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AFC St Austell require manager

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Following the end of 2011-2012 campaign AFC St Austell are now welcoming applications

for the position of manager for our South West Peninsula League side for the 2012-2013 season

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Garry Penhaligon and Andy Parr

for their hard work and efforts this season.

Anyone interested in the position needs to contact myself via email bigjimmyh@hotmail.co.uk

and please include your contact details by Sunday 13th May.

Thanks in advance

James Hutchings


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If someone has lots of history with a club, grew up just 5 minutes from a club and has seen closely the fall and rise of a club, why wouldn't they comment?

I genuinely wish AFC St Austell and in particular their supporters, the best in appointing the right management to continue the rise of the club and have no hidden agendas or motives other than that.

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Dont be in the same position as Blazey last season. The club is in a position to attract the best managers around, but the club needs to be sold to the right manager.

There wouldn't be this situation if the club appointed the right person when Andy Dingle left. The concern is "the that will do attitude" will lead to a downturn in fortunes for a club which when I left was amongst the best clubs to be involved in.

Dont let all the hard work go to waste and make sure you appoint a Massey ,cooper, Gilbert etc,

St Austell are one of the biggest names in south west football now.. and big names have to be approached and now is the time to do it.

Appoint the best manager or appoint a new committee is the word from the players.

Money man

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One of the biggest names in south west football now? thats always been the case , dont pretend that just because you raised a bit of money you have turned them into a big club, they were before you arrived and will be after you have gone.

just beacuse Fly Be chuck a bit of cash at your club doest turn it into a succesful one, for someone who apparently gave St Austell so much success you seem to have changed alligances very quickly indeed, where will it be this time in 2 years? on here slagging Newquay off and onto the next club?

Everyone appreciates what you did, but have a bit of dignity and keep quiet.

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Slag off the club did I ....No

Raise a BIT of money for the club.. Cheers

And believe me the Club was not one of the biggest a few years ago, it was an embarrassment, I simply do not want to see the club decline into that again because as your name suggests Towntuntidie were you there when the club was being beaten every week.. probably not.!!!

The club depends on a successful team for all sorts of revenue, St Austell fans just don't turn up when the team is doing badly .

The Newquay comments are not related to this posting so I will ignore them..

Money Man

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I've supported St Austell since I was 9 years old and will be when im 99 years old. In that time I have seen a lot people come and go, and yes, I was there when we were beaten every week, unlike you.

i take exception to your comments on the commitee most of whom have worked unbelievably hard to get the club where it is now.

As I have stated above, people appreciate what you have done, please don't ruin it by continually commenting on the affairs of a club you now have nothing to do with.

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I do think that the appointment of the next Manager will be the most important decision made by the committee yet. There has been year on year improvement at the club (winning the senior cup, getting promotion, finishing higher this year than last, floodlights going up etc) and that needs to continue to the next level.

It would be great to see the nucleus of the squad retained by whichever manager comes in with some quality additions but who knows....an interesting summer ahead!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

How about King Kenny???

Thanks for the option of running a club in cornwall but i'm taking some time out with my family

I do hope you find the right person for the role at your club.

Sometimes its best to go for a younger fresher guy to take the club forward.

All the best


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Maybe john Peters? He had a good spell there!lives in the st.austell area and Cause hes been involved so long hes got to have contacts???

Think you'll find JP will be watching Torquay this season, his son has been selected to play for their Under 16 squad. Well done Dan and good luck.

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