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St Austell - Not a good start

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7 points from 6 games is that really good enough.

I appreciate St Austell have played Bodmin and Parkway, two of the favourites for the league and in fact they did beat Parkway, but I just can’t see how they have lost to Dartmouth and Launceston and only drew with a very poor Torpoint team, the other win was against Marines who had 11 players most of them however had never even kicked a ball before.

The team from what I understand is lacking quality and confidence. I don’t know enough about football or what goes on at the club, but from speaking to many fans, the club is not completely happy with the start and don’t understand where the money is being spent and if the current manager is the right person.

On a brighter note, I have it on good Authority that the club will be bringing in some players soon. Namely Reski and Hampshire from Newquay, Tom Smith is joining from Ilogen.

As a fan of the club I am interested to see what the club feels is a satisfactory league position and what they feel is wrong with the current team. Football is a cut throat game in Cornwall now, fans spending good money expect to see results or they disappear, the average crowd is already 20 odd down on last season so the club needs to act fast.

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I just got a call about this topic and cant quite believe what i have just read.

Yes its not been a great start, but come on please back the players and management to turn it around.

I can neither confirm or deny the players mentioned.

As for the attendances please remember Royal Marines brought 1 (ONE) travelling supporter, and we have had 3 games at home Bodmin 186, Parkway 113 and Royal Marines 97 ave 131 4th highest in the league.

Money Man

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I think you are being a bit disrespectful to dartmouth and launceston there, you can already see by their results so far that both are much improved on last years sides and you should know that this is a very competitive league below the top 2 or 3 sides where most teams can beat each other on a given day.No team has any right to expect a win and perhaps the st austell side is not as good as you thought.

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Most clubs have seen a reduction in spectator numbers.

At Penzance the first team crowds are down roughly 20 per game or 18%. This follows on from last season when we lost 22%.

Funny thing though, and I know it's early in the season, in the Combo, the reserves sides of Penryn, Hayle, Penzance, Newquay and Porthleven have seen an increase in numbers. Falmouth have only played one home game so far so don't know what their figures will look like.

is this because people are not travelling to away matches, instead watching their reserve teams or have they been priced away from more senior football?

Our Time Now: all teams have up and down seasons, you can't expect success every season. St Austell crowd down roughly 15% which i think will be across the board for most senior clubs this season.

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I've not been able to see many games this season but i was pretty surprised at the relatively low attendance for the game v Parkway which turned out to be highly entertaining. Perhaps expectancy has risen at St.Austell so a couple of poor results keeps people away or maybe it is the general economy - £4 isn't a lot but if you have a go on the raffle, buy some refreshments etc a tenner is quickly gone.

On the field it seems to me to be partly a confidence thing more than individual players ability. The squad looks pretty strong but we've struggled defensively since getting into the Premier League - too many goals against and it's not necesarilly a problem with the defence in itself but the team defensively. That's my opinion anyway as an ex (crap) centre half!

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Personally, I don't think clubs publicise games enough. A fixture board at the ground is simply not enough, in my humble opinion.

Clubs need to make people aware that their local football team are having a home fixture. Posters around the town would reach a wide audience to start with. Pubs, shops, schools and residential homes could all have advertising material sent to them advertising the fixtures coming up.

Saturday isn't Saturday without a game of football, but its all about getting people to get the "bug". If they dont come initially, they won't know what they are missing.

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I support Camelford who are now in the SWPL premier and still get poor crowds at games yet when theres a function such as party on the pitch 1500 people turn up paying £15 a head. Where do all these people go on a Saturday afternoon? I think maybe theres so much more to do these days and people make their choice. A couple of years ago Camels got to the Senior Cup final, and in the week before the game i was in the dentists waiting room reading the local town magazine thinking i would see a big write up. It wasn't even mentioned not 1 sentence, yet Saturday night i get people ringing up to get the result. Why aren't they at the match? I'M afraid i can't answer that question.

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7 points from 6 games is that really good enough.

On a brighter note, I have it on good Authority that the club will be bringing in some players soon. Namely Reski and Hampshire from Newquay, Tom Smith is joining from Ilogen.

