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Mutterings is back with thoughts on things changing for the better!

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After the Christmas and New Year break, Massey's Mutterings is back and kicks off 2011 with his thoughts on football in Cornwall and Devon and how it has changed, mostly for the better, in the past 10 years! Take a look and see if you think so!

I think Steve has got the Buckland bit well & truly spot on !

Had a computer crash so will start again. I think Steve has got the Buckland bit well & truly spot on. The rise and rise of Buckland Football club has been amazing. From Devon & Exeter football to Devon League to swpl. All done with everyone pulling in the right direction. Champions of the SWPL League and cup holders in the same season. We have a chance of something this season (and so do others !!)What a truly monumental achievement for everyone at the club. We dont know what will happen in the future but one thing is for sure, if the clubs ready to advance to the next level, it will only do so, when EVERYTHING is in place on and off the field. I personally hope we stay in this league for several years to come. Its a good football league. Its geographically right and there are some really good clubs to visit, in both Devon & Cornwall. I hope we continue to be one of the better teams, but if our fortunes should falter, i am sure they will still talk about the fantastic club that is Buckland Football Club.

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May i step into the "Baylo Bubble" for a few moments, just to ask whether you could send me a pint of what you had been drinking the night you made your second posting.

Buckland may have risen to dizzy heights, but i think it is clear for all to see that whilst you and your committee parade a touch of arrogance concerning your success, it will be this very characteristic in believing you are the best in your current league, that will be your downfall. Winners recgonise their strengths and strive for the best, those who think they are winners, never know their strenghts and never reach their best.

Those who fail to plan, will indeed plan to fail. Good luck to you in the future, but remember if and when the bubble bursts it can get very wet and messy, perhaps you should buy a umberella just in case!!

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I agree baylo87, what Buckland have achieved is remarkable. :clapper: It's happened because the right decisions have been made at the right time and I'm sure the club will continue to make the right decisions in the future. :thumbsup:

As a Buckland follower, I would love to see Buckland try their hand at a higher level, they certainly have the facilities to put most Western League Premier clubs to shame.

However I fully understand its all about finances,and a lot of the current players work Saturday mornings so getting time of work for a game of footy is difficult even now without adding another thousand miles of travel into the mix.

Steve Massey has to remember this IS NOT professional football, take a look at our near neighbours Dawlish Town ? Not knocking DTFC in any shape or form but they often get crowds of just 75.

That means a great deal of off the pitch effort and sponsorship must be gained to sustain their position in the Western League Premier and nowhere is this more prevalent than at BAFC.

Steve showed only too well at Buckland that Money does not buy success... (Only one of his signings remains in the first team ) for written confirmation contact Kevin Keegan.

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May i step into the "Baylo Bubble" for a few moments, just to ask whether you could send me a pint of what you had been drinking the night you made your second posting.

Buckland may have risen to dizzy heights, but i think it is clear for all to see that whilst you and your committee parade a touch of arrogance concerning your success, it will be this very characteristic in believing you are the best in your current league, that will be your downfall. Winners recgonise their strengths and strive for the best, those who think they are winners, never know their strenghts and never reach their best.

Those who fail to plan, will indeed plan to fail. Good luck to you in the future, but remember if and when the bubble bursts it can get very wet and messy, perhaps you should buy a umberella just in case!!

Bailey...Your always welcome in the bubble, there's quite a bit of room !! There is no arrogance from anyone at the club, just people who are loving the moment. My point is this. People love to ask questions about where we will be in 10 or 20 years ....the simple truth is we just don't know, but if ever there is going to be a club that gets it right, it might just come from a club that has taken great strides in the last 10 - 20 years and at the same time have done it with a lot of common sense !

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