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Do referees deserve respect? Re:Bodmin vs Ivybridge

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Having witnessed the performance of the referee in the Bodmin vs Ivybridge game this weekend - I would love to know how the FA rates their current crop of officials!

Firstly, for people who weren't at the game, the referee (in my opinion) ruined the game and both dismissals were as a result of his horror show! Both Paul Edwards (Ivybridge Player/Manager)and Kevin Miller (Bodmin) were sent off by the official who also felt it necessary to shout 'SHUT UP' at the top of his voice to a number of players across the pitch whilst telling both management teams to remain in the technical areas unless he tells them they can move when the Bodmin coach was simply walking around the grandstand to retreive one of the match balls. His complete lack of respect throughout all aspects of the game to all involved at Ivybridge and Bodmin was staggering and the game turned into one of ill-feeling due to the frustration from both sides of such a bad display of mind-boggling decisions. The referee in question changed a competitive game played in the correct spirit(1st half) into one of pure frustration and annoyance (2nd half). I think both teams were happy to finish the game regardless of the result.

Regardless of how many decisions this particular referee got wrong (too many to count!!!), his complete LACK OF RESPECT for both teams including their management beggered belief. When are these guys in black going to realise that respect is a two way thing and shouting at players and then ignoring them completely is not going to help anyone. Both Paul and Kevin will now miss games but what will happen to the referee in question, a pat on the back for putting some much needed money in the FA's coffers maybe? The FA are there to improve the standard of football across all areas and they should be held accountable for some of these morons!

I realise that a referee's job is not easy and for me there are plenty of good ones around (e.g. Strout, Knowles, McCaffery etc) but what are the FA doing to stop certain referees from ruining our beautiful game, or are they claiming that the RESPECT campaign is working by using a few meaningless handshakes at the start of a game to cover up the real issues!!!!

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Having witnessed the performance of the referee in the Bodmin vs Ivybridge game this weekend - I would love to know how the FA rates their current crop of officials!

Firstly, for people who weren't at the game, the referee (in my opinion) ruined the game and both dismissals were as a result of his horror show! Both Paul Edwards (Ivybridge Player/Manager)and Kevin Miller (Bodmin) were sent off by the official who also felt it necessary to shout 'SHUT UP' at the top of his voice to a number of players across the pitch whilst telling both management teams to remain in the technical areas unless he tells them they can move when the Bodmin coach was simply walking around the grandstand to retreive one of the match balls. His complete lack of respect throughout all aspects of the game to all involved at Ivybridge and Bodmin was staggering and the game turned into one of ill-feeling due to the frustration from both sides of such a bad display of mind-boggling decisions. The referee in question changed a competitive game played in the correct spirit(1st half) into one of pure frustration and annoyance (2nd half). I think both teams were happy to finish the game regardless of the result.

Regardless of how many decisions this particular referee got wrong (too many to count!!!), his complete LACK OF RESPECT for both teams including their management beggered belief. When are these guys in black going to realise that respect is a two way thing and shouting at players and then ignoring them completely is not going to help anyone. Both Paul and Kevin will now miss games but what will happen to the referee in question, a pat on the back for putting some much needed money in the FA's coffers maybe? The FA are there to improve the standard of football across all areas and they should be held accountable for some of these morons!

I realise that a referee's job is not easy and for me there are plenty of good ones around (e.g. Strout, Knowles, McCaffery etc) but what are the FA doing to stop certain referees from ruining our beautiful game, or are they claiming that the RESPECT campaign is working by using a few meaningless handshakes at the start of a game to cover up the real issues!!!!

I totally aggree with what your saying local lad. So many occasions i have seen referees this season talking to players on the field like they are piece of c**p. Yes the F.A want people to respect the officials in charge of the games but i generally feel the power goes to some of these officials heads. Like yourself i appreciate how difficult their job is but if they want respect they need to start talking to players in the way they want to be spoken to. I often see that a player has approached an official to ask a question regarding a decision only to hear the official state he is not interested and tells the player to get on with the game. Im sorry referees but if you want respect you need to start talking to the players with some and i think you will find the games will run a lot more smoothly and the referee won't be the main topic of conversation inside the clubhouse after a match.

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I am no lover of referees (as a supporter) but the hassle they get from players and supporters (me included) can not be an easy task.

The only person who should talk to the referee on the field is the captain. Imagine how you would feel if every decision you gave was questioned. I run a rugby league club and it is instilled in my players to let the referee get on with the game and our players get on with playing. Leave the questioning to the opposition, If one team is constantly badgering you and the other smiling and getting on with the game.....who are you most likely to give the fifty fifty decisions, or give the benefit of the doubt? Human nature will mean that he will favour my team. It is not cheating, it is simple psychology and behavioural therapy. At my club we make sure the referee is well looked after, never question a decision during the game and make sure he is well fed and watered after the game. Then we talk in a relaxed atmosphere away from the pressure pot of the field where emotions are running high. The referee will then explain any decisions that you feel he as got wrong and quite often you will realise he is correct, even if it is only from the angle he saw it. To the other end the referee will realise he made a mistake and will learn from it. Once the questions and answers are finished, then chat about anything but the match. The game of rugby league as a whole, or towns you have played in, or where he as reffed. Even good nights out......anything.