Hammy ?, theres more chance of me supporting St Austell than Paul playing for them. Dunno bout Reski as I don´t know him personally.

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I think that Moneyman & his fellow committee members should take comments such as this in their stride.The club is unrecognisable from the shambles a couple of seasons ago.

Its only natural that after a season or two of continued success their fortunes would level out for a while.It's how the club push on from here that matters.

As for attendances, if after you've paid entry,had a go on the raffle,had a pint and a pasty you've spent a tenner,well surely that's not bad is it for an afternoon in the fresh air ?

I live in an area with no senior side to support and it would be great to be able to watch that standard of football at a ground like that every fortnight.

St Austell just need to keep on doing what they're doing and looking for gradual improvement.

I have a feeling that the so called critique from this poster may be from the Blazey area !!

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Regardless of what start St Austell have made, atleast Moneyman, Our Time Now and Tony still keep us posted on this site. Wasn't long ago when there were multiple supporters either raving or defending their club on here. Where are they now?! Maybe explains further the drop in attendances too.

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Personally, I don't think clubs publicise games enough. A fixture board at the ground is simply not enough, in my humble opinion.

Clubs need to make people aware that their local football team are having a home fixture. Posters around the town would reach a wide audience to start with. Pubs, shops, schools and residential homes could all have advertising material sent to them advertising the fixtures coming up.

Saturday isn't Saturday without a game of football, but its all about getting people to get the "bug". If they dont come initially, they won't know what they are missing.

Defintely agree.

Posters around the town in shop windows & pubs can only help (and raise the profile of the club) and what about sending a bunch of complimentary tickets to different secondary and primary schools for every home game? - there's an awful lot of schools within a 5 mile radius of St.Austell for example

If a few youngsters come they may become the supporters/committee men of tomorrow and they might well drag their Dad along and he'll spend a few quid!

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I think attendances are based on results and how the team is doing..it seems to be the case at St Austell.

As for St Austell publicising games, this is something that we will certainly be looking at in the not to distant future. I dont feel that the entry fee to home games is too high, and whenever St Austell play your guarenteed a decent game.

All our sponsors are informed weekly through sms about games, but they make speradic appearences depending on who we are playing.

In reply to Nemesis comments about Hampshire and Reski, I am not completley sure of what is going on with those two, but it needs to be done in the right manner with 7 day approaches etc (I am sure you will understand).

Watch this space...

Money man

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I agree St Austell have made great strides over the past few seasons.

Its just frustrating that it seems the club have stagnated over the summer and the lack of new additions to the side has meant that again it looks like being a mid table season, I though with all the new sponsorship and new bar , the managers would of been able to bring in some new players.

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Our Time now what is your problem.....

The clubs lacks ambition do they? Really...

Ok so we are mid table at the moment, yes new sponsorship is in place and the bar is doing well, but floodlights are not FREE.

We have new additions in Richardson, Dingle, Godridge and kept all of the squad from last season apart from Shaugnessy . Many of our players were approached by different clubs and offered silly money to play elsewhere but the players recognised that St Austell is the club to be at. To say we lack ambition is completley inacurate and perhaps if you opened your eyes and noticed the excellent work that is going on at the club you will realise.

Please feel free to make your self know to me on Saturday and I will gladly discuss any issues you have. Perhaps join the committee and see for your self.

See you Saturday... But probably not.

Money Man

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Well said Chappers.

Surely building a squad is also done from within - such as through consistency in tactics and the development of a system with the same players week in, week out and also creating a togetherness and a bond between players. Surely you dont need to always open the chequebook to build a side.

I must say from somebody who will do what i can to support the club - its not always easy or convienient if like myself you play football on a Saturday or even just work on Saturdays - to make the games, but what the club can be assured of is that we, the sponsors, and fans - support the club 7 days a week and are not going anywhere soon!

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Thanks Jenksy .. Thank you to you and all at Corwall Signs for your support.

Perhaps you will make some evening games at poltair when the floodlights are up, wont be very long now.

Speak soon


Chappers I thought it was Cornwall signs??

If your gonna give them a plug get the name right pal!

Played in the forum game at poltair early in the season, surface was lovely up there!

