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I watched Partkway last night and it was the first time I have watched them this season. I thought Parkway were the stronger team and deserved the win. I was impressed with the lad Foster at the back. I was appalled at the Elburton bench for keep calling the Parkway linesman a cheat. They also gave the ref a hard time ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just because they were losing. Respect campaign out the window again !!!!!!!!!!!!!

To summarise ,Parkway were the better team , the linesman was not cheating and the ref had a good game.

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Yea i think that is a fair assessment by The Bald 1. Parkway looked were the better team, they looked strong throughout the spine of the team with their 2 centre halves dominant, the 2 centre midfielders playing some nice football and the 2 strikers creating plenty of chances. Comfortable win in the end.

On a more sour note, who was the black lad on the bench for Elburton? Everyone in the crowd could hear him continually abusing the ref and linesman, and the icing on the cake was when he kept threatening to break legs on saturday when he plays!! Moron.

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In all fairness to the ref last night did a good job and he was treated like a piece if rubbish. He kept it together and threatened to send one of the managers / coach's out of the ground. Then the comments of little man syndrome were used. I have seen this ref before , a short mid forties , I think Italian guy. It really winds me up when things do not go some teams way , this sort of action occurs. It is a game for god sake , live with it. Just stamp it out early mate and you will be fine. I follow Parkways first team and the same sort of abuse happens most weeks. It is spoiling the game. Players and managers seem to think they are BIGGER than the game. Good luck.

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in all fairness mate

i have referee these teams lots of time with no hassle :thumbsup:

teams will always disagree with decisions but that is part and parcel of the game

i will make mistakes on the pitch, just like players will

but 18 years as a referee i enjoy doing it.in fact i am enjoying it more this season then ever before :thumbsup:

players on here and managers know i am very appoachable before and after the game

and why not

i will never talk down to players or managers not my style

and i will always give 150% every game

one last note. BALD ONE if you are there on saturday please make yourself known to me ok :clapper:

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in all fairness mate

i have referee these teams lots of time with no hassle :thumbsup:

teams will always disagree with decisions but that is part and parcel of the game

i will make mistakes on the pitch, just like players will

but 18 years as a referee i enjoy doing it.in fact i am enjoying it more this season then ever before :thumbsup:

players on here and managers know i am very appoachable before and after the game

and why not

i will never talk down to players or managers not my style

and i will always give 150% every game

one last note. BALD ONE if you are there on saturday please make yourself known to me ok :clapper:

sorry lynx , away at Liskeard cheering on the boys,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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The Bald one, without wishing to take anything away from Parkway, because they were the better team on the night, I think Villa would have had more of a foothold with a more competant ref officiating.

Firstly he failed to take any action against a Parkway player who slapped a Villa frontman in the face while he [Villa player] was still on the floor because he didn`t like the challange.

Secondly he failed to give (or maybe see ?) a handball when a Parkway player went to ground in the penalty area and prevented the ball being squared across the six yard box.

Thirdly he failed to give an indirect freekick on the six yard line when the Parkway keeper attempted to throw the ball upfield but forgot to let go and threw it 180 degrees towards his own goal and managed to save it on the goal line thereby handling it before anyother player had touched it.

And as for the Villa management calling the Parkway lino a cheat concerning the disallowed Villa goal, as you know the lino and think he isn`t a cheat, I also know the Villa management and, generally, they would not call someone a cheat unless they thought they were justified.

Afterall, we all know how a home linesman will give the benefit of doubt to his own defence however dubious that decision may seem to others.

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The Bald one, without wishing to take anything away from Parkway, because they were the better team on the night, I think Villa would have had more of a foothold with a more competant ref officiating.

Firstly he failed to take any action against a Parkway player who slapped a Villa frontman in the face while he [Villa player] was still on the floor because he didn`t like the challange.

Secondly he failed to give (or maybe see ?) a handball when a Parkway player went to ground in the penalty area and prevented the ball being squared across the six yard box.

