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Sorry Pastyman but you dont seem to tell the whole story, horror challenge by Coulson i think in the first five minutes Ashes should have been down to TEN, then the ref who had a poor game for both sides dissallowed a goal after a challenge on the keeper in the air didnt mind him giveing the decision but it took him so long to give it and seemed to ask the keeper's advice before he did !

Ashes forced two great saves out of Chapman and Ashes were more organised than Falmouth and took it second half, one up front for Falmouth, Drummond won a load of headers and knock one but with no one close they went to waste.

Falmouth didnt test the keeper at all and the Ashes defence was strong.

Overall the ref ruined the game, and maybe should have gone to Spec savers...!!!!

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Hi HIGH AND WIDE, do I sence a little bitterness here?

Read my comment! As I was in a rush to get out earlier, I was unable to make a full match comment.

Whilst there were times when "the ashes" were "hanging in there" in the first half, were were far more in control in the second half.

The Referee was poor, but he made mistakes for both sides.

Incidentally, you are not Alan Carey in disguise are you?

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Saw nothing wrong with the Falmouth goal...and apparently neither did the Saltash team who didn't seem to appeal for the 'foul'...well the goalie did, bit even that was a bit half hearted. Think he was surprised as anyone when the ref eventually ruled the goal out.

Town were unlucky not to go in at half-time at least a goal up but Saltash were the better side second half.

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Dave Deacon you sum up everything that is wrong with the football in this part of the world ! People like you and the awful standard of officials ruin the game ! Dont know exactly what your roll is in local football but your reports on game show that you dont actually watch the games and your comments on here are child like and petty ! I wouldnt be surprised if you were actually that sad in counting players scream when they are fouled ! Dan green on the recieving end of a challenge that could have ruined his season and you comment on him crying out instead of the horrific challenge he recieved ! Any comments on the goal that the ref chalked off because he was cheating or god forbid actually thought the flying pig that was the saltash keeper was actually fouled ! Stone wall penaltys not giving for Falmouth , any comment on that SAD Dave ? You are a joke Dave but your only saving grace is that that ref today makes you look like that you do a decent job ! Once again YOU ARE A JOKE DAVE !!!!

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Dont know exactly what your roll is in local football but your reports on game show that you dont actually watch the games

Haven't actually reported on the game. Just made one comment on an area that although I'm not sticking up for the referee, makes it more difficult for them as they are constant being conned by players.

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Pastyman ... i aint no Alan Carey.... just watched a match ruined by bad officiating... even the 2nd goal was from a wrong decision... it was never a Falmouth corner the defender never touched it..but ironically that led to the breakaway which gave the goal.

Not bitter about the result Saltash battled well and stayed in the game when they were up against it....just wish refs would crack down on what could be leg breakers... was close to the tackle it was meant to hurt... TEN men and it would have been maybe different...

Re DAVE DEACON.... if you have ever been tackled like that I THINK YOU MIGHT HAVE CRIED OUT!!!!

Green did get up....and that was because he rode the tackle, if his leg had been planted he would be in hospital. Dave if you think that Green dived then you shouldnt be writing for the papers you should be trying to get this type of thuggery out of the game...at this level.

Saltash deserved to get the win in the end because they earned the right to do so...but they had help from the weak ref who was poor!

The ashes will be up there all season , good organised side with two quick lads up front.

Maybe Falmouth could do with 2 up front?

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Re DAVE DEACON.... if you have ever been tackled like that I THINK YOU MIGHT HAVE CRIED OUT!!!!

I'm not actually referring to the Dan Green tackle, that was a bad one. And yes, players have to learn to cut out the thuggery, but also along with the blatant gamesmanship too perhaps.

Then we can 100% blame the poor referees that there are around!

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Randy Watson

"you cant just get in the ring with Ali coz you think you can box"

Coming on here spouting your mouth like you're some boy

Dave Deacs is a top bloke who always has an input(most of which is pretty accurate)

i have played at various standards of football and think the majority of players in higher leagues whinge and whine and to be honest when challenged go down like a sack of sh*t

the keepers are also wrapped in cotton wool too!

when i come off the pitch i know ive been in a game and if someone hits me fair and hard i'll do the same and not complain!

only today my marker went right through me hard and fair, was just a foul, we both got up dusted ourselves down and took our positions for the free kick!

maybe some of these pretty boys should come down and be reinstated and play a few games of junior football!!

I'm not saying im a superstar but have plied my trade in various senior leagues albeit not quite up at peninsular standard and have always felt that players look and ask for too much and just need to shut up play the game and enjoy it!!

hard and fair

The Cat

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The Cat - you're spot on! Most of us don't complain about 'hard and fair' tackles, you take them and you give them back. It used to be seen as a sign of weakness to let your opponents see that they've hurt you. Also agree with Dave D about the number of players that appear to have been shot by snipers only to get up and run off like Ussain Bolt once the free kick has been given. Mind you, it's no wonder local football is so full of it when you see 'simulation' every week on MotD - I don't normally have too much sympathy for referees but deciding what is a foul and what isn't must be a nightmare for them.

Not a particularly great start to the season for Fal - just goes to show that throwing money at it doesn't bring instant success

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