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St Blazey resignation

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Last night at a Committe meeting at St Blazey AFC, I resigned as honorary secretary of St Blazey AFC.

I have grown increasingly frustrated over the past 12 months and can no longer endure any more of the painful meetings which manage to resolve nothing in taking the club forward.

I would like to thank Martin Richards, Shirley Richards, Dave Sweet, John Gronwalt and Derek Isbell for all their support during my time as secretary (these people deserve a lot of credit).

I will still be supporting all the St Blazey teams and wish all 4 of them every success for the rest of the season.


Vinnie Hathway

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Guest blazey till i die

Last night at a Committe meeting at St Blazey AFC, I resigned as honorary secretary of St Blazey AFC.

I have grown increasingly frustrated over the past 12 months and can no longer endure any more of the painful meetings which manage to resolve nothing in taking the club forward.

I would like to thank Martin Richards, Shirley Richards, Dave Sweet, John Gronwalt and Derek Isbell for all their support during my time as secretary (these people deserve a lot of credit).

I will still be supporting all the St Blazey teams and wish all 4 of them every success for the rest of the season.


Vinnie Hathway

am sorry to hear this news as i know how hard you were working behind the scenes mate. Not only supporting the first team but a massive influence on both the Sunday side and the Ladies team. Wish you good luck in whatever you do mate. Many thanks from a genuine blazey fan.

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Last night at a Committe meeting at St Blazey AFC, I resigned as honorary secretary of St Blazey AFC.

I have grown increasingly frustrated over the past 12 months and can no longer endure any more of the painful meetings which manage to resolve nothing in taking the club forward.

I would like to thank Martin Richards, Shirley Richards, Dave Sweet, John Gronwalt and Derek Isbell for all their support during my time as secretary (these people deserve a lot of credit).

I will still be supporting all the St Blazey teams and wish all 4 of them every success for the rest of the season.


Vinnie Hathway

Where do you think the stature of St Blazey should be heading?

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As a member of one of the St blazey teams, i can honestly say that i feel absolutely gutted for first team manager Glynn Hooper!! he constantly has to battle against certain members of the board who have been in place for many years, who simply havent moved with the times! they seem to strangle the noose tighter and tighter each month and its about time supporters really knew that it is these people who are holding the club back, and until they are removed from their ivory towers, st blazey are not going to be able to attract the best players to get the side out of this league. people like dan_blazey who travel to matches home and away and are passionate about the club, deserve to know that it is these board members who are creaming money from the club, and will continue to do so. on the training pitch, glynn works hard trying to get his winning mentality rubbing off onto his youngsters and developing players as much as he can. he works hard behind the scenes, attracting sponsors to bolster his STINGY/TINY budget. as soon as the board find out what money Glynn has got from the sponsor......they decide to cutback their small amount even more!! ABSOLUTE JOKE!!!!

for the club to move forward as a whole, and return to the glory days.....these stagnant Board members need to drink up and leave!!!!

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As a member of one of the St blazey teams, i can honestly say that i feel absolutely gutted for first team manager Glynn Hooper!! he constantly has to battle against certain members of the board who have been in place for many years, who simply havent moved with the times! they seem to strangle the noose tighter and tighter each month and its about time supporters really knew that it is these people who are holding the club back, and until they are removed from their ivory towers, st blazey are not going to be able to attract the best players to get the side out of this league. people like dan_blazey who travel to matches home and away and are passionate about the club, deserve to know that it is these board members who are creaming money from the club, and will continue to do so. on the training pitch, glynn works hard trying to get his winning mentality rubbing off onto his youngsters and developing players as much as he can. he works hard behind the scenes, attracting sponsors to bolster his STINGY/TINY budget. as soon as the board find out what money Glynn has got from the sponsor......they decide to cutback their small amount even more!! ABSOLUTE JOKE!!!!

for the club to move forward as a whole, and return to the glory days.....these stagnant Board members need to drink up and leave!!!!


