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A Buckland Athletic supporters view of Steve Massey

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Opinions the club refused to print......they are only opinions, but it is understandable why they felt unable to print them!

Well since my last musings things have changed one hell of a lot with the club and Steve Massey is now a former manager of the club. I am in the fortunate position of being a Buckland Athletic supporter and not being connected to the club in any other way, so I can offer an honest and frank opinion regarding Mr Massey. I first had the ‘pleasure’ of meeting the man to talk too at Dartmouth last season, and in all honesty I found him to be a little bit abrupt and not interested in talking to us supporters at all, he strutted around Longcross like some sort of God as though he was better than anyone else in the ground! OK, I thought the fella does come with a big reputation, so I gave him the benefit of doubt. What really made me think he had a bad ‘God is me’ attitude was at Holsworthy on the day we won the title. The lads and supporters were having a good drink up in the bar celebrating a fantastic league and cup double and Massey kept taking players to one side for what appeared to be little chats. Now I cannot offer any comments as to what was said in those moments, only the lads themselves can do that. What I do know however, is that he wanted them into the club the following week to discuss his plans for the following season. The season had finished, we had just won the double……Surely the next few weeks belonged to the players families and friends? Not to mention, stepping on Baylo’s toes, before he even had a chance to let his tracksuit cool down.

Then to this season, all talk coming out of the club was Wembley, Wembley, Wembley, not conceding goals, repeating last season’s successes! All fantastic sentiments indeed……without a doubt what us supporters want to hear. Well these were the things coming from the mouth of Superman(ager). On the field the players were not performing well, but we were beating clubs in our league comfortably. We may have conceded a few goals, but we were scoring lots and all was rosy in Holmers garden. Actually most first halves were poor and in the Vase and Cup we were beaten by teams we should have beaten, and would have beaten under Baylo. There was many rumours coming out of the club that there was unrest amongst the players, the most ridiculous one I heard being that a player got fined for kicking the ball with the outside of his foot, the actual shot itself went into the back of the net and he still got fined! There is many more rumours of course, and I expect I could write a book on the Massey months, but it became obvious that the players did not want to play for him. In the end they didn’t play for him and he had to go! You cannot come into a double winning side and start shouting the odds, these boys know how to play football. These boys have skills that should not be stifled. Managing these boys is easy, you come in and they perform for you, their abilities were successful last season and will be again. The only time anybody needs try and change them is when it is not working for the club anymore. Hopefully Mr Massey will have learnt some humility in his time at this great football club, but somehow he does not strike me has the kind of man who will.

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Opinions the club refused to print......they are only opinions, but it is understandable why they felt unable to print them!

Well since my last musings things have changed one hell of a lot with the club and Steve Massey is now a former manager of the club. I am in the fortunate position of being a Buckland Athletic supporter and not being connected to the club in any other way, so I can offer an honest and frank opinion regarding Mr Massey. I first had the ‘pleasure’ of meeting the man to talk too at Dartmouth last season, and in all honesty I found him to be a little bit abrupt and not interested in talking to us supporters at all, he strutted around Longcross like some sort of God as though he was better than anyone else in the ground! OK, I thought the fella does come with a big reputation, so I gave him the benefit of doubt. What really made me think he had a bad ‘God is me’ attitude was at Holsworthy on the day we won the title. The lads and supporters were having a good drink up in the bar celebrating a fantastic league and cup double and Massey kept taking players to one side for what appeared to be little chats. Now I cannot offer any comments as to what was said in those moments, only the lads themselves can do that. What I do know however, is that he wanted them into the club the following week to discuss his plans for the following season. The season had finished, we had just won the double……Surely the next few weeks belonged to the players families and friends? Not to mention, stepping on Baylo’s toes, before he even had a chance to let his tracksuit cool down.

