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Managent changes at Saltash United

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I must say I was a little shocked to read that Kevin Hendy has parted company with Phil Harvey at Saltash United! Whatever has happened at Saltash United, that is for the clubs committee to deal with internally.

From all accounts, Phil Harvey has personally financed kit, provided sponsorship and worked hard behind the scenes at Kimberley Stadium and the Im sure the club will have appreciated his input.

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I must say I was a little shocked to read that Kevin Hendy has parted company with Phil Harvey at Saltash United! Whatever has happened at Saltash United, that is for the clubs committee to deal with internally.

From all accounts, Phil Harvey has personally financed kit, provided sponsorship and worked hard behind the scenes at Kimberley Stadium and the Im sure the club will have appreciated his input.

Really sad news for Saltash. Clubs need people like Phil who put so much into the day to day running of a team for no reward other than personal satifaction and pride. I hope they realise this before it's too late.

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As appearing on the Plymouth Evening Herald site:-

Saltash United part company with assistant manager Phil Harvey

07:00 - 20-December-2010

SALTASH United manager Kevin Hendy has parted company with Phil Harvey after confirming 'Phil is no longer my assistant manager'.

Hendy said: "I would like to thank Phil for his hard work, dedication and commitment to Saltash United and myself over the last two seasons. I wish him well in the future.

"Sometimes in life there are more important things than football and this decision was a very difficult one to make."

Harvey explained the situation in an email to The Herald, which read: "I was asked to supervise training on Tuesday. However the session was interrupted.

"I left early to be later contacted by Kevin Hendy to be told I was no longer part of Saltash United Football Club.

"Despite very difficult personal, health circumstances in the last six months, I have always given my all in the best interests of the club.

"That is in terms of loyalty, time, duties, significant personal sponsorship in the squad and the club's facilities.

"I was not aware at anytime that my contribution was in question and I even recently rejected the offer of becoming manager in a proposed switch of roles.

"To say I am shocked is an understatement after various periods with the club spanning 35 years. I will miss it greatly.

"The club and football is my passion. I don't think this action can be justified. However, I accept that results are disappointing against the expectancy level and resources applied.

"The loss of my job at this club will inevitably make the everyday personal challenges of the future more exacting, but that in itself is a challenge I will take following the manager's decision."

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Guest thebigfella

As appearing on the Plymouth Evening Herald site:-

Saltash United part company with assistant manager Phil Harvey

07:00 - 20-December-2010

SALTASH United manager Kevin Hendy has parted company with Phil Harvey after confirming 'Phil is no longer my assistant manager'.

Hendy said: "I would like to thank Phil for his hard work, dedication and commitment to Saltash United and myself over the last two seasons. I wish him well in the future.

"Sometimes in life there are more important things than football and this decision was a very difficult one to make."

Harvey explained the situation in an email to The Herald, which read: "I was asked to supervise training on Tuesday. However the session was interrupted.

"I left early to be later contacted by Kevin Hendy to be told I was no longer part of Saltash United Football Club.

"Despite very difficult personal, health circumstances in the last six months, I have always given my all in the best interests of the club.

"That is in terms of loyalty, time, duties, significant personal sponsorship in the squad and the club's facilities.

"I was not aware at anytime that my contribution was in question and I even recently rejected the offer of becoming manager in a proposed switch of roles.

"To say I am shocked is an understatement after various periods with the club spanning 35 years. I will miss it greatly.

"The club and football is my passion. I don't think this action can be justified. However, I accept that results are disappointing against the expectancy level and resources applied.

"The loss of my job at this club will inevitably make the everyday personal challenges of the future more exacting, but that in itself is a challenge I will take following the manager's decision."

This is all very strange, with little or no comments from the club, or Kevin Hendy.

It appears to be Kevin Hendy's decision to part company with Phil, but why? The man had been involved with the club for many years and gave up alot of his time for the good of the team and the club. People with Phil's level of commitment are pretty hard to come by these days. Someone must know the real reason behind this. A fall out? Clash of opinion?

I know very little about what has gone on at Saltash recently as I have been detatched from local football recently due to many other commitments, but I did hear that Kevin has lined up someone to replace Phil as his assistant and didn't feel that Phil would accept a lesser role. A couple of names were thrown at me, but I don't think it's fair to mention them here. This may of course be totally rubbish, but this is what was suggested to me this morning.

It just seems very sad that a man that has given so much to one club should be treated this way. But, again, we don't really know the circumstances and in some ways it would be wrong to judge. Anyone from the club care to comment?

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Guest thebigfella

I am sure he is. The manner of the departure seems to be very odd. Taking training one minute, only for it to be 'interupted' and for him to recieve a phone call from Hendy to say he's no longer required. Why was training interupted? And how? Was Hendy not at training then?

Was this purely Hendy's decision? Has Phil been made a scapegoat for the poor performances "against expentancy and resources applied"? Very clever choice of words by Phil in that article I thought.

It is also interesting that Phil turned down the chance of becoming manager in an apparent switch of roles. Was this a tongue in cheek comment? It sounds to me like there may have been a "if you think you can do better, you do the job" sort of exchange. Why would the club, or indeed Hendy, consider a switch of roles? What would that improve? You would have thought that if the club are not happy with the way the team is performing, then Kevin's role would be looked at first and foremost.

All very interesting, but all very strange. At first glance it would appear Phil has been treated very poorly and Kevin is looking for excuses as to why things are not all running to plan on the football pitch. I will be keen to see what happens over the next couple of weeks as some of the names suggested to me as his possible new assistant will raise an eyebrow or two (if they're correct of course) and I would question whether any of them would make a difference. We'll see I guess.

Still no official stance from the club, or Kevin?

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There is no news on the Saltash United web site, as yet.

If Phil has had dificult personal/health circumstances, perhaps this is the reason for Kevin Hendys decision! To prevent these circumstances be made totally public, I think they should be kept private. However, I am somewhat shocked that Phil took it upon himself to contact Mike Sampson and he then did an article in THE HERALD. Has this only made matters worse?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Recent Health issues that Mr Harvey has had has not barred his commitment to the club in the slightest, he continued to work hard through the problems he faced. Phil put more time and money into SUFC than any other source. He is a credit to himself and I wish all the best of luck to the most committed and generous man I may hope to meet.

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Rumour has it Mr Harvey was keeping the kit since he sponsered it. Any truth?! ;)

Rumours relating to Phil Harveys departure from Saltash United are still circulating, but the true facts have yet to surface, perhaps they never will!

Personally, I think Phil Harvey is a "bigger man" than to withold the kit from Saltash United.

The fixture against Falmouth Town tomorrow will be the first since Phil Harveys departure, so no doubt there will a few discussions between supporters relating to it.

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Well done Ashes, hoping for a home draw in the next round

Sorry to disappoint, but we have an away trip to Plymouth Parkway in the next round.

However, on todays showing, I personally think they will be afraid of nobody!

Great team effort today and a much deserved victory.

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