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Parkway V Bodmin

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Guest Uncle Albert

Plymouth Parkway 1 Bodmin Town 4 (aet)

Ollie Brokenshire (50 and 97); Sam Matthews (116 & 120+2). Ryan Richards (84).

If you had to guess three Parkway players who would get sent off, would you guess Glyn Hobbs, Danny Brook and Shane Krac?

I know I would - and on this occasion I would be right.

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Plymouth Parkway 1 Bodmin Town 4 (aet)

Ollie Brokenshire (50 and 97); Sam Matthews (116 & 120+2). Chris Wright (84).

If you had to guess three Parkway players who would get sent off, would you guess Glyn Hobbs, Danny Brook and Shane Krac?

I know I would - and on this occasion I would be right.

No suprises, 3 players with huge ego's and attitudes to match.That's why they never get picked up by the big clubs. That and they can't not play without their bestest mates.

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Care to enlighten me smiling assassin? Be interesting to know your real name as well see if I actually know you. If your relating to mine and Kevin millers spat just before the parkway goal that's was pure frustration on my part as I knew I shouldn't have played the ball where I did, apart from that I can't actually remember getting involved with anyone in anyway or showing any sort of "attitude" I'm left completely baffled by your comment

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Trust me Mark when I say that you do know me. My comment probably was a little misleading, and made you think I saw the match yesterday. In fact I have seen displays of your attitude in many previous games, and also from what I've heard. I firmly believe you could improve as a player by dropping your petulance and putting the energy spent on your attitude into other aspects of your game.

My previous comment was a sort of back-handed compliment, with you knowing when to stop. Good luck in your future games, and in particular the next round of the FA Vase.

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Who are you then come on? Don't hide behind your alias as many people know I have completely changed my attitude this season, yes I agree in the past I've been known to strop but only because I want to win.I knew where my game had to improve and that was a part that could let me down which is why this season I've got my head down and played football, you need to look at my discipline record to see that this time last year I had 2 reds and 6 yellows which I'm not proud of where as this year I only have 2 yellows and playing the best I've played for years

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I applaud you if your attitude has improved. Well done. Maintain that and I am sure it will contribute to your success this season. I predict that both Bodmin & Buckland will be competing for the honours again this season.

I have a right to keep my anonymity. The webmaster has my true identity, and as long as my posts are not spiteful degrading or obscene, then the webmaster has no need to remove/edit any posts, or to reveal my true identity.

You may want to take Lafs advice, although I think he meant to say that I was unwilling to expose my real name rather than unable to. :) I love guessing games!

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Come on, lets not turn this into a personal attack on individual players. Mark Berry is a very talented player at this level. Yes, he's been known to have a strop every now and then, but who hasn't. It comes with the territory when you are such a mercurial talent, or so I hear. Sounds like Smiling Assassin has a personal beef with the man. Remember, jealousy is a curse mate!

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Come on, lets not turn this into a personal attack on individual players. Mark Berry is a very talented player at this level. Yes, he's been known to have a strop every now and then, but who hasn't. It comes with the territory when you are such a mercurial talent, or so I hear. Sounds like Smiling Assassin has a personal beef with the man. Remember, jealousy is a curse mate!

Not at all jealous. As you say, Mark is a very talented player. He is better than I ever was. Delighted he has changed his attitude (his words) and will let his football do the talking.

The original post was about the 3 Parkway players who let their team down yesterday, and I added the post that he has an attitude to match. That was wrong, as Mark has informed the forum (and me) that his attitude has changed. Full credit to him for realising that his attitude was bad enough to warrant change. I actually paid him a compliment when I said that at least he had the intelligence to know when to stop.

I have no beef with Mark. I haven't seen him play this season, but I'm pleased he realised he needed to change even before I made my observation.

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Quite right smiling assassin, you are entitled to keep your anonymity but in my opinion and any other dignified person who uses this forum, you dont dish out personal abuse or backhanded comments as you like to call it, without having the decency to reveal your identity.

Now if you dont mind I have some paint to watch dry so I will leave you to ponder on who your next victim for a personal attack will be, pack your lunch box for school tomorrow morning or maybe carry out your wife's orders for the day. ;)

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Its no surprises as to who got sent off. Me and my Dad always have a litte wager at the beginning of every game as to who will get the first yellow. It is very difficult however, with this years parkway side,as there are so many candidates. Hobbs must be infuriating to a manager, as on his day, i doubt if there is anyone better in the whole league, its just the attitude. im not saying my team is squeaky clean (Saltash), but some players just seem to go out of their way to make the referee their enemy.

I've watched a lot of western league games involving Mr Berry and have never thought of him as a dirty player. I think those comments were rather unfair.

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TimmyRaa, I have not said that Mark is a dirty player, either on this forum or elsewhere. By admitting that he has changed, (for the better in my opinion - and obviously his own!) Mark has admitted that my comments were truthful. Full marks to him for being honest with himself.

You are quite correct when you say that some players go out of their way to make the Referee their enemy, and then when they are shown the red card, blame everyone but themselves.

Lafs, I did not call it a backhanded comment, but a backhanded compliment. There was no personal abuse in any of my posts. I think you are looking for something that isn't there :)

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Although an exile, nearly 300 miles away, I read and at times contribute to these forums to keep in touch with my roots, I rarely comment on players unless favourably and never criticise their play if they are having off days, I have posted on games I have not seen but only as an enquiry requiring answers from those who have, unlike The Silent Assassin.

I am sorry but THE SILENT ASSASSIN is wrong to comment in a degrading manner about a players conduct in 2010/2011 mid-season when he hasn't seen him play since some time previously i.e 2009/2010 or earlier.

The Smiling Assassin may not have broken any forum rules but his attack on a player based on past history is not acceptable behaviour.

The Smiling Assassin :SM_carton_y:

Mark Berry :thumbsup:

Portrait of The Smiling Assassin :ninja:


Only having fun.

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Although an exile, nearly 300 miles away, I read and at times contribute to these forums to keep in touch with my roots, I rarely comment on players unless favourably and never criticise their play if they are having off days, I have posted on games I have not seen but only as an enquiry requiring answers from those who have, unlike The Silent Assassin.

I am sorry but THE SILENT ASSASSIN is wrong to comment in a degrading manner about a players conduct in 2010/2011 mid-season when he hasn't seen him play since some time previously i.e 2009/2010 or earlier.

The Smiling Assassin may not have broken any forum rules but his attack on a player based on past history is not acceptable behaviour.

The Smiling Assassin :SM_carton_y:

Mark Berry :thumbsup:

Portrait of The Smiling Assassin :ninja:

agree with mountaineer

easy to hide behind a name and personally aim comments and remarks at an individual

not nice when you can't aim them back as you don't know who you are aiming them at

time to "NUT UP OR SHUT UP"

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I'm in The Smiling Assassin's camp on this one.

This is a forum where free speech and anonymity makes it what it is.

This forum is mild compared to others so take a chill pill and stop being so touchy.

Players that dish it out should be able to take the criticism, I don't think you'd see Darren Gilbert on here after someone has given their opinion of him.

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