Then to this season, all talk coming out of the club was Wembley, Wembley, Wembley, not conceding goals, repeating last season’s successes! All fantastic sentiments indeed……without a doubt what us supporters want to hear. Well these were the things coming from the mouth of Superman(ager). On the field the players were not performing well, but we were beating clubs in our league comfortably. We may have conceded a few goals, but we were scoring lots and all was rosy in Holmers garden. Actually most first halves were poor and in the Vase and Cup we were beaten by teams we should have beaten, and would have beaten under Baylo. There was many rumours coming out of the club that there was unrest amongst the players, the most ridiculous one I heard being that a player got fined for kicking the ball with the outside of his foot, the actual shot itself went into the back of the net and he still got fined! There is many more rumours of course, and I expect I could write a book on the Massey months, but it became obvious that the players did not want to play for him. In the end they didn’t play for him and he had to go! You cannot come into a double winning side and start shouting the odds, these boys know how to play football. These boys have skills that should not be stifled. Managing these boys is easy, you come in and they perform for you, their abilities were successful last season and will be again. The only time anybody needs try and change them is when it is not working for the club anymore. Hopefully Mr Massey will have learnt some humility in his time at this great football club, but somehow he does not strike me has the kind of man who will.

Good post.

Bit like a fry-up: impossible to get wrong. Yet he did!

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I agree with a Buckland fan, he that is Massey gave no respect to the ex manager, he was full of his own self importance, strutted around like a third world dictator, look at me, the most important people at a football club, are the fans, then the players, then the management, then the committee, unless they have out in their own money!

Massey could have been good for Buckland, if he had shown a bit a tact!!!!!

Good luck to Buckland, post Massey hope you can get over the divorce settlement! :drink:

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Guest Rydon Ranger

Opinions the club refused to print......they are only opinions, but it is understandable why they felt unable to print them!

Well since my last musings things have changed one hell of a lot with the club and Steve Massey is now a former manager of the club. I am in the fortunate position of being a Buckland Athletic supporter and not being connected to the club in any other way, so I can offer an honest and frank opinion regarding Mr Massey. I first had the ‘pleasure’ of meeting the man to talk too at Dartmouth last season, and in all honesty I found him to be a little bit abrupt and not interested in talking to us supporters at all, he strutted around Longcross like some sort of God as though he was better than anyone else in the ground! OK, I thought the fella does come with a big reputation, so I gave him the benefit of doubt. What really made me think he had a bad ‘God is me’ attitude was at Holsworthy on the day we won the title. The lads and supporters were having a good drink up in the bar celebrating a fantastic league and cup double and Massey kept taking players to one side for what appeared to be little chats. Now I cannot offer any comments as to what was said in those moments, only the lads themselves can do that. What I do know however, is that he wanted them into the club the following week to discuss his plans for the following season. The season had finished, we had just won the double……Surely the next few weeks belonged to the players families and friends? Not to mention, stepping on Baylo’s toes, before he even had a chance to let his tracksuit cool down.

Then to this season, all talk coming out of the club was Wembley, Wembley, Wembley, not conceding goals, repeating last season’s successes! All fantastic sentiments indeed……without a doubt what us supporters want to hear. Well these were the things coming from the mouth of Superman(ager). On the field the players were not performing well, but we were beating clubs in our league comfortably. We may have conceded a few goals, but we were scoring lots and all was rosy in Holmers garden. Actually most first halves were poor and in the Vase and Cup we were beaten by teams we should have beaten, and would have beaten under Baylo. There was many rumours coming out of the club that there was unrest amongst the players, the most ridiculous one I heard being that a player got fined for kicking the ball with the outside of his foot, the actual shot itself went into the back of the net and he still got fined! There is many more rumours of course, and I expect I could write a book on the Massey months, but it became obvious that the players did not want to play for him. In the end they didn’t play for him and he had to go! You cannot come into a double winning side and start shouting the odds, these boys know how to play football. These boys have skills that should not be stifled. Managing these boys is easy, you come in and they perform for you, their abilities were successful last season and will be again. The only time anybody needs try and change them is when it is not working for the club anymore. Hopefully Mr Massey will have learnt some humility in his time at this great football club, but somehow he does not strike me has the kind of man who will.

Is'nt it time that we drew a line under this subject and moved on? The club issued a statement and as far as they are concerned the matter is closed.

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Opinions the club refused to print......they are only opinions, but it is understandable why they felt unable to print them!

