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"Ref has spoilt a good game" Carlsberg SWPL Forum

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Have just read some very honest posts on the Carlsberg South West Peninsula League forum. These relate mainly to the Buckland Athletic v Saltash United game on 29th October 2011.

I attended the game and can only describe the performance of the Referee as WEAK.

Throughout the game he allowed "free kicks" to be taken with a "moving ball". His decisions made against Buckland were received with foul and abusive language from Mr Lynch, the Buckland Manager, until his tirade was ended with a yellow card. But quite honestly, he should have been booked much earlier.

Gavin Coulton's booking was as a result of him not retreating away from the ball, before the Buckland player took the free kick and kicked it straight at Gavin. In all honesty, the Buckland player didn't give Gavin a chance to retreat. Gavins second booking and subsequent red card was clearly down to him continuing to play after the whistle had been blown for an offence and then making a comment to the Referee, which I am reliably advised included "Ref you are a ****ing joke". Not the right thing to say to a Referee, but let's be fair, comments of this nature are often made, without punishment. And may I add this same phrase could be heard LOUD AND CLEAR from the Buckland Manager throughout the game !!

The "powers within football" need to "man up" and make a decision relating to the use of foul language by both Managers and players. It is either tolerated or punished, not this "wishy washy" situation we have at present.

All everyone wants is consistency within the game, something we clearly do not have at the moment.

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I seem to remember a rather heated discussion not long ago relating to abuse given to referees. Is this another incident where a referee has chosen to ignore the antics of so called managers rather than nip it in the bud early on. Or is the referee worried that by acting against these idiots he will be given a low score and subsequently not be allocated the higher profile games. Perhaps the ref is happy to bounce around the less attractive fixtures and receive his fee without incident , I doubt it !

It's time the FA stood up against the few and backed the refs all the way, if it means an FA representative attends and assesses these clubs, then so be it.

Its not as though the FA don't know who the main culprits are ! :SM_carton:

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I seem to remember a rather heated discussion not long ago relating to abuse given to referees. Is this another incident where a referee has chosen to ignore the antics of so called managers rather than nip it in the bud early on. Or is the referee worried that by acting against these idiots he will be given a low score and subsequently not be allocated the higher profile games. Perhaps the ref is happy to bounce around the less attractive fixtures and receive his fee without incident , I doubt it !

It's time the FA stood up against the few and backed the refs all the way, if it means an FA representative attends and assesses these clubs, then so be it.

Its not as though the FA don't know who the main culprits are ! :SM_carton:

I couldn't agree more Robin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Not sure about the big deal about free kicks and moving ball, as long as its not moving at great speed and only just moving surely its best for all involved for him just to carry on and let the game flow. As for swearing, said it before and I'll say it again, the referees DO have the power to send off offenders including managers. As stated above though, they also need the backing of the powers that be if cases are brought to a tribunal/hearing etc. Its human natuire to push boundaries and thats what the so called big time managers and players will continue to do if allowed to do so without any punishment. Players are treated a lot harsher, or a lot nearer the laws should I say, for such incidents a lower levels. For some reason many refs seem intimidated by the "big names" of CSWP!

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Not sure about the big deal about free kicks and moving ball, as long as its not moving at great speed and only just moving surely its best for all involved for him just to carry on and let the game flow. As for swearing, said it before and I'll say it again, the referees DO have the power to send off offenders including managers. As stated above though, they also need the backing of the powers that be if cases are brought to a tribunal/hearing etc. Its human natuire to push boundaries and thats what the so called big time managers and players will continue to do if allowed to do so without any punishment. Players are treated a lot harsher, or a lot nearer the laws should I say, for such incidents a lower levels. For some reason many refs seem intimidated by the "big names" of CSWP!

Wont be any fear of that no more as you cannot appeal a red card anymore unless you have video evidence or its a case of mistaken identity....

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Its human natuire to push boundaries and thats what the so called big time managers and players will continue to do if allowed to do so without any punishment. Players are treated a lot harsher, or a lot nearer the laws should I say, for such incidents a lower levels. For some reason many refs seem intimidated by the "big names" of CSWP!

Couldn't agree more - it would only take a few players/managers to be made an example of (within the laws, of course) and the number of incidents would surely reduce. Alternatively, just apply the laws as they were intended.

