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I honestly cannot understand what has happened at Camelford this evening. We watched the match from start to finish with Callington winning comfortably (0 - 4) but arrived home to learn that the match had not been played for the whole 90 minutes and that it had in fact been abandoned , and has been re-fixtured.

If the match was not played to a conclusion then there can't have been more than a couple of minutes to play. I hadn't even noticed that light was even remotely becoming an issue, it seemed plenty light enough to me, and their is no way on this earth that their was the remotest possibility of a player getting injured "due to poor light".

What an absolute shambles !

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I have never seen anything like this before. We (Callington)were 3 nil up when Ryan Lucassi scored a header to make it 4-0. After celebrating the goal the ref blew for full time. Now as a player i knew he had blown up early, but thought that as the game was 4-0 and there was only 5-10 mins left he thought for safety reasons to blow up. Yes the light was fading and i think with the result settled nobody complained. What happened next is a joke! The ref said he couldn't see his assistants so had to blow up, yet the linesman said they could see each other and the supporters said they could easily see the assistant on the other side of the pitch. Our Player Manager Lee Beer then asked the ref how long was left? To which the ref replied 15 minutes! He then said by the changing rooms it was 13 minutes. Then when we asked again he said 21 minutes still to play. Finally he decided there was still 25 minutes to play and showed a Cally player his watch, which said we had played 20 minutes in the second half!

I spoke to Camelfords assistant Manager who thought there was around 8 minutes left, which is what we had on our watches in the callington dug out. Supporters from both sides were all in the thinking that the game would of had around 8 minutes left. Where the ref got 25 from is beyond me. With 20 minutes left both sides put a sub on, and i'm left thinking maybe the ref didn't restart his watch? As i really can't see where all his extra minutes came from.

Two other points that could of helped this whole shambles..... With both teams there in plenty of time, would it not of made sense to KO 15 mins early? It was obvious with the weather how it was, it was going to get dark before end of play. Also why did we have a full 15 minute half time, surely a 5 minute break would of made sense.

Overall the ref was poor, for both teams and has now only completely embarrased himself.

SHAMBLES sums it up perfectly!

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According to the SWP league the season has now been extended by 6 days to May 15th to accomodate this match. I would imagine that Callington will be looking to appeal against this rediculous decision. Callington won the match fair and square and i dont believe that any Camelford players or management were appealing about bad light or were concerned in the least for their safety/welfare. I was in the stands with several elderley gentleman and they were all enjoying a clear view of the match.

You have to ask yourself what the hell is going on because what has happened this evening defies all logic or common sense.

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According to the SWP league the season has now been extended by 6 days to May 15th to accomodate this match. I would imagine that Callington will be looking to appeal against this rediculous decision. Callington won the match fair and square and i dont believe that any Camelford players or management were appealing about bad light or were concerned in the least for their safety/welfare. I was in the stands with several elderley gentleman and they were all enjoying a clear view of the match.

You have to ask yourself what the hell is going on because what has happened this evening defies all logic or common sense.

I think the referee needs to come out and say he made a mistake. With such little time left the game could of been played to a finish in my opinion. Also i still dont understand why he allowed a 15 minute half time when 5 minutes would of made sense. Also a slightly earlier KO would of helped as both teams were there and ready.

I still for the life of me cannot understand where the referee got that time from. There is just no chance that there was 25minutes left to play!

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If the ref blew up early or cocked up its not really camelfords fault and the game should be replayed 8 mins 10 mins 20 min doesnt really matter 90 min for a result, the ref thought it was bad hes in charge thats life. yes should of kicked off early or had quick change round but its to late afterwards, i am sure if the bot was on the other foot something would be said aswell. REPLAY

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I have just checked my mobile phone and i made a call bang on the final whistle to tell somebody the result. The time was 8.09pm so work that one out for a 6.30pm kick off. That would suggest that the ref blew up 6 minutes early, WHY !!!

Cornish Chough, Nobody is suggesting that Camelford players are to blame. If you come out from behind your mask maybe i will listen to you tell me about all the wonderful matches you have watched where a team comes back from 4 goals down with 6 minutes to play.