Well since my last musings things have changed one hell of a lot with the club and Steve Massey is now a former manager of the club. I am in the fortunate position of being a Buckland Athletic supporter and not being connected to the club in any other way, so I can offer an honest and frank opinion regarding Mr Massey. I first had the ‘pleasure’ of meeting the man to talk too at Dartmouth last season, and in all honesty I found him to be a little bit abrupt and not interested in talking to us supporters at all, he strutted around Longcross like some sort of God as though he was better than anyone else in the ground! OK, I thought the fella does come with a big reputation, so I gave him the benefit of doubt. What really made me think he had a bad ‘God is me’ attitude was at Holsworthy on the day we won the title. The lads and supporters were having a good drink up in the bar celebrating a fantastic league and cup double and Massey kept taking players to one side for what appeared to be little chats. Now I cannot offer any comments as to what was said in those moments, only the lads themselves can do that. What I do know however, is that he wanted them into the club the following week to discuss his plans for the following season. The season had finished, we had just won the double……Surely the next few weeks belonged to the players families and friends? Not to mention, stepping on Baylo’s toes, before he even had a chance to let his tracksuit cool down.

Then to this season, all talk coming out of the club was Wembley, Wembley, Wembley, not conceding goals, repeating last season’s successes! All fantastic sentiments indeed……without a doubt what us supporters want to hear. Well these were the things coming from the mouth of Superman(ager). On the field the players were not performing well, but we were beating clubs in our league comfortably. We may have conceded a few goals, but we were scoring lots and all was rosy in Holmers garden. Actually most first halves were poor and in the Vase and Cup we were beaten by teams we should have beaten, and would have beaten under Baylo. There was many rumours coming out of the club that there was unrest amongst the players, the most ridiculous one I heard being that a player got fined for kicking the ball with the outside of his foot, the actual shot itself went into the back of the net and he still got fined! There is many more rumours of course, and I expect I could write a book on the Massey months, but it became obvious that the players did not want to play for him. In the end they didn’t play for him and he had to go! You cannot come into a double winning side and start shouting the odds, these boys know how to play football. These boys have skills that should not be stifled. Managing these boys is easy, you come in and they perform for you, their abilities were successful last season and will be again. The only time anybody needs try and change them is when it is not working for the club anymore. Hopefully Mr Massey will have learnt some humility in his time at this great football club, but somehow he does not strike me has the kind of man who will.

Is'nt it time that we drew a line under this subject and moved on? The club issued a statement and as far as they are concerned the matter is closed.

|It's only right to let the man know what opinions some people may have of him, without the fear of him allowing his wife to pay for him to sue anybody. :rolleyes:
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I wasn't going to respond to you throwing down the gauntlet but I suppose I had better `try` to educate you. My comment `utter tosh` was intended to point out that it's very easy to insult someone on a forum with little or no chance of repercussions especially when hiding behind a pseudonym. If this was printed in one of the daily's you would probably be facing some kind of response. The thing is, this is old news and you won't let it lie. Even Leeds fans got over Brian Clough. I don't suppose for one minute you really know the man (before you say it, I don't know him) but the man doesn't deserve to be pilloried for trying `in his eyes`, to improve things at Buckland. Alright, so Buckland didn't match up to his ambitions for the club and because of that, they will remain at Level 6 for the same reasons as St Blazey and Bodmin despite their suggestions that they want to move on and up. You have a new management team now so get over what you've lost and as is said, "you don't know what you've got until it's gone". Your loss - get over it!

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I am a Buckland supporter, x player and current youth manager.

Can't really see the point of this posting pretty obvious at most Buckland games away supporters were shouting

and abusing SM, but i see no benifit going down that road. A new manager will always have new ideas and lots

of the current squad have been at Buckland for many years so always a difficult situation.

Who ever was going to come in and take over was going to struggle to win heart and minds. Buckland & Steve will

both move on !

So lets get behind Lynchy,Kelly and Jamie and try to win it again.

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I am a Buckland supporter, x player and current youth manager.

Can't really see the point of this posting pretty obvious at most Buckland games away supporters were shouting

and abusing SM, but i see no benifit going down that road. A new manager will always have new ideas and lots

of the current squad have been at Buckland for many years so always a difficult situation.

Who ever was going to come in and take over was going to struggle to win heart and minds. Buckland & Steve will

both move on !

So lets get behind Lynchy,Kelly and Jamie and try to win it again.

Agree 100% !! cant see the point in the post either.

