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"I'm thinking of travelling on Saturdays to watch real football!"

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Received Sunday from a reader of the Forum who offered his thoughts to be put on:-

As a former referee who did my apprenticeship through local senior and junior leagues (under 9's to 18's - in Devon) I see young lads who are being pushed by the various County FA's to take up the whistle and because they show one iota of promise are fast forwarded to the SWPL Division 1 and even Premier without ever played the game to any standard and I simply don't think they are anywhere near good enough.... yet!. Let them do their apprenticeship too and guide them but don't throw them in at the deep end and start them believing they're better than they really are.

Young referees who are controlling games in which players have had great careers in the pro game (Wayne Quinn, Sean Flynn and Kevin Miller in the Premier League as well as numerous guys who have played in the Football League, Conference, Southern League and who have represented their Counties) and they are treating them like nobodies, it makes my blood boil.

The biggest problem is that their inexperience lets them down when they can't tell the difference between a tackle that is maybe a little late and which catches the opponent and a tackle full of intent which is meant to hurt. Someone will get hurt because of a referee and I really don't think it will be long before someone takes a referee to court because of an injury sustained where the referee simply did not do his job. When I refereed I went into every game with the same thought in my head. `these guys have to go to work on Monday`. Maybe I wasn't the best referee but I did my job. It is the responsibility of the referee to protect the players.

I know a young lad who took up refereeing in the Devon, Junior and Minor League and applauded him for his decision. His comment to me was, "I can make more money running around a football pitch for a few minutes on a Saturday afternoon than I can in two weeks delivering newspapers". Says it all really doesn't it.

It's said by those in authority that without a referee there is no game, but without players, referee's don't have a game and a chance to pick up their extortionate fees. It must be remembered that Players in the SWPL receive expenses, referee's receive a fee and expenses and that fee, in my book, makes them professional and the fact of the matter is, they are far from that.

I was stood watching a game recently with a former professional footballer and beside us was a group of 5 or 6 current referees who must have been watching a different game to the former pro and I. He and I both said, "God help us if that's how they go about their jobs on a Saturday afternoon". The rules were different to them and totally different to how I dealt with them when I was active. We walked away from the game with the thought that maybe, just maybe there was a closed shop within the referee's fraternity, a bit like the hypocratic oath that Doctors sign, and that they will not, under any circumstances criticise another referee even when then know 100% that he is wrong.

The `Respect` campaign is an absolute joke. It means nothing once you cross the white line simply because respect has to be earned and you don't earn respect without a certain amount of experience. Lining up before a game and shaking hands is also a joke. No sooner has the game started then players are kicking, swearing, diving, and quite honestly, cheating and the referee takes no action. At the Parkway v Witheridge game Saturday I saw a player wave an imaginery yellow card to the referee to try to influence him into booking his opponent, the ref did nothing. I would have given a card alright, but to the player asking for his opponent to be cautioned.

It comes down to all parties, Referee's, players, managers, etc, being on level ground and communicating. Mistakes will happen but talk, explain and enforce as appropriate.

As for not being able to appeal a yellow or red card unless you have video evidence, that is the biggest joke of all.

Rant over, I've had enough. I'm thinking of travelling on Saturdays to watch real football!

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Young referees who are controlling games in which players have had great careers in the pro game (Wayne Quinn, Sean Flynn and Kevin Miller in the Premier League as well as numerous guys who have played in the Football League, Conference, Southern League and who have represented their Counties) and they are treating them like nobodies, it makes my blood boil

Sounds to me that this guy objects to young referees treating all players the same irrespective of who they are! I say well done. :clapper:

No sooner has the game started then players are kicking, swearing, diving, and quite honestly, cheating and the referee takes no action.

Presumably some of this behaviour is being carried out by the 'players who have had great careers in the pro game' . Surely they should be setting an example!

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What a truly honest contribution.

Yes, the RESPECT CAMPAIGN is a joke. One only has to watch a match on a Saturday afternoon to come to that conclusion.

Respect is earnt, not given and some of the officials are simply not good enough.

There is a Referee within the South West who when he deals with players in a match, calls them "sir". Whilst this may seem strange, I think it it highly effective. Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to believe he was regarded as last season top Referee in the South West.

Players respond to consistency, something Referees seem to lack, in general. A pre-match chat in the changing room with the players, outlining what the Referee is willing to accept or not accept would set the standard. It is then upto the Referee to adhere to his pre-match chat.