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Well the League have acted quickly and here is the Official Statement as appearing on their Forum:-

Official Statement

Issued 9.45pm Wednesday 13th April 2011

I have been advised by Camelford AFC as the host club that tonights West Division fixture, Camelford v Callington Town, was abandoned.

For clarification I have now had an opportunity to speak with the matchday referee who informs me that the match was abandoned in the 66th minute of the game and his reason for abandoning the game was due to failing light conditions.

Under rule 8.3.1 matches shall be of 90 minutes duration. Games not of 90 minutes may be awarded to a side not at fault for the abandonement, this clearly does not apply in this case. The only other options are to award the result as a completed match or ordered it to be replayed for the full period of 90 minutes.

In line with previous precedence set the Chairman and I have spoken, and then consulted 2 of the elected club represenatives on the board and we have agreed that with more than a quarter of the match still to be played and bearing in mind the importance of the result to the divisional honours as a whole, the game must be replayed for the full period of 90 minutes.

Due to the back-log of fixtures that both clubs have and the commitment to play the Cornwall Charity Cup final on Weds 11th May, the new date will be Friday 13th May with a 6.45pm kick off.

By Order

P A Hiscox (Secretary)

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Your time keeping has nothing to do with it, the ref is the one in charge if he says it is then he's right, like i said 8,10,15 minutes it wasn't the full 90min, his opinion it was to dangerous to carry on, i just realised that u have your own interest in this, but what u want doesn't matter.no mask to hide behind and what has that got to do with any thing? its my opinion on the game thats what i commented on this is the forum isnt it? Still a replay though i think we had this before? we will see who's right when the league decide's

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Your time keeping has nothing to do with it, the ref is the one in charge if he says it is then he's right, like i said 8,10,15 minutes it wasn't the full 90min, his opinion it was to dangerous to carry on, i just realised that u have your own interest in this, but what u want doesn't matter.no mask to hide behind and what has that got to do with any thing? its my opinion on the game thats what i commented on this is the forum isnt it? Still a replay though i think we had this before? end of....

Obviously at the end of the day, what the referee says has to be what the league goes by, but Cornish Chough - you have to agree that the timings mentioned that were actually played are differing by some considerable amount. Someone has made a mistake here. The referee James Strout? Spectator and interested rival Godolphin manager Derek Martyn? Very peculiar?

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The statement suggests that this decision was arrived at on the basis that their was "more than a quarter of the match still to play".

This was most definately not the case. My timings show 6 minutes and i am sure this can be proven by the many people at the match.

Maybe Reg and Camelford will have the class to come forward and give an honest appraisal of the situation. They were comprehensively beaten and their was no way back. I am sure that Reg would only want to win the league fairly and squarely.

Lets get the facts on the table so that the fairest common sense decision is arrived at so that whoever wins the league or wins promotion does so on merit, fairly.

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Yes dave doesn't sound good lots of times going around, i did say in my first reply might be a **** up by ref but hey to late now hes give the report and the league say replay, and if the camelford manager says anything dont think that would matter either, the ref is not going back and give another one is he?? FRIDAY THE 13TH SOUNDS SCAREY THOUGH....

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Yes dave doesn't sound good lots of times going around, i did say in my first reply might be a **** up by ref but hey to late now hes give the report and the league say replay, and if the camelford manager says anything dont think that would matter either, the ref is not going back and give another one is he?? FRIDAY THE 13TH SOUNDS SCAREY THOUGH....