As for the fines ? I think you will find that the players and coaching staff are fined for all sorts of silly things to add to the coffers of their end of season booze up.

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I am a Buckland supporter, x player and current youth manager.

Can't really see the point of this posting pretty obvious at most Buckland games away supporters were shouting

and abusing SM, but i see no benifit going down that road. A new manager will always have new ideas and lots

of the current squad have been at Buckland for many years so always a difficult situation.

Who ever was going to come in and take over was going to struggle to win heart and minds. Buckland & Steve will

both move on !

So lets get behind Lynchy,Kelly and Jamie and try to win it again.

Agree 100% !! cant see the point in the post either.

As for the fines ? I think you will find that the players and coaching staff are fined for all sorts of silly things to add to the coffers of their end of season booze up.

Totally Agree, but would like to add that Steve always took time to talk to me before he took over and whilst Manager :D

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I wasn't going to respond to you throwing down the gauntlet but I suppose I had better `try` to educate you. My comment `utter tosh` was intended to point out that it's very easy to insult someone on a forum with little or no chance of repercussions especially when hiding behind a pseudonym. If this was printed in one of the daily's you would probably be facing some kind of response. The thing is, this is old news and you won't let it lie. Even Leeds fans got over Brian Clough. I don't suppose for one minute you really know the man (before you say it, I don't know him) but the man doesn't deserve to be pilloried for trying `in his eyes`, to improve things at Buckland. Alright, so Buckland didn't match up to his ambitions for the club and because of that, they will remain at Level 6 for the same reasons as St Blazey and Bodmin despite their suggestions that they want to move on and up. You have a new management team now so get over what you've lost and as is said, "you don't know what you've got until it's gone". Your loss - get over it!

You appear to be a very angry young man, but I wont hold that against you. :rolleyes: There really is nothing to get over as you put it. The post was, as pointed out.......MY OPINION of the man! I am not really hiding behind a pseudonym, as you seem to think, I have given enough clues as to who I am and should Steve want to reply to me, he can do it very easily.

Anyway my friend, I bid you farewell.

Lots of love and kisses

kowalski ;)


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Just noticed on the Buckland website in the announcement recently of Anthony lynch getting the manager's job : "The club would like to this opportunity to thank Steve Massey for all his work with Buckland Athletic FC 1st eleven and the club as a whole.  Both the club and Steve agree that it was the wrong time for both parties to work together.  We wish Steve all the best for the future will always offer him a warm welcome at Homers Heath."

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Angry young man? That's a first. You do seem to be somewhat sarcastic and that `my friend` is the lowest form of wit. Your opinion on what another learned person has suggested is that your dirty laundry should not be aired in public. This forum really isn't the place for that, try the SWPL forum instead. Oh! sorry, it wouldn't last 5 minutes on that site would it, it would be removed almost immediately because the content is inflammatory. You are a very sad man. I also took time out to read the Buckland v Bodmin report and I see that even the official website can't stop themselves suggesting things like `Bodmin clearly haven't changed and continue to be a bunch of moaners`. Maybe it's a Buckland thing - maybe you can't stop whinging. I was at this game and as I recall, the referee and linesmen were surrounded by Buckland players and officials moaning and whinging at the end of each half, yet the official site says otherwise. Typical Buckland! End of the line for me, I've had my say so don't bother replying Kowalski because I won't see it. Carl Palmer of Plymouth.

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Angry young man? That's a first. You do seem to be somewhat sarcastic and that `my friend` is the lowest form of wit. Your opinion on what another learned person has suggested is that your dirty laundry should not be aired in public. This forum really isn't the place for that, try the SWPL forum instead. Oh! sorry, it wouldn't last 5 minutes on that site would it, it would be removed almost immediately because the content is inflammatory. You are a very sad man. I also took time out to read the Buckland v Bodmin report and I see that even the official website can't stop themselves suggesting things like `Bodmin clearly haven't changed and continue to be a bunch of moaners`. Maybe it's a Buckland thing - maybe you can't stop whinging. I was at this game and as I recall, the referee and linesmen were surrounded by Buckland players and officials moaning and whinging at the end of each half, yet the official site says otherwise. Typical Buckland! End of the line for me, I've had my say so don't bother replying Kowalski because I won't see it. Carl Palmer of Plymouth.