As for players waving imaginary cards, if the want a card waved, wave one at them.

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Received Sunday from a reader of the Forum who offered his thoughts to be put on:-

Someone will get hurt because of a referee and I really don't think it will be long before someone takes a referee to court because of an injury sustained where the referee simply did not do his job. When I refereed I went into every game with the same thought in my head. `these guys have to go to work on Monday`. It is the responsibility of the referee to protect the players.

It's said by those in authority that without a referee there is no game, but without players, referee's don't have a game and a chance to pick up their extortionate fees. It must be remembered that Players in the SWPL receive expenses, referee's receive a fee and expenses and that fee, in my book, makes them professional and the fact of the matter is, they are far from that.

No sooner has the game started then players are kicking, swearing, diving, and quite honestly, cheating and the referee takes no action. At the Parkway v Witheridge game Saturday I saw a player wave an imaginery yellow card to the referee to try to influence him into booking his opponent, the ref did nothing.

First of all - The ref can only deal with what has happened and not what is about to happen, otherwise the ref would be guessing the out come of all tackles before they happen, so taking the ref to court and not the player who has committed the foul could not really be done. I know, as I was involved in a game (as a ref) where a tackle from behind had broken the players leg. The red card was shown and a few months later I received a letter from the players solicitor, asking for details of what had taken place due to him seeking compensation because of the tackle and not because of the way the game was refereed (that was the only card shown in match). How many players vs refs have been taken to court over events on the field where a player has been injured?

Maybe the players should also be thinking that that they all have work on Monday morning and they take more responsibility for the tackles they make.

Fees or Expenses are they not one of the same? Just a different way of wording it to dodge the tax man............

How many games would be completed if all the above you mentioned, were dealt with yellow cards, some of them would be turn in to red cards.........

Refs have a hard enough job to do, BUT, players dont make it easy for them to get it right and on the other hand, refs dont make it easy for themselves either.

Damned if they do........ damned if they dont.

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Why cant the reader come onto this forum under his own name?

I have took up the whistle because i love football and havent the commitment to manage or play not because of the money, with accusations like that no wonder we are short of referees in this county.

Monty ( aka Lee Mitchell Honest referee i think)

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absolutely fantastic post from whoever it is, see's things from referee's perspective and players perspective.

cue, a response from Mr Manning who's the unofficial spokesman for referee's, or will he not comment as it seems that a fellow referee is putting some refs in a bad light.

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St Darren, I am not an unofficial spokesman for referee`s, for your info I have played at senior level also referee`d at a reasonably high senior level, all I will ever state is my opinion from my perspective gained from my experience. Regarding that post I agree with some parts others I disagree with I hope you and others will allow me that opinion.

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I allow you that opinion!!!

And you can call me Darren if you want.

I mentioned it as I feel that you always post with regards to a referee, that they are never in the wrong.

Also, whilst you're here, if a referee has a strong word with a player for diving over a trailing leg, would he still be correct in awarding that player a free kick, even though he has a go at him for diving?

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No darren,

that is incorrect, give him a yellow card for unsporting behaviour and award a in- direct free kick to the opposing side. Job done referee has set there stool out and you can get on with what matters FOOTBALL.

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Those kind of incidences are an example of why it is difficult for referees to build a genuine reputation,When some officials make the laws up as they go along then its no wonder players and managers get frustrated.

But again further to your original post if he has given a free kick to him for falling over a trailing leg then no words have to be said the free kick should be a genuine free kick, Its either a free kick for a foul or a yellow card for un sporting behaviour not both.

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no wonder players and managers get frustrated

The vast majority of players and managers don't know the laws! They often make fools of themselves on the toucline berating the officials over a decision only to find out after the match that the officials were correct!

St Darren often comes on here asking if a particular refereeing decision was correct, but if he knew the laws he wouldn't have to ask the question! Anyway I've no doubt he will know all the laws by the time he takes up the whistle! :clapper:


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I think its more a case of clarifying the laws Goldeneye! I would like to think that I'm fairly up with the laws, or the majority anyway, but there are the times when refs give things differently.

As I said, a free kick awarded against me, the player went over my leg (without touching), he gets a rollicking off the ref for diving, yet still gets the free kick, now you can understand confusion there.

Refs have a hard job, everyone knows that, but sometimes they make things more difficult for themselves. For instance, coming in a changing room before the game!!