I take your point, but just for once, irrespective as to who it is, wouldn't it be nice for someone to come out in the open and admit they have made a mistake! It would save a lot of aggravation to everyone

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# Team Pl Wo Dr Lo Gf Ga Dif Pts


1 Godolphin 23 16 3 4 54 28 26 51

2 Camelford 20 15 4 1 53 11 42 49

3 VospersOV 26 14 7 5 61 32 29 49

4 Penryn 26 14 5 7 67 42 25 47

5 Plymstock 26 13 5 8 57 41 16 44

6 Perranporth 25 13 4 8 51 34 17 43

7 Callington 21 13 2 6 52 34 18 41

8 Newquay 26 13 1 12 70 61 9 40

9 Porthleven 26 11 7 8 45 44 1 40

10 Dobwalls 26 7 8 11 39 44 -5 29

11 Holsworthy 25 8 4 13 36 58 -22 28

12 Foxhole 26 7 4 15 37 60 -23 25

13 Mousehole 27 5 5 17 37 73 -36 20

14 Okehampton 23 5 4 14 41 62 -21 19

15 Hayle 28 4 6 18 30 64 -34 18

16 Truro 24 5 3 16 29 71 -42 18


Camelford 0 Callington Town 4 abandoned 80 minutes failing light.

13/04/2011 Holsworthy 5 - 0 Foxhole

13/04/2011 Porthleven 4 - 2 Newquay


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Thankyou for that clarification Mr Deacon.Congratulations to Callington Town F.C.For what must have been an excellent performance against the most difficult oppolents in the league this year and commiserations for not getting what was quite clearly the deserved result.

There does seem to be a significant disparity in the various opinions of the amount of time remaining when bad light stopped play and I wonder,

(a)Do the Linesman record the time remaining?

(b)Where would one find details of the "Precedence`s" regarding Match abandonments quoted in the official league statement issued today ?

©Have there been any other Match abandonments this season where the result has been allowed to "stand"

Perhaps some-one could clarify.

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callingtons complaint could now be that

the referee quoted to players as said on here that there was 25 minutes left to be played.

he abandoned game in 66th minute, that means there was 24 minutes to be played not 25, therefore the referee's report would be invalid due to this stat, whether he re-writes it?

after all its all about facts and league rules. league rules win on this occasion but the argument above makes it different. mis-informing a match representative of time remaining must be in there somewhere.

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Thankyou for that clarification Mr Deacon.Congratulations to Callington Town F.C.For what must have been an excellent performance against the most difficult oppolents in the league this year and commiserations for not getting what was quite clearly the deserved result.

There does seem to be a significant disparity in the various opinions of the amount of time remaining when bad light stopped play and I wonder,

(a)Do the Linesman record the time remaining?

(b)Where would one find details of the "Precedence`s" regarding Match abandonments quoted in the official league statement issued today ?

©Have there been any other Match abandonments this season where the result has been allowed to "stand"

Perhaps some-one could clarify.

I was running the Callington line last night and I always start my stop watch when the referee starts each half, If there are any lengthy stoppages I stop my watch when I see the ref stopping his, my watch showed that we had played 37 MINS of the second half. My view of the other assistant was fine and at no time did the ref ask either of us if there was a problem with the light.

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Why on earth has the referee told the league that only 66 minutes of the match were played, i just don't get it ?

Lets hope that when he wakes up this morning to see that his watch is reading half past midnight he will be on the phone to the league to let them know that his watch is on the blink, and that the comittee listen to BOTH linesman & BOTH management teams versions of the length of time actualy played in last nights match.

The league do have the power to award the result as a completed match. In view of the scoreline and the FACTS as to how long was on the clock, in the best interest of a fair outcome in this matter and ultimately the league title, that is exactly what they should do.

As it stands at the moment Camelford will also now gain another signifacant advantage over the rest of us with title aspirations by playing their final match 6 days later than other potential title challengers, thus potentially knowing exactly what they need to do !