The referee goes back home having enjoyed our hospitality and he tells the RFL what a pleasant club we are. You would be surprised just how fast that news spreads throughout all the officials in the country. Wherever we play, home or away the referee's come and talk to us like we are old friends. The battle is then half won, before we get on the field.

Every now and then, we write to the RFL controller of referees and praise a referee if he has had a particularly good game. This also goes around pretty sharpish.

This is the very basics of winning them over, but I could given time have referees favouring your club 99.9% of the time. Like I said it's not cheating, it is just respect.....giving and earning. I have many referees who I would go as far as to call them friends now.

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Its so easy to blame the man in the middle, BUT I stand by my opinion that the Falmouth v Buckland game was the worse I have seen this season, perhaps calling them idiots was a trifle too strong but the standard was shocking.

Incidently this was the same ref who took charge of Bodmin v Ivybridge.

Then there was the St Blazey v St Austell out cry on here ? But it was brought to my attention last night, at all three of these games the refs were marked at above average ???

Baffling isnt it ?

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The original question 'Do referees deserve respect' should have an obvious answer, yes.

BUT, then the obvious reply is 'you have to earn respect'

I feel for refs, who are made to look monkeys week in, week out due to the lack of help from the main associations, i.e FIFA, UEFA, FA's, and these are the people asking for us to respect the ref's. Now, do we respect these people? For me, no chance. They are spineless, and use officials to take the flack.

Then we come down to the ref's who made glaring mistakes week in, week out in our leagues. Games should be won, lost or drawn by the efforts of the 2 teams involved, and the best ref's should never have a input to the result. All too often watching games this year, we've seen or even heard about ref's not applying the rules, or not strong enough to make the correct decisions, which have an impact on results.

'Do referees deserve respect?'


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Respect is often given where shown. What I want from a ref is consistency with some common sense. If you show respect to the players and management and before the game and explain to them the way you will ref the game (eg: only the captain speaks to the ref) then get on with it. If early on players aren't behaving, make it clear to them why and ask their captain / manager to 'have a word'. If they continue to speak out of turn then award them with the appropriate punishment.

I don't mind how a game is reffed as long as it is consistent. He can be too quick to blow up for a small foul or card happy for all I care, but as long as it's the same for both teams then fine.

A team should be stronger and better organised than to allow a few 'dodgy' decisions to affect the outcome of the game. If you really think the best way to win is by abusing a ref into giving a 50/50 decision your way, then get back on the training pitch. The amount of time and energy spent whining at refs is better applied to being 'switched on' a free kicks - standing over the ball / marking your man / organising a wall etc. The manager should tell the players to shut up, leave the ref alone and get on with the game.

The do deserve respect, it's a thankless but essential role and if we're going to get anywhere with developing youth talent at whatever part f the game, we need to create a positive and stimulating environment in which to do so.

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Its so easy to blame the man in the middle, BUT I stand by my opinion that the Falmouth v Buckland game was the worse I have seen this season, perhaps calling them idiots was a trifle too strong but the standard was shocking.

Incidently this was the same ref who took charge of Bodmin v Ivybridge.

Just to clarify, I've been asked to point out that the ref was not the same for the two games being mentioned above.

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Its so easy to blame the man in the middle, BUT I stand by my opinion that the Falmouth v Buckland game was the worse I have seen this season, perhaps calling them idiots was a trifle too strong but the standard was shocking.

Incidently this was the same ref who took charge of Bodmin v Ivybridge.

Just to clarify, I've been asked to point out that the ref was not the same for the two games being mentioned above.

Ok.. Was obviously given wrong information last night.

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chelsea penalty?

not according to the spare part official 12 yards from the incident

blatter/platine=clowns hahahahahahaha

gotta respect em

contact was outside the box, it should have been a free kick! officials do deserve respect, would you do their job?

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chelsea penalty?

not according to the spare part official 12 yards from the incident

blatter/platine=clowns hahahahahahaha

gotta respect em

contact was outside the box, it should have been a free kick! officials do deserve respect, would you do their job?

ramires shouldnt have been on the pitch so shouldnt have been allowed in the position. more than 2 bookable offences

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chelsea penalty?

not according to the spare part official 12 yards from the incident

blatter/platine=clowns hahahahahahaha

gotta respect em

contact was outside the box, it should have been a free kick! officials do deserve respect, would you do their job?

ramires shouldnt have been on the pitch so shouldnt have been allowed in the position. more than 2 bookable offences


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