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Massey's Mutterings - December 1st 2010

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I agree with Steve Massey, football with your dad lives in the memory, in my case decades after he died, my last game with him was planned to be special and thankfully all the optimism paid off it was the 1966 World Cup final, his football watching went out with that England 4 West Germany 2 result. I too will never forget that.


In sport I have had many proud successful moments but the one memory that tops the lot was not when winning trophies, it was a day when playing cricket for a small local team against the best the local Lord of the Manor had to offer, his team was crammed with then current Test Players from around the world, that was my day, I top scored on the day and took 5 wickets when bowling, when I took the final wicket that won the match there was my son running onto the field shouting dad, dad "you were brilliant", that was my proudest moment in sport recognition by my own son, nothing can beat that.

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What a lovely couple of posts Ted, it's very satisfying to know when writing that you have connected with the reader and evoked similar memories.

I to had one of those proud dad and son moments, when few years ago while playing for ex Stockport players annual cricket match.

My son Ben who was 14 at the time was allowed to play after we were one short.

It's still right up there as one of the best moments and feelings of my life,

when Ben and I walked out together to open our innings!!

We only made a stand of 20 something before much to the annoyance of Ben he depated first!

Your experciences Ted are a perfect example of the point I was hoping to make, time spent with your Father or with your son is so precious, re live that expercience now, because believe me, it goes by all to quickly.

Seems you were up very early this morning?!! Or were you just coming in?!!

Best wishes and many thanks again for lovely feedback.



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Hi Mass,

You appear to be mixing me up with non league footballs "Mr game on will travel Ted" who is often seen at Truro City games when we are on our travels, I am Ivor Marshall a 74 year old geezer who's memories of Treyew Road date back to the 1940's.

Re 'Up early this morning' it was not entirely from choice, it was coping with the pain factor, due partly to family illness (wife's brother died), in the last couple of months or so I have driven thousands of miles, using so much clutch has taken it's toll on the knees, screaming with pain I visited A&E and ended up on crutches, until the knees improve (fingers crossed). I drove a few hundred miles yesterday when returning from Ireland and was in a lot of pain, it is difficult driving on ice, I do not want to overdo the painkillers and having reached the daily limit decided catching up on the Internet may help clear the mind of the discomfort, Massey's Mutterings is always one of my ports of call.

My wife has already threatened me with GBH if I go to Cambridge on Saturday although it is more likely to be cancelled.

My Fathers contribution to the Father - son thing was when I was bowled first ball in the cup final I mentioned in my previous post, I was 16 years old playing for a mens team in a Cup Final at Truro, it was bad enough being out first ball but what hurt was my dad's remark of "At least he's dressed like a cricketer" followed by a laugh, thankfully I made him eat his words many times in later years.

Enjoy your Mutterings, see you next Wednesday. Hope to see you back in football SOON.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Mass

I get my love of the game from my brilliant dad. Chelsea born, he supported his home team with loyalty and passion until his untimely death. I have now taken up that mantle, and am proud to support Chelsea save one thing: the quantity of foreign players in the side. Like my dad, I believe that we should have a minimum of 2 non-UK born players in any UK-based football team. What do you think?

Keep up the mutterings - highlight of my footie week.

And yes, come on the boys down under!


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