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kevin hendy done a great job dont get me wrong but maybe the club needed to go in a new direction.

Have got to admit, I haven't seen Saltash play many times this season, as I like to take a look at the Saturday fixtures and choose what could be a interesting fixture. I therefore have no allegiance to any club, so feel I can make an unbiased view/comment.

After watching the Saltash v St Austell game, the Bodmin v Saltash game and reading the various match reports from local football reporter Mike Sampson, I definately feel the time has come for Saltash to seek a far more experienced manager.

Saltash do have some quality players, but they have no game plan. That was quite evident from the Cornwall Senior Cup Semi-Final between Saltash and St Austell. Due to injuries, St austell were unable to field a recognised goalkeeper, they had to play one of their usual FULL BACKS in goal. Did the Saltash management take advantage of this, a simple NO.

Saltash have not progressed in recent season, they have gone backwards. W hat was once a very exciting team to watch, they have become very predictable.

There are several experience managers currently without a club, Trevor Mewton, Steve Massey, Dave Leonard to name only three.

Perhaps the time has come for a change.

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I have to agree, this season has been a real disappointment.

But before the Committee of "the ashes" make any hasty decisions, I am sure they will consider what Kevin Hendy has done since the very sad death of Tmmmy Alford.

Kevin Hendy has been a very loyal servant of Saltash United and has a close bond with the players. so a change in manager might see the team break up.

I must admit, I have not enjoyed this season and wish it could all start again.

Perhaps a few fresh faces in the team next season will improve the squad and see the club challenging for honours once again.

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Anthony Hatch the current second team manager has done a decent job in the East Cornwall division and maybe worth a punt and maybe make the change easier to swallow!! Or what about the undoubted talent of Scott Bamford for a shot at a top club.

Correct name is Andrew Hatch. On the face of it, he does seem to be doing a reasonable job with the second team, but doesn't the senior team require an experienced manager? The first team have suffered in recent season by having a manager with no coaching qualifications, no tactics and poor dicipline.

I can well remember Saltash having a very competent team who won the Western League Premier Division title on three occasions in the 1980's. This was only acheived by having experienced managers and under the leadership of Saltash United stalwart, Mike Howard.

I am very sure, if Kevin Hendy had Mike Howard as Chairman now, he would have been sacked following the recent Cornwall Senior Cup Semi-final defeat to St Austell. Winning the Cornwall Senior Cup has always had a sense of pride within Cornwall, but not it seems at Saltash United.

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Anthony Hatch the current second team manager has done a decent job in the East Cornwall division and maybe worth a punt and maybe make the change easier to swallow!! Or what about the undoubted talent of Scott Bamford for a shot at a top club.

Correct name is Andrew Hatch. On the face of it, he does seem to be doing a reasonable job with the second team, but doesn't the senior team require an experienced manager? The first team have suffered in recent season by having a manager with no coaching qualifications, no tactics and poor dicipline.

I can well remember Saltash having a very competent team who won the Western League Premier Division title on three occasions in the 1980's. This was only acheived by having experienced managers and under the leadership of Saltash United stalwart, Mike Howard.

I am very sure, if Kevin Hendy had Mike Howard as Chairman now, he would have been sacked following the recent Cornwall Senior Cup Semi-final defeat to St Austell. Winning the Cornwall Senior Cup has always had a sense of pride within Cornwall, but not it seems at Saltash United.


i think saltash's present chairman kevin doddrich i think thats his name , has been very good with kevin hendy but maybe he's to friendly with his players and finds it hard to give them a rollicking when they need it! wot about giving the job to a.bouch ???

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Sadly another inept performance from "the ashes". Saash United 1 Penzance 1

Just arrived home from the game very, very frustrated. Was really looked forward to the game today, but once again I was left to feel, why did I bother.

I have to agree with several previous comments on here. The Saltash United squad is made up of many talented players, but it is certainly not happening on the pitch this season.

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If you support Saltash instead of hiding behind a forum nickname take your concerns direct.

To many people hide behind a forum when they havn't got the balls to come out and say things to the people who it should really be said to.

We are not talking about Man Utd or Liverpool here have some balls and speak to people at Saltash who are ordinary people like you and me. :SM_carton: :SM_carton: :SM_carton:

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If you support Saltash instead of hiding behind a forum nickname take your concerns direct.

To many people hide behind a forum when they havn't got the balls to come out and say things to the people who it should really be said to.

We are not talking about Man Utd or Liverpool here have some balls and speak to people at Saltash who are ordinary people like you and me. :SM_carton: :SM_carton: :SM_carton:

Sorry NORTH DEVON DWELLER, but i don't seem to be able to find your full name here.

I am not concerned, just passing a comment, which I believe I am entitled to do.

I am very sure the Chairman, Committee and the Manager are not at all happy with recent results, who would be.

For your information, my name is Paul Quick. I am now in my early 50's and have watched Saltash United for some 40+ years now.

So come on NORTH DEVON DWELLER, whats your full name and who do you support?

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Pastyman read my profile which tells you my name but just in case you cant find it my name is Billy Roberts from Witheridge Football Club.

However my original comment remains if you have concerns take to to the people that matter instead of moaning on a forum.

I say these things as a commitee of Witheridge Football Club and know what it is like to have bitching behind your back or on places like forums and not directly to your face. :SM_carton: :SM_carton: :SM_carton:

If you are not directly involved with the club (which you might be) perhaps maybe it is time to help out because bear in mind at this standard of football we are all VOLUNTEERS and if we decide to walk away you have NO FOOTBALL.

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