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Piran Films' highlights of the St Blazey v St Austell fixture

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Here is the link to my website http://www.piranfilms.com/sports_films.php No prizes for guessing the music - some of you of a certain age will recognise it but may not know the title or artist. Copies of the match DVD are available at £6.50 inc. package and postage (mainland UK). Please send me an email - mark@piranfilms.com.

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Video evidence of the advertising boards being kicked in!!! :rolleyes:

Had a feeling you would of seen that Paul.

Dont worry about it no business ever pay for advertising boards at St Blazey anyway. (apologies if that your board Simon) you do pay

Money Man

That makes it alright then!! :rolleyes:

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Video evidence of the advertising boards being kicked in!!! :rolleyes:

Had a feeling you would of seen that Paul.

Dont worry about it no business ever pay for advertising boards at St Blazey anyway. (apologies if that your board Simon) you do pay

Money Man

Money Man, that's an ill-informed and potentially libellous statement to make.

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No worries.

I no you all want to be better than St Blazey and thats only health competition but please dont knock the ones who work hard to make sure the club keeps going during hard times with pointless statements.

You should no how hard it is to run a club and the ones who do, have little if no thanks at all.

Roll on saturday. :thumbsup:

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Video evidence of the advertising boards being kicked in!!! :rolleyes:

Had a feeling you would of seen that Paul.

Dont worry about it no business ever pay for advertising boards at St Blazey anyway. (apologies if that your board Simon) you do pay

Money Man

Money Man, that's an ill-informed and potentially libellous statement to make.

And the Chairman bites ....... :thumbsup::thumbsup:

I fully understand your clubs dramatic demise from being the pinnacle of Cornish football to a very average one and only average because of the invovment of Glynn, Laffs, Simon, and a couple of others, but please dont drag St Blazey fc any further down by posting such stupid irresponsible comments on here.

I have a lot of respect for St Blazey and the management there so dont get me started ......

2 words BROKENSHIRE OUT.........

Close the clubhouse and open it on matchdays only , get rid of Sky ... you are a football club that wont exist in 2011 be unless you change.. that my prediction (prove me wrong)

If you want any advice on how to run a club properly then please contact AFC StAustell

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Paul I am simply stating that there needs to be a dramatic cost cutting operation done at St Blazey or the club will not survive...

Its great to see that there is lots of additinal teams that participate in other sports at St Blazey FC , is there scope to only open on evenings then.

As for the Bingo players I have seen them in action 40 people playing and 40 orange squashes between them :SM_carton: They have to go.

In short

Only open in the evenings and weekends for the football. ( saving wages on staff during the days and heating rates etc)

Remove Sky TV cost £600.00 per month

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I take it from the silence from anyone affiliated with St Blazey fc ....

That I am right.... :clapper: :clapper:

Lets hope it gets through to Mr Brokenshire ........

Mr Brokenshire you are only the treasurer, relinquish your stangle hold on the club and let it move forward .... In fact step down and let the youngsters do whats best..

If you love St Blazey then resign and get the likes of Simon, Martin etc to move the club forward...

Green and Black fans you really need to start publicly addressing the dire situation your club is in... or next season you will be watching no Football unless you come and watch AFC St Austell :thumbsup:

Hopps and Lafs .............. Brilliant St Blazey FC ........... Shocking

Money Man

BYE BYE Mr Brokenshire

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Before throwing stones Money Man, perhaps the profits from AFC St Austell's newly found lease of life should go to paying off some of the debts the old administration left behind for people like Jolly's etc??

A simple name change does not detract from the fact that you were poorly run yourself!

Can do nothing but respect the turn around that you have had a big part in, but sadly every now and then you let yourself and St Austell down a little with ill advised comments about St Blazey.

Its a shame as it makes it difficult for neutrals to embrace the return to glory.

What I will say mind you, is that it is highly unlikely that St Blazey will ever sink to the depths that St Austell have sadly experienced and on that basis I wouldnt be so hypocritical.

You have quite a passionate viewpoint considering your public resignation from all duties not so long ago............

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Its just not the place to have a go at certain people. If you cant say it to their face then it dosnt mean alot.

Its not what the forum is all about.

Saying that, theres lots to do on and off the pitch. Watch this space. Things can only get better. :D

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Before throwing stones Money Man, perhaps the profits from AFC St Austell's newly found lease of life should go to paying off some of the debts the old administration left behind for people like Jolly's etc??

A simple name change does not detract from the fact that you were poorly run yourself!

Can do nothing but respect the turn around that you have had a big part in, but sadly every now and then you let yourself and St Austell down a little with ill advised comments about St Blazey.

Its a shame as it makes it difficult for neutrals to embrace the return to glory.

What I will say mind you, is that it is highly unlikely that St Blazey will ever sink to the depths that St Austell have sadly experienced and on that basis I wouldnt be so hypocritical.

You have quite a passionate viewpoint considering your public resignation from all duties not so long ago............

My Resignation , just showed me how passionate I am about the club Soil sports , that is why I quickly changed my mind... with regards money owed... what went on before was not done by the football club it was the social club so that ends that one.

