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Managerial situation at Falmouth Town

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Seems to me that Carey was after as much sympathy as he could get, he was never going to stick by his words and resign, all he wanted to do was see how many people write nice things about him then he would come crawling back, poor by you Alan.

Edited by Richard Chown
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Seems to me that Carey was after as much sympathy as he could get, he was never going to stick by his words and resign, all he wanted to do was see how many people write nice things about him then he would come crawling back, poor by you Alan.

You obviously do not know Alan Carey, He is a man, he does not want or look for sympathy,and he would never crawl to anyone, It is quite clear with the amount of support shown to him by People on this forum who are not even Falmouth Town supporters, that he put Falmouth Town, & Football first I wonder what you would have done?

Before you make unfounded remarks like that make sure of your Facts For you a :SM_carton:

Hammers :c::thumbsup: :c:

Edited by Dave Deacon
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Falmouth Town Manager Alan Carey is to remain in charge at Bickland Park after the Club’s Executive Committee voted unanimously not to accept his resignation.

so he can't leave even if he wanted to?because he will always be voted to stay?sounds bit similar to a recent player who tried to leave falmouth and they wouldn't let him go either sounds like falmouth prison fc to me.it was Alan's decision to leave it certainly looks like he avoided a grilling by handing in resignation,nice tactics seen it few times before but in the work place.still this tactic worked better than last Saturdays one.

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Falmouth Town Manager Alan Carey is to remain in charge at Bickland Park after the Club's Executive Committee voted unanimously not to accept his resignation.

so he can't leave even if he wanted to?because he will always be voted to stay?sounds bit similar to a recent player who tried to leave falmouth and they wouldn't let him go either sounds like falmouth prison fc to me.it was Alan's decision to leave it certainly looks like he avoided a grilling by handing in resignation,nice tactics seen it few times before but in the work place.still this tactic worked better than last Saturdays one.

Falmouth Town Manager Alan Carey is to remain in charge at Bickland Park after the Club's Executive Committee voted unanimously not to accept his resignation.

so he can't leave even if he wanted to?because he will always be voted to stay?sounds bit similar to a recent player who tried to leave falmouth and they wouldn't let him go either sounds like falmouth prison fc to me.it was Alan's decision to leave it certainly looks like he avoided a grilling by handing in resignation,nice tactics seen it few times before but in the work place.still this tactic worked better than last Saturdays one.

Slice Bread you & Ron Jeramy should live together, You both talk from the wrong end of your Body,

Hammers :c::thumbsup: :c:

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Falmouth Town Manager Alan Carey is to remain in charge at Bickland Park after the Club's Executive Committee voted unanimously not to accept his resignation.

so he can't leave even if he wanted to?because he will always be voted to stay?sounds bit similar to a recent player who tried to leave falmouth and they wouldn't let him go either sounds like falmouth prison fc to me.it was Alan's decision to leave it certainly looks like he avoided a grilling by handing in resignation,nice tactics seen it few times before but in the work place.still this tactic worked better than last Saturdays one.

Falmouth Town Manager Alan Carey is to remain in charge at Bickland Park after the Club's Executive Committee voted unanimously not to accept his resignation.

so he can't leave even if he wanted to?because he will always be voted to stay?sounds bit similar to a recent player who tried to leave falmouth and they wouldn't let him go either sounds like falmouth prison fc to me.it was Alan's decision to leave it certainly looks like he avoided a grilling by handing in resignation,nice tactics seen it few times before but in the work place.still this tactic worked better than last Saturdays one.

Slice Bread you & Ron Jeramy should live together, You both talk from the wrong end of your Body,

Hammers :c::thumbsup::c:

Typical Falmouth banter personal insults lol no wonder people mention prams and toys so childish.i was talking football and your manager wanting to leave but they won't let him i don't buy that for one minute if he wanted to go nothing would stop him would it ???? Instead of being moaned at he offered to quit so everyone forgot the cup dismissal as alan quitting was more important to Falmouth if thats not true why did he stay.there banter without insults too

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This week Randy has been brave enough to post on the falmouth situation a few times but then for some reason a few days later Randy is to scared to post his thoughts on another falmouth topic so goes under Ron ? Does not make alot of sense does it quicksilver ? Also makes a habit of being critical of one of my best friends Darren when I feel

he has done really well at liskeard ! But if it makes you feel better then we can say that it is me !

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Falmouth Town Manager Alan Carey is to remain in charge at Bickland Park after the Club's Executive Committee voted unanimously not to accept his resignation.

so he can't leave even if he wanted to?because he will always be voted to stay?sounds bit similar to a recent player who tried to leave falmouth and they wouldn't let him go either sounds like falmouth prison fc to me.it was Alan's decision to leave it certainly looks like he avoided a grilling by handing in resignation,nice tactics seen it few times before but in the work place.still this tactic worked better than last Saturdays one.

Why don't you go and look for that 'escaped goat' you mentioned? LMAO. No prizes for guessing the dimensions of your slices...extra thick.

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Falmouth Town Manager Alan Carey is to remain in charge at Bickland Park after the Club's Executive Committee voted unanimously not to accept his resignation.

so he can't leave even if he wanted to?because he will always be voted to stay?sounds bit similar to a recent player who tried to leave falmouth and they wouldn't let him go either sounds like falmouth prison fc to me.it was Alan's decision to leave it certainly looks like he avoided a grilling by handing in resignation,nice tactics seen it few times before but in the work place.still this tactic worked better than last Saturdays one.

Why don't you go and look for that 'escaped goat' you mentioned? LMAO. No prizes for guessing the dimensions of your slices...extra thick.

Nice one mate


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Falmouth Town Manager Alan Carey is to remain in charge at Bickland Park after the Club's Executive Committee voted unanimously not to accept his resignation.

so he can't leave even if he wanted to?because he will always be voted to stay?sounds bit similar to a recent player who tried to leave falmouth and they wouldn't let him go either sounds like falmouth prison fc to me.it was Alan's decision to leave it certainly looks like he avoided a grilling by handing in resignation,nice tactics seen it few times before but in the work place.still this tactic worked better than last Saturdays one.

Why don't you go and look for that 'escaped goat' you mentioned? LMAO. No prizes for guessing the dimensions of your slices...extra thick.

Nice one mate


Very predictable well suited to your chosen club pffftt I guess the answer neither of you know yourselves then no one mature enough to actually know the answer other than what's been said already.

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I guess the answer neither of you know yourselves then no one mature enough to actually know the answer other than what's been said already.

The answer to what...the whereabouts of your escaped goat?

I rest my case you really cant answer the question to this thread but you know this and made it clear you don't wanna answer.i must admit I would be embarrassed too after what your manager did to avoid embarrassment it's only way you know how to play still sweep it under the carpet it might go away (like your cup dreams).

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I rest my case you really cant answer the question to this thread...

There is no question to this thread Einstein. It was made to inform people of the situation. Do try and keep up.


we all know don't we if you leave sliced bread to long it goes MILDEW then you have to discard it or give it to the Birds,

So the time has come to discard Slicebread, Better still Bin him & his unfounded comments,

Hammers :c::thumbsup: :c:

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