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Financial worries cause rethink at Falmouth Town

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As Falmouth Town FC steam towards finishing in the top three of the Carlsberg Peninsula League a new chapter is beginning in the history of Falmouth Town AFC. Plans for the club’s move to a new site are moving forward as Bickland Park’s owners continue to negotiate the best deal for the club now and in the future.

Unfortunately, the success on the field has come at a crippling cost to the Club, and it has now become evident that the Club has been operating beyond its means for some time. The legal process had already commenced which could have led to the Club being unable to continue to exist. As a result and in order to save the Club, the owners of Bickland Park, Falmouth Town AFC Limited, have stepped in to take over the running of the Club.

The stark reality that the Club has had to face is that if the Executive body, charged with running the Club, did not resign to allow the Board to take over the running of the Club, the Bank had indicated that it would not advance any further funds to allow the Club to continue trading, which would have meant immediate closure and winding up. This would have signalled an end to Falmouth Town Football Club and its history and proud tradition would have been lost.

Director Chris McMellon commented “It was always intended when the Company was set up, that the Company, who own the ground itself, would run the Club but somehow that never happened. As we move to another site and streamline the Club for the 21st Century, we need to be sure that the Club is not living beyond its means. The Board is committed to getting the Club back on a sound financial footing, and to adopt a policy of only spending what it earns. We intend putting in systems of control and governance, which will prevent any recurrence of the situation that we are now attempting to deal with.

This means that we will be stopping the policy of bringing in higher paid players from further afield, and returning to a policy of using and developing local youngsters to take the Club forward. The future of football in Falmouth is in our youth players and we want to give them a chance to play some serious football on their own doorstep. We are optimistic that Falmouth Town AFC will overcome its current difficulties to become the outstanding hotbed of local talent that it deserves to be.”

“It is our intention to make the Club a truly community organisation where everyone will be welcome and everyone's voice will be heard. As we move forward with our exciting new Stadium project, we will welcome volunteers in any capacity to help us take this forward. None of the Directors is in any doubt as to the monumental task ahead, not least of which is getting the Club financially stable, and properly managing our resources and living within our means. We hope that the local community will get behind us as we attempt to bring stability and credibility back to this famous old Club.”


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Interesting that this news comes through only a few months after Falmouth applied for promotion , perhaps this helps to vindicate the stance of Bodmin Town ?

This comes only days after the programme notes at the last Parkway home game of the season talked of the pressure the club is under from the escalating cost of matchday travel,match fees,licences,ground upkeep,utilities and many other outgoings . This is in the face of increasing pressure on sponsorship ( or the lack of it),commercial incomes,gate receipts and bar takings as a result of the recession .

More clubs are going to have to be brave and say no to the ridiculous level of player "expenses" that are being paid out and cut their cloth accordingly .I said back in February that I would rather see Parkway field a side of youngsters and supposedly "lesser" local players on a reduced budget who wanted to be there . This is far preferrable to no club at all

I really do fear that one or more Peninsula League clubs could go to the wall in this next year .

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Couldn't picture losing Falmouth in the swl also the banter goes on weekends here.hope you get it sorted.most clubs should look to the local youngsters to make their team maybe other clubs should now take notice.

Funny slice surprised you ain't knocked them!

This is a stark eye opener to every other swl club.

This is also why you see Bodmin do not move up.finances are so tight at every club at the minute there is no money around here!

Players should get petrol money and look to share cars to keep all costs down and save the club they play for.

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Couldn't picture losing Falmouth in the swl also the banter goes on weekends here.hope you get it sorted.most clubs should look to the local youngsters to make their team maybe other clubs should now take notice.

Funny slice surprised you ain't knocked them!

This is a stark eye opener to every other swl club.

This is also why you see Bodmin do not move up.finances are so tight at every club at the minute there is no money around here!

Players should get petrol money and look to share cars to keep all costs down and save the club they play for.

Petrol money?.
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One reason I posed the question: What happens if at the end of next season 3 clubs from the SWPL asked to rejoin the combo. Lets say Mousehole, Truro City and Helston because of finances. With no reserve sides in the Combo what can it do?

Accept all 3 and relegate 3.

Accept 2 and tell the other to join the ECPL

This would cock up promotion into the Combo from the Trelawney League.

All quite possible.

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Couldn't picture losing Falmouth in the swl also the banter goes on weekends here.hope you get it sorted.most clubs should look to the local youngsters to make their team maybe other clubs should now take notice.

Funny slice surprised you ain't knocked them!

This is a stark eye opener to every other swl club.

This is also why you see Bodmin do not move up.finances are so tight at every club at the minute there is no money around here!

Players should get petrol money and look to share cars to keep all costs down and save the club they play for.

I knocked them beginning of the season when they were spending big bucks to get a team out.its their own fault they over spent yes,bit different when a club is disappearing altogether than a club not going up a league because your to good for this one.I did ask for the genuine reason of not going up but few insults later and guessing at things nothing materialized so no one knows why,money is another guess.buckland can do it parkway would have done it.