Thirdly he failed to give an indirect freekick on the six yard line when the Parkway keeper attempted to throw the ball upfield but forgot to let go and threw it 180 degrees towards his own goal and managed to save it on the goal line thereby handling it before anyother player had touched it.

And as for the Villa management calling the Parkway lino a cheat concerning the disallowed Villa goal, as you know the lino and think he isn`t a cheat, I also know the Villa management and, generally, they would not call someone a cheat unless they thought they were justified.

Afterall, we all know how a home linesman will give the benefit of doubt to his own defence however dubious that decision may seem to others.

It always amuses me when a team gets beat so comprehensively, and yet they still claim they would have got something out of the game if it wasn't for the ref! And to come on a public forum and try and defend calling someone a cheat, is also laughable.

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The Bald one, without wishing to take anything away from Parkway, because they were the better team on the night, I think Villa would have had more of a foothold with a more competant ref officiating.

Firstly he failed to take any action against a Parkway player who slapped a Villa frontman in the face while he [Villa player] was still on the floor because he didn`t like the challange.

Secondly he failed to give (or maybe see ?) a handball when a Parkway player went to ground in the penalty area and prevented the ball being squared across the six yard box.

Thirdly he failed to give an indirect freekick on the six yard line when the Parkway keeper attempted to throw the ball upfield but forgot to let go and threw it 180 degrees towards his own goal and managed to save it on the goal line thereby handling it before anyother player had touched it.

And as for the Villa management calling the Parkway lino a cheat concerning the disallowed Villa goal, as you know the lino and think he isn`t a cheat, I also know the Villa management and, generally, they would not call someone a cheat unless they thought they were justified.

Afterall, we all know how a home linesman will give the benefit of doubt to his own defence however dubious that decision may seem to others.

It always amuses me when a team gets beat so comprehensively, and yet they still claim they would have got something out of the game if it wasn't for the ref! And to come on a public forum and try and defend calling someone a cheat, is also laughable.

Sorry, mate, I didn`t realise I wasn`t allowed to defend the integrity of someone I know personally.

Next time I`ll ask you first.......................... Kn0b !

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ive been away for a few days so have not been upto date on this subject, but i must say (in my opinion) the elburton management duo,s behaviour in the 2 games we have met this season has been a disgrace, to the point where a lady from her back garden had to ask them to cut there language/ behaviour out. The coloured lad in there dugout in our home game months ago, well his behaviour/ language/comments at the time was utterly appalling. Ive known scouse (1 of the managers) for many years and most of his actions are close to the bone banter, which the majority of the time is fine, but the other guy is a really really bad example to a very YOUNG talented squad of players. In both games he just constantly shouted abuse at our players, our dugout, linesmen, and the referee. Such a shame for a good club and good side to have this guy in charge and that horrible clown in there squad. BIG LET DOWN TO ELBURTON.

:SM_carton: :SM_carton: :SM_carton:

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What abuse came from the Elburton dugout saturday ? Only one of the managers from Elburton was at the game, all you heard was banter between the 2 dugouts, highly spirited yes, but at the end of the game shook hands and wish each other best of luck for the rest of the season.

Comments from both dugouts were as bad as each other being directed at the match official, and I will say he handled it very well took no notice and got on with the game.

This was a typical local derby game, both teams playing to be top dog in Plymouth, and once again, Parkway came out on top.

I have certainly heard a lot worse coming out of the mouths of some managers over the last few seasons.

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hi hedgerow.

just to add my bit about saturdays game and the comments you made about both dugouts

you will always get comments from dugouts towards match officials during the game!! part and parcel of the game i wouid say this on saturday i never heard anything untowards directed at me if i did i wouid of gone to the dugouts and warned them .but credit to both set of dugouts on saturday :thumbsup:

wouid like to add also

both set of players were a credit to they teams :clapper: good luck for the rest of the season

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