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Falmouth Town FC

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Heard a rumour last couple of days that Falmouth Town FC could be struggling on the financial front between now and the end of the season, players allegedly have walked out on the Club.

Can anyone confirm. Not read anything in the press etc.

Results have not been good of late.

Would not be the first time a Club is suffering financial hardship this season

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Heard a rumour last couple of days that Falmouth Town FC could be struggling on the financial front between now and the end of the season, players allegedly have walked out on the Club.

Can anyone confirm. Not read anything in the press etc.

Results have not been good of late.

Would not be the first time a Club is suffering financial hardship this season

Not a bad result today!

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You beat me to it Nige! Hope you,re well by the way mate. Congratulations to Alan and all at Town for todays result. Still is and always will be a fantastic club regardless of money or anything else! Still always get a buzz walking into Bickland. A proper football ground,well chuffed to hear that result today.I would play for Town for nothing (If i wasn't 43 and 18 stone and could still run!!!) COME ON THE TOWN!!! Saboo legend! :thumbsup::clapper::D :c:

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You beat me to it Nige! Hope you,re well by the way mate. Congratulations to Alan and all at Town for todays result. Still is and always will be a fantastic club regardless of money or anything else! Still always get a buzz walking into Bickland. A proper football ground,well chuffed to hear that result today.I would play for Town for nothing (If i wasn't 43 and 18 stone and could still run!!!) COME ON THE TOWN!!! Saboo legend! :thumbsup::clapper::D:c:

Quality reply......love that :thumbsup:

Hate the result :angry2: But fair play to Falmouth today.

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Hedgerow, :SM_carton: You People make me sick, Heard a rumour, if you are so sure tell us who you heard it from,

It is people like you who need to make sure of your facts before you start spreading these so called Rumours, the other day it was St Blazey Now Falmouth Town Both you & Kowalski :SM_carton: are so called neutrals, & yet you Kowalski said you hated it that Falmouth won, Why? Nobody has Walked out of Falmouth Town Yes some have left on their own accord & freely

Onto today with five first choice Players out, two drafted in from the second's but Falmouth played their socks off,

I heard a Buckland Supporter say Buckland always play better in the second half, but they did not they got fiscal & ended up with a hand full of players getting booked & lucky not to have had at least one sent off, they owe it to some of the worse Refereeing that I have seen at Falmouth all season,

on several occasions the Assistant Linesman were flaging for Corners, off side, Fouls, & the Reff did not even look at them, or overruled them,

Falmouth fully deserved the win.

Hammers :c::clapper: :c:

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Hedgerow, :SM_carton: You People make me sick, Heard a rumour, if you are so sure tell us who you heard it from,

It is people like you who need to make sure of your facts before you start spreading these so called Rumours, the other day it was St Blazey Now Falmouth Town Both you & Kowalski :SM_carton: are so called neutrals, & yet you Kowalski said you hated it that Falmouth won, Why? Nobody has Walked out of Falmouth Town Yes some have left on their own accord & freely

Onto today with five first choice Players out, two drafted in from the second's but Falmouth played their socks off,

I heard a Buckland Supporter say Buckland always play better in the second half, but they did not they got fiscal & ended up with a hand full of players getting booked & lucky not to have had at least one sent off, they owe it to some of the worse Refereeing that I have seen at Falmouth all season,

on several occasions the Assistant Linesman were flaging for Corners, off side, Fouls, & the Reff did not even look at them, or overruled them,

Falmouth fully deserved the win.

Hammers :c::clapper::c:

What are you on strange boy? Where do I profess to be neutral? The clue is in my signature.....