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what gets me is the awful rhetoric. blimey, dave, where did you get edicated?

Read the little red writing at the beginning - I'm just the messenger

Small enough to make people think you were saying it Mr Deacon. I think you were hoping for the reaction you got just so you could add your little Read the little red writing bit.

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Received Sunday from a reader of the Forum who offered his thoughts to be put on:-

As a former referee who did my apprenticeship through local senior and junior leagues (under 9's to 18's - in Devon) I see young lads who are being pushed by the various County FA's to take up the whistle and because they show one iota of promise are fast forwarded to the SWPL Division 1 and even Premier without ever played the game to any standard and I simply don't think they are anywhere near good enough.... yet!. Let them do their apprenticeship too and guide them but don't throw them in at the deep end and start them believing they're better than they really are.

Young referees who are controlling games in which players have had great careers in the pro game (Wayne Quinn, Sean Flynn and Kevin Miller in the Premier League as well as numerous guys who have played in the Football League, Conference, Southern League and who have represented their Counties) and they are treating them like nobodies, it makes my blood boil.

The biggest problem is that their inexperience lets them down when they can't tell the difference between a tackle that is maybe a little late and which catches the opponent and a tackle full of intent which is meant to hurt. Someone will get hurt because of a referee and I really don't think it will be long before someone takes a referee to court because of an injury sustained where the referee simply did not do his job. When I refereed I went into every game with the same thought in my head. `these guys have to go to work on Monday`. Maybe I wasn't the best referee but I did my job. It is the responsibility of the referee to protect the players.

I know a young lad who took up refereeing in the Devon, Junior and Minor League and applauded him for his decision. His comment to me was, "I can make more money running around a football pitch for a few minutes on a Saturday afternoon than I can in two weeks delivering newspapers". Says it all really doesn't it.

It's said by those in authority that without a referee there is no game, but without players, referee's don't have a game and a chance to pick up their extortionate fees. It must be remembered that Players in the SWPL receive expenses, referee's receive a fee and expenses and that fee, in my book, makes them professional and the fact of the matter is, they are far from that.

I was stood watching a game recently with a former professional footballer and beside us was a group of 5 or 6 current referees who must have been watching a different game to the former pro and I. He and I both said, "God help us if that's how they go about their jobs on a Saturday afternoon". The rules were different to them and totally different to how I dealt with them when I was active. We walked away from the game with the thought that maybe, just maybe there was a closed shop within the referee's fraternity, a bit like the hypocratic oath that Doctors sign, and that they will not, under any circumstances criticise another referee even when then know 100% that he is wrong.

The `Respect` campaign is an absolute joke. It means nothing once you cross the white line simply because respect has to be earned and you don't earn respect without a certain amount of experience. Lining up before a game and shaking hands is also a joke. No sooner has the game started then players are kicking, swearing, diving, and quite honestly, cheating and the referee takes no action. At the Parkway v Witheridge game Saturday I saw a player wave an imaginery yellow card to the referee to try to influence him into booking his opponent, the ref did nothing. I would have given a card alright, but to the player asking for his opponent to be cautioned.

It comes down to all parties, Referee's, players, managers, etc, being on level ground and communicating. Mistakes will happen but talk, explain and enforce as appropriate.

As for not being able to appeal a yellow or red card unless you have video evidence, that is the biggest joke of all.

Rant over, I've had enough. I'm thinking of travelling on Saturdays to watch real football!

With regard to Quinn Flynn and Miller, what they have done in their career should be regarded as irrelevant ,new day new match,referees should apply the laws of the game.Doesn't matter if a 16 year old debutant or an X pro infringes the laws the outcome must be the same. As an ex contributary official i treated everyone on the park with equal respect. Some of what you say makes sense lots doesn't.

As for travelling to watch real football, if you think the pro game is any different then you're sadly mistaken ,its probably worse .

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what gets me is the awful rhetoric. blimey, dave, where did you get edicated?

Read the little red writing at the beginning - I'm just the messenger

Small enough to make people think you were saying it Mr Deacon. I think you were hoping for the reaction you got just so you could add your little Read the little red writing bit.

Sorry, I've made it larger now

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Loving the B Manning & St Darren love in! Could there be friendship, even a round of golf, at the end of all this!?

