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Penryns new keeper

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Friday night sees the long awaited debut of symon winnan in the sticks for penryn first team, with chris symons on a two week plastering siesta! It is believed that after weeks of pestering winnan was finally given the chance to climb into the number one shirt! Winnan is alleged to be on a short contract while he waits for clearance from FIFA to take the hayle managers job!

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Looking forward to Friday night Kev.

Chris has been goin through a bit of rough time at the moment so I am more than willing to step up for a while while he hopefully regains his confidence. Pestering don't think so buddy more than happy in the 2nds but services offered to the 1st team yes most defeinently thats what were there for!!!!

As for the Hayle comment I can tell you now that I will not be leaving Penryn at all I'm a Penryn boy and more than happy being at my hometown club. I will play for whomever I'm picked for at the club and will give my best for whatever team I am representing.

Hows the mighty Mawnan goin on?????

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Good luck to Symon on Friday night, I'm sure he will rise to the challenge. That's how it should work at a Club, if the first team player is not playing well and the team's results or performances have been affected as a consequence then a reserve team player should be given a chance. Symon has kept his head down and quietly got on with the job in hand. Speculation about the Hayle job is just that and those comments may unsettle everyone at Penryn. As an a side I am interested in watching the development of young Kyle Winnan as by the end of the season son may be keeping dad out of any or all of the teams.

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It strikes me that Penryn had no choice now that all the better keepers have retired.

Seriously though i think Winno will have a tough game on friday night( he could either be a villian or hero).but a man of wnno`s calibre will handle it and no doubt be in place as penryns no1 for the rest of the season like he should of been a number of seasons ago but better late than never.

All the best :smiley20:

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Good luck to Winno on Friday night. He's obviously deserving of a chance considering his performances for the stiffs so far this season. I agree with Jimbo, what's the point in having a reserve team if the players don't have an aspiration to play for the firsts?? If you're dropped, so what; get your head down, swallow your pride and play in the reserves until the first team manager cannot afford to overlook you again. Also, big up to the Penryn manager for having the cojones to make a change in the first place - too many managers play a player on their 'name' as opposed to their form. I'll be watching at Kernick on Fri night Winno, good luck to you!!

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Firstly Harry - SENSE and BEANY! I seem to remember you correcting my grammar many moons ago! "Rose tinted glasses because he is my boss". Have I in some way slated mr winnan or praised up mr symons? I for one don't feel that I have, perhaps you should save your wonderful quotes for when you play penryn, that's normally when they all fly out!

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How old are you now winno ? Fate says its got to be a clean sheet......... good luck hopefully will play against you in 3 weeks...

Just got in no clean sheet John mate 2 screamers and 2 penalties conceeded. Nowhere near as old as you Johnny baby!!!!!

Won 5-4 after extra time what a game to be involved in. Penryn with a couple of screamers themselves . Danny Burrows kept them in the game with a couple of quality saves. Great performance from the lads...

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