We supporters already know what a farce the members are and the constant battles Glyn and Lafs are fighting daily.

This has already cost us a great servant to the club in Simon Tonkin and i fear only a matter of time before it deprives us of our great management team.

As for us supporters who travel home and away for the club we love, we know we are held in high esteem by Glyn and Lafs but equally in contempt by the board members and bingo crowd, so i dont think they will be overly worried about what we think.

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So please name names of the people who are creaming money from St Blazey FC,or is this just yet another faceless attack with no evidence to back it up? And as for the members being at fault, well surely as a supporter YOU are a memeber of the club so you have just accused yourself.Finally, does anyone know where the extra money to pay players higher wages is to come from, because the club does not seem to be overly frequented these days maybe they should go into huge debt to do so and therefore bankrupt themselves.

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So please name names of the people who are creaming money from St Blazey FC,or is this just yet another faceless attack with no evidence to back it up? And as for the members being at fault, well surely as a supporter YOU are a memeber of the club so you have just accused yourself.Finally, does anyone know where the extra money to pay players higher wages is to come from, because the club does not seem to be overly frequented these days maybe they should go into huge debt to do so and therefore bankrupt themselves.

Finally,some commonsense.

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So please name names of the people who are creaming money from St Blazey FC,or is this just yet another faceless attack with no evidence to back it up? And as for the members being at fault, well surely as a supporter YOU are a memeber of the club so you have just accused yourself.Finally, does anyone know where the extra money to pay players higher wages is to come from, because the club does not seem to be overly frequented these days maybe they should go into huge debt to do so and therefore bankrupt themselves.

Finally,some commonsense.

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Vinnie was right to point out in the past on this forum that a club cannot pay out more than it earns on football, it is just not sustainable.

If he has been criticised for posting on here then it is very short sighted of those who point the finger at him.

It was me that said the previous Chairman was voted out by the bingo masses and I challenge anyone to prove me otherwise.

I have no personal gripe with Martin Richards and have always shared a laugh and joke with him in the past but the bottom line as far as I see is that as Chairman he needs to grow a pair and take charge of the club, after all this was what he wanted back in July.

No manager should be allowed to publicly slate the officers of the club in a constructed media piece with the Cornish Guardian (A few weeks ago) and certainly not in the clubs programme that must surely have been vetted by those he was criticising before it went to press!!

I was absoloutely dumbfounded to read his comments in the Wadebridge programme about 6 weeks ago.

Glynn is a very clever person who has manipulated a position where he could walk away in frustration and have the fingers of blame pointing at other people. I am sure he would have agreed a budget when he took the job and so no doubt he is frustrated that perhaps he couldnt acheive what he thought he could on the money available. Driving a wedge between the club goers and the football folk at St Blazey however is not the way to rectify the situation. Those of you with violins out for him are incredibly naive.

I believe the time has come for all clubs to further cut the football money in a bid to sustain beer prices and fend off the VAT increase as without people in the bar, there would be no budget at all. The drinkers tend to stay with their clubs far longer than the footballers and I laugh when I see comments from those who perhaps contribute very little financially other than their gate money.

The situation is not healthy.

If he were to walk, the club would be in a right predicament, particularily as he maybe supported by his Dad who runs the 2nd XI.

I think the current Chairman should take matters into his own hands and make some tough decisions to keep the club in control because as far as I can see they certainly are not at present.

Glynn deserves to move to a higher standard that can accomodate his ambition and high standards.

St Blazey at present are struggling to do so.

Would be interesting to hear Lafs opinion of all this as surely being involved in the pub trade he is aware more than most of the challenges that the club face.

St Austell cut their budget several years ago and after enduring several years of ridicule are now able to be proud of a Lazarus style comeback.

It would be wise of St Blazey to do something similar in a bid to keep the history going.

There is no shame in admitting that times are tough, there is however plenty of shame in holding a club to ransom to the point where its future is under question.

Those who say they "Love" their club should surely see the sense in the clubs decision to restrict spending?

