see how they do or if they can but as for the club well perhaps it should take a good look at what Charles Town have done with there set up and put some foundations down and build a youth set up and have kids coming through from start to finish so when the St Blazey 1st team step out onto the great pitch they actually want to be there and to play and win for there club , not live miles away and just turn up and wear a green shirt , the words to us are HEART and PRIDE , week in and out, and LOYALTY season after season , the committee dont play the game the players get the 3 points and the management motivate the players, and dont wind up the officials ??? players, managers, and great committee man come and go but clubs do carry on so if Hoops and Laffs do walk i promise the club will carry on and some one else will jump in so when the going gets tuff , are they men or what ever !!!! times are hard so lets all get together and work through it and look long term start a youth set up and a training ground form links with other local teams to bring good players on, form a link with a PRO club for good players to go further and then for them to come back , and be apart of what still is and will continue to be one of or the best club in the west, if your able to moan about a great club the just think who has been looking after that club for the past few years, well done Harry !!! Brian !!!! and Co.


Well done Harry, Brian, and co hahahahahahahaaahahahahaahaahahahaahahhahaa

Well Done Hoops and Lafs that is the only people that anyone should say well done too.

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Things not looking good on the status of St Blazey football club!!!!

In response to Vinny Jones :c:

I'm sure some years back your club was approached by a local youth set up to join forces to allow the better youngsters to progress with there local senior club? Correct me if I’m wrong but I think this was poo pooed by the then present committee (which by now would have harvested some young fruits for the two managers to use).

In years gone past the Social club used to very busy allowing monies to be passed to the football team hence the club honours won in the past, I’m led to believe that the club is no longer in the situation it was back then hence why the playing budget has fallen (or cut) by half (only hear say mind you).The situation happening up the road (St Austell) on the other hand is the total opposite club being run for and only for the football team hence the shift of players from St Blazey to St Austell. (Money does talk especially in this age of the climate an extra £10 a game goes a long way !!!).

Surely the appointment of :clapper: Glynn Hooper and Phillip Lafferty :clapper: which in my opinion are the best two young managers in the league. So as a committed committee towards the football team you would pull out all the stops to ensure they have the budget that is required to compete at this level of football. How come they both went to the club in the first place if this was not promised why go??????? As they both know you need money to attract players and keep them (may be some little white lies told at the start of there appointment).

Your club has some of the most loyal fans at this level of football (you can tell this as how many other fans by replica shirts to wear on a sat at this level) surely there deserve better. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Something must be wrong for the players that have been transferred to St Blazey from other clubs all seem to realise the grass is not greener at St Blazey and have moved back to there original clubs. My suggestion would be to WAKE up and smell the coffee before it’s too late.

Would love to hear the comments from the Chairman (Harry Cooke) on this matter as he no longer the chairman of the football club. I might say what a wonderful job he done in his years as chairman. (Total disgrace being voted out by purple haired number colouring persons whom spend pence instead of pounds). Yes that’s Bingo ladies. :SM_carton: :angry2:

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So St Austell is bigger than the village of St Blazey is it ? Well done whoever worked that one out.Now lets get a few things correct here,without the numerous Pool , Darts , Snooker and Euchre teams the bingo sessions and other functions that take place , there would not only be no football team but there would be no club at all. The club cannot go spending money it has not got or simply it will go bankrupt , which no doubt would please some people who are contributing to this ridiculous thread. Already the club beer prices are , how can i put it, not very competative and believe you me there are a lot of members who would happily see a non senior football team and cheaper beer, and they are the ones who actually go there regulaly NOT just once every other week on match days . Unless a benefactor like Mr Heaney comes along then i fear things will only get worse as the club itself must be self funding. Its very easy to blame the current or previous committee or chairman but the facts are you cannot spend what you havnt got , just look at vitually every league club . As for the loyal fans may i suggest instead of going home after the game come in and spend some money and help the team because i know that not many do .

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So St Austell is bigger than the village of St Blazey is it?

Well done whoever worked that one out.

Now lets get a few things correct here, without the numerous Pool , Darts , Snooker and Euchre teams the bingo sessions and other functions that take place , there would not only be no football team but there would be no club at all.

The club cannot go spending money it has not got or simply it will go bankrupt, which no doubt would please some people who are contributing to this ridiculous thread. Already the club beer prices are , how can I put it, not very competitive and believe you me there are a lot of members who would happily see a non senior football team and cheaper beer, and they are the ones who actually go there regularly NOT just once every other week on match days .