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Hedgerow, :SM_carton: You People make me sick, Heard a rumour, if you are so sure tell us who you heard it from,

It is people like you who need to make sure of your facts before you start spreading these so called Rumours, the other day it was St Blazey Now Falmouth Town Both you & Kowalski :SM_carton: are so called neutrals, & yet you Kowalski said you hated it that Falmouth won, Why? Nobody has Walked out of Falmouth Town Yes some have left on their own accord & freely

Onto today with five first choice Players out, two drafted in from the second's but Falmouth played their socks off,

I heard a Buckland Supporter say Buckland always play better in the second half, but they did not they got fiscal & ended up with a hand full of players getting booked & lucky not to have had at least one sent off, they owe it to some of the worse Refereeing that I have seen at Falmouth all season,

on several occasions the Assistant Linesman were flaging for Corners, off side, Fouls, & the Reff did not even look at them, or overruled them,

Falmouth fully deserved the win.

Hammers :c::clapper::c:

My, my I have touched a nerve. Lets get one thing straight Mr Hammer, it was not a pop at Falmouth Town FC or even St Blazey, try reading the thread in the way it was meant to be read. Great result for Falmouth as it opens up the title race and makes it more interesting. So the fact is the rumour is correct players have left even if it was on their own accord and freely.

There are a lot of problems with Clubs from the SWPL down to Clubs playing on council pitches, and it is not nice when a Club might be struggling on and or off the field.

Again great result for Falmouth FC, good luck for the rest of the season on and off the pitch and may the buzz continue for you.

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Great result for Falmouth today and the number of buckland fans was great to see, on the whole believed that Falmouth deserved the win but it could have been worse if a open goal for Falmouth wasnt missed.

Players move on for many reasons, and even at this time of the year. Only one player has left Falmouth ... so a nice rummour but real evidence?

Good crowd and lots of beer being drunk today....

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Hedgerow & Kowalski,

Viking has it correct, but you still have not said who told you these rumours,

Let the Falmouth Manager know so that he may have a chance to answer you,

players leave clubs all through the season for whatever reason,

& everyone is free to make comments on this forum,

but what really makes me mad is when people say they heard this rumour or that rumour, but are not prepared to tell us who from,

there is nothing to stop anyone from going right to the top,

go onto Alan Carey's e mail & tell him what you heard & who from, be open about it give Alan or any other Manager a fair chance to Answer these so called rumours,

if you are prepared to make these statements, be prepared to back them up,

I have been a supporter of Falmouth for at least 50 years on many occasions I have been critical of Players & Managers,

but I never listen to so called rumours,

they are dangerous.

Hammers :c::angry: :c:

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FFS what are you talking about? Get with the ruddy programme will you. Where have I given any rumour regarding Falmouth Town?

Go on have a look lad!

Now you will see why I think you are a bit strange.

Get your facts straight before you spout this rubbish......

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Rumours? I'm never quite sure, providing they are not personally damaging, why people get so hung up about them!

Let's be honest, we all hear things said about various clubs, managers and players and we know some are true, some are possibly blown up a little while containing an element of truth, while some are down right fabricated stories that are going around just to stir things up. Be it for a laugh or disturbance. However, without them life would be so much more boring

With regards to Falmouth Town, it was suggested to me last Friday (March 18th) that Alan Carey might have resigned on the Tuesday before. I hadn't heard or seen anything to confirm this so on this occasion I text the club's chairman Steve Kimberley.

Steve was immediately on the phone to me to deny the suggestion and that indeed he had only just come off the phone to speaking to Alan about the line-up and things ahead of the Royal Marines game.

No doubt if others had heard this same rumour, then to hear that one of the biggest clubs in the history of Cornish football could only get 11 players together for that game, they would start to think that perhaps there is some truth in the original rumour! That's how it is.

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Dave I take your point,

you did the Right thing you found out from the Chairman,

All I am saying is that I wish others would do as you did make sure of the facts before you send out rumours, we all know that one can start a story & by the time it gets to the last person it is nothing like the original,

& before you know it someone will start a rumour that a club is in financial trouble & closing.

Hammers :c::huh: :c:

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l have read this thread twice now and l think kowalski is right. where in his bits does he mention any rumours about falmouth.

