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Foxhole 4 Perranporth 0

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Foxhole 4 Perranporth 0

Saturday 12th February 2011

Foxhole avenged last week's setback to march into the semi-finals after an emphatic victory over a well-beaten Perranporth outfit. Although there was an early scare when Ryan Holland needed to stretch to tip Ralph's backheader to safety, the Foxes soon settled and created the first chance after nine minutes when Rawlings failed to deal with Bird's searching ball, but Rowe poked his effort wide from close-range. However, seconds later, Griffin beat the offside trap to fire past Mitchell for the opener, a lead which was being comfortably maintained until a frenetic period midway through the half when both the otherwise ineffective Trevaskis and Ford wasted opportunities to equalise. Griffin was causing panic amongst the visitors' defence, and may have done better after latching on to Cutlan's pass, before overcoming Barclay's lunge near the corner flag to deliver a fine centre onto the head of Bird, but Moustrides was on hand to clear from the line. Bird's cross was tamely headed over by Cutlan before, on thirty-five minutes, the Foxes notched a deserved second from Kempthorne following great play by both Griffin and Pete May, whose harsh booking for a tackle on Maynard followed an equally mysterious caution for Adam Holland.

Perranporth hopes that the half-time introduction of Dean Harris and the advance of Trevaskis into a striking role would provide the impetus for a recovery were dashed within 120 seconds of the restart when Ralph robbed Pearson to release Griffin, who confidently lobbed Mitchell for the decisive third. The visitors' body language suggested they felt their fate had thus been sealed, only threatening Holland when a centre by Hawke, the recipient of an early yellow card for a poor challenge on Ralph, was nodded over by Ford. Pearson then failed to convert from ten yards during a scrappy passage of play interrupted by further substitutions due to injuries to Ralph and Pete May, and cautions for Rowe and Griffin, but the home team were to regain their composure for the final quarter and could have added to their tally through both James and Griffin. Rawlings' dismissal for dissent twelve minutes from time further confirmed Foxhole's dominance, and Matt May completed the scoring on eighty-one minutes when his mis-hit centre deceived Mitchell at his near-post to round off their second successive 4-0 Charity Cup victory.

Foxhole (4-4-2): Ryan Holland; Joe Egan, Matt May, Bradley Ralph (sub. Glyn James), Adam Holland; CJ Bird, James Cutlan, Pete May (sub. Ryan Hayhurst), Michael Kempthorne; Richard Griffin, Mark Rowe.

Perranporth (3-5-2): John Mitchell; Sam Moustrides, Craig Barclay (sub. Steve Hawke), Dave Rawlings; Bryan Hawke, Reg Pearson, Kayne Trevaskis, Ross Maynard (sub. Dean Harris), Liam Streat; Andy Dyer, Danny Ford (sub. Matt Luff).

Referee: Mr Francis Matulewicz (St Tudy).

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A fair assesment of the game Darin we were well beaten and it was no use blaming a very poor ref as he was equally as bad for both side with mysterious desicions and bookings. You did miss out that the foxhole manager was sent off after a 3 minute torrent of abuse at a linesman because the linesman dared to smile when asked why the ref was having such a bad game....

Soccer follower, he was lucky to stay on the pitch again yesterday after only 5 minutes he hurled some f & C at the ref, another one would have sent him off and he was warned three more times about his language before he was finally booked, I don't know why he does it because I thought he was the best player on the pitch ...

Although I have to mention the Ref who I think will admit himself he had a bad game two big incidents CJ Bird was sent sprawling 5 yards in the box for a foxhole penalty but he gave it on the edge although he didn't get any help from his linesman.... and 5 minutes later the ball went a foot out of play and perran stopped and foxhole carried on and had a shot that was cleared to which Dave Rawlings swore and called the ref a F****** T*** which rightly saw him recieve a red card, but to his credit Griffin told the Ref that the ball was out and the ref told him dont worry its sorted now..

Anyway it6s not sour grapes foxhole desereved the win and wanted it more than Perran and good luck in the semis...

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A very hollow victory in view of the fact that it was achieved with several players who are committed to another club. In my view clubs who pursue this short sighted policy are quite sad and get what they deserve in the long run which is very little success and certainly no respect from players. Clubs who stick to, and show faith in players who are 100% committed to their club and their club only are built on much stronger foundations and will be much better off in the long run.

Foxhole may have won yesterday but they are going nowhere fast !