Unless a benefactor like Mr Heaney comes along then I fear things will only get worse as the club itself must be self funding. It’s very easy to blame the current or previous committee or chairman but the facts are you cannot spend what you haven’t got, just look at virtually every league club.

As for the loyal fans may I suggest instead of going home after the game come in and spend some money and help the team because I know that not many do.


Having read all the post again on this subject I cant see where anyone has posted that St Austell is bigger than St Blazey???? Please enlighten me as to where this is.

Your post sums up the bad attitude towards the football teams LETS HAVE CHEAP BEER AND F**K THE FOOTBALL OFF well in my opinion that stinks. ^_^

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You have to laugh dont you when someone tries to be clever and fails badly , but i would suggest YOU use spell checker unless of course there is a word PUNTUCATED.....Its spelt PUNCTUATED by the way.

And as for your points about some members not wanting a football team , unfortunately that is fact though not my view but they are entitled to their view , and also read the first post about St Austell being a bigger club, well it should be given the vast differance in population.

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You have to laugh dont you when someone tries to be clever and fails badly , but i would suggest YOU use spell checker unless of course there is a word PUNTUCATED.....Its spelt PUNCTUATED by the way.

And as for your points about some members not wanting a football team , unfortunately that is fact though not my view but they are entitled to their view , and also read the first post about St Austell being a bigger club, well it should be given the vast differance in population.

WOW you can spell after all

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Well well well, things are going Pete Tong down Blazey! I feel sorry for the Management after being told that all their team (yes, St Blazey first team) have to all pay for memberships in order to set foot into the club after a match!?! WOW! That could become highly embarrassing when the opposition come into the so called clubhouse :-(

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As a neutral I can only thank the St Blazey Committee for what they are doing for the Development Centre down in Truro for Torquay United.

St Blazey has been the venue for our last 3 games and we have never had to sign up to be able to go into the clubhouse.

The pitch has looked great everytime the team has used it. They even laid on food for us at the end of a current game, which pulls out all the stops that St Blazey does not do it's best for all people who use the club to help them.

They do hold functions, after all its a social club. I agree the beer is cheap, but why are you talking about beer, when it's football in general you are concerned about.

I would also like to thank Mr Hooper as well, because as Manager of the Club, he ensures we have the days free to be able to use Blaise Park for our games.

As for youth set-up, if people feel their sons want to progress with a professional club and they are aged u8-u16 and of high standard then come along to our centre at truro college or given Micky Hunt a call on 07891447676, rather than blaming another club that they cannot afford to run a youth set up.

Keep it up Blazey and thank you for being great hosts for the Development Centre sides.

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Well I have read all of the Comments,

& I can sum it up in a few words,

Our League would be much poorer without a club such as St Blazey,

I do not wish to dig into the ins & out's of St Blazey's problems Whatever they are, St Blazey is a great Club & I wish them all the best, & I am sure with the sort of supporters that they have

St Blazey will survive.

Hammers :c::clapper: :c:

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Great Club and Great supporters and make everybody feel welcome, The problem is that there is no monies like there was a few years ago and i feel that the commitee are tighting there belts like we all a have too. Every club i should think are probaly in the same boat with regards to trying to safeguard their futures both on and off the pitch and this is why you wont always have success year in year out, be patient and all will be good im sure. Lucky to have such a good coaching team most club managers haven`t a clue apart from watching match of the day and thinking i can do that.

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The sort of supporters that are great on the terraces but not after the match. Hardly any of the Blazey fans spend a penny in their clubhouse after the matches - inc. DB :smiley20:

Who the hell are you to decide what others spend or choose not to spend their money on??

I thought you were a bit better than that but clearly not. :blink:

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The sort of supporters that are great on the terraces but not after the match. Hardly any of the Blazey fans spend a penny in their clubhouse after the matches - inc. DB :smiley20:

Who the hell are you to decide what others spend or choose not to spend their money on??

I thought you were a bit better than that but clearly not. :blink:

Just trying to give some advice PAUL ......... sorry if it upsets you but come on. Fans need to give something else back rather than just cheering on a saturday... surley between the 40 or so die hard fans you have , you could easily find a sponsor board each between you, at St austell all the fans contribute with sponsorship ideas ect. 40 fans come up with one board each and st Blazey charge 150 for a year that immediatly brings in 6000 revenue for your club.... everyone knows or works for a business that can afford 0.41 pence per day to have a board up........ we currently have 63 boards at St austell with over half passed on to me by fans............ Do yourself a favour and start supporting your club in different ways........ Money talks as they say

Money Man

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You have to laugh dont you when someone tries to be clever and fails badly , but i would suggest YOU use spell checker unless of course there is a word PUNTUCATED.....Its spelt PUNCTUATED by the way.