A little bit of information for you the match reports that are written on the club web site are a copy of the match reports that go into the Bucks review for every home game programme.

They are written by my daughter who is 13 year old, you will see her at every game involving Buckland Athletic home or away, she has been to every ground in the premier division.

With her camera and note pad, where she enjoys doing her match reports and putting photos and videos on her facebook page.

These views about "moaning Bodmin" are entirely her OWN VIEWS.

and are not necessarily the views of Buckland Athletic fc

Amy`s Dad.

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Angry young man? That's a first. You do seem to be somewhat sarcastic and that `my friend` is the lowest form of wit. Your opinion on what another learned person has suggested is that your dirty laundry should not be aired in public. This forum really isn't the place for that, try the SWPL forum instead. Oh! sorry, it wouldn't last 5 minutes on that site would it, it would be removed almost immediately because the content is inflammatory. You are a very sad man. I also took time out to read the Buckland v Bodmin report and I see that even the official website can't stop themselves suggesting things like `Bodmin clearly haven't changed and continue to be a bunch of moaners`. Maybe it's a Buckland thing - maybe you can't stop whinging. I was at this game and as I recall, the referee and linesmen were surrounded by Buckland players and officials moaning and whinging at the end of each half, yet the official site says otherwise. Typical Buckland! End of the line for me, I've had my say so don't bother replying Kowalski because I won't see it. Carl Palmer of Plymouth.


A little bit of information for you the match reports that are written on the club web site are a copy of the match reports that go into the Bucks review for every home game programme.

They are written by my daughter who is 13 year old, you will see her at every game involving Buckland Athletic home or away, she has been to every ground in the premier division.

With her camera and note pad, where she enjoys doing her match reports and putting photos and videos on her facebook page.

These views about "moaning Bodmin" are entirely her OWN VIEWS.

and are not necessarily the views of Buckland Athletic fc

Amy`s Dad.

I wouldn't worry personally, some people can't grasp opinion without resorting to personal insults :rolleyes: There is always jealousy towards the top club in any league and that will go on forever. It will continue towards us should we continue to dominate the league, or it will flip to Parkway or whoever takes it from us :drink: That is the way sport works in England.

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Angry young man? That's a first. You do seem to be somewhat sarcastic and that `my friend` is the lowest form of wit. Your opinion on what another learned person has suggested is that your dirty laundry should not be aired in public. This forum really isn't the place for that, try the SWPL forum instead. Oh! sorry, it wouldn't last 5 minutes on that site would it, it would be removed almost immediately because the content is inflammatory. You are a very sad man. I also took time out to read the Buckland v Bodmin report and I see that even the official website can't stop themselves suggesting things like `Bodmin clearly haven't changed and continue to be a bunch of moaners`. Maybe it's a Buckland thing - maybe you can't stop whinging. I was at this game and as I recall, the referee and linesmen were surrounded by Buckland players and officials moaning and whinging at the end of each half, yet the official site says otherwise. Typical Buckland! End of the line for me, I've had my say so don't bother replying Kowalski because I won't see it. Carl Palmer of Plymouth.


A little bit of information for you the match reports that are written on the club web site are a copy of the match reports that go into the Bucks review for every home game programme.

They are written by my daughter who is 13 year old, you will see her at every game involving Buckland Athletic home or away, she has been to every ground in the premier division.

With her camera and note pad, where she enjoys doing her match reports and putting photos and videos on her facebook page.

These views about "moaning Bodmin" are entirely her OWN VIEWS.

and are not necessarily the views of Buckland Athletic fc

Amy`s Dad.

Well done to Amy for doing the reports on the Buckland matches. I know how hard it is as I report for Penzance Reserves.

Sometimes it's difficult to write something about the teams playing, the match itself.

You write what you see, what you think, and don't listen to the bunch of moaners on here.

I only wish more people would post match reports on this forum especially junior league games. What you read in the Sunday paper is so truncated.

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It will be interesting to read Massey's Mutterings next week when he eventually talks about his time at Buckland Athletic. :clapper:

I wait with baited breath.