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Soil Sports Ltd, I have been restraining from entering this topic at any level as quite honestly it is not the correct place to be airing dirty laundry.

That said, I will go on record by stating that I personally have many strong views regarding the current state of affairs at St Blazey FC ranging from its current direction, leadership and ultimately its survival as both a social club and a football club but will refrain from any form of naming and shaming.

Unfortunately though it seems to matter not whether one conducts themself correctly or incorrectly internally or externally at the club and the subject of "double standards" previously mentioned has never been more apparent than now at the club.

The club has unfortunately lost 2 of its "good guys" since the start of this season, both having held positions on the committee and I am personally very dissapointed by this as every club needs its "good guys" on board during times like these. Who will be next I ask?

Finally, it seems that some people are still convincing themselves that the so called rift between club and football management team is simply down to a financial altercation. This is absolutely and categorically untrue. Speaking out for both the first and reserve teams management, there is not a single complaint from any one of us regarding shortage or lack of financial support on offer from the club. Anyone who has ever taken the decision to involve themselves with a football club at this level or thereabouts will know themselves that there are many, many more other areas of support needed from a club other than the dreaded finance.

As mentioned by Soil Sports Ltd, I am indeed involved in the "pub trade" and therefore would hope people realise that both Hoops and myself more than understand and appreciate the difficulties curently facing any pub or club including St Blazey FC. More importantly though, its what is in place to ensure both the survival and reputation of St Blazey FC which we concern ourselves more with.


Phil Lafferty

St Blazey FC First Team Assistant Manager.

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Last night at a Committe meeting at St Blazey AFC, I resigned as honorary secretary of St Blazey AFC.

I have grown increasingly frustrated over the past 12 months and can no longer endure any more of the painful meetings which manage to resolve nothing in taking the club forward.

I would like to thank Martin Richards, Shirley Richards, Dave Sweet, John Gronwalt and Derek Isbell for all their support during my time as secretary (these people deserve a lot of credit).

I will still be supporting all the St Blazey teams and wish all 4 of them every success for the rest of the season.


Vinnie Hathway

Where do you think the stature of St Blazey should be heading?

I personally think that St Blazey Football Club should be endeavouring to put itself back where it once was as Cornwall's number 1 football club !

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In regards to the remarks made by some suggesting that it is financial reasons as to why there is instability at the club, then they are mistaken. People would like to know just what the top table at the club are going to do to try and get through this difficult period. It's not about how much money can be given to Glynn & Phil it is about other areas which the club could save money. Why not do what the majority of pubs/clubs have done and cancel the Sky subscription which is extortionate, why not reduce the ludicrous opening hours which costs a lot in wages and fuel bills to keep just a few regular punters happy (who cannot drink enough to justify staying open all day every day).

Just a few of my ideas as to which areas money could be saved within the club. I think a lot of licensed premises have got rid of sky as it just doesn't seem to pull people in any more.

To be fair to Glynn and Phil they have never made finance a big issue and have agreed to work with whatever they get. Understandably they want to know how much they will have to work with.

In response to Darren's comments these problems have been at the club for a while now so it is a bit unfair to try and apportion the blame onto the current Chairman.

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Reasonable answer Lafs, maybe I havent all the facts and have offered an opinion from a satellite perspective given that I watch a few games and hear the same rumours week in week out. You say publicly that money is not an issue so thats fair enough.

I dont think its unfair to point the finger Vin, Martin put his head above the parapit as he clearly thought that a change was required.

Surely in order to have been voted in, he must have made some promises for drastic change, otherwise why bother?

I totally agree with any efforts like Sky etc that may save some money but it would be then wrong for that money to be redirected outside.

As for opening hours, Tywardreath RBL survive thanks to evenings only and have done for years, the trouble with the Football Club as you know however, is that the evening trade is worse than that during the day; (Or used to be) so its a tricky dilemma.

It may take a major fall out before things get better to be honest as ultimately when the proverbial hits the fan, those left behind are usually the ones that care enough to make a difference. Those simply along for a ride tend to get filtered out.