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Isn't consistency what we all want from Referees and their Assistants. This is something that is truly missing in football today.

Why should Referees/Assistants put their own "slant" on how they deal with swearing? Surely the only way to deal with foul and abusive language is to make it punishable with a yellow card for the first incident and a straight red for the second. But unless Referees/Assistants, managers, coaches and players all abide by the same rule, nothing will change.

I as a spectator find the lack of consistency from Referees/Assistants extremely frustrating, so little wonder managers and players do so also.

Comments please.

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In case you hadn`t noticed referee`s are human beings, now players are not consistent managers are not consistent in fact the human being is not consistent we all do things differently so life would be very boring if we all did reacted in exactly the same way to situations. Also the only punishment for section S6 is a straight red card.

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In case you hadn`t noticed referee`s are human beings, now players are not consistent managers are not consistent in fact the human being is not consistent we all do things differently so life would be very boring if we all did reacted in exactly the same way to situations. Also the only punishment for section S6 is a straight red card.

All we as spectators are asking for is that the referees and their assistants are consistent with the abusive language. We do not want to hear this, Most of the time it is said in an aggressive nature aswell. I support the most unliked team in the league and our joint Managers are examples of how Managers should act. I have never heard them swear at the ref, What will happen if someone in the crowd starts to swear back at the abusive Manager ? It could kick off big time. There is no room in the game for these egotistic abusive iodiots.

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As an experienced referee I need to actually hear the words and see it actually being spoken and I can assure you that if I see and hear a player use foul abusive or offensive language to myself or an opponent or his own team the my course of action is red card.

There we have it, you are applying the rules and some other Referees are not. The Referee at Buckland Athletic last Saturday was weak and accepted constant foul language from James Lynch(Buckland Manager), eventually "manning up" and booking him.

Consistency B Manning, consistency!

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In case you hadn`t noticed referee`s are human beings, now players are not consistent managers are not consistent in fact the human being is not consistent we all do things differently so life would be very boring if we all did reacted in exactly the same way to situations. Also the only punishment for section S6 is a straight red card.

All we as spectators are asking for is that the referees and their assistants are consistent with the abusive language. We do not want to hear this, Most of the time it is said in an aggressive nature aswell. I support the most unliked team in the league and our joint Managers are examples of how Managers should act. I have never heard them swear at the ref, What will happen if someone in the crowd starts to swear back at the abusive Manager ? It could kick off big time. There is no room in the game for these egotistic abusive iodiots.

I fully agree with your comments.

Please tell me, which team do you support?

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In case you hadn`t noticed referee`s are human beings, now players are not consistent managers are not consistent in fact the human being is not consistent we all do things differently so life would be very boring if we all did reacted in exactly the same way to situations. Also the only punishment for section S6 is a straight red card.

All we as spectators are asking for is that the referees and their assistants are consistent with the abusive language. We do not want to hear this, Most of the time it is said in an aggressive nature aswell. I support the most unliked team in the league and our joint Managers are examples of how Managers should act. I have never heard them swear at the ref, What will happen if someone in the crowd starts to swear back at the abusive Manager ? It could kick off big time. There is no room in the game for these egotistic abusive iodiots.

I fully agree with your comments.

Please tell me, which team do you support?

Plymouth Parkway

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In case you hadn`t noticed referee`s are human beings, now players are not consistent managers are not consistent in fact the human being is not consistent we all do things differently so life would be very boring if we all did reacted in exactly the same way to situations. Also the only punishment for section S6 is a straight red card.

All we as spectators are asking for is that the referees and their assistants are consistent with the abusive language. We do not want to hear this, Most of the time it is said in an aggressive nature aswell. I support the most unliked team in the league and our joint Managers are examples of how Managers should act. I have never heard them swear at the ref, What will happen if someone in the crowd starts to swear back at the abusive Manager ? It could kick off big time. There is no room in the game for these egotistic abusive iodiots.

I fully agree with your comments.

Please tell me, which team do you support?

Plymouth Parkway

I will have to agree and disagree with your comments. Both your managers set a good example, as do the two managers at my team(Saltash United). I do not agree that Plymouth Parkway are the most unliked team within the league, as you have some great people involved with your club. However, some of your players do not do you any favours in the popularity stakes.

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