WHY cant people let it go.............. getting boring now. :SM_carton:

I am just interested in hearing what he has to stay, what is wrong with that? With all due respect, don't come on a thread that is about a subject you are not interested in.....or are bored with. I for one have not heard Massey's version of events.

Amy does a brilliant job by the way :thumbsup:

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It will be interesting to read Massey's Mutterings next week when he eventually talks about his time at Buckland Athletic. :clapper:

I wait with baited breath.



WHY cant people let it go.............. getting boring now. :SM_carton:

I am just interested in hearing what he has to stay, what is wrong with that? With all due respect, don't come on a thread that is about a subject you are not interested in.....or are bored with. I for one have not heard Massey's version of events.

No....... what your after is all the all the nitty gritty details of who said this and who said that. If your that interested, why dont you just send him an email?

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It will be interesting to read Massey's Mutterings next week when he eventually talks about his time at Buckland Athletic. :clapper:

I wait with baited breath.



WHY cant people let it go.............. getting boring now. :SM_carton:

I am just interested in hearing what he has to stay, what is wrong with that? With all due respect, don't come on a thread that is about a subject you are not interested in.....or are bored with. I for one have not heard Massey's version of events.

No....... what your after is all the all the nitty gritty details of who said this and who said that. If your that interested, why dont you just send him an email?

We will see what he has to say next week......simple! If he had done that in the first place it wouldn't have been such an interest to myself and others now! The clubs hands are tied by the fear of saying anything that will lead to Mr Massey taking them to court. The nitty gritty that you speak of is only partially true, the main thing we want to know is his side of the story.

You must have a passing interest yourself or you would stay away from this thread! You said yourself it was boring.

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It will be interesting to read Massey's Mutterings next week when he eventually talks about his time at Buckland Athletic. :clapper:

I wait with baited breath.



WHY cant people let it go.............. getting boring now. :SM_carton:

I am just interested in hearing what he has to stay, what is wrong with that? With all due respect, don't come on a thread that is about a subject you are not interested in.....or are bored with. I for one have not heard Massey's version of events.

Well Lee. Perhaps Mr Massey is a dignified, respectful man who doesn't feel the need to use his excellent mutterings page as a vehicle for complaining about his lot. Instead he wisely chooses to keep his integrity intact and use the mutterings to talk about the game. Good luck to Buckland under their new management but more importantly good luck to Mr M - any club would be lucky to have him.

No....... what your after is all the all the nitty gritty details of who said this and who said that. If your that interested, why dont you just send him an email?

We will see what he has to say next week......simple! If he had done that in the first place it wouldn't have been such an interest to myself and others now! The clubs hands are tied by the fear of saying anything that will lead to Mr Massey taking them to court. The nitty gritty that you speak of is only partially true, the main thing we want to know is his side of the story.

You must have a passing interest yourself or you would stay away from this thread! You said yourself it was boring.

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It will be interesting to read Massey's Mutterings next week when he eventually talks about his time at Buckland Athletic. :clapper:

I wait with baited breath.



WHY cant people let it go.............. getting boring now. :SM_carton:

I am just interested in hearing what he has to stay, what is wrong with that? With all due respect, don't come on a thread that is about a subject you are not interested in.....or are bored with. I for one have not heard Massey's version of events.

No....... what your after is all the all the nitty gritty details of who said this and who said that. If your that interested, why dont you just send him an email?

We will see what he has to say next week......simple! If he had done that in the first place it wouldn't have been such an interest to myself and others now! The clubs hands are tied by the fear of saying anything that will lead to Mr Massey taking them to court. The nitty gritty that you speak of is only partially true, the main thing we want to know is his side of the story.

You must have a passing interest yourself or you would stay away from this thread! You said yourself it was boring.

Why would they have something to fear? All they have to do is state the truth of why they sacked him, nothing more nothing less. Quite simple really.

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The clubs hands are tied by the fear of saying anything that will lead to Mr Massey taking them to court.

Seems a bit severe threatening court action! Whether Buckland buckled under player power or not we'll probably never know, but at the end of the day Buckland hired Steve, and can surely fire him just as easily.

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It will be interesting to read Massey's Mutterings next week when he eventually talks about his time at Buckland Athletic. :clapper:

I wait with baited breath.



