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Is it true?

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It was a shame to hear today that another hayle footballer, rob troon, was considering whether to carry on playing for his local club. I hope that it is only a rumour as he is a great player and surely a key figure in Perry Bullock's desired overhaul of hayle rediscovering itself as a "community club"?

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Yes Adam many thanks for your concerns about Rob Troon and Hayle FC, unfortunately Rob found himself on the bench yesterday after we have had two good results in the past few weeks, Rob's place was taken by home grown player 17year old Zack Williams who once again was tremendous. It was with sadness that the player mentioned felt the need to walk out on his club before kick off. Im sure Rob would not like this publicty on this forum but you have given me no other option to inform you of the facts.

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I would also like to thank you for your concern Adam it's much appreciated. Firstly It is great to hear that young Zack had another great game yesterday, he is turning in to be an excellent player and is a lovely chap. However he was obviously moved in to the centre of defence from the right hand side last week to accomodate a new signing that wasn't around for the last two good results (this is also not personal to you). I am now at an age where I want to be playing regular football and enjoying it after missing out on two years with a serious injury, this wasn't happening so I took the decision to go and spend the afternoon with my family and continue the quest of trying to tame the kids. Reno I apologise to you because I think you're a great bloke and deserve the chance you've been given, I am just frustrated to be told one thing one week, do my best to put that right the next and still remain sitting on the bench again as club captain. It does surprise me though how you knew the facts without speaking to me, you must of been on one of those mind reading courses, where can I register it would work wonders for my job. I do also have other concerns but don't think it is appropriate to discuss on here. Now hopefully that is the end of my publicity.

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Hayle`s loss is your families gain and it must be some Hayle side for you to be on the sideline, Dont just walk away from football because characters like yourself are rare in Cornish football, why dont you take up the whistle for a season and see how it goes from there. :smiley20:

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pity rob troon walked out of the club last saturday, but after collecting 4 points from the teams 3rd and 4th in the league the manager was left with no option but to give the young players a continued runout.nobody has a right to think they are always in the starting 11.a man with robs vast experiance should no that.he should have stayed on the bench and fought his way back in the team which he more than capable of doing.it did not set a very good example to the younger players doing what he did.

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Bob I feel you should maybe speak to Reno about why I actually left on Saturday as hear say can be very mis leading and can take things out of proportion. This can then lead to unneccessary bad feeling and comments like you've just made. I know this is a public forum, but to come from someone within the club you would also know that this is being dealt with accordingly. I don't think you are setting a good example for Hayle FC by posting this comment, but then hey it is a public forum after all and you've given me no option than to respond.

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Very true and i am sure Rob himself would agree with that but Rob has also a young family to think of and doesnt need to waste his saturday afternoon's sittin on Troon's bench he can put himself to good use with his family. something i think clubs seem to forget that the players give up there saturday afternoon's to play football for there club.

As for Rob takin up refing i think thats one he defo wouldnt be doing!!! Great player that he is and has been for main season's in my eyes when fit the best centre half in the county, played with him at truro and falmouth and always a good leader and personality in the changin rooms as well as on the pitch and i hope he continues to play. Great bloke, player and family man. If indeed he has left then a big loss another hayle boy gone. hayle boys for hayle shirts lol. Roll on the bollock revolution

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rob troon played today for hayle.

he says hes gonna fight for his place.

this topic is unfortunate, unnessesary and dissapointing.

Hayle fc have been put through the mill this season,

and things like this only makes it worse.

i know you have gripes about Hayle adam, and for that im sorry.

but please remember there are more good people at Hayle

than bad. i wish you well mate.

hope you and st just win the combo, you all deserve it.


jonners :smiley20:

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AS for saying things like this topic are unfortunte i think they are ideal as this sort of thing should be brought up, hayle is a good club in fact a very good club, however its run by people that have never kicked a football in anger in there life and that is where the fault is, think they can run a club when they cant. i dont know the answer but i do know that the decisions they have made are wrong and i hope full heartly they make the right ones from now on. To many good hayle players have left recently and the club should be tryin to keep these players to blood the new breed which with good people behind them will be quality players.