And as for your points about some members not wanting a football team , unfortunately that is fact though not my view but they are entitled to their view , and also read the first post about St Austell being a bigger club, well it should be given the vast differance in population.

Quite an ironic post really. PUNTUCATED is spelt as correctly as DIFFERANCE. Freaky!

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This great club - Cornwall's most successful - has 114 years of glorious history, and I'm sure that isn't about to end because a few chaps decide to stir things up a bit.

Getting sent a personal message telling me I'll soon be watching my team getting beat 5-0 or 10-0 every game is just a bit silly really.

Up the Blazey - still Cornwall's premier football club.

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St.Blazey may apparently be having a bit of a rough time behind the scenes but football goes in cycles and power shifts. However it also tends to come back so don't write off St.Blazey (sad though it feels to say it!).

After many poor years St.Austell are on the up again. Penzance have had a resurgance after more than 20 years in the doldrums. Bodmin may be a powerhouse in recent times but they've had many awful seasons - and not that long ago. Truro are where they are (the first team I hasten to add!!) but it wasn't long ago they were regularly seeking re-election to the old SWL. Falmouth , Liskeard & Saltash have had fabulous teams ( especially in the 70s & 80s) and could repeat that......etc, etc.

Dan's general reply is right but even the most ardent or blinkered St.Blazey supporter could hardly claim they are Cornwall's premier or most successful club....Cornish football history started long before the 1990s!!

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Tony's posting reflects very much on the reality of everything in football being subject to cycles and is one big rollercoaster. So if your club is at the top , enjoy it but be prepared for a dip , but if you are at the bottom, console yourself with the fact that it may not be permanent.

And finally remember that what goes around , comes around , so beware attacking others as it may come back to haunt you.

(enough of the cliches for a while I hope)

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I think people maybe missing the point. Budgets is one thing, but a lack of support from the powers to be is another.

There seems to be no direction from the committee at present. Most clubs are struggling to get people in through the doors but seem to have direction and more importantly ambition. The current powers to be have been there, seen it, and done it.

They have a young management team who have ambitions and I would have thought the committee knew that when they appointed them.

You got the manager you wanted, now you have to step up and support him!!

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hmmmm , where have all these newbies come from all of a sudden , maybe someone within the club trying to make a statement !

Exactly!! No names behind it so hardly worth reading it.

At the end of the day, Liverpool, Man Utd, Arsenal to name a few have all suffered and are or have struggled to live up the tag of being englands premier club. So the fact that people are saying its the end of St Blazey, a small club from Cornwall must mean were there to be knocked and to rise again. Thats what footballs all about. as ive said before, its not just about football as St Blazey have many snooker, pool, darts, Echure teams among other events through out the week. Its not all doom and gloom but it could be better.

Anyway, Wadebridge at home in about an hour. Lets see how we get on tonight. :drink:

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Concern troll

A concern troll is a false flag pseudonym created by a user whose actual point of view is opposed to the one that the user claims to hold. The concern troll posts in web forums devoted to its declared point of view and attempts to sway the group's actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but with professed "concerns". The goal is to sow fear, uncertainty and doubt within the group.

Don't feed the trolls.


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Let's put it in realistic terms for all the children here to understand.......

If you earn £300 per week in wages you cannot go shopping and spend £400 per week can you ?

The money has to come from elsewhere which is what is St Blazey AFC are endeavouring to do. However in the current financial climate a lot of businesses are not willing to part with sponsorship money.

Hope this has made it a bit easier to understand for some of you.

Vinnie Hathway (Club Secretary) :clapper:

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Let's put it in realistic terms for all the children here to understand.......

If you earn £300 per week in wages you cannot go shopping and spend £400 per week can you ?

The money has to come from elsewhere which is what is St Blazey AFC are endeavouring to do. However in the current financial climate a lot of businesses are not willing to part with sponsorship money.

Hope this has made it a bit easier to understand for some of you.

Vinnie Hathway (Club Secretary) :clapper:

Well said Vinnie ....

Best of luck for the rest of the season

Money man

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