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But at the same time why do the refs not apply the laws? If a player swears at the ref, we see it at EVERY level EVERY week, then why not send them off? If all refs started doing this it would soon stop. Same with all the wrestling n the box, dont stop play to have a word. Wait for play to start and use the power given to award a penalty or free kick, guarentee it would soon stop. Whilst players MUST except responsibility lets not forget that refs do actually have the power to punish offenders!

Mr Manning, Im generally involved with Falmouth 2nds but not so much at the minute due to other commitments. If Im there though you cant miss me... I'll be the one shouting at the ref ^_^

Ultimately the authorities are at fault. I don't blame the players as it's only natural they'll push things as far as they're allowed to. Rugby players respect the officials more because of the culture of the game, not because they are better people. Personally I think change should come from the top through FIFA and filter down.

I hate it when players abuse the ref...that's my job.

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Maybe expected behaviour like that in cricket would be better. If a professional player argues wth an umpire he is liable to be fined his match wages. How often do you see cricketers arguing a decision? Appeal, turned down, get on with it.

I've played a lot of lower league cricket in Cornwall and, whilst there are often some very dodgy decisions with players refereeing the games themselves, I have only very rarely seen arguements from players. A lot of moaning in the changing rooms mind!

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I agree, there should be a change at the top. The respect rugby players display regardless of whether they agree with a decision would be excellent in football.

Footballers would soon learn to conduct themselves in a profesional manner, regardless of what they have achieved or what experience a ref has.

But at the same time why do the refs not apply the laws? If a player swears at the ref, we see it at EVERY level EVERY week, then why not send them off? If all refs started doing this it would soon stop. Same with all the wrestling n the box, dont stop play to have a word. Wait for play to start and use the power given to award a penalty or free kick, guarentee it would soon stop. Whilst players MUST except responsibility lets not forget that refs do actually have the power to punish offenders!

Mr Manning, Im generally involved with Falmouth 2nds but not so much at the minute due to other commitments. If Im there though you cant miss me... I'll be the one shouting at the ref ^_^

Ultimately the authorities are at fault. I don't blame the players as it's only natural they'll push things as far as they're allowed to. Rugby players respect the officials more because of the culture of the game, not because they are better people. Personally I think change should come from the top through FIFA and filter down.

I hate it when players abuse the ref...that's my job.

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Back to the refereeing, about 30 years ago referees would tell CLUB assistants that they were to signal the ball out of play and flag for offside, however, they may overrule the offside flag if they saw different, the club assistants took the spearhead of the opponents attack, one day although injured I was fit enough to take the line, the referee accepted all my decisions but ignored the opponents assistant, the referee then came to me and said I will accept any decision you make be it a foul whatever, this was overheard by the opposition manager who complained about his assistant being ignored, the referee turned around and replied "but he's cheating".

That referee was respected as being the top referee in Buckinghamshire, when the game finished he said to me "I wish you were running the line with me every week" that was a compliment that I appreciated.

According to B Mannings postings, I take it the same senario applies for balls into touch and offsides in your local football today.

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Found an old Falmouth Packet today from August 1972 and there was a report in it of a 4-1 win for Town at St.Blazey that contained an interesting refereeing controversy. Just before half-time, Town were awarded a penalty and Derek Sullivan saved from Norman Ashe. The ref though decided he had moved before the ball was kicked and then booked him for "ungentlemanly conduct". The goalie complained and was then sent off.

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Mountaineer.....The fact is that rugby players are more disciplined than footballers,and 99% of decisions made by the officials are accepted without any fuss.Something that only occurs rarely in football matches.I recently watched a football match in the Newquay area where a player made an oscar like appeal to a ref for a throw in that he knew was in favour of the opposition,or in other words he was blatantly trying to cheat.The trouble is nowadays is that they see the multi millionaire players do it so often on tv that they think it's ok.Why isn't the 'respect' initiative given some teeth ?

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You can't compare Rugby referees to football ones. The reason a rugby referee rarely gets into an argument with a player is because the rugby referee will immediately explain why he has given that decision. Too many referees at this level can't tell a player what he has given the decision for and instead will just shout at the player 'walk away walk away' or words to that effect. This only winds players up more. The referees that get respect from players are the ones that talk to players, explain decisions, have a bit of banter, admit mistakes even!! I don't agree with players surrounding officials and it must be a tough job and I don't envy them, but a lot of referees attitudes are just as bad as a lot of the players!

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