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Couldn't picture losing Falmouth in the swl also the banter goes on weekends here.hope you get it sorted.most clubs should look to the local youngsters to make their team maybe other clubs should now take notice.

Funny slice surprised you ain't knocked them!

This is a stark eye opener to every other swl club.

This is also why you see Bodmin do not move up.finances are so tight at every club at the minute there is no money around here!

Players should get petrol money and look to share cars to keep all costs down and save the club they play for.

I knocked them beginning of the season when they were spending big bucks to get a team out.its their own fault they over spent yes,bit different when a club is disappearing altogether than a club not going up a league because your to good for this one.I did ask for the genuine reason of not going up but few insults later and guessing at things nothing materialized so no one knows why,money is another guess.buckland can do it parkway would have done it.

The thing is parkway wouldn't do it I bet as they are struggling to for money as I would guess Bodmin are to.

Its plain and simple there is no money around what's so ever.

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Guest Monty

I think its not going to be too long before we see a big club fold, The reason i say this is because i never have got my head around the reason to pay a player at this level in Cornwall to play football. Indeed if a player is willing too drive and has a car full then give the lad some fuel money but that is where the line should be drawn. Clubhouses are not bringing in the punters that they use to and with everything else going up the last thing a club needs is a heafty wage bill for players. Im sorry but if a club want to bring a handful of players in from miles away and is willing to pay monies that they cant afford then something is really wrong or is going to go wrong (Big Time). You would not run a personal buisness like a football club because you would be bankrupted before the week is out.

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serves them right, if i aint got the cash i cant splash, i have no sympathy, feel sorry for the fans and thats it, bloody stupid situation to get in. :SM_carton:

I have full confidence that Falmouth Town will pull through this problem, at least they are doing something about it before it is two late,

Falmouth is a big Cornish club & if they have Financial problems, you can be sure there are many other clubs in Cornwall with the same problem, but are they willing to admit it, or are they waiting hoping that the problem will vanish,

it is better to admit you have problems & do something about it rather than wait until it is to late,

Hammers :c::mellow: :c:

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With the mighty Falmouth suffering financial difficulties is it not time for all clubs in the SWPL to say enough is enough and cease making payments to players other than legitimate travelling expenses,paying considerable amounts per week to players takes alot of fund raising and with the current financial climate I feel that the monies raised should be used to improve the infastructure and youth set of clubs.

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If the above post is correct how stupid are Penzance to think that either throwing money or obtaining the services of Carey will be a long term solution.How would this manager do without a large budget? It's time clubs chose a younger manager who is prepared to build for the future with local lads who WANT to play for the club,and not a get success quick strategy by trying to buy the league!

Most players don,t care where they play as long as the money is there, offer them an extra couple of quid and they will move on!!!

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I like others wish FALMOUTH TOWN well.

I have posted a number of times I couldn't understand clubs paying players below Pyramid level 4.

Here in the home Counties, the Midlands and at level 5 elsewhere, many clubs players pay subs for

the privilege of playing the game they enjoy.

BRING BACK The Amateur Cup - The F.A Vase that replaced it should only be open to players who

receive no payment, the County Cups should also be Amateur, teams like Truro City allowed to enter

the competition but only play players who compete as amateurs.

Years ago when doing away with amateur status I don't think the Football Association realised the

impact that decision would have on clubs further down the pecking order, football needs an awareness

summit to thrash out a strategy for the next decade, football clubs are community assets and should

be protected.

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I like others wish FALMOUTH TOWN well.

I have posted a number of times I couldn't understand clubs paying players below Pyramid level 4.

Here in the home Counties, the Midlands and at level 5 elsewhere, many clubs players pay subs for

the privilege of playing the game they enjoy.

BRING BACK The Amateur Cup - The F.A Vase that replaced it should only be open to players who

receive no payment, the County Cups should also be Amateur, teams like Truro City allowed to enter

the competition but only play players who compete as amateurs.

Years ago when doing away with amateur status I don't think the Football Association realised the

impact that decision would have on clubs further down the pecking order, football needs an awareness

summit to thrash out a strategy for the next decade, football clubs are community assets and should

be protected.

Because CITY didn't pay when they were step 7,6,5, REALLY ?

The more you post, the more you show yourself as someone who has been out of touch for 45+ years !

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I like others wish FALMOUTH TOWN well.

I have posted a number of times I couldn't understand clubs paying players below Pyramid level 4.

Here in the home Counties, the Midlands and at level 5 elsewhere, many clubs players pay subs for

the privilege of playing the game they enjoy.

BRING BACK The Amateur Cup - The F.A Vase that replaced it should only be open to players who

receive no payment, the County Cups should also be Amateur, teams like Truro City allowed to enter

the competition but only play players who compete as amateurs.