Read it three, four, five times.....you won't find it, it didn't happen :thumbsup:

Thank the God fella that some people on this forum can not only read, but digest what as been written also. :yahoo:

In the words of Shaun Ryder


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Dave I take your point,

you did the Right thing you found out from the Chairman,

All I am saying is that I wish others would do as you did make sure of the facts before you send out rumours, we all know that one can start a story & by the time it gets to the last person it is nothing like the original,

& before you know it someone will start a rumour that a club is in financial trouble & closing.

Hammers :c::huh::c:

So what is different about the rumour you started about me starting a rumour? :wacko:

Perhaps you should have done the right thing and asked me.........if me starting a rumour was true :unsure:

Before you know it, me not starting a rumour, even though there is a rumour that I did start a rumour, could lead to a rumour that a club is in financial trouble and closing. ;)

Rumours.......Just say nowt!

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I think your such a sad bunch and need to get a life! I am Chairman of a different Falmouth team, and all this rubbish you put on here is sad.

With Alan carey and Steve Kimberly at the helm if Town had problems the pair would get it sorted, and if people stuck to helping within their own clubs instead of trying to inflict bad publicity to other clubs they would become much better people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Top cat you are right in what you say.

I just wish people would stop having a go at different clubs each month.

Running a club these day's is very tough,Players expenses are rising with the cost of fuel going up each day let alone month.

We have our problems at Falmouth the same has most other clubs but we get by as best we can, and one thing for sure and to quote Sir Matt Busby "no one Player is bigger than the club".

With regard to players leaving Falmouth I can tell you all that Jaime Dirrane is the only player to have left the club in the last month or so,

He had his reasons and he went his own way simple as that.

Quite why I feel the need to come on to this forum and explain is a mystery to me, but there it is that is the truth.

One last thing I will say about players I have lost this season Liam Eddy, and Shane White, both of these players I did not want to loose,and I hope that I will get them back to Falmouth one day.

Alan Carey

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Goldeneye, Alan carey has been civil enough to answer questions put to him that he feels are worthy of replying too.

On the other hand you have just joined the bunch of idiots posting above.

Name 1 team that has contested the WPPL without paying expenses?

Best thing you can do is find a team that you can help out off the field with day to day running, which I may add is a thankless task. and steer your negative energy into something positive.

And respect others that are doing the same for their clubs.

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Goldeneye, Alan carey has been civil enough to answer questions put to him that he feels are worthy of replying too. On the other hand you have just joined the bunch of idiots posting above.

I think it’s great that Alan Carey often comes on this forum and gives his opinion and all credit to him for that. My point about expenses was a question to ALL CLUBS at this level not just Falmouth. Calling people idiots who have an alternative view is playground talk.

Name 1 team that has contested the WPPL without paying expenses?

You are probably right, but the way things are going a team will soon win the league in front of the proverbial ‘one man and his dog’. I have no problem with players being paid expenses if spectators are coming through the gate and clubs are making enough money to pay them. However this is not the position at the moment and in my opinion football, at this level, has reached a critical point. Spectators are voting with their feet and clubs need to plough any money they do have back into their grounds and facilities which desperately need it.

Best thing you can do is find a team that you can help out off the field with day to day running, which I may add is a thankless task. and steer your negative energy into something positive. And respect others that are doing the same for their clubs.

‘Don't try to teach your Grandma to suck eggs!’ Been there and done that albeit at junior level, (marking pitches, cleaning changing rooms, washing kit, doing admin etc, etc), where players pay to play and so, having done it, I have a huge amount of respect for others who do it!

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First of all I owe an apology to Kowalski I got carried away with Hedgerow's Rumour about Falmouth Town,

& for some unknown reason put the two together I now know that was wrong, My comments should have been just Directed to Hedgerow,

who for the most part since his comments has remained quiet,

I do believe that Alan Carey has now fully answered that remark by

Hedgerow, it seems that there are still some who wish to continue,

But we at Falmouth Town fully support Alan,

And as far as I am concerned the matter is over, & let us all get back to what this Forum is really about Football, & our own individual Clubs that we love to support.

