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AFC St Austell V Bodmin FC

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The referee has had an absolute shocker... He must of fealt a bit silly when he awarded the first penalty and the Bodmin lads even laughing at him.

Good performance from Town and on another night with a stronger official things may of been different.

Have to say though Bodmin are going to be right up there again this season, great bunch of lads and management that hopefully will bring the championship back to Cornwall.

As for St Austell a much improved display and hopefully can take that into Saturdays game. Dont right us of yet. We will be up there come the end of the season.

Attendance 200 plus

Money Man

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come on Money Man! you must know by now, that B Manning wouldn't think a referee was at fault if it was a game of football between 2 teams of refs, with a ref in the middle and linesmen down the lines.

And don't give me that Assistant rubbish either, cos at this level of football you're not given the opportunity to assist properly. Even at top level, you watch when a lino isn't sure which way to go, the ref will give it and then the lino will raise his flag!

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Dearest Twins, the linesman or to give the correct terminology " assistants" do not make any decisions, all decisions are the referee`s, he or she may indicate to the referee that they have seen something but the referee still makes the decision.

I was merely referring to my 1st half performance! :SM_carton::thumbsup::P

and it has given me a taste of how difficult it is to officiate games..

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From a neutrals viewpoint I watched this game last night and to be honest, I just don't know what game the St Austell people watched. I thought the referee had a fair game and yes, he did make mistakes as did the majority of players on show but overall he did OK. Bodmin were by far the better side which was reflected in the scoreline and both penalties were spot on (excuse the pun). As for the offside goal, I don't know where that came from as in no way were either of the two other Bodmin goals offside. I feel St Austell need to remove the blinkers and be honest about the game. Bodmin won 4 -1 and thoroughly deserved it, St Austell on the other hand can only improve. I can understand the bias of some but be honest and report what you see not what you think you might see.

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Exactly right St Darren, if an assistant is not sure a straight flag will usually indicate that to the referee and he then makes the decision and the assistant will then flag in the direction indicated by the referee, also in the area farthest away from the assistant the referee will tell the assistant which way to flag, I hope you have noticed that as well. Money man at a scoreline of 4 - 1 i do not think you can blame the referee, because I am sure he did not award 4 penalties or I would have heard the screams from here. Also twins , your first half performance was good no problems.

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the offside came about for the first goal as ollie brokes was right in front of penners when carter prodded the ball in clearly obstructing his view. I was adjacent to the incident also !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No excuses just facts and yes Bodmin were the stronger team but strength comes through confidence, confidence comes through goals...... enough said

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