I for one would not want to run St Blazey down... I am simply just advising from speaking with many St Blazey fans and commitee members on how perhaps the club could progress like indeed we have.

Believe me the last thing I want is St Blazey falling to the depths that St Austell did. But I am afraid to say that I am just passing on facts from people within the club that unless there is a serious change .... There will be NO St Blazey FC very soon, and that will be a very sad day not just because it would cost us 6 points a season hahaha.

Money Man

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No one accepts that the St Austell Social Hut on the site of a run down ground of a poorly supported football club, had nothing to do with St Austell FC. The two were joined by a common interest and the same people.

If the football club were not involved, why change the name to AFC ? The club was morally if not financially bankrupt, but not much has changed since. The pathetic protestations of innocence regarding the Newquay incident, the constant gloating about the recent expensive revival and now the knocking of the neighbours.

AFC should let the mid table position they have established in the Premier be a springboard to better things, not a position to start looking down on those less fortunate. To be honest, there are plenty who still regard Blazey as a much bigger club. You don't go from near bottom of SWL to SWPL Prem in a few years and become a big club, no one thinks Bodmin are a big club, a good side yes, but not BIG !

Now do everyone a favour, shut up until you have regained some respect from the rest of the County (other than your pals at CCFA), you still have a long way to go.

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That is a fact ... from an un named commitee man at St Blazey its quite cheap really some pubs are paying up to £1200 per month.

£600.00 per month WOW....

£7200 per year that would be nice in the new managers pocket for the start of next season... :smiley20:

Question is......

What money does that bring into the club over the course of a year???

As your club house is rarly open then I can see why you dont need it.

The clubhouse is used by many every day and night. As I play pool for the club and another pub, when you visit other pubs there are alot less people using other pubs/clubs then St Blazey F.C.

I would add another pool table to the club and enter more teams in the pool league which brings in a minimum of 12 people on match eveings.....many of whom drink well. Theres more to look at then just the football side to help fund the whole place.

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I cant believe that Nemesis is still going on about that incident at Poltair park which must have taken place well over 12 months ago. Broken record comes to mind. Just let it go.

Of course he is still going on about it! The guy is a complete numpty. He carries around and hangs up a tatty over sized beach towel at every game and for some reason is really unpopular with the players who he supports! I could name a number of the boys at newquay who think the guy is an embarrassment.

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No one accepts that the St Austell Social Hut on the site of a run down ground of a poorly supported football club, had nothing to do with St Austell FC. The two were joined by a common interest and the same people.

If the football club were not involved, why change the name to AFC ? The club was morally if not financially bankrupt, but not much has changed since. The pathetic protestations of innocence regarding the Newquay incident, the constant gloating about the recent expensive revival and now the knocking of the neighbours.

AFC should let the mid table position they have established in the Premier be a springboard to better things, not a position to start looking down on those less fortunate. To be honest, there are plenty who still regard Blazey as a much bigger club. You don't go from near bottom of SWL to SWPL Prem in a few years and become a big club, no one thinks Bodmin are a big club, a good side yes, but not BIG !

Now do everyone a favour, shut up until you have regained some respect from the rest of the County (other than your pals at CCFA), you still have a long way to go.

Nemesis... We are a big club... you are so wrong about the AFC thing that you go on about all the time...

How long will it be untill its AFC Newquay... apparently thats the next step...

Take care

Might meet in the cup perhaps :clapper: :clapper:

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Before throwing stones Money Man, perhaps the profits from AFC St Austell's newly found lease of life should go to paying off some of the debts the old administration left behind for people like Jolly's etc??

A simple name change does not detract from the fact that you were poorly run yourself!

Can do nothing but respect the turn around that you have had a big part in, but sadly every now and then you let yourself and St Austell down a little with ill advised comments about St Blazey.

Its a shame as it makes it difficult for neutrals to embrace the return to glory.

What I will say mind you, is that it is highly unlikely that St Blazey will ever sink to the depths that St Austell have sadly experienced and on that basis I wouldnt be so hypocritical.

You have quite a passionate viewpoint considering your public resignation from all duties not so long ago............

Is it right that the famous Amos Putt has stated to St Blazey that the club will indeed be better off without his closest friend Brian Brokenshire.

Also what part does Harry Crooke play in all this

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"No one accepts that the St Austell Social Hut on the site of a run down ground of a poorly supported football club, had nothing to do with St Austell FC. The two were joined by a common interest and the same people".

Get your facts right Nemesis or shut up (and i'm not a StA committe member by the way). However, I do know the FACTS and, not for the first time, you're talking out of your hat!

On the St.Blazey finances posting, not that its really anybody elses business but I'm sure like many pubs/clubs they are finding it tough these days and the cost of sky or entertainment or other things that they can control need to be looked at. However i'd guess one of the biggest overheads is rates which they can do little about.

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"Now do everyone a favour, shut up until you have regained some respect from the rest of the County".

I think St.Austell have done quite well in re-gaining respect from the rest of the county this season, with huge ground improvements, a good disciplinary record in all competitions, an excellent position in the league table so far for their 1st season, and some excellent results that proves we are not going to be an easy team to beat... It just seems to be you that finds it impossible to let things go. Now why don't you do everyone a favour, and disappear...