Just to hijack, B Manning/Mitchy could you confirm what should happen in the following occurs please? A club assistant referee calls the referee over claiming to have been called a f***ing cheat. Referee then goes to said player and books him.

I was always under the impression that a ref would have a word with the player stating that if he'd have heard he would have sent him off. Surely, if the ref is to take action he would award a red card not a yellow for foul & abusive. If a yellow is awarded how would this be reported to CCFA?

Also strange that the very same ref last season wouldnt even award a free kick I saw from two yards while he is place 30 yards away. This is what gets confusing for us lower levels players, sheer inconsistency from one ref, never mind a different one each week.

Not a dig at refs!!

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gillo10, I am pleased you like our love in, all it is, is that I tried to PM him to save repeating a previous post I hope that answers your query there, now as to your question, I as an experienced referee I would not send off or caution a player on a club assistants word I need to actually hear the words or see any gestures myself, if the player thought he had got away with it, wrong I would be watching and listening very closely to his every word. I am sorry if that seems a bit hard on club assistants but look at it this way, if the sent off player appealed what could I say about something I had not seen or heard at a personnel hearing. To consistancy, it`s impossible we are all human and never see things exactly the same and I am sure you would not like the same ref every week. The free kick you saw from 2 yards and the ref at 30 probably explains it, he has to make the decision from where he is and it`s his decision unfortunately not yours. I hope I have been of help. What team are you with if I get your way I will introduce myself.

PS I cannot stand golf.

PPS I do not know how it would have been reported because it`s a red card not a yellow offence.

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gillo10, I am pleased you like our love in, all it is, is that I tried to PM him to save repeating a previous post I hope that answers your query there, now as to your question, I as an experienced referee I would not send off or caution a player on a club assistants word I need to actually hear the words or see any gestures myself, if the player thought he had got away with it, wrong I would be watching and listening very closely to his every word. I am sorry if that seems a bit hard on club assistants but look at it this way, if the sent off player appealed what could I say about something I had not seen or heard at a personnel hearing. To consistancy, it`s impossible we are all human and never see things exactly the same and I am sure you would not like the same ref every week. The free kick you saw from 2 yards and the ref at 30 probably explains it, he has to make the decision from where he is and it`s his decision unfortunately not yours. I hope I have been of help. What team are you with if I get your way I will introduce myself.

PS I cannot stand golf.

PPS I do not know how it would have been reported because it`s a red card not a yellow offence.

Are you saying that if a player gets sent off for allegedly saying something which was only heard by a club linesman and not the ref, that he has been incorrectly punished and hat the rules do not allow for this sending off?

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le boss please read my post again, I stated, " I as an experienced referee would not send off or caution a player on a club assistants word " I also said " I need to actually hear the words or see any gestures myself ". As you know Law12 and section 6 of sending off offences states " uses offensive or insulting or abusive language and/or gestures" shall be sent off. So if that referee takes disciplinary action on the word of an assistant then thats his decision.

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le boss please read my post again, I stated, " I as an experienced referee would not send off or caution a player on an assistants word " I also said " I need to actually hear the words or see any gestures myself ". As you know Law12 and section 6 of sending off offences states " uses offensive or insulting or abusive language and/or gestures" shall be sent off. So if that referee takes disciplinary action on the word of an assistant then thats his decision.

Why would you accept an assistant's judgement on, say, an offside or penalty decision, but not take his word that a player had used 'offensive or insulting or abusive language/and or gestures'?

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le boss please read my post again, I stated, " I as an experienced referee would not send off or caution a player on an assistants word " I also said " I need to actually hear the words or see any gestures myself ". As you know Law12 and section 6 of sending off offences states " uses offensive or insulting or abusive language and/or gestures" shall be sent off. So if that referee takes disciplinary action on the word of an assistant then thats his decision.

Why would you accept an assistant's judgement on, say, an offside or penalty decision, but not take his word that a player had used 'offensive or insulting or abusive language/and or gestures'?

Because they are INCONSISTENT lol

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aberfalman. to help you on this one, one of my instructions to my club assistants is to leave fouls on the field to me that obviously includes penalty decisions, the reason is quite straightforward, a referee should not allow club assistants to make major decisions, they are the referee`s and his alone to make.

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Agree with most of the post. However, the bit about former Pro's is rubbish. Everyone should start the game on the same respect level. Not just, he's played pro, he must know more. That certainly is not the case.