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would it not be in the interest of fairness that people put their names beside their nick names to stop these under hand suturing comments if you have a view at least be man enough to say this is my view. we are all entitled to a view right or wrong but at least be big enough to own up to it as we are all football guys and comments and views are part of this forum. I have a view on last night I was not there and have not watched a game all season, My view is based on the honesty of the football guys involved I know reg and mark personally lee and Graham at Callangton and Mick and Derek at Godolphin ,Also both linespersons and i would take their views and honesty all day , This needs to be addressed by the league because the referee has made a mistake could be an honest mistake but he needs to man up and explain to the league , No one is calling him a bad ref the guys involved with the teams are just saying hang on that was a mistake , I know as now the official statement came so quickly the league wanted to show they were acting on the matter but just maybe they acted to quickly and now after the dust has settled both teams can appeal to common sense the referee will reflect on last night and add his weight to the appeal and the league will make a decision after taking all views on board which they did not have last night when making the first statement This is the leagues big chance to come out and show how honest they are and that we have the best guys in charge of the league. By making the correct choices now, It would show everyone how well the leagues are run ,Last night shows how things happen the ref should have double checked with the linespersons about time kept , and at least came out with one time remaining ,In my view to many grey areas last night and football needs to win not a referee a league or a football club , This a big chance to show how well the league is run by some really top guys lets see if they step up to the mark , Respect is earned never demanded lets see if out of this we as a footballing county we earn it,

Alan Metters,

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As I am not completely sure what happened, I cannot make a comment on the situation as a whole. There seems to many opinions on how long was left, ranging from 6-25 minutes. However, if there was to be only 6 minutes left and the referee called it off due to bad light, what would then be the situation? If the referee deemed the conditions not fit to continue the match then that is his opinion, and as he is the man in charge, it is ultimately his opinion that matters. However, it is completely understandable that Callington are frustrated as well as Godolphin manager Derek, as Camelford, Godolphin and Callington are all the main challengers for the league this season. Despite all of this, I feel that whoever does eventually win the league wins it on their own merit and hard work, and do not feel it would be fair on any of the players at any of the clubs to have that credit taken away from them due to this one game. It will clearly make a difference whatever the outcome, so I personally feel that all teams should remain focussed on the rest of the season, and tackle whatever challenges arise to them as a club rather than saying that the league was won or lost on this one game. It is understood that it will be frustrating if the league is won due to this match, but it is now down to the league to make the decision, and whether people feel it is the right or wrong decision, they will have to accept it and carry on with their season accordingly.

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So say that there was only 6 minutes left and the referee called it off. What would be the situation then? Would the replay still seem likely? Only asking due to the fact that on the SWPL website it says that a full 90 minutes must be played regardless, (except for under extreme circumstances), which isn't the case in this situation.

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It matter not if it was 6mins or 25mins, those remaining minutes could have seen more goals for either side, which could affect the goals for/against columns at the end of the season. One or more players could be sent off resulting in a ban, again affecting future games. I think that the SWPL have to order a replay but there will be a hundred differing opinions.

We were promised that the SWPL would improve facilities and raise standards when it was created. Some clubs including Camelford have done the former, it's about time the SWPL do the latter. A midweek vital game and we have club linesmen when plenty of officials could and should have been appointed. I have no doubt, that both clubmen have done a good job on the night BUT, it shows that standards have fallen since the SWL which was also Step 7.

The ref has screwed up but the SWPL & CCFA will back him to the hilt or will they ? I recall recently, that a local Ref was banned for a month for an error in paperwork, now is the time to tell the Camels/Cally ref to hang up his whistle for the season.

Still, it all makes for an exciting end of season for the 'G', Cally & Camelford, all of whom rightly deserve to be chasing honours this year.

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Not being at the game I cannot comment on the conditions, but it is irrelevant how many minutes were left to play, if the referee decides that due to failing light it is becoming a player safety issue then the correct decision is to abandon and the League have rules to cover this eventuality.

Last night was a difficult evening for referee`s due to failing light, I myself had a game and saw the possibilities of failing light so the moment the teams were ready I started the game, we also had a short half time with the teams staying out on the pitch this resulted in no problems and we managed a full 45mins each way. I suppose it`s all about experience I was considering all my options when driving to the game so for me last night was difficult but not impossible.

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I think if it was a meaningless end-of-season match which had no effect on prize-money or relegation then the result might be allowed to stand.

However, as both teams are going for the top 3 (or is it top 4 for prizes?) then a "replay" is probably the only option.

