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Senior Cup Result

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Timmy Raa

Well done to Saltash, Football is a funny Game, Saltash beat Falmouth in the Cup Games & Falmouth do the double in the League.

As for your Remarks By calling Falmouth Foulmouth,

it goes to Show that you are A foulmouth, & not a good sportsman,

I am A Falmouth Town Supporter,

I Like Falmouth to win, But I also give credit to Saltash for beating Falmouth in the Cup Games,

I doubt if you are a true Saltash supporter.


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well said hammers

its posters like them who have no respect for other clubs.

all moaning when your falmouth side beat saltash in the league recently and then saltash win and now they disrespect you and say that your foulmouth etc.

its only step 6/7 football at the end of the day not exactly premiership, but your always going to get the one or 2 supporters. well done to saltash unlucky falmouth.

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I'm ever so sorry if I disrespected 'Falmouth' in any way. I've just looked up the correct spelling on a map. What must you think of my awful spelling????

Looked like there was some disrespecting going on after the final whistle when those lovely chaps Messrs Carey and Flynn having a' word'. With the ref.

And 'yes' I do consider myself to be a true fan. 30 years man and boy, through good and bad times.

Lookin forward to the game with Snozzle on thusday

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Was at the match....heard both teams using bad language...Saltash centre half said "F*** off REf " straight to his face and got a yellow card only... that set the tone for the day...

Saltash did deserve to win, they were sharper first half, but give Falmouth credit for coming back with ten men, and then a soft pen... and the game was over....

Ref was poor today, too soft and was surrounded by 7 Saltash players at one stage asking for decisions...( yes sadly I counted them), and took too much lip from both sides and the benches.

4 5 1 didnt work for Falmouth, and cost them today.... Drummond issolated upfront....too many midfielders not doing enough work...

Only league position to play for now....top four finish...???

Good luck to Saltash in the semi.... :clapper:

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Just to confirm TIMMYRAA, like myself, is a Saltash United supporter. He is not foul mouth, anything but.

One has to ask, why do Referees accept foul language either aimed at them or spoken? What would be the response if I walked up to one of the long list of foul mouthed players within the CSWPL and told them to **** OFF? I guess the response would be pretty obvious, but we expect Referees to accept it!

Whilst I accept there was some foul language spoken by a couple of Saltash United players, the likes of Carey and Flynn have a reputation for it.

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Saltash scored first 5 minutes before the end of the first half, a low shot from the edge of the box.

Falmouth were reduced to ten men in the second half when the last man denied a goal scoring oppurtunity before they equalised when a rebound was put away. Saltash got the lead back however when a penalty was given for a foul in the box, it was put away. Saltash now tried to keep it in the corner and it worked for a while but as in those situations, the opposition won the ball back. Not long after this, the game was safe when a third goal was scored by Saltash.

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Referees have the power to crack down on bad language but largely fail to do so.

I believe Law 12 covers this area as follows, specifically number 6 under sending-off offences and number 2 under cautionable offences :

Sending-off offences

A player, substitute or substituted player is sent off and shown the red card if he commits any of the following seven offences:

1. is guilty of serious foul play

2. is guilty of violent conduct

3. spits at an opponent or any other person

4. denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goalscoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (this does not apply to a goalkeeper within his own penalty area)

5. denies an obvious goalscoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player’s goal by an offence punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick

6. uses offensive or insulting or abusive language and/or gestures

7. receives a second caution in the same match.

Cautionable offences:

A player is cautioned and shown the yellow card if he commits any of the following seven offences:

1. is guilty of unsporting behaviour

2. shows dissent by word or action

3. persistently infringes the Laws of the Game

4. delays the restart of play

5. fails to respect the required distance when play is restarted with a corner kick, free kick or throw-in

6. enters or re-enters the field of play without the referee’s permission

7. deliberately leaves the field of play without the referee’s permission.

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Argyle fan you are spot on ...

Problem is that if the refs actually stick to those rules no game would finish as we would get down to at least 7 a side no managers and coaches....

But it seems to get worse, used to ref packed it in as i stuck to above and got stick that last weeks ref didnt mind his parentage being questioned etc...

This respect campaign is never pushed through properly look at the premier league....and how they act, so why should be expect better from SWPL, but we should....

If all the refs stood firm ... then it may bring results....

By the way hope Argyle do the great escape... Steve McQueen on his motor bike clearing the advertising hordings at home park... :SM_carton_y:

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Argyle fan you are spot on ...

Problem is that if the refs actually stick to those rules no game would finish as we would get down to at least 7 a side no managers and coaches....

But it seems to get worse, used to ref packed it in as i stuck to above and got stick that last weeks ref didnt mind his parentage being questioned etc...

This respect campaign is never pushed through properly look at the premier league....and how they act, so why should be expect better from SWPL, but we should....

If all the refs stood firm ... then it may bring results....

By the way hope Argyle do the great escape... Steve McQueen on his motor bike clearing the advertising hordings at home park... :SM_carton_y:

Isn't is up to Referees to find some "balls" and make it clear in the changing rooms before the match, foul language will not be tolerated. It would only need two players in a match to been shown the red card for foul language, matters would change very quickly. But no, it want happen, as they will not receive the support from the Cornwall FA or Devon FA.

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The problem is national not local.

The FA won't do anything about it because the vast majority of their income comes from the Premier League who don't want games reduced to eight-a-side because of referees showing red cards for foul and abusive language. They think it would reduce the appeal of their product which is sold around the world.

Forget the fact that all our kids see the behaviour of players at that level and believe that it's ok for them too!

I've spoken to referees from all over the SW and haven't met a single one yet who thinks the Respect Campaign is anything other that a complete waste of time. Shake hands before the game...load of cobblers, utterly meaningless waste of time and effort.

Yes there are referees who aren't being attacked in some areas according to the campaign. Well if it was implemented from the top down and from the bottom up and met somwhere in the middle we'd have a sensible campaign that we'd all support fully.

Tell the FAPL that from the 2012-2013 season that there will be a massive crack-down for the sake of the game and give them 18 months lead time to put their houses in order. The game is getting out of control and sadly the referees who uphold the laws of the game and send players off get marked down and can't get up the refereeing ladder themselves.

The way the Rangers player tried to snatch the card out of the refs hand the other night after being sent off is nothing short of scandelous, where will it end?

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