Also, ' Real Football' is a big statement to make. It's what you think ' Real Football ' is? Many won't think it's the professional game that's for sure. More grass roots in my opinion.

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Again we are back to allowing club assistants make major decisions and a referee should not do that ( a red card is a major decision ) lets look at it from the other direction, would you like club assistants to award penalties, award goals and to have players sent off. I dread to think of the posts on this forum if that was the case they get accused enough of cheating as it is.

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Again we are back to allowing club assistants make major decisions and a referee should not do that ( a red card is a major decision ) lets look at it from the other direction, would you like club assistants to award penalties, award goals and to have players sent off.

You've moved the goal posts there a bit by bringing in 'club assistants'.

Assistants make major decisions all the time.

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le boss please read my post again, I stated, " I as an experienced referee would not send off or caution a player on an assistants word " I also said " I need to actually hear the words or see any gestures myself ". As you know Law12 and section 6 of sending off offences states " uses offensive or insulting or abusive language and/or gestures" shall be sent off. So if that referee takes disciplinary action on the word of an assistant then thats his decision.

Why would you accept an assistant's judgement on, say, an offside or penalty decision, but not take his word that a player had used 'offensive or insulting or abusive language/and or gestures'?

A club linesman is there to decide if the ball has crossed the touchline for a throw in. They do not have authority to give any other decisions.

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Dave i applaud you on a fantastic posting topic. if only i could put my words across like you have at the top. superb :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

I am having the same heated discussion folks on the ecpl site under 27/8/11 fixtures. with refs. seems like us supporters let alone players and clubs are banging our heads against a brick wall. they dont seem to understand its not personal vendetta against them. just so frustrating in the way officals are running the game..... ime not sure its the so called rules as they keep telling us, its the clicky stubborness of several officals who dont no the game that ruin it

sorry refs i can only imagine how hard it is but G WIZZ its getting worse :SM_carton:

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Hoppit, Club Assistant Referees are allowed to signal that a player is in an off-side position in Cornwall if the referee wants them to. This is why in the CSWPL (W) clubs have to provide qualified club assistant referees.

If qualified then fine, but even some of these are iffy, but from ECPL/combo down some either don't know what they are doing or are cheating, hope its the first mentioned.

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just so frustrating in the way officals are running the game..... ime not sure its the so called rules as they keep telling us, its the clicky stubborness of several officals who dont no the game that ruin it

Absolute rubbish! When I ask people why they no longer watch football they say it's because of the foul language and the terrible behaviour of the players on the pitch and the coaches etc on the touchline. They never ever say it's because of the officiating!

Why is football the only sport that has such problems with officials?

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Why is football the only sport that has such problems with officials?

Probably because it is the only sport (that I can think of) that "allows" participants (players/coaches, etc) to protest/harrass/argue with officials. It doesn't help that players can see their idols on TV regularly contesting decisions (in some cases all decisions) made by the officials.

Watch any rugby match and you can see a much higher level of "respect" for the officials. This may not be genuine respect but players are aware of the consequences of being too talkative to referees - if that was transferred to the football field teams could be playing 5-a-side very quickly. As to the argument of poor officials, I've also seen some very iffy officiating at rugby matches but players tend to say nothing and get on with the game.

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I've also seen some very iffy officiating at rugby matches but players tend to say nothing and get on with the game.

Totally agree falfootie. I believe that all referees / umpires have the same mentality and approach to whatever sport they officiate in. Therefore the difference must be the mentality of the football players, managers, coaches etc. Time for them to sort themselves out and get off the back of the referees!

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I've also seen some very iffy officiating at rugby matches but players tend to say nothing and get on with the game.

Totally agree falfootie. I believe that all referees / umpires have the same mentality and approach to whatever sport they officiate in. Therefore the difference must be the mentality of the football players, managers, coaches etc. Time for them to sort themselves out and get off the back of the referees!

But at the same time why do the refs not apply the laws? If a player swears at the ref, we see it at EVERY level EVERY week, then why not send them off? If all refs started doing this it would soon stop. Same with all the wrestling n the box, dont stop play to have a word. Wait for play to start and use the power given to award a penalty or free kick, guarentee it would soon stop. Whilst players MUST except responsibility lets not forget that refs do actually have the power to punish offenders!

Mr Manning, Im generally involved with Falmouth 2nds but not so much at the minute due to other commitments. If Im there though you cant miss me... I'll be the one shouting at the ref ^_^

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