Hammers :c::clapper: :c:

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Goldeneye, Alan carey has been civil enough to answer questions put to him that he feels are worthy of replying too. On the other hand you have just joined the bunch of idiots posting above.

I think it’s great that Alan Carey often comes on this forum and gives his opinion and all credit to him for that. My point about expenses was a question to ALL CLUBS at this level not just Falmouth. Calling people idiots who have an alternative view is playground talk.

Name 1 team that has contested the WPPL without paying expenses?

You are probably right, but the way things are going a team will soon win the league in front of the proverbial ‘one man and his dog’. I have no problem with players being paid expenses if spectators are coming through the gate and clubs are making enough money to pay them. However this is not the position at the moment and in my opinion football, at this level, has reached a critical point. Spectators are voting with their feet and clubs need to plough any money they do have back into their grounds and facilities which desperately need it.

Best thing you can do is find a team that you can help out off the field with day to day running, which I may add is a thankless task. and steer your negative energy into something positive. And respect others that are doing the same for their clubs.

‘Don't try to teach your Grandma to suck eggs!’ Been there and done that albeit at junior level, (marking pitches, cleaning changing rooms, washing kit, doing admin etc, etc), where players pay to play and so, having done it, I have a huge amount of respect for others who do it!

Pretty much sums up my view. Well done Mr. Carey for coming onto the forum to highlight your point of view, but why not use some of your wealth/club funds to build a long-term, sustainable infrastructure at Falmouth Town? Its a great club that was a massive part of my youth. Player 'expenses' are high because clubs/managers are willing to offer stupid sums of money for a relatively low level of competition, with a very small amount of prize money. Clubs/managers/players at this level need to get realistic. Step 6/7 clubs in other parts of the country think what happens here is ludicrous. Meanwhile, the reserves, ladies team, youth sides etc etc are probably getting by with worn out footballs, average facilities, and the managers can't afford to attend coaching courses.

It just doesn't make sense to me.

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First of all I owe an apology to Kowalski I got carried away with Hedgerow's Rumour about Falmouth Town,

& for some unknown reason put the two together I now know that was wrong, My comments should have been just Directed to Hedgerow,

who for the most part since his comments has remained quiet,

I do believe that Alan Carey has now fully answered that remark by

Hedgerow, it seems that there are still some who wish to continue,

But we at Falmouth Town fully support Alan,

And as far as I am concerned the matter is over, & let us all get back to what this Forum is really about Football, & our own individual Clubs that we love to support.

Hammers :c::clapper::c:

Well done Mr Carey for getting on the forum to quash the "rumour" that was started by myself last friday. I stand corrected that the rumour is untrue. Lets hope Falmouth Town continue for many years to come, they will have their bad times and good times like any Club. Whats Clubs have got to remember in these times of hardship money is hard to come by, and just cannot pay players "expenses" if money is tight. If players do not like it they can just move on.

Once again, good luck to Falmouth Tn FC and all Clubs based in Devon and Cornwall for the remainder of the current season and may they continue 2011/12.


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Not quite the end.....

First of all I owe an apology to Kowalski I got carried away with Hedgerow's Rumour about Falmouth Town,

& for some unknown reason put the two together I now know that was wrong, My comments should have been just Directed to Hedgerow,

who for the most part since his comments has remained quiet,

I do believe that Alan Carey has now fully answered that remark by

Hedgerow, it seems that there are still some who wish to continue,

But we at Falmouth Town fully support Alan,

And as far as I am concerned the matter is over, & let us all get back to what this Forum is really about Football, & our own individual Clubs that we love to support.

Hammers :c::clapper::c:

Apology excepted Hammers :smiley20:

I sincerely wish Falmouth Town all the best for the future! I spent many an happy day in Falmouth building the Maritime Museum and even got to Bickland a few times. I have a soft spot for them, even though the buggers always give us a right old game.

In fact last season at The Heath was one of the greatest games I ever saw.......


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