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SWPL/Cup fixtures, 4-6 April

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SWPL East:

Crediton United v Exeter Civil Service


SWPL Premier:

Torpoint Athletic v Plymouth Parkway

Falmouth Town v Bodmin Town

Buckland Athletic v Bovey Tracey

Cullompton Rangers v Tavistock


Truro City v Newquay


Exmouth Town v Bickleigh

Cornwall Charity Cup Semi-Final (at St Blazey):

Callington Town v Penryn Athletic


SWPL Premier:

St.Blazey v Saltash United

Dartmouth v St Austell


Newton Abbot Spurs v Stoke Gabriel

Cornwall Charity Cup Semi-Final (at Bodmin):

Camelford v Foxhole Stars

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"Be interesting at Buckland on Tuesday night with Mass sitting in Bovey Tracey's dugout!!! Hope you do a Roy Hodgson on them mate!!!" Dont think he will be there...

There`s no reason why Steve shouldn't be there, Buckland Supporters have no axe to grind with him and I am sure he will he made most welcome.

As for doing a Roy Hodgson ??? Mmmm ? Certainly don't want to see Bovey go down, but in the same time we certainly aint going to be blowing our title chances.

Bovey have a number of Dawlish Town players on the books and it will be interesting to see if any play tomorrow night now that Mr Massey is in the dug out ??

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callington should beat penryn good outfit tho !! callington will be missin me and matt lucas due us signin later on in the season .. wata bummer but got confidence in the lads to get are 6th straight win

I think Penryn will be looking to prove a point at Blaze park tomorrow as Callington were never 3 goals better than them, Callington just took their chances as Penryn obviously didn't

Should be an interesting game and i can see the winner of this game winning the cup, 2-1 Penryn is my prediction.

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#  Team               Pl   Wo   Dr   Lo   Gf   Ga   Dif  Pts


1  Buckland            32   26   2    4    112  40   72  80

2  Parkway             32   22   4    6    100  42   58  70

3  Bodmin              29   21   6    2    72   31   41  69

4  Torpoint            31   20   6    5    93   44   49  66

5  Falmouth            30   19   5    6    88   45   43  62

6  Penzance            32   14   5    13   65   61   4   47

7  Saltash             30   13   6    11   66   50   16  45

8  Ivybridge           32   13   5    14   79   68   11  44

9  St Austell          30   12   6    12   74   73   1   42

10 Tavistock           32   12   6    14   49   62  -13  42

11 Launceston          32   11   8    13   61   71  -10  41

12 Royal Mar           31   12   5    14   60   73  -13  41

13 St Blazey           29   10   8    11   56   57  -1   38

14 Cullompton          33   10   5    18   54   109 -55  35

15 Liskeard            32   9    7    16   47   62  -15  34

16 Witheridge          32   9    7    16   57   75  -18  34

17 Elburton            32   7    5    20   52   78  -26  26

18 Bovey               31   6    8    17   50   85  -35  26

19 Dartmouth           29   7    4    18   48   85  -37  25

20 Wadebridge          33   4    2    27   37   109 -72  14


05/04/2011       Buckland           5 - 1    Bovey

05/04/2011       Cullompton         1 - 3    Tavistock

05/04/2011       Falmouth           2 - 1    Bodmin

05/04/2011       Torpoint           2 - 0    Parkway


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#  Team               Pl   Wo   Dr   Lo   Gf   Ga   Dif  Pts


1  Camelford           19   15   4    0    53   10   43  49

2  VospersOV           24   13   6    5    55   30   25  45

3  Godolphin           21   14   3    4    50   26   24  45

4  Penryn              25   13   5    7    66   42   24  44

5  Plymstock           24   13   4    7    55   35   20  43

6  Perranporth         23   13   3    7    49   31   18  42

7  Callington          20   13   2    5    51   32   19  41

8  Newquay             24   12   1    11   65   57   8   37

9  Porthleven          24   9    7    8    40   42  -2   34

10 Dobwalls            25   7    8    10   39   41  -2   29

11 Foxhole             24   7    3    14   36   54  -18  24

12 Holsworthy          23   7    3    13   31   58  -27  24

13 Mousehole           26   5    4    17   36   72  -36  19

14 Okehampton          21   5    3    13   39   54  -15  18

15 Hayle               27   4    6    17   30   63  -33  18

16 Truro               22   4    2    16   22   70  -48  14


18/12/2010       Truro              4 - 3    Newquay


Cornwall Charity Cup semi-final

Callington Town    3    Penryn Ath    1

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#  Team               Pl   Wo   Dr   Lo   Gf   Ga   Dif  Pts


