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Would it not be a nice gesture if the CSPL players donated their match fees this week-end to Sport Relief. Based on £10 per player in the Premier division for a squad of 15 this would amount to £3,000 plus possibly say £750 from the West division which would make a total donation of nearly £4,000. I would be interested to hear if any clubs take up this suggestion, it does not have to be this week of course but could be arranged for next week.

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Would it not be a nice gesture if the CSPL players donated their match fees this week-end to Sport Relief. Based on £10 per player in the Premier division for a squad of 15 this would amount to £3,000 plus possibly say £750 from the West division which would make a total donation of nearly £4,000. I would be interested to hear if any clubs take up this suggestion, it does not have to be this week of course but could be arranged for next week.

think i just fell off my chair laughing

if you think some of the mercenaries of cornish football are willing to give up the money they get in their brown envelope you are very much mistaken.

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I thought the money being paid in most cases was supposed to be so little that they would not miss it. I did start this topic with my tongue very much in my cheek, the above responses appear to justify this. It's a harsh world out here!

some people are probably on close to £100 a week for some sides in SWPL so a lot could be given to charity

i am doing the 3 mile sport relief run tomorrow and have raised a few quid from my family as well

dig deep its all for a good cause at home as well as abroad.

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I thought the money being paid in most cases was supposed to be so little that they would not miss it. I did start this topic with my tongue very much in my cheek, the above responses appear to justify this. It's a harsh world out here!

some people are probably on close to £100 a week for some sides in SWPL so a lot could be given to charity

i am doing the 3 mile sport relief run tomorrow and have raised a few quid from my family as well

dig deep its all for a good cause at home as well as abroad.

Why should the money that is raised go aboard!! Charity starts at home......

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I thought the money being paid in most cases was supposed to be so little that they would not miss it. I did start this topic with my tongue very much in my cheek, the above responses appear to justify this. It's a harsh world out here!

some people are probably on close to £100 a week for some sides in SWPL so a lot could be given to charity

i am doing the 3 mile sport relief run tomorrow and have raised a few quid from my family as well

dig deep its all for a good cause at home as well as abroad.

Why should the money that is raised go aboard!! Charity stats at home......

Totally agree charity begins at home and should stay at home.

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I think the idea is to help those less fortunate than themselves. If you live in the UK, you are probably in the 5% richest people in the world.

Still, charity should be something that comes from the individual, not something forced on them.

Agree with you Dan , charity is like religion in my opinion , nothing wrong with people practising it , but keep it to yourselves .

The conspicuous "holier than thouness" that is on display on occasions such as Sport Relief makes my toes curl . The thought of celebrities putting on stoney faced expressions when they implore us to give , after having made the journey from the local Hyatt to the first available favela is really something to behold . The giant corporations handing over giant comedy donation cheques after spending years leaping through every available tax loophole and systematically screwing over suppliers and producers both here and abroad is also something to marvel at .

Mariah Carey neatly summed it up at giant benefit extravaganza many years ago "we're here to raise awareness and money for this amazing cause, here's my new single!"

What has this got to do with the original topic ?Pretty much nothing....... ( I'm awaiting moderator deletion)

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I 100% agree with Nank's, we have so many in our own land that need financial help, we all know that there is poverty and suffering on this planet but i also think we should look after our own first, no one minds sending manual help to natural disasters it is a time when money is less important than man power. Thats my rant over lets get back to football.

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Some good points but I think people In the uk don't help themselves, sport relief and others like it help ppl who don't have a choice about how there life "pans out" everyone in this country gets the opportunity of a good life with health care and education, too many abuse it!!

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threesy from your post it sounds like you have done well for yourself in life and well done it does take effort and hard work to do so, i don't want this to turn into an argument that isn't football related......... but you couldn't be more wrong, not everyone in the uk get the opportunity of a good life. Please please don't ask me of any examples, the list is endless, my advice to you is open your eyes, read the press both local and national, we really are spending money on making the rich richer and the very poor poorer.

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Come off it guys, how often do we actually delete posts on here? Very rarely considering the number of posts it gets. Certainly no reason why this one should be taken off

I was joking Dave . You have considerably more patience than myself , I would probably delete most of them for no real reason . It is a broad church where all opinions are welcome ( within reason of course).

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threesy from your post it sounds like you have done well for yourself in life and well done it does take effort and hard work to do so, i don't want this to turn into an argument that isn't football related......... but you couldn't be more wrong, not everyone in the uk get the opportunity of a good life. Please please don't ask me of any examples, the list is endless, my advice to you is open your eyes, read the press both local and national, we really are spending money on making the rich richer and the very poor poorer.

This is the Conservatives at their very worst i'm afraid the rich get richer the poor get nothing, how any honest working person can vote for the tories baffles me. As for comic relief etc if the stars gave 0.1% of their wealth instead of begging to the poor they would raise 10 times as much, strange old world.
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Fair enough R2000 everyone may not get great opportunities, but I do think a couple of pound for clean water and vaccines is worth it, the clubs that spend big money in these leagues could surely spare a little,

But how much of that couple of quid actually get there, very little, all the people that run these charities are NOT doing it for nothing. How long have we been donating monies to these poorer counties, you don't see their local government officals in rags and flies landing on them, to busy siting in air condition building eating top quality food.

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I would rather talk about fooyball , but I know a lad who goes around door to door trying to get people to sign up for 12 months on a monthly basis to charities , home and abroad. They try to get you to give £5 a month = £60 a year to a cause ............ be it save the panda or water for Africa or what ever. He has told me that he gets £15 a sign up and his Manager gets £15 also ? So out of the £60 you would give ,£30 goes in admin cost ?

This is probably usless info , but I thought it worth putting it out there ....................

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I would rather talk about fooyball , but I know a lad who goes around door to door trying to get people to sign up for 12 months on a monthly basis to charities , home and abroad. They try to get you to give £5 a month = £60 a year to a cause ............ be it save the panda or water for Africa or what ever. He has told me that he gets £15 a sign up and his Manager gets £15 also ? So out of the £60 you would give ,£30 goes in admin cost ?

This is probably usless info , but I thought it worth putting it out there ....................


Had RSPCA wanting £5 a month by direct debit i said no as times are tight then I had a cat give birth to her kittens in my garden shed a few weeks later rang them up weren't interested at all with kittens being abandoned in my shed basically they implied its my shed so deal wiv it.my question is where does the money go that gets donated then certainly not in protecting animals.

More useless info but how many £5 are keeping people employed rather than saving animals???

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