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John, I'm really glad that Troony has decided to stay at Hayle and fight for his position, like I said in my post he is a great player and key figure for bringing on some of the young talent at Hayle. Maybe everything that has come forward on this post is "unfortunate, unnecessary and disappointing", but probably more unwanted. Like I tried to explain to a member of Hayle Fc who contacted me when I started this thread, suggesting that I was immature and bitter, I was only asking whether, what I had heard was true, surely the purpose of a public forum and the reason all you members are on here? I don't think that I have any gripes with Hayle Fc, more a feeling of disappointment after all the years I have played for my home club. I think I have learnt a lot from my experience and actually sympathise with some of the young footballers of today as, ultimately, loyalty doesn't count for much nowadays. You are definitely right in saying that there are good people at Hayle. In my opinion there are too many good people that don't even get recognised for there tireless hard work and players that have been at the club for years that get taken for granted. But on the other hand, in my thoughts, there are a few that ruin it. The likes of Yourself, Ian Gregory, Steve Rouffignac, Frank Burnell amongst many others are the backbone of the club and should be recognised for that. I do feel sad that I felt I needed to leave Hayle and that my son won't get the chance to watch me play for my home club, but I am grateful that I have the backing of Steve Curnow who still believes I am a good player. I have to be honest and say that St Just, despite what some people think and say, is a club that may not have all the fancy facilities, but have a true togetherness, people that care for the club, team spirit, but more importantly are honest and upfront with each other. I feel that Hayle lost its soul a long time ago, but am thankful that I can continue playing at a club that is welcoming and honest with me. Hayle are, without doubt, making good decisions about the future. I am really happy that Reno has been given the opportunity to take the club forward. He is an intelligent manager and has an honest personality that will have players wanting to work hard for him. The club would have possibly benefitted more from having him in charge from the beginning of the season. My only one hope is that Hayle are a bit more realistic about their lust to play premiership football and concentrate on their "values and principles" before my young boy and his friends are old enough to play mens football. I genuinely wish Hayle and everyone involved all the best for this season and look forward to seeing them climb the league and playing their reserves in January.

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AS for saying things like this topic are unfortunte i think they are ideal as this sort of thing should be brought up, hayle is a good club in fact a very good club, however its run by people that have never kicked a football in anger in there life and that is where the fault is, think they can run a club when they cant. i dont know the answer but i do know that the decisions they have made are wrong and i hope full heartly they make the right ones from now on. To many good hayle players have left recently and the club should be tryin to keep these players to blood the new breed which with good people behind them will be quality players.

If trying to secure the club facilities for its future players whilst running to a realistic budget is doing things wrong then you tell us what you would do differently.

Hayle as a club have made mistakes, as freely admitted,and are clearly not alone in that.But I am sure it is well advanced over many others.People at all such local clubs give their time for free and have done for many years.Unless you can say the same reserve judgement.

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AS for saying things like this topic are unfortunte i think they are ideal as this sort of thing should be brought up, hayle is a good club in fact a very good club, however its run by people that have never kicked a football in anger in there life and that is where the fault is, think they can run a club when they cant. i dont know the answer but i do know that the decisions they have made are wrong and i hope full heartly they make the right ones from now on. To many good hayle players have left recently and the club should be tryin to keep these players to blood the new breed which with good people behind them will be quality players.

If trying to secure the club facilities for its future players whilst running to a realistic budget is doing things wrong then you tell us what you would do differently.

Hayle as a club have made mistakes, as freely admitted,and are clearly not alone in that.But I am sure it is well advanced over many others.People at all such local clubs give their time for free and have done for many years.Unless you can say the same reserve judgement.

I totally agree with securin the clubs future and runnin a club to a realistic budget dont see the problem there. Just feel the club should try to keep hold of the players that got them to place the club is now rather than turn ur back on them. I realsie that alot of the clubs hard work is done by people givin up there free time to do hard work for little or no thank's and many clubs would grined to a holt if these people didnt work hard and they are all legends in my eyes. If bein involved at the club since the age of 6 not takin a penny off the club for near on 20 years and puttin a lot of money behind the bar as well as puttin money in to get the club where it is from the beginin, as well as layin foundation, buildin changin rooms, help out with fund raising, as well as playin for the club youth,4th's,3rds,2nds,1sts, takin trainin,helpin with youth trainin,runnin the line,managin a team not enough for u then i dont know what is???