I must say however that the time-line does seem rather bizarre. Proceedings appear to have come to an end at 8.09 or thereabouts so with a 6.30 kickoff you'd expect there to be about 6 minutes left plus stoppages so where does the ref get 25 minutes from?

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Not being at the game I cannot comment on the conditions, but it is irrelevant how many minutes were left to play, if the referee decides that due to failing light it is becoming a player safety issue then the correct decision is to abandon and the League have rules to cover this eventuality.

Last night was a difficult evening for referee`s due to failing light, I myself had a game and saw the possibilities of failing light so the moment the teams were ready I started the game, we also had a short half time with the teams staying out on the pitch this resulted in no problems and we managed a full 45mins each way. I suppose it`s all about experience I was considering all my options when driving to the game so for me last night was difficult but not impossible.

Mr Manning, so no mention of whether or not there was 25 minutes to play or 6 minutes to play then? I wasn't at the game, so can't comment on it really. But going on the evidence that Derek Martyn has stated at a phone call at 8:09, kick off at 6:30, can't possibly mean that there were 25 minutes left!

Respect for referee's would increase, if they admitted they made a mistake once in a while. My respect for Ian Roberts went up 10 fold the other year after a game for us against Ludgvan when he admitted that he missed a fair bit because he wasn't watching and was more concerned with something else and that affected his performance! He earnt my respect just by admitting that!

Game at St Agnes on Tuesday was brought to a finish 5 minutes before it was due to, because the referee - apparantly - said, it was a nothing game and he had to go to his girlfriends cos it was her birthday!!!

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Schalke have been awarded a 2-0 victory in their Bundesliga match with St Pauli which was abandoned last Friday when an assistant referee was hit by a plastic beer cup at the Millerntor-Stadion, the German Football Association have announced.

The Hamburg side were trailing the match 2-0 when referee Deniz Aytekin called a half in the 87th minute? THis result stood...

The game between Sheffield United and West Brom, famously dubbed "The Battle of Bramall Lane" was abandoned after 82 mins and the result (3-0 to West Brom) stood. I believe that after 80 mins play the FA can rule the result to stand but also can order a replay. If the game is abandoned before 80 mins have been played then a replay will happen.

I recall a few years back when Real Madrid were playing and the match was abandoned after 80+ minutes due to a bomb scare with the score at 1-1.

They replayed the final 10 minutes a few days later and Madrid won 2-1. Doubtful any away fans made the trip!

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St Darren, As I said I was not there so I have no idea of how long there was left, but it does not matter be it 6mins or 20mins, the referee abandoned the game, it was his decision and his alone.

I didn't realise that if the first half was 45 minutes then the second half needs to be of equal amount. Although common sense could be brought in at times like if there was a serious injury or something.

The thing in question here seems to be what the correct time was left, and what was given to the League. I'm sure if the league was told that there were 8 minutes left then the result would stand.

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Derek you and Mick always welcome but gozza does he know which end to hit the ball with lol ,hope things get sorted, im not holding my breath but i do feel the official statement last night was done on impulse and after all the facts are now coming out I hope the league will ill say be strong enough for want of a better word and just review things in the cold light of day with all the facts on the table , Everyone makes honest mistakes but some thing is really not right on the time

difference last night and to many people have the same view, not for the league to review their first decision ,If the official time of abandonment states 66 minutes and you can prove differently then that's your focus of your appeal , The league acted on information they received you simply have to prove that information is incorrect but I think this would have to come from Callington as they were the football club that were in my view wrongly deprived of 3 points , Mettz

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"In line with previous precedence set, the chairman and I have spoken, and then consulted two of the elected club representatives on the board, and we have agreed that with more than a quarter of the match still to be played, and bearing in mind the importance of the result to the divisional honours as a whole, the game must be replayed for the full 90 minutes.

If the timing is not an issue that why does it matter there is" more than a quater of the match (according to the report) still to be played" )??

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The decision that the match should be replayed was based on the understanding that the match was "abandoned after 66 minutes" which it was not.

It was abandoned after approximately 84 minutes (in adequate light), and, with the outcome of the match settled "beyond any reasonable doubt".

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