1  Liverton            24   19   5    0    80   15   65  62

2  Budleigh            26   15   7    4    55   23   32  52

3  Stoke               25   13   7    5    57   40   17  46

4  Appledore           27   13   6    8    43   30   13  45

5  Teignmouth          23   13   5    5    51   33   18  44

6  Galmpton            23   13   4    6    49   35   14  43

7  Exmouth             26   10   4    12   49   47   2   34

8  University          23   9    6    8    43   32   11  33

9  ECivilS             26   9    6    11   34   56  -22  33

10 Bickleigh           25   9    3    13   32   45  -13  30

11 Alphington          23   8    5    10   37   32   5   29

12 Tots&Darts          22   9    1    12   37   49  -12  28

13 OtterySM            27   8    2    17   35   76  -41  26

14 NewtonSpurs         27   6    7    14   37   55  -18  25

15 Crediton            25   5    4    16   36   61  -25  19

16 Axminster           26   2    4    20   25   71  -46  10


05/04/2011       Exmouth            0 - 3    Bickleigh


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St Austell looked to be returning to winning ways as they are 6-2 up at Dartmouth - the scorers OG., Tinsley, Shaughnessy, Isbell, Douglas and Lean

St Austell's line-up : Penhaligon, Lean, Giles, Whetter, Mulready,Tinsley, Isbell (Douglas), Slateford, Whieldon, Shaughnessy (Phillips), Nancarrow (Body).

FT : Dartmouth 2, AFC St Austell 6

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# Team Pl Wo Dr Lo Gf Ga Dif Pts


1 Buckland 32 26 2 4 112 40 72 80

2 Parkway 32 22 4 6 100 42 58 70

3 Bodmin 29 21 6 2 72 31 41 69

4 Torpoint 31 20 6 5 93 44 49 66

5 Falmouth 30 19 5 6 88 45 43 62

6 Saltash 31 14 6 11 70 52 18 48

7 Penzance 32 14 5 13 65 61 4 47

8 St Austell 31 13 6 12 80 75 5 45

9 Ivybridge 32 13 5 14 79 68 11 44

10 Tavistock 32 12 6 14 49 62 -13 42

11 Launceston 32 11 8 13 61 71 -10 41

12 Royal Mar 31 12 5 14 60 73 -13 41

13 St Blazey 30 10 8 12 58 61 -3 38

14 Cullompton 33 10 5 18 54 109 -55 35

15 Liskeard 32 9 7 16 47 62 -15 34

16 Witheridge 32 9 7 16 57 75 -18 34

17 Elburton 32 7 5 20 52 78 -26 26

18 Bovey 31 6 8 17 50 85 -35 26

19 Dartmouth 30 7 4 19 50 91 -41 25

20 Wadebridge 33 4 2 27 37 109 -72 14


06/04/2011 Dartmouth 2 - 6 St Austell

06/04/2011 St Blazey 2 - 4 Saltash




# Team Pl Wo Dr Lo Gf Ga Dif Pts


1 Camelford 19 15 4 0 53 10 43 49

2 VospersOV 24 13 6 5 55 30 25 45

3 Godolphin 21 14 3 4 50 26 24 45

4 Penryn 25 13 5 7 66 42 24 44

5 Plymstock 24 13 4 7 55 35 20 43

6 Perranporth 23 13 3 7 49 31 18 42

7 Callington 20 13 2 5 51 32 19 41

8 Newquay 24 12 1 11 65 57 8 37

9 Porthleven 24 9 7 8 40 42 -2 34

10 Dobwalls 25 7 8 10 39 41 -2 29

11 Foxhole 24 7 3 14 36 54 -18 24

12 Holsworthy 23 7 3 13 31 58 -27 24

13 Mousehole 26 5 4 17 36 72 -36 19

14 Okehampton 21 5 3 13 39 54 -15 18

15 Hayle 27 4 6 17 30 63 -33 18

16 Truro 22 4 2 16 22 70 -48 14


Cornwall Charity Cup semi-final

Camelford 2 Foxhole Stars 1




# Team Pl Wo Dr Lo Gf Ga Dif Pts


1 Liverton 24 19 5 0 80 15 65 62

2 Budleigh 26 15 7 4 55 23 32 52

3 Stoke 26 13 8 5 60 43 17 47

4 Appledore 27 13 6 8 43 30 13 45

5 Teignmouth 23 13 5 5 51 33 18 44

6 Galmpton 23 13 4 6 49 35 14 43

7 Exmouth 26 10 4 12 49 47 2 34

8 University 23 9 6 8 43 32 11 33

9 ECivilS 26 9 6 11 34 56 -22 33

10 Bickleigh 25 9 3 13 32 45 -13 30

11 Alphington 23 8 5 10 37 32 5 29

12 Tots&Darts 22 9 1 12 37 49 -12 28

13 NewtonSpurs 28 6 8 14 40 58 -18 26

14 OtterySM 27 8 2 17 35 76 -41 26

15 Crediton 25 5 4 16 36 61 -25 19

16 Axminster 26 2 4 20 25 71 -46 10


06/04/2011 NewtonSpurs 3 - 3 Stoke


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