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How ambitious does a club want to be though?

We are where we are in the country, without thousands upon thousands or a millionaire backer, no team from down here is going to get further than Western League because its just not worth it.

I wish teams would live within their means and just do what they were originally formed for, which was to provide football for the local community, whether that be watching or playing.

A football club down this way is never going to make money of any great deal.

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Money Man.

I dont have a problem, I am just wanting to get peoples views on why St Austell have started so poorly this season.

word from the stands is that the budget has been increased and a top 5 finish was expected.

This is a forum Money Man for supporters to raise their views, if you cant handle that then whats the point of your silly topics and threads that you start on here.

The forum is a great tool to get the true opinions of people, and as Chairman of St Austell you should perhaps take some critisism sometimes and report back to your committee.

Who is running the club Money Man you or the players ???

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Oh dear, please get your facts right before you comment on st austell..

The club is fine and getting stronger every season.

If you are a supporter , then you will remember where the club was 4 years ago ...

We have an excellent squad assembled with an excellent management team, please refrain from posting anymore on this topic..

Money Man

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Cornwall Signs .. you are correct mate. Edited and correct now.

The surface and all round facilities are getting there, still work to be done but with a hard working committee we aim to please.

Thanks Cat , congratulations on your win in the Forum game.. :clapper:

We were very grateful for the use of the facilities and the welcome from St Austell for the forum game,

I've lost a stone and a half since the game moneyman! Playing that day made me relies there is life in the old dog yet!

The weather and the friendly people up there that day probably helped,

I know quite a few of the lads up there having played with them years ago(when a lot slimmer)

Hope they finish in the mix and hope the ground improvements continue, when the lights going up chappers??

I have no affinity with st Austell and have never played for them, just nice to see a club wanting to improve

If someone is chucking money in then it's up to them as it will be coming out of their own pocket, nice to see someone doing something for a team or club they love!

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Cat . Floodlights will be up this year!!!!.. We aim for November but will probably be December.

Thanks for the comments, we aim to please at Poltair .

We dont have any individual that throws money in.. I wish it was that simple.. All monies generated comes from sponsorship, gate receipts , bar, Programme sales and fundraising events.

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Our Time Now.

You seem to be confused by a few things.

1, You seem to be under the impression floodlights cost next to nothing

2, You feel the club you state " you support" lacks ambition

3, When has Money Man ever stated he is Chairman of AFC St Austell

4, The club is not happy with things and don't know where the money is being spent

Why do you have such an issue with the club because they have dropped a few points early on in the season. Get with the times. Like it has been stated the club can't keep moving at the pace it has year on year. There has to be a time where yes the pace may slow down a little bit. But this can only be expected. Are floodlights not enough for you this year? Are you a commitee member? No i don't think so. So if your such a fan why don't you join the comittee. The club is always grateful of an extra pair of hands so instead of public critisism why don't you come along and offer your support and opinions in another way maybe even get your hands dirty.

The club is happy with the way thngs are at this time. Unfortunately with players taking holday during the football season means you get a run where you are always playing with a different sqaud and with injuries also being an issue it makes the job for the management team that little bit harder. You also mentioned that attendences are lower than average but you have already been informed this has happened everywhere and not just at St Austell. You state people are not looking to come to watch. Have you ever thought about the fact that you may be the one putting the club down therefor assisting in the fact people don't want to watch local football. If you were a true supporter im sure you would speak to people about the club with a positive attitude and encourage people to come and watch rather than do what you currently are doing.

Rant over - Get behind your local team mate instead of questioning topics you don't really have all the facts on. See you Saturday

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Money Man.

I dont have a problem, I am just wanting to get peoples views on why St Austell have started so poorly this season.

word from the stands is that the budget has been increased and a top 5 finish was expected.

This is a forum Money Man for supporters to raise their views, if you cant handle that then whats the point of your silly topics and threads that you start on here.

The forum is a great tool to get the true opinions of people, and as Chairman of St Austell you should perhaps take some critisism sometimes and report back to your committee.

Who is running the club Money Man you or the players ???

lee whetter n mike body r the schemers at st austell

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