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Cornwall Football Forum

Debut at Blaise Park

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Come on Dave Deacon time to fuel this topic again, you know you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pathetic get a job.

You come on this site as Mr nice but you have a bitter side, what do you do for local football, not a lot just try and cause as much banter for your website.

I know I will get slammed for this but at least its the truth of how I feel not just made up.

You started this when you do not have a clue as to what as happened.

Blimey, Mr Carey in one his rants again.

So WHY has Shane White and Darren Hicks left Falmouth Town?

And another boring question-Why did Danny Zalick leave Saltash ?

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So, it now seems that we have a toothless tiger (and I don't Mean Falmouth Town). All you have to do to get around the 7 days rule is to get someone who is not OFFICIALLY involved with your club to approach the player that you want by any means possible to avoid being found guilty by a quorum of old men.

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So, it now seems that we have a toothless tiger (and I don't Mean Falmouth Town). All you have to do to get around the 7 days rule is to get someone who is not OFFICIALLY involved with your club to approach the player that you want by any means possible to avoid being found guilty by a quorum of old men.

The same way as we do it in youth football ............... lol :thumbsup:

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"Here luv, my mate fancies you" ! Been going on for donkeys years in playgrounds all over the world.

Class ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if a player wants to leave all beit because he is not getting first team football , ego's in the changing rooms , cheesed off with the Manager or for the dreaded £££££ ............ it is probably better he goes anyway.

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"Here luv, my mate fancies you" ! Been going on for donkeys years in playgrounds all over the world.

Class ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if a player wants to leave all beit because he is not getting first team football , ego's in the changing rooms , cheesed off with the Manager or for the dreaded £££££ ............ it is probably better he goes anyway.


Drama over nothing.

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