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Penryn management pair standing down

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its a shame to hear that Steve and Dale are stepping down as managers of Penryn, steve is one of the most enthusiastic managers i have ever played under and dale is one of the best players i have played along side with and i would personally like to say thank you for everything they have done for me and hope to play under them again one day.

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Jeweller and Bandy are a great pair of guys,and have taken Penryn as far as possible as things stand. But I think Penryn would be much better off if they had a committee clear out and put in people with new ideas, football has moved on and Penryn should move with the times. Having read Dales comments about not having a big enough squad and not been able to attract players, well again this comes from Penryn not being a united club. for example Ben Ambrose was put on the sub bench for the Combo side,got teasey and said that he would,nt play for them again,and he ends up in the Fal/Hel div 1 side. Get rid of him once you let one player behave like that then they all will, pick and choose what team they are playing for,when that should be done by managers if you can,t pull a player from your reserves then you have wasted a place for a player that does want to be more successful and strive to play a higher standard.You are better off having a player without a clue how to play football,but willing to try, than a prima dona who wont turn up for you.

IF it is true and Alan Rundle takes the team over,when he says jump the players will ask how high? as Alan will demand respect and if you dont like it you wont be playing.

Good luck to Steve and Dale in there next venture!

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Deadcert, why pick ben ambrose out??? Id say there were alot more players like that at penryn! I agree with your theorys though!!!

Why you fink alan rundle is going to be manager????

Getting warmer

I thonk there will be a massive turn aroubd in the club managers and players pre season

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:yahoo: Anybody in local football will know Alan Rundle. One of the nicest blokes around and is very well known in the Falmouth and penryn area. I know Alan managed pentyn quite a few tears ago and the last team I can remember him managing was Truro Combo but that was about 15 years ago. Best manager i have ever played under. Who knows he might even get his son Paul to get his boots back on but paul must be nearly 50 now

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Jeweller and Bandy are a great pair of guys,and have taken Penryn as far as possible as things stand. But I think Penryn would be much better off if they had a committee clear out and put in people with new ideas, football has moved on and Penryn should move with the times. Having read Dales comments about not having a big enough squad and not been able to attract players, well again this comes from Penryn not being a united club. for example Ben Ambrose was put on the sub bench for the Combo side,got teasey and said that he would,nt play for them again,and he ends up in the Fal/Hel div 1 side. Get rid of him once you let one player behave like that then they all will, pick and choose what team they are playing for,when that should be done by managers if you can,t pull a player from your reserves then you have wasted a place for a player that does want to be more successful and strive to play a higher standard.You are better off having a player without a clue how to play football,but willing to try, than a prima dona who wont turn up for you.

IF it is true and Alan Rundle takes the team over,when he says jump the players will ask how high? as Alan will demand respect and if you dont like it you wont be playing.

Good luck to Steve and Dale in there next venture!

dead cert me thinks youve got this ambrose boy confused,dont think he plays for penryn probably thinking of the forgien talent that is ben andros great player,should be firsts number 9.andy parry or the messiah dave jenks will get the gig.

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Maybe I was mistaken,sorry if I was, I only tried to get the point across that you cant let players dictate which teams within a club they are going to play for. The only way to become successful is to be united as a club and play for whom you are pic

sorry if I caused you a problem glass hips

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Andy Parry deserves the chance to run the 1st team at Penryn.

Hes been at the club for ages as a player and a manager and has won all there is to win as a manager and a player at combo level.

I have played with him and for him. He is a top bloke and will do really well in the league above good luck mate I hope you get the job you deserve it buddy...




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