Years ago when doing away with amateur status I don't think the Football Association realised the

impact that decision would have on clubs further down the pecking order, football needs an awareness

summit to thrash out a strategy for the next decade, football clubs are community assets and should

be protected.

Because CITY didn't pay when they were step 7,6,5, REALLY ?

The more you post, the more you show yourself as someone who has been out of touch for 45+ years !

I am for your information WELL IN TOUCH, I have never posted that I agreed to the high wages paid by Truro City to climb the Pyramid but TRURO CITY ACCEPTED EACH PROMOTION so in a way the means justified their actions because they achieved what they set out to do.

I suppose I am classed out of touch because I have not disgraced my club by becoming a terrace hooligan, have you looked at YouTube lately.

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Waltz, from my insider at Penzance, you couldnt be further from the truth.

Have also heard from my insider (probably the same person) saying the same thing. PZ are skint, they have had a recent meeting to try and raise funds and are having another real soon.

Falmouth have spent more than the income they generate... is anyone actually shocked ? It isn't the first time that Town have been in the financial poop, I'm sure that others are also in the same boat.

Cornwall is at Step 6 & 7, players at this level upcountry pay subs to their clubs, we have a historical problem. The top Cornish clubs in the 50's were PROFESSIONAL, there was nothing else for the public to do here back then which is why crowds were in the thousands. It is a different story now, but the payments continue. My advice is to those who have little or no money in the SWPL Prem, is let the rich win every year, let them pretend to have their own league, it is a mirror of the actual FA Premiership.

Much love to Mousehole, keep the faith !

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I'm sorry but don't go chucking the money around if you don't have it end of. Hence y they r struggling for a side the last few months.

so then The boss who have you been playing for this season and how much petrol money did you get per game ?

As u prob know Falmouth, and that's none of your business
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Falmouth Town, in a recession have had to review the financial situation, over many years for many different reasons, and due to many different administrations, the club has hit a point where there is a need to tackle the debts in a more focused and aggressive way, which is sensible in my opinion! The whole club is getting behind the effort to get it through this tough period. This is happening before we end up like many other clubs that fiddle while Rome burns, quietly not paying their bills, getting services disconnected, having supplies stopped, etc. Falmouth also have a glimmer of light! A nice little piece if land with planning permission, and a new site to move into eventually, crisis what crisis!

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I'm sorry but don't go chucking the money around if you don't have it end of. Hence y they r struggling for a side the last few months.

so then The boss who have you been playing for this season and how much petrol money did you get per game ?

As u prob know Falmouth, and that's none of your business

Actually i think you've had a good season,when you've been fit.It just seems that you were slating the club for the predicament that it now finds itself in.thanks for your services this season.would be good to see you next season as well.but i doubt we will be able to afford you..the same goes for any player at any club.Dont bite the hand thats fed you !
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What I think Nemesis has stated previously is that the club are debt free !

If they have the steady income streams to enable players " petrol money " then all well and good

The trouble obviously arises when the revenue dries up.

It's always been a mystery to me why someone ( Lets take a hard working commitee member in say Newquay ) would put in hours behind a clubhouse bar,paint the grandstand, sell xmas draw tickets and drum up sponsorship deals.- To see all that money handed over to players who have no loyalty / affection for that particular club.

I don't blame any player whatsoever, if someone is vain or daft enough to throw their money at what are basically lower league mercenaries then they've obviously got too much of it.

What I also find strange is that when ( not if ) the money tree falls to the ground, fans & commitee of said clubs come on here moaning and pleading.

Financially, Newquay may well be the flavour of the month at present, but it won't last, it;s all cyclical here.

See if that team of players is willing to take the Peppermints onto bigger and better things for lower or no " expenses "

Only a matter of time my friend

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It is common knowledge, that Newquay had money problems a few years back, just about every club has been in that position. I ask the Chairman almost monthly, "how are we doing", and am constantly reassured of the clubs position. The clubs AGM will see where we are, it will also give a guide as to what we can expect in the next few seasons.

Don't get me wrong, I am fully aware of the hard work required to raise funds and put a team out. Is what Committee members, donors, sponsors and supporters do any different to buying a Premier Replica shirt, get SKY TV, pay £50 for a match ticket etc. ?

Part of the reason I / We do it, is the comradeship of our fellow supporters, the love of football, seeing the fruits of our own labour first hand, up close and personal. If you have enough people willing and able to do that, the future of the club should be rosy.

If the Global Financial meltdown has taught us anything, it is not to spend more than you earn. I wish Falmouth well and look forward to taking 6 points off then next season (for a change).

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Excellent points, well made

Whilst a club has enough of the type of people on board that Newquay have currently it's all rosy

My point is that maintaining that level of voluntary support is the difficult bit

Once the fundraising lessens then the players will up sticks to the next willing band of volunteers, taking the on field success with them.

To them it's all about how many medals on the sideboard and how much is stuck away in the old ISA

But good luck to you my friend,if it's what you enjoy then long may it continue

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