WHY cant people let it go.............. getting boring now. :SM_carton:

I am just interested in hearing what he has to stay, what is wrong with that? With all due respect, don't come on a thread that is about a subject you are not interested in.....or are bored with. I for one have not heard Massey's version of events.

No....... what your after is all the all the nitty gritty details of who said this and who said that. If your that interested, why dont you just send him an email?

We will see what he has to say next week......simple! If he had done that in the first place it wouldn't have been such an interest to myself and others now! The clubs hands are tied by the fear of saying anything that will lead to Mr Massey taking them to court. The nitty gritty that you speak of is only partially true, the main thing we want to know is his side of the story.

You must have a passing interest yourself or you would stay away from this thread! You said yourself it was boring.

Why would they have something to fear? All they have to do is state the truth of why they sacked him, nothing more nothing less. Quite simple really.

Why is this post attracting so much attention, so what Buckland changed their manager for their own reasons which is between themselves and Steve Massey,there are far bigger issues in this league at the moment at St Blazey.Would you like to be in their position of not being able to play at home for several weeks aswell as facing a huge clean up bill?.

Forget the politics and remember the football!

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The clubs hands are tied by the fear of saying anything that will lead to Mr Massey taking them to court.

Seems a bit severe threatening court action! Whether Buckland buckled under player power or not we'll probably never know, but at the end of the day Buckland hired Steve, and can surely fire him just as easily. ninja.gif

Exactly! So if as the rumours state this is true.......WHY?

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I think the reason this post has attracted attention is the fact a team who were well placed in 2nd just a couple of points behind the leaders decided to sack their manager!!! :huh: Don't get me wrong, apart from knowing a couple of the players i know next to nothing about Buckland as a club,apart from being a very good one and champions, but i do know Mass. Even forgetting his background in the game as a pro player but as a manager he has been successful at SWL and county level and i think he deserved abit more respect? Can't see Fergie or Wenger getting sacked for being 2 points behind Chelsea in October!!! Im sure the reasons will surface but im sure they have got to be more personal than football. Just an opinion :thumbsup: :c:

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I think the reason this post has attracted attention is the fact a team who were well placed in 2nd just a couple of points behind the leaders decided to sack their manager!!! :huh: Don't get me wrong, apart from knowing a couple of the players i know next to nothing about Buckland as a club,apart from being a very good one and champions, but i do know Mass. Even forgetting his background in the game as a pro player but as a manager he has been successful at SWL and county level and i think he deserved abit more respect? Can't see Fergie or Wenger getting sacked for being 2 points behind Chelsea in October!!! Im sure the reasons will surface but im sure they have got to be more personal than football. Just an opinion :thumbsup::c:

That is a good post RAPPO :yahoo: The truth will out in the end of course and I believe there is far more to it then being second in the league.

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Are you lot still going on about Steve Massey and his sacking, it has been going on for 5 days now and it is getting a bit of a joke now! I wish you lot would get a life, after all it is not the FA Premiership.

Remember there in no 'I' in team.

yes l agree it is becomeing a bit of a joke now. lets move on, stop the bickering and let buckland and steve massey get on with thier own lives god bless you all

Obviously people are interested......or they wouldn't respond! The title of the thread states clearly what it is about, so if you are not interested......DON'T LOOK.......it really isn't rocket science. :rolleyes: :thumbsup:

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Guest Rydon Ranger

Are you lot still going on about Steve Massey and his sacking, it has been going on for 5 days now and it is getting a bit of a joke now! I wish you lot would get a life, after all it is not the FA Premiership.

Remember there in no 'I' in team.

yes l agree it is becomeing a bit of a joke now. lets move on, stop the bickering and let buckland and steve massey get on with thier own lives god bless you all

Obviously people are interested......or they wouldn't respond! The title of the thread states clearly what it is about, so if you are not interested......DON'T LOOK.......it really isn't rocket science. :rolleyes::thumbsup:

Guys, Guys, Guys....just don't respond to it. The chap must have a few female genes because obviously he wants the last word on the subject.

If you don't respond he can't reply to himself...!! Give us all a break eh, it's getting boring. :angry2:

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For all you moaners and detractors, I now have the reply that I and many others have been waiting for, it is a shame it took so long for it to come. Can't say I agree with all of it, but respect his right to say it! Steve Massey has an opinion just like everybody else.