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AS for saying things like this topic are unfortunte i think they are ideal as this sort of thing should be brought up, hayle is a good club in fact a very good club, however its run by people that have never kicked a football in anger in there life and that is where the fault is, think they can run a club when they cant. i dont know the answer but i do know that the decisions they have made are wrong and i hope full heartly they make the right ones from now on. To many good hayle players have left recently and the club should be tryin to keep these players to blood the new breed which with good people behind them will be quality players.

If trying to secure the club facilities for its future players whilst running to a realistic budget is doing things wrong then you tell us what you would do differently.

Hayle as a club have made mistakes, as freely admitted,and are clearly not alone in that.But I am sure it is well advanced over many others.People at all such local clubs give their time for free and have done for many years.Unless you can say the same reserve judgement.

I totally agree with securin the clubs future and runnin a club to a realistic budget dont see the problem there. Just feel the club should try to keep hold of the players that got them to place the club is now rather than turn ur back on them. I realsie that alot of the clubs hard work is done by people givin up there free time to do hard work for little or no thank's and many clubs would grined to a holt if these people didnt work hard and they are all legends in my eyes. If bein involved at the club since the age of 6 not takin a penny off the club for near on 20 years and puttin a lot of money behind the bar as well as puttin money in to get the club where it is from the beginin, as well as layin foundation, buildin changin rooms, help out with fund raising, as well as playin for the club youth,4th's,3rds,2nds,1sts, takin trainin,helpin with youth trainin,runnin the line,managin a team not enough for u then i dont know what is???

Fantastic and I hope you committment indeed continues but still you feel the need to suggest the committee dont know what they are doing as their not football people.

In that case join the committee and make a difference.


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AS for saying things like this topic are unfortunte i think they are ideal as this sort of thing should be brought up, hayle is a good club in fact a very good club, however its run by people that have never kicked a football in anger in there life and that is where the fault is, think they can run a club when they cant. i dont know the answer but i do know that the decisions they have made are wrong and i hope full heartly they make the right ones from now on. To many good hayle players have left recently and the club should be tryin to keep these players to blood the new breed which with good people behind them will be quality players.

If trying to secure the club facilities for its future players whilst running to a realistic budget is doing things wrong then you tell us what you would do differently.

Hayle as a club have made mistakes, as freely admitted,and are clearly not alone in that.But I am sure it is well advanced over many others.People at all such local clubs give their time for free and have done for many years.Unless you can say the same reserve judgement.

I totally agree with securin the clubs future and runnin a club to a realistic budget dont see the problem there. Just feel the club should try to keep hold of the players that got them to place the club is now rather than turn ur back on them. I realsie that alot of the clubs hard work is done by people givin up there free time to do hard work for little or no thank's and many clubs would grined to a holt if these people didnt work hard and they are all legends in my eyes. If bein involved at the club since the age of 6 not takin a penny off the club for near on 20 years and puttin a lot of money behind the bar as well as puttin money in to get the club where it is from the beginin, as well as layin foundation, buildin changin rooms, help out with fund raising, as well as playin for the club youth,4th's,3rds,2nds,1sts, takin trainin,helpin with youth trainin,runnin the line,managin a team not enough for u then i dont know what is???

Fantastic and I hope you committment indeed continues but still you feel the need to suggest the committee dont know what they are doing as their not football people.

In that case join the committee and make a difference.


Neil i tried that when manager with Tomsie and we did come up with a fair few idea's and near on all of them were over looked and the committee took the idea's of perry instead so perhaps my gripes should actually be with Perry rather than the committee pretty much the same as Palmer really. I do wanna see Hayle go places and move up the league ladder and progress with youth etc, but feel let down after alot of time and loyalty to the club again probably the same as Palmer. I will put an end to this and wish u and the club all the best just a shame i wont be a part of it. Mind u i am havin a good time down the road at the tinners quality bunch and as honest as u can get. All the best.

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