I wonder how important a good vase result will prove..........

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Of course its all about reducing the bills if people think finances are a problem. the club seem to have it there but people cant let the club and management decide where best it be.

I went to truro a couple of weeks ago during the fa cup 2nd round games in november and they dont have sky sports but still had over 300 supporters from both truro and stourbridge drinking quite a lot. so to cancel sky sports from st blazey during the non football days might save money.

all the money saved on sky sports they could trade for a pitch cover.

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I attend as many Truro City AWAY games as possible when they are east of Bristol, that means many miles driving that requires refreshment before the return trip (non alcoholic) to Bucks, over the last three years that has meant visiting clubs currently playing in all three divisions of the Zamaretto (Southern) League.

Most have dropped Sky and use BBCs 'Final Score', as bad as it is we usually see the scores we are interested in, that or someone tells you.

At the last AWAY game Oxford City used BBC.

The roads are sheet ice at the moment around here so may have to miss Weymouth.

Will suss out Windsor on Thursday, that's a lot nearer.

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Mountaineer, you publicly criticise something but use it when it suits you! How quaint!

Come on Pablo, BBC television isn't a patch on what it use to be, we pay for it BY LAW, forced to pay we would be mad not to watch it for OUR OWN CONVENIENCE when better things are not available. The reason I have Sky at home is because BBC/ITV leave a lot to be desired. Check the programme menus and they show little variance from one or two years ago or even longer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vinnie was right to point out in the past on this forum that a club cannot pay out more than it earns on football, it is just not sustainable.

If he has been criticised for posting on here then it is very short sighted of those who point the finger at him.

It was me that said the previous Chairman was voted out by the bingo masses and I challenge anyone to prove me otherwise.

I have no personal gripe with Martin Richards and have always shared a laugh and joke with him in the past but the bottom line as far as I see is that as Chairman he needs to grow a pair and take charge of the club, after all this was what he wanted back in July.

No manager should be allowed to publicly slate the officers of the club in a constructed media piece with the Cornish Guardian (A few weeks ago) and certainly not in the clubs programme that must surely have been vetted by those he was criticising before it went to press!!

I was absoloutely dumbfounded to read his comments in the Wadebridge programme about 6 weeks ago.

Glynn is a very clever person who has manipulated a position where he could walk away in frustration and have the fingers of blame pointing at other people. I am sure he would have agreed a budget when he took the job and so no doubt he is frustrated that perhaps he couldnt acheive what he thought he could on the money available. Driving a wedge between the club goers and the football folk at St Blazey however is not the way to rectify the situation. Those of you with violins out for him are incredibly naive.

I believe the time has come for all clubs to further cut the football money in a bid to sustain beer prices and fend off the VAT increase as without people in the bar, there would be no budget at all. The drinkers tend to stay with their clubs far longer than the footballers and I laugh when I see comments from those who perhaps contribute very little financially other than their gate money.

The situation is not healthy.

If he were to walk, the club would be in a right predicament, particularily as he maybe supported by his Dad who runs the 2nd XI.

I think the current Chairman should take matters into his own hands and make some tough decisions to keep the club in control because as far as I can see they certainly are not at present.

Glynn deserves to move to a higher standard that can accomodate his ambition and high standards.

St Blazey at present are struggling to do so.

Would be interesting to hear Lafs opinion of all this as surely being involved in the pub trade he is aware more than most of the challenges that the club face.

St Austell cut their budget several years ago and after enduring several years of ridicule are now able to be proud of a Lazarus style comeback.

It would be wise of St Blazey to do something similar in a bid to keep the history going.

There is no shame in admitting that times are tough, there is however plenty of shame in holding a club to ransom to the point where its future is under question.

Those who say they "Love" their club should surely see the sense in the clubs decision to restrict spending?

Glynn deserves to move to a higher standard that can accomodate his ambition and high standards.

St Blazey at present are struggling to do so.

100 % agree ;) ;)

Money Man

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