I will now leave your forum, the job here done! I just hope that one or two of you can continue to post without the unnecessary name calling that brings what could be a fine forum down.

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For all you moaners and detractors, I now have the reply that I and many others have been waiting for, it is a shame it took so long for it to come. Can't say I agree with all of it, but respect his right to say it! Steve Massey has an opinion just like everybody else.

I will now leave your forum, the job here done! I just hope that one or two of you can continue to post without the unnecessary name calling that brings what could be a fine forum down.

Don't leave us now Kowalski. There must be other local footballing topics you would like to comment on.

By the way, Steve always had the intention to write on his "Massey's Mutterings" page about his dismissal. And also, which bits didn't you agree with?

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For all you moaners and detractors, I now have the reply that I and many others have been waiting for, it is a shame it took so long for it to come. Can't say I agree with all of it, but respect his right to say it! Steve Massey has an opinion just like everybody else.

I will now leave your forum, the job here done! I just hope that one or two of you can continue to post without the unnecessary name calling that brings what could be a fine forum down.

Don't leave us now Kowalski. There must be other local footballing topics you would like to comment on.

By the way, Steve always had the intention to write on his "Massey's Mutterings" page about his dismissal. And also, which bits didn't you agree with?

I feel he has been a gentleman throughout this article, but feel he really doesn't grasp the reasons why is no longer with the club. Is he really that thick skinned, oblivious.......or does he actually believe the hype? He claims he hadn't lost the dressing room, I beg to dither! Of course my view is swayed by rumour from many people.....and information from those that will remain nameless, but are very reliable sources all the same. The truth is out there somewhere and one day it will surface. I believe Steve Massey is 100% convinced of his version of the truth however, but to say......

"Strength is very easily understood, but the weakness comes from unwillingness, almost boarding on “Racism” on allowing any outsiders, particularly if they do not follow their long associated customs, from becoming too involved in their set up"

.....Is not only far fetched, but a total misinterpretation on Steve's part! I am an outsider in the great world of Buckland Athletic. I am involved in another sports club in South Devon and I started to watch Bucks as a distraction from the work I do with that club. From the first time I walked into the Heath I was made to feel welcome by everybody in the club from players, supporters and the chairman. How can this be seen as 'racism'?

Should Steve read this, then I thank him for a swift reply. I wish him well in the future.

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As the saying goes five Minutes at Falmouth,

I believe he was a good Manager, but he did not seem to know what he wanted or where he should be, or for what reason he was leaving

we were told at Falmouth that he was leaving because of ill health & that he would not be able to carry on in Football management,

we were all very sorry to hear this, but then very soon after he became Manager of Buckland,

off course this did not go down well with a lot of the Falmouth supporters, & can you blame them, That is also why I said that before any club appoints him as Manager, think carefully,

Hammers :c::huh: :c:

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Got to say Steve's mutterings on his time at Buckland surprised me, done with a lot of credit and dignity..Well done Steve :clapper:

As for "Clubhouse v Football Team " well its all on mortgage and has to be paid for...But that is a can of worms I must say !

I would love to see Buckland move on up, someone as calculated that it would add just another 900 miles on away travel over a season.

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Just stumbled over a Buckland report on the Buckland website from their defeat versus Bridport earlier this season and found this quote rather interesting!!

"At the final whistle the Bucks players were very disappointed and had only faced their second defeat in all games this season, where the manager Steve Massey has missed both of these! Please don’t go away in the season again Mass! I think Another fine is heading your way Steve!"

Funny how things change so soon in football wouldnt you agree?!

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I heard a rumour that Steve Massey was going to take Martyn Rogers back to Tiverton Town and lead the club to safety. I apologise if this is repeated on this forum somewhere else, but after a very brief look I did not see it.

I personally think this would be a very good move for them both and be wonderful for Tiverton Town. Massey, not my favourite person after is time at Buckland, but that does not mean I don't respect his ideas. I just think the way he went about them was wrong at my club. Town are different though, they are destined to crash to relegation and have not already got the pedigree required that Buckland (respective divisions)had at the club. Massey's ideas can only improve Tivvy's position and let's be fair, should he fail then they have lost nothing and can rebuild in the summer.

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