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Cornwall Football Forum

SWPL Results - Saturday 24th March 2012

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You live in your own little world slicedbread. No one has agreed with you, no one has slagged off the genuine supporters. You actually took it upon yourself to be included in the trouble maker. Just answer this 1 question, If you genuinely had the clubs best interest at heart, why did you slag them off on a public forum and not speak to the people at the club who could have done something about it?

I said we seemed weak and needed some stability this was agreed a month or so I also mentioned about a managers coming in for stability as current ones wernt interested in staying at the time it was my opinion but then only when everyone else says it does it count.read the forums many people talking about their clubs struggling and slating players that have left.like I said glad I'm out of it and glad club is on a good run shame about the rest though time to move on I have.I only mentioned on your comment as you were slating some supporters as troublemakers and it's not rite you can call me what you like it didn't hit a nerve, other than you sounding hypercritical I wouldn't of said anything and won't mention anything else not worth my time.

Doesn't sound like it hit a nerve! can't believe your still going on about it!
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