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Its good to see that everyone still loves a bit of St Blazey and are showing true concern.

At the end of the day, we must stop worrying about what we dont have and look at what we do have!!

We have a very nice all enclosed ground with floodlights. Two covered stands and plans in place to cover the Laundry End. The pitch is well looked after and I believe had over 100 matched played on it last season.

One of the biggest clubhouses at this level of non league football, including main bar, big function room, seperate snooker room with two tables, pool table, dart boards, along with a number of teams for each.

The club has events on every week and the club is well used. Its was repainted in the summer and looks very smart.

Im confident the club will rise again......watch this space.

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Not really interested in what folk think of me. They, like me, are entitled to whatever opinion they may have, although they should again be warned to refrain from personal abuse.

I happen to dislike the morally corrupt, scroungers, chav scum and those who are here who do not respect our traditions, values and laws. I also have no time for those who are ruining the country for their own gain (well done Oldham, a beacon of hope) amongst others, and those who think they are above and beyond the rest of us.

In the meantime, St Blazey, like most other clubs are feeling the pinch, purse strings and belts have to be tightened, silly money to players cut and SKY TV dropped. BT Vision works well for Newquay AFC, far cheaper than any other system with footy on it. Closing on certain days/nights when business is slow will help. You can only say well done to the fund raiser at AFC SA for obtaining money from businesses in these hard times, no mean feat that. Perhaps they would like to share the secret of how they do it, so we can all benefit in our own areas.

Best wishes to all at Blazey from the current Charity Cup Holders.

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Not really interested in what folk think of me. They, like me, are entitled to whatever opinion they may have, although they should again be warned to refrain from personal abuse.

I happen to dislike the morally corrupt, scroungers, chav scum and those who are here who do not respect our traditions, values and laws. I also have no time for those who are ruining the country for their own gain (well done Oldham, a beacon of hope) amongst others, and those who think they are above and beyond the rest of us.

In the meantime, St Blazey, like most other clubs are feeling the pinch, purse strings and belts have to be tightened, silly money to players cut and SKY TV dropped. BT Vision works well for Newquay AFC, far cheaper than any other system with footy on it. Closing on certain days/nights when business is slow will help. You can only say well done to the fund raiser at AFC SA for obtaining money from businesses in these hard times, no mean feat that. Perhaps they would like to share the secret of how they do it, so we can all benefit in our own areas.

Best wishes to all at Blazey from the current Charity Cup Holders.

"You can only say well done to the fund raiser at AFC SA for obtaining money from businesses in these hard times, no mean feat that"

Advertising with a football club is very beneficial to local and national business's ... at St Austell we treat it like a a masonic lodge... " you advertise with us and our fans and players will use the advertiser when required" this is monitored by the paying business and so far "touch wood" its worked... to be fair a cost of an advertising board for a year is £150.00... if the business buckles at that then tell them its only 41 pence a day... we have 80 advertising boards at st austell at present ... thats £12000 just to get started.. also we have the programme which is produced for free by a main sponsor " Headland Printers" .... "legends by the way... that brings in a few thousand from adverts plus we sell 50 per home game which is £1200a year... another great sponsorship opportunity to bring money in is match and matchball sponsorship that brings in £100 per home game... Load more i.e Raffles but dont want to go on.

Hard work and belief in your product to improve businesses is the key .

Love your club and spend the money well .. remember its easier to get that extra £ when the team is doing well...

We are not perfect at St Austell but we do have the Commercial side running beautifully.....

Kind Regards

Money Man

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How long will it be untill its AFC Newquay... apparently thats the next step...

Take care

Might meet in the cup perhaps :clapper: :clapper:

Much prefer Newquay Town FC, perhaps if/when we move out to Quintrell Downs the name change will come.

Would be nice to meet up again, how about a Senior Cup Final date next May ? Still gutted some of us missed the Charity Cup win last season.

Be good !

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Here is the link to my website http://www.piranfilms.com/sports_films.php No prizes for guessing the music - some of you of a certain age will recognise it but may not know the title or artist. Copies of the match DVD are available at £6.50 inc. package and postage (mainland UK). Please send me an email - mark@piranfilms.com.

The Liquidator by Harry J Allstars

The Baggies anthem. Brilliant tune :yahoo:

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Whats with the moving ground thing? News to me. Whats the chances of that happening? Is it all about having a good piece of land that developers want which will in return more than pay for a new ground and better facilities???

It's an idea that was mooted a couple of years ago before greedy bankers ruined the world.

NAFC own the lease on Mount Wise until 2073, worth a fortune to the council if they wanted to buy us out and sell the land to a property developer. NAFC would ask in return for a new purpose built stadium with bar/lounge and training facilities out at QD if/when the new mini town is built + a big lump sum on top. The 2 developments would have to be done so that NAFC always had a ground to play at, rather than groundshare until one or the other was completed.

Having said that, the new council seem to be worse than the last lot so probably more chance of Newquay retaining the Charity Cup this year.

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