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In reply to Dave the Rave, maybe you should get your facts correct before making such a strong statement about a well run and respected team in the league. It is a shame some people need to take away the credit of the players who performed so well on saturday, the "several" players you claim are attached to other clubs, were two, yes TWO players from st Dennis who had agreed to help out the club as they have a small squad of 14 players since the departure of glynn Rowett with 7 players leaving over the nov/dec months, as you say FACT. Mark Rowe and Ryan hayhurst stepped in to make the numbers up to 14 as no other players were available as the second team only had 13 players as well so could not help out the first team, so sorry we dont have a squad of 20 players Dave! and neither were starting in the original line up until tom Rescorla had to pull out 1hr before kick off, so mark rowe started, apart from him the same 10 players from last week started FACT! Ryan only came on because Pete may was injured so please stop looking to make excuses why Foxhole won, its simply they deserved it, and outplayed a very good Perranporth side who we wish the best of luck to for the rest of the season.

So next time you question a club and its integrity please check your facts, the club and manager know they have players who are 100% committed to the club and have a strong team spirit at the moment, and look to grow from this into next season, so why dont you stop being so short sighted and get your facts straight and maybe say a little well done to the boys at foxhole for a good team performance, not bad for a team going nowhere fast! All i know is we will play for each other and have a good crack at the rest of the season and do it with a smile on our faces and keep the good team spirit going, so Dave who is going nowhere fast and short sighted with no respect from anyone, Jog on!

Foxhole No 3

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I stand by what i said JD, for me it is a poor show when the strength of the foxhole team on any given match is dependant on wether or not certain other local teams have got a fixture that day or not. Maybe thats why you haven't got enough players in the first place. Sort your priorities out and maybe players will take you more seriously and want to make a real commitment to your club because cadging players from other clubs is weak and makes winning a bit hollow and meaningless. You talk about "team spirit" but i wonder if you understand the meaning of the phrase. True team spirit surely only comes from commitment, togetherness through thick and thin, loyalty to your club and each other, week in and week out. With winning with your own players and losing with your own players, come what may.

Just my views, no insult to Foxhole FC intended. Good luck in the semi final (if you play with true foxes)

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Sorry Dave, i didnt realise you had nothing better to do then carry on your weak statement on foxhole! If you look at the team sheets since Tony mackellar took over you will find the same names on there every week, not bad for non committed players, and although Tony must have asked the players who had to work on the occasional saturdays or in Cam Palins case on a offshore rig in Scotland, to pack in there jobs and get there priorities right as Dave the rave may comment on the football forum about the lack of team spirit, it mustnt have worked, wot a bad manager!!! Get your facts right before making a comment, only Ryan Hayhurst had been called in and he played 35 mins, Mark Rowe has played at foxhole most of the season and only left in nov before Tony mac got there otherwise iam sure he would have stayed. in the time tony mackellar has been in charge i believe he hasnt scoured the local teams to see who isnt or is playing to see if he can borrow players, maybe thats something you would do or have done! otherwise it has been the same players playing week in , week out,so tut tut, maybe you are a bitter ex player or just not a fan of foxhole, but before you make such a FACTLESS comment on foxhole or any other team try and back it up with some truth, iam a player at foxhole and the team spirit is good and we have committed [players, but you wouldnt know! In your world Dave superman really exsists, Gotham city is 5 miles west of truro and unicorns are breeding in Devon, if your still in doubt came and watch a game and if you dont trust me your negative veiws wont be missed, enjoy the rest of the season Dave.

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The semi finals will take place midweek in april, so we will see how many ringers foxhole play then as I would imagine more would be available midweek. Or is there a rule stating that you must play a certain amount of games for the club to qualify to play in the semi's and final? If there isn't then it could be a good rule to implement.

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The semi finals will take place midweek in april, so we will see how many ringers foxhole play then as I would imagine more would be available midweek. Or is there a rule stating that you must play a certain amount of games for the club to qualify to play in the semi's and final? If there isn't then it could be a good rule to implement.

ha ha you lot got your knickers in a twist about a charity cup game, makes me roll around wetting myself. we won fair and square, move on!

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The semi finals will take place midweek in april, so we will see how many ringers foxhole play then as I would imagine more would be available midweek. Or is there a rule stating that you must play a certain amount of games for the club to qualify to play in the semi's and final? If there isn't then it could be a good rule to implement.

If there was a number of games that the player has had to have played to play in the cup for the club. mark rowe the player that helped foxhole out on saturday has already played atleast 10 games for the club this season so would therfore be aloud to play anyway.

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